Elfen Lied (MATURE)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
By helos, you mean helicopters correct? I don't read much about modern weapons because it doesn't interest me.
I'm pretty much lost in all this weapons talk. XD
By the way, your new character is also accepted, Rory. ^_^
Yes, Rory, I mean helicopters.

And WMD, against a diclonius a helicopter gunship is a Force Multiplier for leg infantry.

Just like anti-tank missiles are force multipliers for leg infantry against tanks.
I posted.
I may be inplementing a time skip to night in the next post, maybe not.
Stare stare stare stare.
Will post sometime today.
I won't be able to post again until Monday, so you all can post some more. ^_^
I'll catch up. ^^
I'm still gonna attack random NPCs with my new character... Because i feel like it.
Sent some police in TK's and Piro's way, and they've heard about Lilith, as the backup is headed in her general direction.
Post will be formed tonight, hopefully!
TK's posted- Let's keep it rolling! ^_^
Come on, guys.
I sent visitor messages to all-Grumpy says he'll post ASAP. Should help to get character connections started.
One post, coming up.
I finally got time to post, so I've got Chi's dad agitating "The little homeless girl".
Working on a post.

Rory, I'll send the Dolphin overhead soon.