Name: Jeremy Parston
Age: 43
Sex: Male
Race: British, going by his accent
Job/Role: Operative for You-Don't-Need-To-Know
Nickname: 'Flint'
Personality: Cold and immovable as ice, Flint makes brutal dictators look positively friendly in comparison to his ruthlessness; he is calculating, careful and utterly merciless. He is unfazed by his actions; for him, this is just a job, even if the 'job' involves tracking down and murdering creatures that often look like children. It's possible that the man does actually have a heart. However, it's buried under years of training, military programming and desensitisation to violent situations, meaning it's extremely unlikely Flint even feels guilty about his actions.
Residence: He's on the move pretty much constantly.
Background: A Desert Storm veteran, 'Flint' served in the Paras in the 1991 defence of Kuwait and invasion of Iraq before later being selected to join the ranks of the SAS. Serving for over two decades in the British special forces and carrying out missions he's still not allowed to speak about, Flint finally left the SAS at the age of 42.
However, less than a year later, Flint was hired by an unnamed agency that tracked and re-captured or killed escaped Diclonius. Accepting the job offer, he has tracked rogue Diclonius across the globe, his most recent quandary leading him to Japan.