Enchantsia Academy

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@Shayla I finally finished drawing Ann's other form, it's late, but here it is
That's amazing lol. I stuck at drawing...but when it comes to writing I'm amazing lol, I can describe something that makes you picture it the way I would want it lol. This girl I work with Shannon, she's an amazing drawer too...looking people. If I could draw like I write...man I would be making super creative things in mind lol.
That's amazing lol. I stuck at drawing...but when it comes to writing I'm amazing lol, I can describe something that makes you picture it the way I would want it lol. This girl I work with Shannon, she's an amazing drawer too...looking people. If I could draw like I write...man I would be making super creative things in mind lol.
I started drawing progressively more 3 years ago, because I sucked and I wanted to not suck, and here I am XD
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I started drawing progressively more 3 years ago, because I sucked and I wanted to not suck, and here I am XD
I should probably do that right? xD...just me being me, not thinking of someway to fix it without causing chaos and mayhem. Should have been there when I took a painting class...ended up with paint everywhere...just bad. xD
I should probably do that right? xD...just me being me, not thinking of someway to fix it without causing chaos and mayhem. Should have been there when I took a painting class...ended up with paint everywhere...just bad. xD
Yeah. I have horrible fidgeting habbits so to pay attention in school, I started drawing so my hands could do something, and it just stemmed from there. You have to want to put down all your ideas on paper though, no matter how shitty they look at the time.
Yeah. I have horrible fidgeting habbits so to pay attention in school, I started drawing so my hands could do something, and it just stemmed from there. You have to want to put down all your ideas on paper though, no matter how shitty they look at the time.
Yeah, lol. I will give a try again. If I make something beautiful, I'll post it up here xD.
Hmm, good, I drew that for Ann
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Posts will definitely be up today!

Post's will be up shortly for all!!
I'm having such a hard time starting! I hate it !!! >_<
Wish I could help and I have been there so many times! >.<
I will post soon, Mal, Blair and Liz are going to have so much fun messing with the good kids
@IceQueen ~ Love Ann's other form and killer job! :)
@IceQueen ~ Oh yes they so will , Wicked fun here they all come!
Ahh, I have a feeling Anubis and a few other pets might strike some fear into the hearts of the good
For sure , I love the creature's that the Wicked One's have brewed up
@Shayla Hmm, I might have to give Mal more snakes.... I would have given her a tiny dragon, but I didn't think that was her, style. Maybe a jet black tiger... Uhu, frightening
I added another more exotic pet to Annie's CS just to be a little weirder