Elston Academy

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Kasumi turned around to face and answer the guy behind her, "Um.. Yeah I Am.. I'm actually... Kind of.. Lost" Said Kasumi's A bit embarrassed so she lowers her head, "Could you help me..? please.?"
Kiyra smiles, "umm.... I... I can't say I can help b... because I only just got here a couple of hours ago myself." She smiles hanging her headphones around her neck "I'll help you though... If I can."
"Thanks, really" Said Kasumi, in a a tone of relief, next she introduced herself "Nice yo meet you, My name is Ishikawa Kasumi, I Hope we can get Along in this School Year" Said Followed by a bow.


Zevon rolled her eyes as she lay still in the bed of a long box chevy truck rusted out around all four tires, this vehicle had obviously seen better days. It would not have been very hard for anyone with half a psyche to realize the vehicle was not from around her, but neither was she, in fact she was not even from where the vehicle was. Zevon pressed her shoes against the tail gate and stretched her back in an arch towards the sky feeling the pain crack away the young girl sighed in sweet relief. She glanced over the thought of how long she had been there and her result was for a few hours now, if she was to actually put some effort into the thought it would be more or less like six of those few hours, but she really did not see a point to figuring it out. She sighed and ran her delicate slender fingers along the side of the truck gently gliding them over every curve dent and rust spot. When the vehicle jarred to a stop she slid forward hitting her head on the cab of the vehicle. Zevon curled up holding her throbbing head and groaning gently at the unwelcome pain. The passenger reached out the window banged on the side of the truck signaling the girl they had reached their destination. Zevon sat up and glared through the window in the back strangling them in her vivid mind. With only a growl she threw her bag out and jumped out almost immediately after. She placed her hand on the side of the truck and swung her legs over landing on the walk way her hand still on the side of the truck she looked at the passenger that winked and sped off almost taking her hand with it, this did not distract her from how amazing it felt to have both feet on the ground. A sigh was all that escaped her ruby red lips, with a quick spin towards the school she slipped her bag over her shoulder and her hands in her pockets. Then in a deep breath she began to walk, late as usual towards the school a mysterious and lost girls last attempt to start off brand new.
Miyako walked up the path towards the school's entrance. 'I hate going to new schools', she thought, 'I'm never any good at meeting new people. I wonder if I will be able to make new friends. I wish my father never sent me to this school'. Distracted with her thoughts, she lost her footing and tripped. "AHH!" she yelled out, unable to catch herself in time. 'Great, my first day here and I've already fallen on my face. I hope no one saw', she thought to herself while she turned over clenching her legs closed so no one could see up her shirt. She looked over her arms and legs to see if she was injured.

Brian laughed lightly at Miyako's fall, though not in a mean way. Lady Ciel had stormed away from the bald professor only to find herself back where she started. Crouching, Brian offered his hand. "Need some help there?" He asked, amused, while Ciel raged in the background about how stupid it was to make a school so big and complicated.
Miyako accepts Brian's hand and uses it to pull herself up. "Thank you", Miyako mutters, embarrassed that someone had seen her fall. "Um... my name is Fujimura, Miyako." Miyako dusts herself off. She raises her head to look at the face of the person who helped her up. Not being good with words, Miyako looks down pushing a small stone around with her feet.
"Nice to meet you, Miyako," Brian said with a smile, "I am Brian and the one over there," He glanced at Lady Ciel," Is Lady Ciel." Upon hearing her name, Ciel stormed over to them.
Vanessa walks up to the entrance of the school nervous. She opens the door and walks in.

"Don't talk about my like I'm not here," Ciel snapped, hitting Brian in the head, "Geez, this school is impossible!"
"It's nice to meet you Brian, Lady Ciel." Miyako nodded at each of them as she spoke their name. "So, have you two been going to school here long? This is my first day, and I don't really know where I should go" Miyako's eyes were filled with hope that she could get some help from the two people in front of her.
( Yep. We were totally, and completely ignored.......T.T)

"Pfft," Lady Ciel scoffed, "No, we happen to be new here to. The staff is, sadly, of very low quality. I don't see us getting assistance any time soon."
"Now, now," Brian,"Meeting one bad egg doesn't mean they all think you stole their baseball bats."
"Oh... Would you guys mind if I stayed with you until we figure things out? Maybe we will find someone who can help."
Vanessa watches the comotion outside and walks back out. "Sorry for my rudeness just a bit ago. I'm a bit nervous and in a rush."
Maple walked towards the front of the school, Not nervous at all. Him always moving and having to get used to a new school. He shoved his hands into his pocket as he walked around. "Enough walking,Go talk to some people." He thought to himself. He saw a group of people in the front. He walked up to the group. "Hey." He casually said as he reached the group.
"Oh, um... Hi My name is Fujimura, Miyako." Miyako said directed towards the two people who had approached the group. She then lowered her gaze from embarrassment "Would either of you two know where to go to get some help? We are new here and don't know where to go..."
"Nice to meet you, Miyako, My names Maple, As weird as it is." He said to her. "And no, I don't know where to go for help, because I'm also new here, Sorry.."
"Im Vanessa. Nice to meet you Maple and Miyako." Vanessa smiles.
"Oh..." Miyako sighs with disappointment. "I guess we are all in the same boat. Maybe we should try to find someone to help then?"
"Nice to meet you too, Vanessa" Maple said to her. Maple smiled. "Hey, Look on the bright side, At least were not alone. And yeah, That sounds good."
(uh, do I have to post a picture of my character?)