Embers Of A Shinobi Burn Brightly

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Kiro was exhausted from a long days work. She was happy to have learned so quickly how to walk on water. Quickly making her camp, she readied herself for sleep. She dreamt of Sosuke. He was so dreamy, and she always fantasized about him. Then it became a nightmare as Hana entered her dream, taking away Sosuke. Kiro didn't like this. So she fought off the dreamt up Hana. This was Kiro's typical dream. Staring at Sosuke and fighting Hana.
"hey, uhhh it's miho right???? Yeah. Go, get some rest. I'll take both watches. I'm fine with it..." Cypher sits down quietly, at the edge of the lake beside miho. He lies back and looks up at the glistening stars sparkling and twinkling in the night sky and giving the light around them a more blueish tint. "reminds me of when I was a little kid" He mumbles to himself under the mask and sighs.
He by no means missed living on the street like he did for his childhood. It was quite sad as he never actually really have a childhood. Stuck on the streets until he joined ninja school.
(OOC: on my last post it said he on the last sentence when it's supposed to say she. Fix'd I was talking about miho)
Miho looked at Cypher. She nodded at him. However she did not go to sleep. She pulled out her instrument and started to play a soft melody. Even though it looked like a flute it sounded a lot like a music box. The melody was meant to sooth her. She began walking on the water again began to dance in the center of the lake. Something graceful of course and the water seemed to respond going with music that she was playing. She twirled in the center of the lake creating a beautiful whirlpool that reflected the stars. When the melody was over she jazz walked back to she shore and only then did she fall asleep... waiting for morning to come and for Genken to take Cypher's watch.

this is the song that Miho played...[/SPOILI]
Cypher lies there, hair out Armwrap off, he never wanted to show anybody but he didn't really care if Miho really saw. He had them on his arms since he could remember.
His chakram was only reaching distance from him. It was unhooked from its socket which lay in a bundle beside it.
He soon sat up And looked up a Miho playing music on the lake. He smiled under his mask and lay back down as she walked back to the shoreline
Emiko didn't like it when her team was at odds with each other. It seems like right when everything started to come together it was ruined. Sosuke finnally excepted Liceus and began to tolerate Hiroshi sensei when Liceus and Hiroshi sensei seemed to develop a little problem with each other. Emiko sighed..
It was a relatively warm night and if it weren't for her being surrounded by boys she would've just stripped and fallen asleep on her clothes. She was just like that. She set up her sleeing arrangements near the lake. She liked the breeze that blew off the flowing water. Emiko was supposed to rest up now but she was wide awake. But she didnkt want to think about anything now aware of how her thoughts usually take her away from reality. So instead she sat down by the stream and looked up at the stars. "They're pretty.." She whispered and reached up as if she could grab one. Her hair fell and covered her eyes making her seem like a little girl. Emiko just hoped her teammates wouldn't laugh at her for being so childish as se began to hug her knees and waste the night away.
Cypher, who hadnt slept was awake and had re-wrapped his arm wrap earlier in the morning, still hiding the tattoos.
Sensei woke first. Cypher had turned around and looked back over the camp. Not that anything happened but he stayed awake in case something did.
He was slightly sleepy and would be a tiny tiny bit more sluggish than usual but not enough to really make a difference. He didn't move from his place as he waited for the others to wake too.
Over the whole night Miho basically never left his mind. He couldn't tell if he was attracted to har and liked her or not.
Genken awoke and saw that Cypher had not slept. He was a little worried that Cypher might be a little tired during today's mission and he would need to rest once they arrived at Village Hidden in the Mist. He was hoping that today would go smoothly seeing as they only had a little ways left to go and then they would have until nightfall before the bandits arrived. He waited for the rest of the team to wake up from their sleep. He was happy that his team had gone through an entire night without being ambush. That happened on Genken's first mission and his team mate was killed in the process of it all. It was a very sad time for Genken. He brushed the thoughts away from his mind and was ready to start the day. He smiled behind his mask and waited for the rest of the team.<o:p></o:p>
Sereza had not slept. She wanted to make sure her team was fully rested before going on to the Sand Village. They still had an entire day left of travel before they reached the Sand Village. She was extremely tired and would probably sleep once she got tothe Village. There would be time for her to do that since her team would be guided by the Sand's shinobi once they arrived. Sereza yawned and waited forher team to get up. She looked at Hana and nearly laughed. She slept in the oddest of positions and it was absolutely hysterical. She hoped that her other students slept in a more reserved manner. Looking around it appeared to be thatway.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>Sosuke woke up rather well rested. He looked over at his strategy book and went over every plan in his head a few times to make sure that it had as little flaws as possible. Plus they would need to cover up their tracks. People liked to talk and ask questions. The Sound Village was full of shady people and he wasn't sure what type of people would help him. From the way things looked, probably no one. Sosuke knew that they would need to look the part if they were going to infiltrate the Sound Village and gather information on the spy. He wondered if Hiroshi-sensei had enough money to buy them disguises. It wouldn't cost much since all they needed to do was look battleworn and a little gruff. Emiko on the other hand, Sosuke had not come up with a solid plan for her yet. He thought that perhaps she looked tough enough already, but if she decided to show off her childish façade like last night, she would blow their cover.

Hana woke up in the oddest position. Her foot was at an awkward angle and her armswere sprawled out everywhere. She wondered if she had any stiff joints. Of course she did. Hana wasted no time in cracking ALL of her joints before heating up her ramen with a fire jutsu and then eating. It tasted amazing and she wondered if Kiro or Hotaru wanted some. She wasn't quite sure if either of them had brought their food, but Hana was hungry so she was going to eat what they didn't want. She looked at Sereza's face and noticed that she was close to laughter. Perhaps it was the awkward in which she had slept. She shrugged it off and started to think about the returning home. After eight long years, Hana was finally returning home. One day she would come to the Sand Village strictly for some Rest and Relaxation.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>Miho woke up with soft yawn. Her instrument was clutched tightly in her hands. She noticed that Cypher had not slept at all. She felt really bad that she had gone to sleep, but the more of the team that was fully rested; the more likely the team would be successful with the mission. A successful mission was always important. She saw that Cypher had put on his arm wraps. He had them off last night and he had tattoos on his arms. She wondered why he covered him like so.Was he ashamed of them by chance? Miho did not know. She shook it off and decided that she would not say anything about it to anyone unless it was Cypher. Perhaps it was something he'd rather have her forget about. Her team was close to the Hidden Mist Village. She could smell it's dampness from here, but she could also sense another presence. From what it felt like, she could tell that it was girl. Team 2's old team mate perhaps. Kikyo if she remembered properly, but this did not mean Miho would leave Team 2. Perhaps she would stay... After all, one more addition to the team couldn't hurt could it?

<o:p> </o:p>Shinichi could feel movement and when he woke up, he nearly cursed. He had no idea where he was and just as he was showing off his awesome power he passed out. Of course he passed out. He was very infuriated and upset about it, but there was nothing that could be done. It was over now. Shinichi saw that May was in the same room was him and he almost said something, but realized he had nothing to say to the girl.He grabbed his sand gourd and draped it across his body. He had things to do and he had already wasted enough his time sleeping. If May wanted to tag along and find their master, she could. However, he would not ask. What May did was not Shinichi's business and he wasn't one to prod in another's affairs. He wondered if May had slept at all. If not, the success rate of today's mission would go down and their master would not be happy. He didn't want something like that to ruin his only chance of getting close to Sosuke. So if she had not slept, she had better sleep soon.<o:p></o:p>
With the help of a fellow ninja, Kikyo had managed to catch up to her team. Dashing quickly to catch up, a smile formed on her lips when they came into view. Her sudden absence was no doubt due to her parents. Her mother had been ill for some time now, and with her father gone for his own reasons she had been needed at home. she felt terrible for leaving like she had but now she was back, ready to be a part of the team once more.
Emiko had fallen asleep in the same spot by the stream she sat the night before. The breeze was just so cool and gentle she couldn't help it. It reminded her of back home where all the nights were cool and peaceful. Emiko had'nt even noticed the fact that she curled up into a little ball while she slept. It was an involuntary motion but still fairly cute in its own right. She unraveled her slender body and began stretching awkwardly making little squeals from time to time. Her eyes opened very slowly and she began to take in her surrounding. She looked around. Sosuke was up looking over his strategies as usual. They seemed to be the only ones awake at the moment. Emiko stretched one last time before walking over to her teammate."G-Goodmorning Sosuke. D-Do you need any help?" The sun hit her face as she tip toed trying to get a peak at the book.
Cypher just sat waiting for everybody to wake. He turned to his left to see Kikyo running towards the group but passed no remarks. He looked over at Miho who was looking at him worryingly. "I'm fine Miho" Cypher smiles under the mask and yawns. "don't worry"
Cypher stands up and walks to the waters edge. He stares at the reflection of the sun on the water
Sosuke closed the book. His strategy book was important to him and he never let anyone look inside it, but he gave Emiko a smile. "Good morning, Emiko. I don't need help at the moment, thank you though." Sosuke said kindly.
Again, he was just being nice as he saw no point in being rude. That and he didn't want to get to close if there really was some type of thing between her and Liceus. He sat in the shade, staring at grass. He serious wanted to go for a swim so he ran and jumped in the lake. T-shirt off however, but other than that all of his clothes were on. The water was cool and refreshing and so... clear. A fish swam into his nose and he came up from the water stifling a laugh. Sosuke loved the water. It calmed him down. He swam back out of the water so that he could dry before his other team mates woke up.

Miho smiled at Cypher behind her mask. She didn't anything yet again. She was still having a hard time finding words. Miho was glad that someone decided to talk to her regardless of how silent she was. Miho wanted to be friends with everyone on the team so they could work hard together. She introduced herself Kikyo without words and indicated the name on her instrument to be her. Miho Kunugiyama. She gave Kikyo the formal bow and waited patiently for the one called Shisuzen to wake up. So she just played a beautiful melody on the flute again...
Liceus had gotten up early long before the others in truth, his tent and bedroll were bacjk inside their seal and he was sitting atop a treewll out of sidght from the ground. He was a practising a very basic technique, Hikariton: Taiyo Hokko. A simple burst technique emitting an intense light, he want even releasing the chakra, just flipping through the hand signs. Still he took remiss in drawing yet again, this time from a high point. Simple long brush strokes into flicked varied shading. He need nothing from Hiroshi-sensei other than the stopping of the intent to anger him. It wasn't going to work, and Liceus would step in when his team needed him the most. Finishing his drawing and tucking it back into the seal Liceus dropped down from the tree branch cloaked in an academy basic technique, that all ninja should know. The henge no jutsu. He was disguised as hiroshi-sensei and decided to speak up to the group.
"Hello Sosuke and emiko. Sleep well?" Liceus smiled in his disguise, pretty sure unless hiroshi sensei actual decided to show himself out of his tent he'd pretend to be him untill then.
Safe to say Sosuke complete ignored "Hiroshi". Sosuke still hated him regardless of what Hiroshi said to him. So he walked away not even taking notice to him. He laid down on the grass and waited. On top of that, Sosuke was not in the mood to play games. Just seeing "Hiroshi" made his mood go from good to bad. It was like he was a medicine no kid looked forward to taking. He groaned. Why did Hiroshi insist on bothering Sosuke? And on top of that, Hiroshi sounded and stood a little weird. Perhaps it wasn't really him, but Sosuke wasn't worried in the least bit. If anything, he was just mildly ticked off that the very appearance of Hiroshi had made him angry. The anger shook him down to his core, almost to the point of where he just wanted to break something. It was just annoying. And on top of that, Hiroshi kept trying to be something he would probably never be to Sosuke... a friend...
Hotaru had a restless sleep, her mind filled with worry of someone finding her. She hadn't slept anywhere but her new home since she was able to stay in the Leaf Village, she wasn't used to sleeping outdoors. She eventually fell asleep, waking when the sun hit her eyes. She leaned up, brushing her fingers through her silver hair as she yawned quietly, looking around her. She stood, grabbing some dry food from her bag that she had packed the day before to eat while traveling.

She nodded her good mornings to her teammates and her Sensei before walking down to the lake to grab a drink of water. As she walked she wondered if they would be learning anything else today, or if they were just going to head straight to the Sand Village. She looked around her as she approached the lake, taking in the beautiful scenery of the forest in the morning. Dew sparkled in the grass and trees while birds chirped their morning hellos. Hotaru smiled, taking a sip of water that she had cupped with her hand before standing once again and making her way back to the others.
Hiroshi had been awake most of the night, walking the perimeter to secure their safety. He had been walking back to camp when he noticed another him. Emiko and Sosuke were there, so he assumed it to be liceus. Appearing behind him, placing a hand on liceus' shoulder, he gave everyone a smile. "Mimicry is the best form of flattery. I'm glad you think so highly of me liceus. Now, is everyone ready to go? We should head out. Sosuke, we'll be stopping outside of the village. We'll set up camp, then in the morning, we'll take off our protectors. No one is to know we're ninja. But seeing how smart you are, you already knew that." He gave another smile before walking over to the water to refill a canteen and wash his face. He was waiting for Sosuke to tell them to move out, seeing as how Hiroshi wanted him to lead.

Shisuzen woke up from the soft ground. He looked at his surroundings. The first thing he noticed was miho and cypher. Still groggy, he looked around to see Kikyo was there. He jumped up in excitement. "Kikyo!" He exclaimed, running over to her. He gave her a hug before turning red and stepping back. He gave a smile before walking to the water. "Look what I could do Kikyo." He began walking on the surface. But distracted by Kikyo, he fell in, making a fool of himself.

Kiro woke up with a yawn. She was well rested and ready to go. Walking over to the water, she got herself a drink. She looked over to her sensei. "When will we head out?" She asked. She was very hyper now that she learned something new and was going to kick butt in front of Hana on this mission.
Genken looked at his team. They were all awake and now ready to go. "Well team, I suppose it's time we get moving. Only a few hours left until we get there. Welcome back Kikyo."
Genken gave her a smile behind his mask.
"By the way, Kikyo, this is Miho Kunugiyama. She will officially be joining our team when we get back to the Village. It's best the two of you become friends on the way there." Genken said reassuringly.
Genken had to stifle a laugh when he saw Shisuzen fall in the water from the distraction of Kikyo. It was so hilarious. However, Genken would need Shisuzen to concentrate on the task at hand if they were to catch those bandits. Genken headed up into the trees and started running ahead.

Sereza smiled down at Kiro. "Well now that everyone's up, we can leave now."
She headed up into the trees and started running. If she was correct she was sure that they had a day's left worth of travel. She wanted to get there as soon as possible so she could rest. Sereza lead her team and wondered how the Kazekage was doing. She hadn't seen him in such a long time. At least not since the mission where she was sent as a spy. This was when Konoha and the Sand Village were not on good terms. However, those days were over.

Sosuke nodded at Hiroshi's words and ran up the tree before starting to continue on their way to the Sound Village. They would be there soon. And Sosuke would indeed have everyone remove their headband/neck guards. Sosuke had four Sound Village head bands so everyone would think they were Shinobi from there. However, he need to look gruff. He figured that he would be able to buy clothes like that when they got there. He was certain that no one would take kindly to people who didn't typically go to the Sound Village. He continued traveling ahead of the group, again thinking of his plan over and over again.

Hana smiled running after Sereza. She was going to kick Kiro's butt. Hana's home was the Sand Village and she'd be darned if she let someone like Kiro show her up there. She wanted to be able to tell Sosuke how she kicked more butt than Kiro could ever dream of kicking. Plus, he wanted to show her that she could walk on water now. That was honestly one of the cooler things she had ever done. However, she was still a little shaky and probably should be fighting on it any time soon.

Miho bowed to Kikyo and looked at Genken sensei. She followed him up into the trees without a word. Miho wondered if Kikyo said more than she did. It would be bad to have two shy people on the team who didn't talk. However, they would reach the Hidden Mist Village in a few hours time. Then maybe she would get to say something to them then.
Hearing the real hiroshi coming up behind him Liceus chuckled and released the jutsu.
"I do have some respect for you, even if you have none for me. " Liceus folded his arms spinning on his heel, raising an eye brow at hiroshi before he went to gather his drink. LIceus was hoping Hiroshi hadn't seen him flicking through the hand-seals atop the tree. as he spoke rather abruptly and atill with his air of arrogance. "I'll work with the team, but don't order me about. Ask me, serves better." Liceus was ready to move whenever the request was made. Other wise he was happy where he stood. Liceus began to think about the sound village. His father had been ther eonce or twice. Personal business he said.
May woke up, she feel a sleep in the same room that Shinichi was in. When she woked she saw that Shinichi wasnt their, of course he woud never say when he is leaving, she could travel alone but she prefered to have company, this boy was just... she couldnt explain it he just smiled and never said a word, well he was nice and she started to like him but his personality was just horrible. May stood up and putted her clothes on that were next to her, grabbing her katana she started to walk outside the house. While she was making her hair look more decent she so Shinichi on the way out, at least he was close she thought and ran to him, "Hey Shinichi wait, we can go to our master together" She said and smiled at Shinichi looking in his eyes.
Shinichi's eyes were full of darkness. He wasn't in the mood for May's foolishness. "Fine." He said with a rather forced kindness. He gave her one of his fake smiles, but the grin did reach his eyes. If anything, it made his eyes look more sinister. Not even looking at her continued on. The circles around his eyes had grown dark and he was on the verge of leaving her behind. No wonder the master kept her in check all the time. May was a little bit of nuisance. He wondered why the master had kept her around so long. Shinichi did have a horrible personality, but what could one expect when he grew up with such few emotions. He kept moving and didn't say another word to her.

The enemy was close. He had missed his opprotunity to kill the Kazekage before, but now he would have his chance at nightfall. That Kazekage would get what was coming to him. Takeshi Momochi was going after the Kazekage with all the forces he needed behind him. Later he would tell Hana that she had a brother that her parents never mentioned. And then he would tell her why. He knew that her team would be heading this way to protect the Kazekage, but perhaps their mission would fail because he needed justice and to do it, he would need to kill the Kazekage of the Sand Village. He moved quickly through the sand. The scouts had not found him and the wind covered his tracks. He was coming.
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