Dungeon of Solomon OOC

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Feeding the wolves, don't you know better?
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Advanced
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Supernatural, Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, Mystery and Romance
((I also like how everyone calls Team Kickass stupid, when they're the only ones who came as more then one person)
((I also like how everyone calls Team Kickass stupid, when they're the only ones who came as more then one person)

((I think it might more of an IC jab at Team Kickass... lol I like em. Especially the Elf-Orc thing. :P))
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(Wait hun? @Crono what room and what xD.)
This is the OOC chat for the roleplay Dungeon of Solomon, for discussion, plot twists and all that lovely jazz :D
Yay, no more random OOC in the thread :D
I'll try to keep the wizarding in check. Don't want to be overpowered. Do tell me when I become a Mary Sue, or the male counterpart to that.
It's a jump in one, so I think so yeah.

A Necro cool, I like them. Necros are usually my second choice after an assassin in rp with classes xD.

P.S.: going to have a post up for Bale later tonight, when I get home.
I do hope you like my post haha, I kinda rushed it. I'm with the Gnome right now, if that's okay.
I was on my way to meet Mia and Helka, but @Mippu hasn't responded yet. A child necromancer should be interesting to talk to, though.
Sorry! I was wondering why I haven't received any notifs, though. :(
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