DUNGEON CRAWL! - Stylized Adventure Fantasy

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"We're gonna have to." James replied. "There's no moving the relic, and Vegas is too good a base of operations to just give it up. The village itself needs time to recuperate, so we may as well get some exploration out of the way in the meantime."

He looked at his helmet. "But yeah. When those bandits return, and I don't know when that is, we'll have to fend them off. With a lot of luck, the dungeon has an untouched armory lying about we can arm a militia with."
"Just a humble servant" Iommi stated. "Vegas was a town built in worship of the god, the Holy Diver. It was He who was said to have built these dungeons, and it is thanks to him that we are able to maintain our existence. But lately, it seems we have lost his favor and the riders are attacking."
"Very well. We should deal with the raiders before the situation becomes worse, but until then, let's explore. I wouldn't rely on finding that many weapons in this area, but we will have to see what happens." Rasa speaks while waiting for everyone to be ready to move on.
"Agreed." James replied, putting on his helmet before sliding down the rope.
"Of all the things I was expecting along this ride, a cult of the architect of this place is the last thing I'd expect." She said. "But then, I can't say I've ever understood worship or deifying." She made a mental note to speak with this Iommi later. He might know something useful about the layout of this place. Even in a desert of lies, there can be found a grain of a truth.
"Our job is to kill the King Slayer. Nothing else, I think we should just do that and get out of here. We're just wasting time with this raider stuff." Tink decided to speak up, he wasn't a fan of how this conversation was going. "Besides, there are way too many raiders for us to deal with."
"Alright, Billy, you heard 'em. Into the dungeon we go!"
Billy sighed and began sliding down the rope with the others.
The party trekked further into the dungeon. Past the town, it was fairly straightforward. Only more tunnel. The actual design made it appear as if whoever built the dungeon wanted to have as many cells as possible. After traveling for a bit, it was clear that the cells were arranged like square neighborhoods and the tunnels were streets. Occasionally, there were several stalls and such at the middle of the tunnel as well as benches presumably for whoever watched the now empty cells to sit. It was also clear that some cells were bigger and more elaborate than others. There were a few extra tunnels as well, usually marked by signs. These tunnels seemed to be dead ends, with doors which seemed to be able to be pushed open. However, many of the locks were rusted shut. Others could not be pushed, perhaps with something behind them. There were few that did in fact open, just slightly, but only so that a bit of sand from outside could seep in.

Eventually, the smell of smoke was evident, and thin clouds floated at the roof of the dungeon. Faint lights were seen further down and the smell of horses filled the air. It was the base of the raiders.
"...Oh my God. Seriously?" James said in a hushed whisper, extinguishing his lantern. "Everyone crouch down."
He knelt down, raising his shield up and getting in front. "I wouldn't count on them being open to negotiations. But if we wanna take them out, now's our chance."
Gabriel did crouch down, even though he was small compared to the tall folk of the group. Gabriel spoke in hushed whispers, "So want to torch this place down, and sneakily dispatch of them? Also I still have my aesthetically pleasing headdress... I can try to scout it out before striking..."
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Rasa crouches, looking in the direction of the raider base. She speaks in a lowered voice: "What is our plan of attack?"
"We'll have to sneak in, and hit hard, and fast. Head straight for the stables, and torch everything on the way. Don't let them get on their horses, or things get a lot harder." James replied, readying his sword. "Ride one if you want, but kill the rest. Better no one gets a horse than the enemy gets one and we don't. Especially when they rely on horses like they do."

"Lastly," he said, "Single out their leader, and try to kill him. It could cripple their morale. If by the grace of God he decides to duel you, then win. That sort of honor culture might surrender on the spot if you do that, but don't count on it. Anyone got anything to add?"
"The righteous will wash their feet in the blood of the wicked." Rue said in a cold voice as she unsheathed her Khopesh. "We should move through these old buildings. More cover, less easy for them to see us."
"Wait, what? How did they even get down here?" Billy whispered incredulously.
"Just roll with it."
"But it makes no sense! We're something like fifty feet below ground!"
"Look, kid. This isn't anywhere near the most nonsensical thing we're going to find down here. Things are gonna get weird, Billy. Really weird."
"I don't like the sound of that."
"Good, that means you're learning."
Gabriel nodded at Billy and whispered, "It's for dramatic effect. It's a classic for stories. If they were say outside the dungeon and had a base there it wouldn't be as fun. So they find a way up, probably secret tunnels or a magical device to take them upwards. Clearly these raiders, while evil at least follow a proper story format. I now think they only raid for style and testing adventurers. Perhaps those shields magically Scry adventurers who fight them so the Evil Overlord, probably the King's Slayer can see how his new challengers fight, so he can make proper forces against them."
"Alright. Let's go." James moved forward, keeping a low profile as he exited the tunnel. True to the plan, he looked for the closest stable, and quickly made his way there, fully intent on killing the horses.
"You sure we want to rush in and get surrounded like that? We got these chokepoints here..."
"They have bows, sword."
"Yeah, and you have cover. You sure you want to fight like this?"
"Never took you one to be against a battle." Billy whispered back as he crept behind James.
"I'm against you getting killed, kid. Then I'd have to wait for the NEXT chosen one."
"Good to know you care."
"Would you rather I lie to you?"
"No, I guess not."
Rasa has little clue what Billy, the sword and Gabriel are all talking about, but it's not like there was much time to ponder it. "Affirmative. All systems switched over to combat mode. I'll back you up." Rasa smoothly moves along with James, scanning the area for enemies. She seems intent on making sure nothing catches them off guard while they were trying to sneak in.
Gabriel took out one of throwing knives. He moved stealthily, he followed James, his foot-steps moved with the precision of an acrobat. Gabriel intently listened to the surrounding areas, to make sure that nothing tried to take them off guard. Gabriel thought to himself, James would make a FANTASTIC ACROBAT, HE'S HARDLY MAKING A SOUND IN HI- Uh-oh if I have awakened narrative story forces with that...
The stables were made inside an indent of the cave, this one instead of being simply a room, went straight across to another tunnel, perhaps made so that the old users of the dungeon could easily access the other part of the hall. The horses were tied to metal rods pierced into the ground but had no actual stalls to keep them confined. Near each of them was a wooden bucket filled with grain, most likely feed for the horses.

As Rasa scanned the area, she was able to detect very few signs of life. It seemed that the inhabitants were not around, until suddenly a very large blip appeared off in the distance. The figures seemed to be... dancing, as if they were having a party. Or maybe holding a ritual.
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