Elite Magical Girl Academy!

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Mihara Ririka - Gym grounds --> Japanese fortress 4th floor

Ririka had no reasonable reply to Ei-chan's comment about suffering being as sweet as oinarisans, though she felt a little bit insulted. Just a little. Though the need for a reply was removed as the three teachers arrived.

Of the three she felt a slight affinity towards Urushima-sensei, she loved the cheerful nature of the teacher a lot, making her tempted to call the teacher 'Uru-chan', though she did that only in her mind. She had the expected amount of respect for Shinohara, but wasn't the most inclined towards feeling anything more towards the sports-minded teacher other than wondering is Shinohara-sensei had been the sports ace in her younger years. But Mizuno Naomi in the other hand... Fear. If Ririka actually feared anyone then it would've been the Mizuno twins. Now it was unlikely for her to do anything too overt. At least in front of the teachers.

The greatest disappointment of all came when she got picked out to run away. Her expression fell and the teary-eyed expression was a sight to see as the huge unspoken 'why' was easily seen. Transforming it went with a great flourish.

Ink-black ribbons wrapped around her in the most seductive manner from head to toe before disappating and revealing a mid-thigh purple yukata. One black ribbon remained and turned into the obi, as it tightened the yukata slid down her shoulders and paused mid-shoulder, giving the whole thing a a daring look. Reaching up in the ink cloud she pulled out her paintbrush making the remaining inky vapor fall down on her to become the socks, sandals and kanzashi in her ponytail.

Running off she jumped high and entered the second floor window, finding the stairs she headed up two more floors until she heard Ei-chan's manical laughter. "Oh crap." Finding a room to hide in she quickly calmed down and turned silent, a surprising thing for someone as playful as her. It would most likely not last.


Moriyama Kureha - gym grounds -> Japanese fortress, second floor

She had reached the gym grounds and stretched out in record time. She subtly grimaced as Shinohara-sensei was revealed to be the teacher for the second years, now she had to suffer through watching that green-haired sports idiot Midori being a puppy dog for the teacher. Ugh, as if being in the same class wasn't enough...

She was also a bit disappointed with it not being Mizuno-sensei who was going to teach them. She had heard, from a source she wasn't exactly proud of having (read: Makoto), that both the Mizuno twins could turn their magical essence into a protective layer more effective than most shields. She had tried doing the same a few times over the break but she was left exhausted when she tried it on her own. Would she even be able to work up the courage to ask for pointers when she wanted a managerial job in an agency and not as an active agent?

Being chosed as a part of the defensive team she didn't mind. Maybe she could work on her defensive capabilities at the same time? Being able to dodge effectively was a useful thing in more ways than one. Though irked she would have to dodge Midori and not be able to strike back, she transformed, letting it come to her with ease.

Her transformation was simple, clouds of sand enveloped her, changing her outfit to her dark-brown tunic, reaching mid-thigh and sans sleeves. As the cloud of sand slowly fell to the ground her hair got tied in a braid, a circlet, milky-white, materialized on her forehead. A cuirass wrapped around her torso, covering her upper torso until just below her breasts. A belt tied itself around her waist with a small hoop to hold her sword when she called it, a pair of fingerless gauntlets covered her hands up to her elbows and knee-high boots laced themselves up. All items but circlet and tunic were silvery grey, giving her the image of a valkyrie, a warrior maiden.

Running off she was tempted to use Rock Wall to vault herself up to the roof, but it was originally a defensive magic, one she used for more than just defense. Turning the corner she found an open window out of sighed and jumped up to it, vaulting herself inside. "Hmm... I should probably take up gymnastics in the summer..." Muttering to herself she started to look for a good place to hide at the second floor. Hearing one of the third years shout she shuddered, hoping she wouldn't meet that troublesome senpai.
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Akiko Fujiwara-Gym:Temple Flower Area

Akiko was excited and nervous, she was on the defense team. Most of her powers were more for defense anyway. Akiko transformed, there was green and pink swirls, flowers surrounding her as she changed. Akiko was in her rose petal pink and white costume, looking like a flower goddess. She knew that the flowers would conceal her, so Akiko flew to there. Akiko huddled herself in a beautiful pink and red flower bush. "Let's see if they find me now." Akiko couldn't wait to see if someone found her. Either way, found or not found Akiko would have fun.
Pandora Fairchild-Gym:Roaming

Pandora's eyes grew in excitement, she was on the offense team. She was ready to knock some first years brats out. Pandora was happy that at least two of the girls who annoyed her earlier were on defense. Those would be the ones she was gunning for. Pandora transformed, she put on her hood. She didn't need to see all she needed was to hear movement. Her eyes under the hood had a menacing green glow to them. "Oh girls come out and play e ay!" The marble in Pandora's hand grew giant, which made Pandora even more excited. Pandora started to fly around, she didn't care about any other girl but the first years.
Aino Momoko

Temple Flower Area
Momoko would have been relieved to be on the defense team if that battle crazed Eile wasn't on offense. She was sure to become a target of the green maniac, which meant that she needed to get as far away as possible. With an unstable girl like that on the field Momoko was sure something bad would happen, and she didn't want to be caught in the middle of any 'accidental' attacks.

Finding a secluded area, Momoko initiated her transformation sequence and erupted into a series of lights, swirls, and other girly things. She danced around as she was enveloped in the fabric of her costume before finally coming to stop. Her single odango had been released, and now all her hair cascaded down her back, the tips nearly grazing the grass. She looked around the area and saw that there was no one around, yet. Spotting a pink and red flower bush, Momoko took the opportunity for herself and rushed over, quickly hopping in with hopes of concealing herself.

As she was climbing in, she noticed someone else had already moved into the bush before her. As she was about to scold them, she heard Eile's voice not too far off, and ducked down to hide. "She's going to find us, you know," Momoko said quietly. "We should take her down first." She hadn't had a chance to get a good look at her neighbor, but she smelled fruity...or floral. Maybe that was the bush?
Saito Midori

Midori was on the prowl. She was nearly sniffing around the place for someone to pounce on, though she was only interested in getting Kureha. Lucky for Kureha, another student had wandered off in her place. She looked nervous, and her magical girl outfit was adorable, like a stuffed teddy bear. Midori smirked, leaped into the air and wound her arm back.

"Got'cha!" Midori shouted. She released the marble from her grasp and it flew towards the magical girl. The would be victim stumbled back, the ball brushing against her hair. She screamed loudly and scrambled to her feet, but by that point, Midori had her ball back. This time she wouldn't miss. As the girl turned her back to run down the hall, Midori threw her ball with the force of a thousand god's, and it hit the girl square on the back of the head. Her body faded into little orbs, and she was teleported out of the instance.

Midori grinned and balanced her ball on the tip of her index finger, headed for another section of the temple.
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Natalyia-Near Temple Koi Pond.

Nataliya watched as all the girls not chosen for offense scattered off like roaches being chased with a bug swatter. She couldn't help but smirk at the scene and loved every second of it. It was then that a small marble was dropped into her hand. It didn't grow yet but swelled as Red engulfed her body. Her costume began to swell around her before collapsing onto her frame. The marble expanded into a large bowling ball that she gripped tightly. Her hands being larger than most girls she was able to palm a women's basket ball rather easily but decided against the team for reasons she kept to herself.

She immediately took to the skies and began to hover above the main temple looking around for any sign of movement. Her eyes scanning around and judging the distance like a Artillery Operator would to its cannon. When she spotted a 2nd year she knew come running out from the temple area she cocked her arm back and fired it like a rocket. Her already strong arms with her transformed strength sent the bowling ball sized ball flying at the girl like a bullet.

The noise of the ball connecting echoed before she burst and teleported out. Nataliya smirked and floated down outside of the pond area to pick up her ball. She took a second to savor the point before turning and looking around. She stood there for several seconds before floating up into the air a few feet and just hovered. Here she would wait for the next sign of movement... She loved shooting or throwing things... it was one thing she did better than anything else. It matched her magical abilities so well.​
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~Defensive Team, Japanese Fortress: First Floor, Outdoor Corridors~
…if Matsuri didn't wear spats, what was even…for some odd reason, Kaoru felt like even more of her common sense was fading away than usual, but well, it couldn't be helped, could it? Shrugging helplessly, she forced a smile and said, "Sure, let's go do that…"

But she didn't do that in the end, because they reached the first year changing rooms much faster than expected. Taking off her clothes in breackneck speeds and literally flinging them into her locker, Kaoru reveled in her lingerie for just a few seconds, before hopping into her PE uniform as well. The white-haired girl wished that she could wear trackpants as well, her uncovered legs now a bit cold, but seeing how everyone else was stuck with bloomers and a short-sleeved shirt, Kaoru just had to put up with it.

Arriving alongside Matsuri, Kaoru was once again amazed at just how excessively glamorous all the teachers were. Did they spend millions on plastic surgery or something? It looked like every one of them stepped out of one of those perverted posters that littered Akihabara, which made Kaoru more nervous than aroused. Were they even actually human? Were they 2D turned 3D by the power of the 'true' PE teacher? She narrowed her eyes, slowly stepping behind Matsuri. She'd make a run for it the moment they said something about 2D being superior to 3D.

Thankfully, outside of their supermodel appearance, they were relatively…normal? The one teacher who did all the talking was all nice and cheerful and happy, but that positive environment was countered by the fact that the other two bombshell teachers were as still as a statue, pretty much just staring at the groups. It sounded like they were doing a magical girl version of dodgeball, which was nice…until the cheerleader-esque teacher made it painfully obvious that only one side actually got to attack.

Which was unfair.

Pouting when she realized that she was put on the heavily disadvantaged defensive side, Kaoru kicked the ground and decided that she might as well fire off some questions then. Raising her hand up into the air, she called out, before the teachers could hop off and disappear wherever, "Sensei, what happens if the defense team catches the ball then? Do they become the offense team?"

Sakura, the cheerleader teacher who looked totally American, crossed her arms and said, "Nope! If a defense team member catches a ball with both hands, before it touches the ground, the thrower is teleported out instead! So everybody, work hard and grab those big balls!"

"Ah, Sensei, then," Kaoru said, "If you charge a ball with magical energy, does that mean it becomes a fire ball if your element is fire? Cause that sounds scary…"

"Of course not…though that sounds fun as well," mused Sakura once more, "They grow from their marble size and into glowing bowling balls that go like…super fast! But your suggestion sounds great as well, Kaoru-chan! Maybe next time!"

And with that, the trio disappeared, ready to spectate the carnage that would unfold.

"But there's nothing great about that…" whimpered Kaoru, before she too ran off into the Japanese fortress looming in front of her.
The Japanese fortress that one of the stripperific teachers made was really rather pretty. Kaoru hoped that the magical balls won't damage the walls too much. As she walked into the first floor, she found herself a nice closet to hide in before taking in a deep breath. No matter how many times she did it, it was still rather embarrassing. But she had to do it! Because if she didn't, she'd probably die.

With a twirl and a 'teehee', she called out,"Ka Myr Weiz Dis! Logica Magica Transform~"

The closet was filled with a blue light, a sphere encompassing the transforming girl. Runic letterings circled around her as she spun, each rotation causing more concentric circles to expand from her. It was slow, elegant, her ordinary clothes dissolving in the light. A bittersweet feeling overwhelmed her heart as the silver-haired girl was stripped bare. Curling into a ball, she clutched her heart with both hands as cold light spilled from the cracks in her heart and fingers.

But the light known as Truth could not be locked away for long, and her arms were pushed away, her back arcing as a light blue aura spilled out of her open heart. Wrapping around her arms, back, chest, hips and feet, they hardened and then popped, sending sparkles everywhere as the sphere surrounding her dissipated.

It was no longer cold. But Kaoru still shivered. Pulling her hood over her head, she breathed slowly, trying to get rid of that sense of joyful dread that struck her whenever she transformed.

Then, she left closet and took in another deep breath. It definitely was quiet, considering all the magical warfare going on around her, but the air was still nice. She allowed herself five seconds worth of peace, before calling out as loudly as she could, "MATSURI-CHAN! WHERE ARE YOU?"

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[fieldbox="Hiramoto Hideyo - Arena > Japanese Fortress; Second Floor, Gray, solid"]In the back of the room, where Hide had migrated after slinking in just as the final bell rang, Hide watched the three teachers with disinterest. Great, another game where she couldn't really use anything other than her base powers. Hide scowled as a marble was placed in her hands. She almost wished she was on defense. At least that way she could get herself tagged out immediately and read from the sidelines.

With a sigh, Hide transformed into her magical girl outfit, metal shooting up from invisible spots in the ground and whirling around her at extreme speed, before falling to the ground and disappearing, leaving her in her heavy looking gold and white armor. Her long blonde hair had been pulled up into a messy bun of sorts, and the earplugs that had grown to be a part of her disappeared, presumably outside the arena.

Welp, there was nothing left to do but play. Rolling her eyes, Hide began to walk to the temple at a leisurely pace, throwing the now giant, metallic marble from hand to hand. She closed her eyes, focusing on the vibrations she could hear in the metal of the gym, trying to differentiate between the heavy footsteps of her fellow teammates and the footsteps of her prey. It was difficult, but eventually she located movement on the second floor of the temple. She opened her eyes and walked over to the temple, before leaping through a window on the second floor, landing silently.[/fieldbox][fieldbox="Ienobu Makioko - Hallways > Arena > Japanese Temple; First Floor, Plum, solid"]Again, Mako's cheeks burnt with embarrassment. Both she and Airi had arrived late to gym, and with her earlier tardiness and sullying of the other girl's dress, she had begun to establish herself as the hapless stereotype she hated.

However, the embarrassment she felt quickly dissipated as Shinohara-sensei chose her to play defense. Instantly she felt herself perk up, her confidence reestablished. With her small frame and light weight, she was extremely fast and agile, and after years of Hide-and-Seek with her siblings, a master at concealment.

Giddly, Mako started her transformation, bowing as a circle of light enveloped her like a spotlight, before pulling away and disappearing, leaving her in her costume, her messy hair now in long, perfectly curled tresse. She pulls the comedy mask over her face, hiding her determined smile, before turning around and abruptly running off, ducking into the first floor of the temple. She looked around the room quickly, before deciding to take cover in the rafters. She edged herself into a corner where she could see the whole of the room, posed to run. [/fieldbox][fieldbox="Arisoto Yuki - Arena > Japanese Temple; Second Floor, Maroon, solid"]Yuki nodded when she was pointed at, glad to be on the same team as Kureha. She couldn't stand the idea of fighting her friend.

Her transformation was quick, but painful for any with weak stomachs to watch. Long, thin, snakelike streams of blood wound around her, before dissolving their structure, blood covering her body, before seeping down her gloves to an unseen source, revealing her outfit, some of her hair wrapped around two white flowers, the rest left to hang down her back.

She silently trailed behind Kureha, following her onto the second floor of the temple. Looking around for a spot to hide, she spotted a large statue, holding a large woven basket, big enough to fit four or five girls. "Kureha!" She whispered sharply, pointing in the direction of the stature, before jumping in and crouching down, completely concealed by the large stone basket.[/fieldbox]
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Saito Midori

It seemed whenever Midori had something to say to Reia that something had to interrupt her. Maybe whatever Midori had to say was just too rude and the gods were trying to intervene. Whatever it was, Midori couldn't complain. She was more than relieved to see the coaches walking out of their offices after what seemed like an eternity spent stretching. Being quite involved in the athletic scene at Elite, Midori could easily place a name to every one of the coaches at the academy. She knew which grades they taught, and the after school sports and clubs that they were involved in.

First to approach was Urushima Sakura. She was the main cheer coach at the academy and was the very definition of peppy. She had so much spirit that Midori often found her personalty overbearing. How anyone could stand to be around that pom pom flailing freak was beyond her. Midori also found all of the 'baby Urushima-sensei's' as equally as annoying. Thankfully, Urushima-sensei taught the first year P.E. class.

The teacher that stopped in front of the second year students was something of a friend to Midori. Well, not a real friend, but Midori aspired to be like her. She wasn't crushing on her like her homeroom teacher, but she admired Shinohara Suzuka the most out of the three coaches. Suzuka was the track coach, but an esteemed martial artist. The woman had helped out in the martial arts club, and had even trained with Midori before Midori's first summer competition.

Last, but not least was the bombshell, Mizuno Naomi. Okay, bombshell may have been an overstatement, but Midori thought she was pretty hot. As far as she knew Mizuno-sensei wasn't a sports coach of any kind, but she spent her time lifting weights and lead the 'Ikebana' club. Mizuno looked as soft as a petal, but she was hard as a rock - Midori guessed it was from all of the weight training she did. A twin to Mizuno Sachiko, Midori knew that Mizuno-sensei would be just as tough as her sister, and she was thankful that she wasn't in the third years class with her.

With perfect posture, the three P.E. coaches stood before the mass of girls. The two lower class coaches kept quiet as Mizuno-sensei opened her mouth to speak. "Welcome, everyone!" She suddenly said, a genuine smile of excitement on her face. And then, the other two joined in and introduced themselves to the class by their name. "I'm so excited to be teaching yet another year at the academy, and I look forward to whipping you all into shape, especially for my third years who will no doubt be off to some of the best magical girl agencies in Japan," she said, doing a gesture at 'whipping'.

"Even though it's the first day, we can't afford to slack and relax. Today should be taken seriously, especially since most of you are not battle ready. With that said, I want to start all of the classes off with a popular magical girl game - Magical Power Dodge Ball," Sakura said, that peppiness oozing from her words even when it shouldn't have.

"A lot of you may be familiar with this game. Each member of the offensive team gets an orb powered by their own magical girl abilities, and has to hit the defending team members. If you get hit once, you''ll be teleported out of the arena! This is the perfect exercise to get you ready to face the real threats of the world, but when you're not equipped to handle a fight... Sometimes all you can do is run," Suzuka said, smiling faintly.

The three teachers then performed their transformation sequences in front of the class. Their outfits left little to imagination, and gave nothing away about their potential 'element'.

Sakura leaped back and into the air, hands clasping together as she yelled out, "Blossoming Shrine Construct!" A force field of some sort appeared around the whole perimeter of the gym and the lighting began to dim. What could only be described as giant cubes began to build themselves in the gym, and soon the gym didn't look like a gym at all. A nameless Japanese temple was front and center, with beautiful cherry blossoms and a lake off to the side was to be their arena. Plenty of the students were left in awe at the sight before them, and wondered how Urushima-sensei was able to create such a scene.

" If I point at you, you're defending! When you're selected, transform and go hide, the opposing team will be after you soon." Suzuku then proceeded to point at random girls from each class(Matsuri, Makioko, Kaoru, Kureha, Akiko, Momoko, Semine, Ririka, Yuki, Victoria.)

Once all of the girls on the defending team had run off, Suzuka opened a bag of what looked like marbles. She passed one out to each girl on the offensive team. They looked small now, but once powered up by the girls' magic, they would become about the size of a bowling ball. They would stun the enemy and teleport whoever was hit onto the bleachers in the gym. "Remember, your only weapon is the orb."

Saito Midori

Japanese Fortress ~ Third Floor

When everyone had their ball, Midori was engulfed in dancing green flames before shortly revealing herself as her new magical girl self. She leaped into the sky, and onto the third floor of the temple, paying little mind to anyone else around her. She wanted to be the first to get someone, and with her orb clenched tightly between her fists, she was determined to send someone to the bleachers. She could only hope that the first to go would be Kureha.

Victoria von Lieblos
P.E.>Gym Class>Flower Field
Defense . . . . Victoria's specialty. She didn't have much stealth, not that it mattered with this field. The darkness of Yukiko's magical girl outfit would make her a ridiculously easy target. Still, she made do with a cluster of bushes a good distance away from the rest of the girls. She just hoped nobody saw her slide behind them. In case someone did see her, though, Victoria readied Schwarze Garde. There wasn't anyone else nearby, so she didn't need to waste energy on Nacht Schalen.

Yukiko Hanamori
P.E.>Gym Class>Flower Field
Yukiko couldn't help but smile as she transformed, a flurry of ice and snow surrounding her. Offense was her specialty. Regardless, though, if she moved now, immediately after taking her orb, she'd probably accomplish little more than causing trouble for the others. And so, Yukiko waited. She decided she'd wait until one of the other Offense girls made one of the hidden girls bolt. She was more of a chaser than a hunter, anyway.​
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Akiko Fujiwara-Gym:Temple Flower Area

Akiko heard the bushes rustle next to her. All she saw was pink hair, then when she realized who it was. Akiko almost died right there. "Your...your...Freaking Momoko!!!!!!!!!!!" Akiko started to scream, jumping around, probably making a fool of herself. "I'm like your biggest fan. I'm Akiko Fujiwara. I love you!!!!!!" Akiko was going crazy, the flowers around her twirling and jumping. Akiko forgot where she was for a second. She couldn't believe it. "Your like the best...you are my Idol. Your a freaking genius!" Akiko had so much excitement in her, that she finally burnt out and she fainted right there. Akiko was out cold.
Pandora Fairchild-Gym:Roaming

Pandora was still looking for her first victim, when she saw some slow first year girl. She was pitiful. Pandora just shook her shoulders. "Bye, Bye!" Pandora threw the speeding ball, smacking the girl right in face. Sending her flying, then she was teleported out. Pandora had a devilish smirk on her face. "One down...many brats to go!" Pandora could hear a girl screaming a few areas away. "What the?" Pandora didn't think someone would be that upset about losing. She just started to fly off again.
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Gym, Outside the temple

Being late didn't bother Airi too much, as it didn't seem that anyone noticed, aside from, perhaps, the other students near the back of the room where she and Mako had sneaked in as soon as they'd gotten changed in record time. The teachers were quite good looking, of course, and she began to wonder if they screened for looks as part of the hiring process. Her reverie was cut short by the explanation of the game they'd be playing that day. Some sort of...magical dodgeball war? That sounded WAY cooler than what she used to do in middle school. The rules seemed simple enough, throw stuff at the other girls, and...don't let them catch the ball, apparently. Pretty much the usual. Yep.

And then one of the teachers turned the gym into some nice big arena space with a traditional Japanese-style fortress. It was, to say the least, a stunning display of magical might which left Airi staring in awe. She almost missed the part about actually getting a ball, since she clearly wasn't picked to be part of the defensive team. Or were they targets? Well, whatever, she'd try not to hurt anybody. She didn't voice it where anyone could really hear, but she was relieved that there wasn't going to be a need to use much magic. It would probably be safe in an environment like this, but she wasn't confident in her ability to keep things light and harmless.

She was all too happy to transform, and did so right away. "Kuroki juushin, set up," she happily shouted as she threw each arm to one side. She was quickly surrounded by a jet-black sphere. Inside, her gym clothes were quickly stripped away, and her magical outfit formed on her body in their place. First the bodysuit and thigh-high boots, then the sleeves and gloves, and finally her collar and armored skirt appeared. The gemstones on her outfit all simultaneously winked into existence, and she opened her sparkling eyes as a tiara of light appeared above her forehead. Her hair was no longer up in tails, but instead hung loose, splitting to fall along either side of her body. The black shell surrounding her shattered, revealing her transformed form. She struck another pose, pointing with the fingers of one hand like a gun, and winked at any onlookers. Her outfit left little to the imagination, including the fact that...she had little to hide to begin with.

Airi bounced on over to Suzuka-sensei to claim her ball. "I'll do my best, Sensei," she said with a little mock-salute before scampering off. She pushed a little magical power into the marble, causing it to expand in size, and had to lean to one side a bit at the sudden shift to her center of gravity. She quickly recovered and held her ball in both hands, in front of her. "Hm... Now if I were anyone, I'd probably be hiding in the temple somewhere..." A gravity well formed above Airi's head, ringed with a rainbow shimmer, and lifted her into the air. She quickly spiraled to a height about equal to the top of the tower, and started her search there, glancing in the windows as she circled the building top to bottom. "Hello? Anyone in there?" ...yeah. that would work. Real great at flushing them out, Airi-chan.
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Manata Reia ~ Grand Hall

It was odd...Reia was seemingly the only girl here who couldn't jump 4 stories or fly up there. Or she didn't have any powers that could make her move easily without inadvertently activating them like she knew she wasn't aloud to. She peeked behind the wall and didn't see anyone there. Well...it really wasn't like they could attack her or anything. They just didn't have the balls to do that. She sighed, and stepped into the large hall that the entry way led into. It really was magnificent...how fast they had just instantly put this together. It was almost unreal how fast they had done it...but they were fully trained magical women. It was expected of them. She herself couldn't see her being a teacher. She was in second year, and still hadn't discovered the full variety of her abilities. Maybe...Maybe if she was to become a psychiatrist? Reia shook her head. She was getting off track here...She could hear a whole lot of yelling and footsteps in the distance...yet none of it seemed like it was close.

Reia gave a sigh, and moved over to a hallway where it looked like a room would be. Just her luck when there was one. She peeked her head in, and went to the center of the room, looking around. She just knew someone was in here...but the room was empty. She just couldn't get rid of the feeling that someone was in here...She pressed the hand that wasn't holding the ball against her head. Think...wait. Half of the girls had either jumped or flew. Reia slowly looked up and didn't see anyone immediately, but noticed there was a girl in the corner, crouching on one of the rafters. She quickly aimed the ball and threw it.

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[fieldbox="Ienobu Makioko - Japanese Temple; First Floor, Plum, solid"]Mako held her breath as another girl entered the room, this one with a large marble. One of the offensive. She watched her carefully, hoping she'd go away, but she had no such luck, as the girl began to scan the rafters, her gaze finally stopping on her. Mako dropped down quickly, and just in time. The ball went wizzing over her head, just barely missing her. Mako ran for cover behind a small room divider, pulling the tragedy mask over her face and enacting Costuming. This way, when the girl inevitably pulled down her shelter, she'd be able to confuse her for just long enough to escape.[/fieldbox]
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Eile Mizer: Temple roof

Eile pondered who to go after. She saw Ririka and Semine go into the temple she was standing on. But someone was making a racket inside the temple, throwing any element of surprise out the window for Eile. Then there was the scream near the garden and behind her. Eile decided to fly over to the garden. As she hovered over the garden, she could hear some loud screams coming from it. She flew closer to the source of the noise and found random plants moving on their own accord.

"Your...your...Freaking Momoko!!!!!!!!!!! I'm like your biggest fan. I'm Akiko Fujiwara. I love you!!!!!! Your like the best...you are my Idol. Your a freaking genius!"

"Jackpot." Eile whispered.

She flew right above where the source of the noise is and landed.

"I found you! Come on out Momoka. Don't make me set fire to this garden." Eile said looking at the bushes. She saw one girl fainted.

'Must be the Momoka Fangirl.' Eile thought as she grabbed the marble sized dodge ball.

She didn't channel any magic to the ball yet in case she was ambushed.
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Aino Momoko

Flower Area
Momoko's eyes widened as the girl began screaming, and then when she realized what the girl was screaming about Momoko's face fell. "Shh." Momoko tried to quiet the girl, but it clearly didn't help. This was one of those times when Momoko wished she had chosen the composer route. Work in the shadows, stay humble, but no: 'A cute girl like Momoko! Why! She could be a star!' Momoko cursed her agent, and then shifted her attention back to the flower girl. The fact that the girl had passed out didn't seem to surprise Momoko much. Better in the bush than out in the open.

Creating an opening in the bush, Momoko glanced around the area. Coast clear for now. With the knowledge that Eile was somewhere close by, Momoko knew it was only a matter of time before she was caught. Momoko sealed the curtain in the bush and emitted a sound wave via a snap of her fingers. She picked up the direction Eile was in, and then looked down at the fainted girl. "Sorry," she whispered, and leaped from the bushes and onto a nearby branch in the tree above.

From down below, she heard footsteps and knew that Eile was still on the hunt. Silently, Momoko moved along the trees before propelling herself into the air. She glanced down, spotting a hint of obnoxious green.
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Mihara Ririka - fortress/temple fourth floor

From her hiding spot Ririka saw a first year student enter the same room as her. Grinning like the cat who got the tuna she snuck up behind the girl like a true perverthunter and pounced. Mercilessly groping the youger girl's breasts she chuckled as the girl let out an embarrassed scream while trying to hold onto the charged orb. To add insult to injury she licked the girl's ear making her blush and drop the orb. It fell on her prey's foot, stunning it's owner and sending a very embarrassed and ashamed girl to the bleacher. "Aww, there went my fun... Oh well." Shrugging she cheerfully went to hide another place, maybe she even got a chance to repeat?


Moriyama Kureha - fortress/temple second floor

Glancing up at the basket she was about to nod but paused, hesitating she glanced back to Yuki. "You sure? If we get caught by surprise we're toast." The last thing she wanted was to get caught, especially by that Saito. The thought of losing to that girl was infuriating! Especially now when she wasn't even permitted to attack back. Just the thought of having that battle-crazy, victory-obsessed, teacher's pet Midori who absolutely had to be some justice fighting magical girl smirk at her made her sick. She really didn't want to lose to her.
Eile Mizer: Flower Area

The insane girl head trees rustles as Eile looked towards the source of the sound before looking up. There, in the air, was Momoka.

"Thanks for being in the air. Magia Erebea!" Eile cried out as a surge of mana enhanced power flowed through her. With that, Eile flapped her wings and took to the air as she sent mana into the dodge ball. The dodge ball grew into the size of a bowling ball before Eile rushed towards Momoka. She tossed the ball downwards toward the unconscious girl as she rushed upward to grab Momoka.
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[fieldbox="Akemi Nagi - Fortress - Koi Pond, teal, solid"]

After a while, Nagi found herself getting bored. She was meant to be on the offensive side, to hunt, and shoot down the other side, and judging by some of the victorious cheers she heard in the distance, the others were having fun doing so. ... That's not to say that the fish were bad company either, they were quite tame. And oddly tasty looking.

Hearing someone else's footsteps thundering towards her spot, Nagi's yellow eyes turned, eerily, but calmly watching and waiting. In her hands, the marble began to grow in size, steadily as it was feeding off her controlled reserves. At last, when the bamboo door was thrown open, the ball had reached a fair size, just smaller than that of a basketball. Without wasting another second, the half blonde half redhead turned on her heel and darted.

Reaching the second year in just a blink, Nagi found herself pressed against the younger girl, who was now trapped against her body and the walls ... a few ways behind the door that had been opened before. Without much remorse, she licked her lips and leveled her eyes to the girls. "Sorry, darling," she husked, and tossed the ball upwards. This confused the girl, who could do little but to stare into Nagi's unrecognizable yellow slit eyes. After a short moment of silence though, gravity did it's work and the ball landed on the girl's head.

After a cry of pain, the girl was instantly teleported off. Then came a cry of total outrage, or maybe that was frustration? Shaking her shaggy hair, Nagi collected the ball once more, trying to shrink it just a bit more as she made her way outside.

As she did so though, something else caught her eye. Well, two somethings. The first was another girl making a run for it out the field, the second would be the other girl who expertly shot off the ball at the girl ... Well now, it looked like someone was having fun, Nagi though, with a slight smile as she stepped out into the Pond Area once more.

The other girl had landed, taking her ball, and took off again. Clearly excited. And Nagi was just a tab bit envious.

Suddenly, all air escaped from her lungs. Coughing, or choking (details), Nagi's hand quickly came to rest on her chest as the other was quick to clamp her mouth shut. Fearing that someone might've heard, the redhead ducked behind the door, inside the temple, once more. Once inside, she slid down against the corner, knees up, as another cough rattled her tall frame.

"For gods sake, not even enough for a one-two punch?" She questioned herself, glaring at the tiny ball that rested in her palms.

Once she was sure the rest of the coughs weren't going to be a problem, she stumbled out of the temple once more. Taking in 'fresh air', she went hopped a few times and eventually found herself flat on her back against the 'roof' of the first floor. The ball remained held in her hands, but Nagi doubted that she would find the need to attack anyone anymore.

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Akiko Fujiwara: Gym-Temple Flower Area-Outer Gym Area
Akiko was still knocked out, she didn't know what was going on. When she did wake up, she saw a sphere coming at her. It hit her in the stomach. Next thing she knew, she was out of the temple. Akiko, couldn't believe that she had just not only seen Momoko but she had also been so close to her. Akiko giggled and squealed like a little girl. "I can't believe I just met...MOMOKO!

Akiko didn't realized that the other girls around her, were looking at her weirdly. It wasn't the first and it won't be the last time someone looked at Akiko like that. She sat back down, still thinking about Momoko. Her pink hair, her beautiful outfit. Akiko just met her idol...and she had passed out! Akiko started to feel dumb, how could she pass out like that? The girl probably think's Akiko is a psychopath or something, well she would make it up to her.
Nataliya-Fortress 4th Floor- Hunting the 'Hunter'

Nataliya continued to hover up untill the noise of a cough caught her attention. She froze immediately and began to look aorund. "Oohh... I hear someone... Oh yes I do.." She said in a thick Russian Accent. She began to laugh before touching down on the ground and moving towards the Fortress itself. She began to move slowly towards the door and the noise she heard seconds before. "Come out... Come out to play!" She said in Russian. The voice distorted slightly as the greatcoat she wore stuck out.

"Hallo! Hallo!" She said as she began to bounce the ball in her hand. The feeling surging through her as she began to get closer. It was then that she saw who it was and let out a grumbling groan. "You....." She mumbled before beginning to float up into the air again. She moved up to the fourth floor and landed inside. She looked around the floor to see a girl get knocked out of the game by one of the girls she was sent to hunt down. "Hallo!" Nataliya called out to Ririka. "Do you wish to go silently?" She continued on. The Hammer and Sickle on her Ushanka glowing bright as she began to get excited.

The girl then took off down the hallway and she began to follow behind her untill she lost sight of her in one of the hallways. "Darn... Come out girl! I know you are here!" She said as she began to walk up and down the hallway looking for signs of Ririka
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Outside the fortress/temple, rooftop area

Airi was about to float further down and check the lower floors when she heard a scream of shock from one of the windows. She wasn't the only one, and was beaten to the punch by one of the other students. She didn't recognize her, someone in a lot of red? Her outfit looked like some kind of military uniform. She silently wished the other girl luck, and let herself drift away for a while. Her idle floating takes her a bit further above the building, and she notices someone there. ...It would've been the last place she'd look, too. She flew on over to investigate.

"Hey, there," she says, friendly as can be, to the stranger on the roof. "I didn't think anyone would be up here." She's making no effort to show that she's the enemy, certainly. "So, um, I guess this is where I throw something at you, miss, and then there's a chase or something..." She didn't seem particularly ready to throw, but she still wound up right away and let loose with her ball, before waiting to see if her attempt at conversation would elicit a reply.
Iguchi Matsuri – Temple Second Floor​

Heart racing like crazy, Matsuri jittered a bit as she awaited the first attacker. It was like hide and seek! The crushing anxiety and anticipation as one awaited the seeker, and now she kinda had to go to the bathroom! Yep, just like hide and seek.

Without much to do, Matsuri thought back to her new friend, wondering ,"Where's Kaoru? Where'd Kaoru go?" Letting out a gasp, she realized she didn't even know whether or not she was on the attack or in the boat with Matsuri on defense. Hmm...

After a short while, Matsuri felt her ears twitch. A faint yell from below...her Kaoru sense was tingling! Loudly stepping towards the door, Matsuri pushed her fist forwards in a pose as she cried heroically, "Kaoru-chan, I will rescue you!"

However, it seemed she made a bit too much noise, as a bit of movement caught her eye from the window, an armored senpai gliding in quietly, marble in hand.

Eyes bulging, Matsuri's long red hair, white scarf, and gold ribbons trailed behind her as she called out, "Justice Retreat!" Scampering to the door, the possibility that someone was out there fled from her mind as she readied herself to burst.

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