Elite Magical Girl Academy!

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Looks like Airi's not the only long-range bombardment type now. Not that she ever was, I don't think. But the majority of her offense comes from shooting things. She's got one close-range major attack, which just forces her to get out of her comfort zone.

It's spring break, so I'm not limited to only turning up after a day of doing...stuff.
Looks like Airi's not the only long-range bombardment type now. Not that she ever was, I don't think. But the majority of her offense comes from shooting things. She's got one close-range major attack, which just forces her to get out of her comfort zone.

It's spring break, so I'm not limited to only turning up after a day of doing...stuff.
Well, with this group I could have kept the dorm ideas and I don't think the rp would have died from lack of posts. But, I like having the free world better so I'm glad I changed it.
I'm only on because my mom let me stay home from school. ^^
School was closed today because of snow lol.
The university I'm going to doesn't close for snow unless it's really bad.
All these people with snow. q.q I didn't even get to ski this winter, because we had...one day of snow.
Well you can have Connecticut can't wait till I get my money up and then moving to California rofl.
Lol. It snowed here, but it melted a few days ago thankfully. :3
Like 10 Inches of snow here. I hate winter. I wish it was spring all year round. Hope it goes away before my birthday in April...bleh winter!
Like 10 Inches of snow here. I hate winter. I wish it was spring all year round. Hope it goes away before my birthday in April...bleh winter!
I'm from TX and we have perfect weather almost year round. >_> Now I moved and it's cold where I live. It's pretty though, and seeing different seasons is a bonus.
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There is no snow here in Texas.
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There is no snow here in Texas.
I'm from San Antonio and it snowed twice when I lived there out of the thirteen years lol. It was like an inch. But I'm in NC now, and it snows every winter I've been here.
Yeah lucky. I can't wait to leave rofl.
Posted. For reference, what I was inspired by was was something like this, for transformations. Just slower and more...peaceful?

And this is my stealthy way of saying "BRING IT ON, YOU MAGGOTS."
I'm from San Antonio and it snowed twice when I lived there out of the thirteen years lol. It was like an inch. But I'm in NC now, and it snows every winter I've been here.
I just went to San Antonio. ^^ It was cold, but no snow this year. I live outside of Austin now, and it snowed once a few years ago. It snowed in Dallas once too when I lived there. But it gets much colder than it used to now.
I just went to San Antonio. ^^ It was cold, but no snow this year. I live outside of Austin now, and it snowed once a few years ago. It snowed in Dallas once too when I lived there. But it gets much colder than it used to now.
Yep lol. It does get cold, but only for like 2 weeks max out of the whole year.

Also, I knew I should have had Momoko say something for her transformation. Hopefully I'll have something figured out by the time they encounter their first enemy.
Taking a break from school today. I was blanking out too often today, heck, my therapist even sggested that I should rest.
Heh. I like how Hide's using her abilities to focus on listening the footsteps, when Kaoru, just one floor down, is literally shouting her lungs out. XD
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