Elston Academy

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
"Thank you." Miyako said politely. Walking into the cafeteria she looked around with Maple looking for something she was in the mood to eat. "See anything you like?" She asked Maple, unable to decide what she wants.
"Ah, I see. You're probably better at it than I am, since I'm useless at any form of fighting except for maybe brainiac stuff. And even then..." Aeary shrugged and kept walking next to Sinclair.

"Well, besides flute, there's piccolo. Those are the two I'm best at, but there's loads more that I can play to varying degrees. I like writing my own music or doing improv mostly." He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away awkwardly.

"So, are you new here?"
Just as Miyako asked him, he was already at the serving counter. He grabbed four slices of pizza. Even though Maple ate tons and tons of food, he was still fit, He was also quite tall. He looked at Miyako with an expressionless face. "Yeah. I found something." He said. "Did you?"
"Yup and I'm not even sure how I got in. All I remember is going to take some weird test and then next thing I know, I'm being shipped off to this place. I'm not upset though, I got to meet some pretty nice people."

She smiled pointedly at him as they made their way to the cafeteria, the grandness of it still taking her breath away. It was huge and coordinated beautifully to leave lots of room while housing various food stations of all cuisines. She turned to Aery and nodded or him to pick a line.

"So how do you like the school so far?"
Aeary nodded. "That seems to be the most common story around here. Half the people didn't even know they were geniuses or whatever until they somehow passed the test. Personally, I found it rather easy, but that's because I'm a very logical person. Any they've changed the tests since I took them anyway, since I got in last year."

Without even so much of a pause to look around, he headed into a line to get a slice of pizza and a water. "Anywhere in particular you want to sit? Oh, and I highly recommend the pizza, it's delicious." He smiled.

"It's a nice school, but once you get used to it it feels almost normal. I mean, I was here last year too, and like most of the other newbies, I was gawking at every little detail and in shock that it was so laid-back. Once I got settled in, it just sort of became routine to just get my work done." Aeary shrugged.
Sinclair was definitely in the mood for Italian, but not pizza exactly. So she got some spaghetti and dinner rolls and some water. She walked with Aeary towards a table near the window and sat down with him, laughing as he explained the chill nature of the school.

"That actually sounds pretty cool. I actually did hear some conversation from a few returning students that it's not as strict as most schools. You pretty much show up to lessons when you feel like it or IF you feel like it and the rest of the time is yours. I wonder how the school gets as good of a reputation as it does with that kind of system, but I'm not complaining if I get to cruise, haha," she said as she ate her food, tucking one leg underneath her and leaning into the table.
"I'll take some pizza too." Miyako said to Maple. After they had gotten their food they walked towards the tables. "Where should we sit Maple?" Miyako stood next to Maple looking around at the groups of students gathering.
"Hm." He said, Looking around the rather large cafeteria. "How about we go sit with Aeary and Sinclair?" He asked her, pointing at the two others sitting near the window.
"Um... sure." Miyako said nervously. They walked over to the table. "Would you two mind if we sat here?" Miyako said avoiding eye contact.
Grinning, Aeary sat down across the table from Sinclair and took a sip of water, eating his pizza slowly. "Yeah, it's pretty cool that you can work on your own schedule. So long as you do what you need to and deal with the study month, it's not too bad."

He looked up at Miyako and Maple. "Go ahead, I've got no qualms. Sinclair? You don't mind if they sit with us, do you?" He smiled, happy to finally have made friends. Last year, he'd basically spent the entire year being a loner. In fact, he doubted anyone other than the teachers and maybe a few other students even knew he existed.
"Nah, go ahead! Sit! The more the merrier and all that good stuff," Sinclair said as she moved her chair over so Miyako and Maple could sit with them.

She smiled at the two, not 100% sure if she could call them friends just yet, but they were nice enough, so she didn't have any problems with them; "Did you guys find out what you needed to find out? Like your rooms and all that?" she asked them, sticking a forkfull of spaghetti into her mouth.
"Yes, Maple even helped me find my room. Although It might take me a few tries to get back there. This school is so big." Miyako said worried that she wouldn't be able to find everything. "Have you two found everything that you needed?" Miyako asked concerned.
"I'm okay with everything; found my room alright and did a little exploring before I met with all of you," Sinclair replied, "This school is pretty big, almost unnecessarily so, but I think it'll be fun here! Hey Miyako, how did you get into this school? Did you take some kind of test?"
"To be honest I'm not sure. My mother had a meeting with one of the people in charge of applicants and then I got in, my father told me not to ask many questions though..." Miyako looked down ashamed. "They both wanted me to go to a very good schoolso I'm going to try my best while I'm here. What abot you Sinclair?" Miyako asked trying to move the conversation away from her family.
The dark-skinned girl shrugged and took a sip of her water, "I really have no idea. My mother woke me up at an ungodly hour one day, saying something about a test, drove me to some big building with a bunch of other kids and a week later, here I am."

She spread her arms out to display herself, grinning widely and laughing at her own joke; "Apparently, a lot of kids don't know how they got here, but I think that as long as you can have fun, why worry about it, ya know? I mean, I like being here so far. I got to meet some pretty cool people like you and Aeary and Maple. It's nice to have another girl to talk to every now and then, heehee."
The redhead nodded. "Yeah, this place is way too big for the amount of people actually here. I know where most of everything is, but there's some places I've got no clue about. If any of you wants help finding somewhere, feel free to ask me." He smiled, looking at the other three. "Hey, maybe we should compare schedules, so we can see if any of us have classes together." Aeary suggested.
"Sounds like a plan to me, but I have to warn you that I have some weird classes. I mean, I have the usual like English and Math and it look like History, but then I have Agility Training...and Martial Arts...what is that all about? Hahaha!" Sinclair reached into her pocket and pulled out her schedule, showing the others what classes she had been enrolled in.
Miyako took out her schedule as well and compared it to everyone else's. "looks like we have martial arts together Sinclair, does anyone else have music theory as their third class?" Miyako was hopeful that she had at least one person she knew in each of her classes. It would make being in such a large school much easier. 'At least I have a few people I can talk to... I hope we can be good friends. I wouldn't be able to stay here if everyone left me like they did at other schools...' Miyako zoned out saddened by her thoughts.
"Okay, cool! At least I know I won't be alone," the girl declared with a sense of relief, "I never took you as one to do martial arts, Miyako. Never judge a book by it's cover, hehehe."
"You ready for your new school Sukashi? I'm excited for you I heard this is the best school to go to?" said his mother, he was looking at the window of the car, wishing he was back at his old school instead of his 'new' school, "Yeah I guess." he replied back to his mom. "Why should I be excited, you took me from my friends!" he said in his head, they started to arrive to the school and it was pretty nice, everyone walking on the campus chattering amoungst each other. "Ok, now you have fun Sukashi!" she said with a big smile, "Sure." he said as he closed the door and walked up to the school. "Now what?" he said to himself while walking up the steps into the door.