Ending the Chaos

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His head tilted just slightly to the side as he looked at her, but Dan nodded and took the offered hand. "Daniel, or Dan. I don't mind which. Come from Citar." For a moment afterwards he looked a bit conflicted, biting his lower lip, but the expression passed quickly enough. He wasn't all too bothered by it, even if it wasn't something he was used to, so no need to draw attention to it. "So what do you think of all this?" he asked, curious to hear someone else's opinion on the whole matter. Certainly, Balance's last words had revealed a bit more about the true scope of the situation they were dealing with.

'Guess they don't seem so crazy now...' Religion was a mostly foregone thing in Citar nowadays with technology advancing the way it did, though there were still those who claimed the Portals to be the work of gods thanks to their seemingly inexplicable nature. It would seem that the barely existent minority hadn't been clinging on to simple stories.

Though he tried to focus on Daesy, knowing it was rude to do otherwise, his attention wandered by itself taking in details of the situation all around him. The conversation between the strange miniature humanoid and the latest addition to their group didn't go unheard, and it was enough to make the hairs on his arm stand on end. He'd seen pictures of the Citar's surface world and to imagine something that could raze its cities was as horrifying as it was awe-inspiring. Swallowing unsurely, Dan wasn't too surprised to notice that one of their group was missing when he finally looked around again; he must have slipped out of the room at some point.

To be frank, with the full scale of things laid out he wasn't certain about this anymore. While he wasn't going to back down, the reveal that the group was expected to confront "Gods" that could raze cities spanning for hundreds of kilometers on end was certainly somewhat of a downer.

"Ah." Realizing that he'd been lost in his own thoughts, he turned back to Daesy and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Sorry about that, bad habit of mine."
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Their quick introduction passed and Daesy caught on to what the small lavender mistress had explained about the Gods. Living in Gaia for most of her life, Daesy had heard many stories of such magical beings, but she never really understood what they themselves stood for. As a little girl, her grandmother would tell such extravagant stories, except at the end, the old lady never really concluded them. She was known to keep them hanging and to this day, Daesy has no idea how any of them end. Maybe this was her ending; she needed to accept this journey from Balance and aid the rest of the group as much as possible so they could put this Chaos being where he belongs. These thoughts dissipated as Daniel asked her what she thought about this whole thing.

"Honestly, I'm willing to help at any cost. I feel like there is something much broader to this journey. I've always been a curious-cat as well," she placed her hands on either side of her (one on the concrete and the other on her staff) pushing herself up off the concrete floor and onto her feet. "What about you? What do you think Daniel?" she tested the name on her tongue, something she did with all first introductions before demeaning her comrade friend or foe. The name felt very smooth rolling off her lips and when it floated across the air it sounded strong. She looked down at her new friend, noticing that he was enthralled in his own thoughts.

Taking these few moments to look around again, Daesy noticed a male had gone missing and the young woman with separate colored eyes was the most energetic about this journey. She didn't seem fazed about the dangers that could come with such a feat. Daesy admired that. She also began to wonder when this quest was to begin... It was hard for her to contain her curiosity.

"Hmm?" she mumbled, turned to look down at Daniel as he spoke, "It's quite alright. I do that as well." A smile spread across her face as she repeated her question again. "What do you think of all this?"
Slightly caught off-guard by the recent events, it took a few moments for Syrus to gather his thoughts. "I guess I have to introduce myself again," he said, lightly chuckling to himself. "I'm Syrus. Pleased to meet you, uh... What was your name again?"
Around the room there was some discomfort, starting with the human, Alex, asking why they should, and what would happen fi they decided not to do anything. "Oh nothings stopping any of you from declining. But as for death. Honestly your odds of survival are higher on this trip than on your own. On your own you could run into powerful monsters during your trip back home. Or worse, a rampaging god. But lets say you do, then you have to deal with the riots…man humans of Citar love those things. And the miniature war that broke out over land disputes." Prox moved over and landed on Alex' shoulder, "Honestly you could do a lot of good helping."

Now Zara, who was now understanding everything, fully and completely agreed, which Prox liked hearing, and even Visica agreed…or atleast 'had no reason to argue' which Prox took as agreeing. However Prox had noticed that someone left the room on his own, and gave a sigh as she started to quietly count down to the point that he learns that only this room was safe.

Reia had nothing much to say either way, she was all for having a reason to roam around, but was abit on edge about having 'guests'. She was used to traveling alone, so she wasn't sure how she would handle traveling with others.

Around the room everyone was still introducing themselves and getting to know one another. However that was interrupted by a loud howl as MB found himself surrounded by hungry wolves.

The howl caused Reia to rush out, sword in hand, ready to fight. "Yes, hate to interrupt the rest of your introductions, but with Balance no longer 'here' the animals of this place will start coming very quickly, especially with that howl." Prox stated as she disappeared, taking refuge in the groups magical energies.

[[Welcome to combat section tutorial. Each person gets one post per 'round' make your action, post, then roll using the 'more options' button under your post. Use a 1d20]]

Within the hall surrounding MB was four regular wolves of Gaia, mangy grey fur, starving and ready to turn MB into their meal. However there was also four of Syina's mana wolves. Wolves with lines of blue energy passing through their body, the young ones couldn't use the magic and luckily none of these wolves looked old enough to do so, but their bites were still quite deadly all the same. All eight wolves were circling, getting ready to pounce.

Wolf 1 - - - - - Wolf 2 - - - - - Wolf 3 - - - - - Wolf 4 - - - - - Wolf 5 - - - - - Wolf 6 - - - - - Wolf 7 - - - - - Wolf 8
HP ?? - - - - - -HP ?? - - - - - -HP ?? - - - - - - HP ?? - - - - - -HP ?? - - - - - -HP ?? - - - - - - HP ?? - - - - - -HP ??
As she slid outside Reia gave an upset groan, the wolves were starving so wouldnt have meat for he to eat. Her dinner would have to wait yet again. Readying her sword Reia figured out which would be closest to charging the man, and thus which would be the most distracted, then once she was satisfied it was one of the odd new wolves she charged. Her attack would be basic, and it would alert the wolves that their prey wasnt alone. However Reia knew that starved wolves would not back away from that knowledge.

Strike at wolf 5
"What the heck?!" was all Syrus could say when he heard the wolves' howl. He ran after Reia, pulling his sword from its place on his back as he ran, struggling to keep up with the girl. Once he arrived at the hall, he immediately realized how unprepared he was. He hadn't needed to use his combat skills in years. He struggled to remember back to his earlier years, when he was taught magic. He extended his empty left hand towards one of the mana wolves, and the rest came naturally. His mouth seemed to act of its own accord, muttering words he thought he had forgotten. All he hoped to accomplish was to distract the wolves from the young man they were surrounding, at least long enough for him to fight back.

Fireball on wolf 6
For a few seconds, MB just stood still in shock, unsure of what exactly to do. The wolves had seemingly come out of nowhere, though he might have just not noticed them until that moment. Then he saw the others fighting the wolves, snapping him back to his senses. He wasn't exactly good at combat; he'd never been in a fight with an actual enemy before. Still, he had to do something, so he kicked the nearest wolf in the face.
"Pleased to meet you Syrus, you may call me Visica....and how about the rest of you--" She was interrupted by the sound of howling as a smile spread across her face. "Oh wonderful! Wolves....this must be a good sign from Neria..." Though, once she noticed everyone going in to harm the wolves she looked around the room, worried as she tried to look for something like a dead animal to give to the hungry sounding wolves. "Please everyone! Do not harm them badly! The wolves are just hungry! Oh dear...um...please let there be something...." Visica said, worried as she didn't any harm to the wolves or towards her party.
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Zara entered the hallway to see that their first battle as the chosen ones had begun. It had been awhile since Zara had used magic, even before her undertaking of being an energy source for Vol Ra's city defense shield. Gathering energy at her palms, Zara stepped forward to throw a ball filled with condensed light magic. However, despite her knowledge and memory of the spell, it seemed that more than two hundred years of constant channeling of pure mana has caused her body to adapt to efficiency. Her body had long forgotten how to form an element from neutral mana, as the transference costs a bit extra.

Zara threw a Magic Missile at Wolf 2.
A small war was waged within Dan's mind as he watched Daesy come to her feet, but it was quickly quashed as he simply settled for nodding rather than trying to push his luck and stand. He could understand where she was coming from, certainly, since it was somewhat similar to his position on this situation.
Glad that she didn't seem to take offense from his lapse in attention, Dan shrugged his shoulders as if that would express his opinion. "A mission to save the worlds certainly does give a sense of purpose, but I suppose I also want to see how this unfolds." Living in the slums didn't give much opportunity for grandness, but now that he was presented with it, he found himself not shying away in the least. He grinned and finished with, "Hope we'll work well together." He didn't expect for his words to be put to the test so soon though.

As the howl died down, its echoes fading, Dan bit his lips and cursed quietly with a scowl. The whole base had probably heard that and if there were roving packs of canines, he did not want to find out what else lurked in these abandoned buildings. While tempting to blame the individual who'd wandered off by himself for causing their immediate problems, Prox informed the group otherwise before somehow vanishing. Unable to stay sitting for much longer, Dan forced himself to get up despite his body's protests. Finding his balance, he flicked the multi-tool closed and stored it away in its pouch.

In its place, he reached into his top shirt and pulled free a dagger about seven inches in length. While normally hidden thanks to the bagginess of his clothes, with the front buttons undone the straps holding the sheath in place could be seen going across his chest. Glancing at Daesy, he nodded towards the room's exit.
"Shall we?"

Following the others out of the room, he nearly stumbled at the sight of two members flinging around magic from their hands. While Dan was aware of the magic used by those from Synia, he'd never actually seen it in use before. Doing his best to ignore that for the moment though, he stepped out in front of the two casters with his knife brandished. Charging in right now would have been stupid, but nonetheless Dan did approach the pack. "Hey!" Roaring at the top of his lungs to attract their attention, he put himself between the front-liners and their ranged supporters; ready to receive any of the wolves that tried their luck at breaking through.
Daesy simply smiled at Daniel's words. She was sure that they entire group would have to work well together at some point. Speaking of teamwork, the howls of the wolves began to bounce between the concrete surrounding them and the young blonde was sure that there were a many other creatures just waiting to gobble them up after that racket. "We shall," she answered with a smile. Most of the team had already gone to investigate so when Daniel got to his feet to follow, Daesy nodded, jogging behind him, but when they entered the other room she simply kept to the back of group.

She slammed the end of her long, black staff onto the concrete floor, gripping it tightly with two hands as she raked her eyes across each and every wolf. A decision was quickly made as she spotted the one at the very end. It wasn't going to help the group much, but since the wolf was full of magical mana, Daesy hoped it would be carrying something worthwhile. "Here goes nothing..." she thought, staring down the one at the end of the pack, meeting it's hungry gaze with a grin.
[[Jovian hasnt posted but unfortunatly while I could wait until tomorrow, I wont be able to post until later tomorrow so he can jump in on round two]]

Searching around Visica would be able to find what looked to be a small fox of some kind, it looked like it had been slightly scavenged from but there was enough meat on it to coax one of the wolves away. Though it wouldnt coax the pack and there didnt seem to be any other animals around that the wolves might like.

Wolf one

More were arriving, and though they no longer held the number advantage they were still determined to eat. The one they were circling was fighting back but he was distracted so with a quick snap the wolf bit toward the man's leg.
(Attack MB)

Wolf two

A fizzling of magic came and bounced harmlessly off the wolfs fur, but it was enough to draw the wolfs attention toward the spell caster, but infront of the caster was a man yelling something. He would make a nice meal. The wolf lunged at him, but was met with a dagger in the side, and with a pained yelp the wolf wound up falling back, aiming to put some distance between it and its new foe.
(Attack Dan)

Wolf three

Such a sudden boot to the face was a surprise to the wolf, but it did little more than anger the wolf who quickly made a retaliatory bite toward the man.
(Attack MB)

Wolf four

A new person entered and came lunging, striking at one of the others. The appearance was a surprise, and she drew the attention of the wolf. The person smelled of Gaia, and that should have caused the wolf to back off aim for one who wasnt from its home. But something about the scent, combined with the hunger, made the wolf lunge, jump toward the woman and aim to sink its teeth into her back.
(Attack Reia)

Wolf five

The wolf was about to attack the trapped guy when suddenly a sword struck and sent the wolf rolling into the wall, injured and annoyed the wolf struck, aiming to attack the woman's legs since the other was attacking her back.
(Attack Reia)

Wolf six

Fire! Burning fur, yelps of fear and pain. The cause of the sudden attack was a magic caster, the mana wolf growled, no one else mattered except that magic caster. With an angered bark the wolf charged aiming to bite the man in the neck.
(Attack Syrus)

Wolf seven & eight

The man in the middle was no longer the optimum target, the others were a larger threat, starting with the big guy protecting the mages. Both wolves agreed and moved, aiming to assist their other world brother in taking down the mages guard. Their claws would aim to cause him to drop that dagger.
(Attack Dan)

Rolls in order
MB, Dan, MB, Reia, Reia, Syrus, Dan, Dan
End of Round one

Scan success

Young Mana Wolves
Hp - 2
Attack - 12
Defense - 1
Magic - 0
Willpower - 3


Reia - 190 - 4 = 186
Syrus - 150 - 2 = 148
Zara - 200
MB - 120 - 6 = 114
Dan - 150 - 3 = 147
Alex - 150
Daesy - 180
Visica - 80

Wolf 1 - ??
Wolf 2 - ??
Wolf 3 - ?? - ?? = ??
Wolf 4 - ??
Wolf 5 - 20 - 9 = 11
Wolf 6 - 20 - 7 = 13
Wolf 7 - 20
Wolf 8 - 20

End of Round 1
Begin Round 2
Following his successful fireball spell, the wolf, apparently in considerable pain, lunged for Syrus's neck. The wolf's attack proved somewhat successful, with its teeth sinking into Syrus's shoulder. Thankfully, Syrus was wearing his cloak, which absorbed most of the damage. Despite this, the wolf's long fangs made slight cuts in his shoulder, and Syrus could feel a small amount of blood leak from the wound. The pain was easily bearable, especially in the heat of battle, and the young man returned the enemy's bite with another fireball spell.
MB was surprised at how little his kick seemed to do, and even more surprised to be attacked by two wolves at once. He fell to his knees, more out of surprise than anything else. Looking up, he could tell that his position was basically screaming "Eat me!" But maybe that was the key. So MB came up with a plan, good or otherwise: lure the wolf he attacked earlier with this vulnerable pose and try to tackle it to the floor when it lunged.
The last wolf revealed it had nothing of importance upon him and Daesy only looked like the sap who hadn't done much to protect her new comrades. Pushing her way into the middle of the group where it was easier to face off with the opponents, Daesy squeezed her staff and bared her teeth at the wolf at the very end. They locked eyes and Daesy began to sprout words of magic that would conjure a minor bolt spell towards the beast-- hopefully hitting it. She just needed to do something more for the team.
Watching the wolf eye him as a potential meal, Dan simply smirked as he lowered his stance to stabilize it. As it charged towards him Dan braced himself. Leaning to the side when it lunged, he plunged the dagger into its ribs and threw it to the ground with a satisfying spray in red. Before he could try and finish off the beast though it scrambled away, and Dan was unable to pursue as the sound of approaching footfalls turned his attention elsewhere. Even aware of them, when the two wolves sunk their claws into him Dan dropped his weapon in surprise more than pain. 'Are you shitting me?' Mentally berating himself as the metal clattered against the floor, he didn't bother going for it. Turning his back to the wolves, even if it was to rearm himself, would be incredibly stupid. With a snarl, Dan reached out to grab the neck of a wolf before driving his fist into its face.
Visica looked over at the fight and winced slightly at the damage the wolves and her newfound friends dealt to one another. Determined to find something, she eventually found the dead fox though she knew it was enough it was at least a nice thing to try. Holding up the fox, she took a deep breath before letting out a loud whistle. "O-over here, please take this instead!"
[[Sorry, I didn't get any alerts from the thread so I didn't see any of this]]

Alex was in shock at first, since he wasn't used to combat. As the others attacked a second time, though, he jumped into action. Using only his fists, he ran forward to help out his new friend MB and threw a punch at the same wolf.

[[I don't see the dice in the options here, so I used the dice box - wolf 3]]

[Jovian has rolled 1 20-sided dice with results: 6 [Total: 6 Average: 6]] - 2:19 Nov 29
The attack failed miserably and Zara had no time to blush in embarrassment. The wolf was lunging towards her, but someone jumped in front to attract its attention. It was the man who had been stuck under the strange machine. The situation was getting a bit more dangerous for him as three wolves attacked him quite viciously. Zara quickly regained her composure and cast a shielding spell to protect him.

Zara casts Lesser Shield on Dan.
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