Elite Magical Girl Academy!

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I'm very much the opposite. Even with close friends, I rarely say a whole lot that's small talk. You have to start the conversation, usually, cause I certainly won't lol.
I can be a bit like that with certain people, or when I slip into a more introverted mood. A lot of "uh huh"'s and "mhm"'s those days.
Nah, I'm just a really affectionate person.* I feel close to this group, considering how nice and supportive most everyone is. Plus, I'm just really, really easy to befriend. I can see how it would seem odd.
*Honestly, if I ever met one of you, you'd be drowning in hugs. Internet bonds run unusually strong for me, even if the other isn't all that aware of it. It is a bit weird, I will admit.
I would definitely return that hug! Without question! Only after we've confirmed that you are indeed Karo IRL

And since we're making a train of confessions: I'm honestly a very affectionate person on the inside. I just love hugging people, playing with their hair, making really bad jokes filled with innuendo. But sadly, my entire community is just ... filled with 'proper' kids. I get so many weird looks, and I'm just like ; - ;

It's just so hard to properly express myself fully with all the judgement being passed around left and right. So I have to bring out my inner bietch just to give them a proper reason to not leik meh ;; - ;;

Thankfully, you guys are like ... mini ghosts in my pocket. Pocket-sized friends. A few clicks away.
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I'm not very affectionate unless I'm in a relationship with you, or I'm trying to annoy you lol. But people always wind up touching me, people I don't even know. And I get petted a lot, I have big, curly hair and people always, always touch it. @.@
People touch my hair a lot too. Apparently it's very soft and shiny. I've spent many lunches in my friend's laps, with them petting my head. Of course, I don't mind; they all have very pillow-y legs, and I get complimented. Win win. Sometimes people play with this one curl I have in my bangs. It's so sticky-uppy, just think Italy from Hetalia.
But I'm hella affectionate. I've considered becoming a professional cuddler. The only problem is, I don't wanna be big spoon.
I would definitely return that hug! Without question! Only after we've confirmed that you are indeed Karo IRL

And since we're making a train of confessions: I'm honestly a very affectionate person on the inside. I just love hugging people, playing with their hair, making really bad jokes filled with innuendo. But sadly, my entire community is just ... filled with 'proper' kids. I get so many weird looks, and I'm just like ; - ;

It's just so hard to properly express myself fully with all the judgement being passed around left and right. So I have to bring out my inner bietch just to give them a proper reason to not leik meh ;; - ;;

Thankfully, you guys are like ... mini ghosts in my pocket. Pocket-sized friends. A few clicks away.
Me. You have literally described me.
I love you.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I would definitely return that hug! Without question! Only after we've confirmed that you are indeed Karo IRL

And since we're making a train of confessions: I'm honestly a very affectionate person on the inside. I just love hugging people, playing with their hair, making really bad jokes filled with innuendo. But sadly, my entire community is just ... filled with 'proper' kids. I get so many weird looks, and I'm just like ; - ;

It's just so hard to properly express myself fully with all the judgement being passed around left and right. So I have to bring out my inner bietch just to give them a proper reason to not leik meh ;; - ;;

Thankfully, you guys are like ... mini ghosts in my pocket. Pocket-sized friends. A few clicks away.
M'hm. I'd return you guys hugs as well. It feels nice to know that my roleplay brought people together and created friendships. I know that sounds conceited, but I'm proud!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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People touch my hair a lot too. Apparently it's very soft and shiny. I've spent many lunches in my friend's laps, with them petting my head. Of course, I don't mind; they all have very pillow-y legs, and I get complimented. Win win. Sometimes people play with this one curl I have in my bangs. It's so sticky-uppy, just think Italy from Hetalia.
But I'm hella affectionate. I've considered becoming a professional cuddler. The only problem is, I don't wanna be big spoon.
You. If I met you, I'd freakin' kidnap you. and you'll enjoy it, my precious. O u O
People touch my hair a lot too. Apparently it's very soft and shiny. I've spent many lunches in my friend's laps, with them petting my head. Of course, I don't mind; they all have very pillow-y legs, and I get complimented. Win win. Sometimes people play with this one curl I have in my bangs. It's so sticky-uppy, just think Italy from Hetalia.
But I'm hella affectionate. I've considered becoming a professional cuddler. The only problem is, I don't wanna be big spoon.
Perhaps I should clarify; my group of friends have a nasty habit of not following school lunch rules, including eating in the halls and on top of tables. Plenty of room to sprawl out and lay in people's laps.
Felt like that sentence could be interpreted rather oddly.
You. If I met you, I'd freakin' kidnap you. and you'll enjoy it, my precious. O u O
So long as my hair is played with, and I can be little spoon.
People don't wanna be my big spoon 'cuz I'm too tall. ;;
Myeah, but rage is an issue. I put holes in things if I'm not careful.
Perhaps you should invest in a punching dummy. I have one, actually. Very useful for fits of rage, especially if you get one with a face.
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Perhaps you should invest in a punching dummy. I have one, actually. Very useful for fits of rage, especially if you get one with a face.
I'll put that on my list.

Also, hugging. It will make me uncomfortable, and there's no guarantee I'll return it, but I'll allow it.

Honestly, the best way to make my friend is over a game of mtg.
Good to know. :)

How tall are you, lol?
Not even all that tall in my book, 5'5, with about 2 potential inches to go. Unfortunately, most of my friends are rather short. Actually, most girls around here are 5'2-5'3. So, this along with my big frame and weight (140 lbs, but shrinking) make me feel like a hulking giant. Which sucks, because I really wanna be petite. Oh well, if I'm gonna be a giant around here, might as well be a good one. Hopefully I'll reach 5'7.
I'll put that on my list.

Also, hugging. It will make me uncomfortable, and there's no guarantee I'll return it, but I'll allow it.
Do, it is such a life saver. That and pounding nails into wood. And cheap mugs to throw. I used to have many emotional issues.
Not even all that tall in my book, 5'5, with about 2 potential inches to go. Unfortunately, most of my friends are rather short. Actually, most girls around here are 5'2-5'3. So, this along with my big frame and weight (140 lbs, but shrinking) make me feel like a hulking giant. Which sucks, because I really wanna be petite. Oh well, if I'm gonna be a giant around here, might as well be a good one. Hopefully I'll reach 5'7.
140 for 5'5" isn't bad, so don't be down. You're still young, still growing. I'm 5'6 3/4, hehe. :3 I never did gain that extra 1/4 inch to be at 5'7".
140 for 5'5" isn't bad, so don't be down. You're still young, still growing. I'm 5'6 3/4, hehe. :3 I never did gain that extra 1/4 inch to be at 5'7".
I'm 5'8 1/2. Legally, I'm plain 5'9".
And now that I think on it, Dilemma, dammit!
Ah, no, I'm not upset about my weight. I actually get really giddy every time I get on the scale and see that number, since I used to be about fifteen pounds bigger. But my frame actually is quite large. I have rather broad shoulders, and big hips. Which, the hourglass figure is appreciated, but skirts just don't look good squeezed over hips as big as mine.
You guys are so tall, I'm jealous! I soon hope to join the ranks. Until then, I will just be a mini-giant, caught in a sea of unusually short girls.
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