Elfen Lied (MATURE)

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Yeah... My chick lives in a mini-van. I dunno why but it does allow her to travel around Japan, stealing gas from one terminal at a time.
Since she lives in a van I must ask.

Does she live down by the river?
Are your mercs trying to hunt her down already? :o
I see the Saturday Night Live reference is lost on most people here...
Yeah...post is up. Been awhile since I played a character like this so might be a little rough in the beginning.
>u< Sweeeeet...Grumpy's joining up, too! And he's gonna be a match for the Diclonius, you'll see! ^_-
Name: Jeremy Parston

Age: 43

Sex: Male

Race: British, going by his accent

Job/Role: Operative for You-Don't-Need-To-Know

Nickname: 'Flint'


Personality: Cold and immovable as ice, Flint makes brutal dictators look positively friendly in comparison to his ruthlessness; he is calculating, careful and utterly merciless. He is unfazed by his actions; for him, this is just a job, even if the 'job' involves tracking down and murdering creatures that often look like children. It's possible that the man does actually have a heart. However, it's buried under years of training, military programming and desensitisation to violent situations, meaning it's extremely unlikely Flint even feels guilty about his actions.

Residence: He's on the move pretty much constantly.

Background: A Desert Storm veteran, 'Flint' served in the Paras in the 1991 defence of Kuwait and invasion of Iraq before later being selected to join the ranks of the SAS. Serving for over two decades in the British special forces and carrying out missions he's still not allowed to speak about, Flint finally left the SAS at the age of 42.

However, less than a year later, Flint was hired by an unnamed agency that tracked and re-captured or killed escaped Diclonius. Accepting the job offer, he has tracked rogue Diclonius across the globe, his most recent quandary leading him to Japan.
Mercs in the field.

I'm going on a Vietnam kick right now...

Hence the Huey Frog.
Accepted, Grumpy. ^_^
Nice posts, everyone! ^_^
I'm going to try getting a post up tonight to intro Chi.

EDIT: Posted!
Hey Ryker, do you think you could send a bunch of useless mercs Lilith's way? I need some action on my end. lol.
Expect a helo.

Just brought the Frog back, so it'll be the Dolphin.

I'm saving the Hind for later.
or you could buy more off my dude, y'know, he IS an international arms dealer after all.
I know that but only so many helos can fit in a converted Super Tanker.

I mean you do know how big a Hind is, right?
......delivery arms dealer service perhaps?
On that note, any one wanting to hire mercs with three helos, eighty grunts on ready alert, and hundreds of thousands of pounds of ammo and explosives?
Name: Seok


Sex: Male

Race: Diclonius

Job/Role: Escaped Diclonius from Korea.

Nickname: Kyuketsuki


Seok has silver hair that reaches just past the base of his neck. He is always seen wearing a robe and little else. He stands around 6 feet four inches, making him an imposing figure. A twisted smile is always present on his face.

Vectors: 5 vectors that can reach at 3.5 meters.

Personality: Seok is a sadistic through and through. He has little remorse for humans or even other Diclonius that get in his way. Seok has a never fulfilled lust for finding a suitable mate. However, so far most Diclonius have proven to weak for him. Seok has also been rumored to love drinking the blood of his victims.

Residence: Unknown.

Number: 5, based on the number of vectors he has.

Background: Found in the mountains of North Korea, the Communist regime decided to capture him and try and create their own force of Diclonius soldiers. However, it proved to be impossible to control the feral nature of Seok. After losing upwards to 400 soldiers, scientists, and several government officials the decision was scrapped and a firing squad was ordered to execute Seok as an Enemy of the State. However, once again the regime underestimated the power of Seok. Slaughtering all of his would be executioners, he escaped through South Korea. There he was relatively unnoticed because the South Koreans were dealing with their own Diclonius issues. Sneaking aboard a ship headed for Taiwan, he slaughtered the crew and took the fishing boat towards Japan, where he heard rumors of a Diclonius queen. Seok was last rumored to be seen in a rural Japanese village. Since then locals have been telling tales about a Kyuketsuki feeding on the blood of murdered victims.
oh i look forward to engaging some of these characters with my B-25 gunship.

eight-plus .50 cal HMGs oughta brighten up their day.

(thats 8 not including the waist, top turret and tailgunner positions. four coming out of the nose and two on either side of the cockpit section of the fuselage. :jack:)
*Checks weapons inventory for Vympel R-73 (NATO designation AA-11 Archer) for the Hind E.*

The Iranians sent Sea Cobras against Hind gunships during the Iran Iraq war. more often than not the Hinds came out on top.

A big, WWII bomber shouldn't be much of a match for the letayushchiy tank.
yeah. but the diclonius' usually use their vectors rather than battle tanks adn helicopters tovarich. and it never pays to kill a client uless they attack you first.