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Mike of course didn't react to anything, he'd already tuned out anything from the real world and retreated to his happy place, even Red's presence didn't really register, at least he wasn't shaking, so he had indeed reached a happy place and not a nightmare, those were hard to deal with...
One of the few teachers on duty soon tool note of Mike's situation and rushed over, bullying was one thing, a breakdown was something they couldn't ignore.
"Michael... Mike... Damn... Not again... You two know what happened?"
They asked before standing up and taking out their phone to make a call.
"Hello Mrs? I'm sorry to call but... It's happened again... Yeah, I think you should pick him up... No, no shakes or tears... Uhh, I can't see to check... Doesn't smell like it though... Yes, I'll wait with him in the cafeteria..."

It would be about ten minutes until a well dressed pair of adults entered the room, clearly Mike's parents though he got a lot of his appearance from his mother.
"Hey honey... Time to go home..."
His father picked him up in both arms.
"We'll get you home and into something comfy... Your favourite s... Uhh, outfit..."
With that said they didn't bother to stick around before rushing out to their car.
Connie wanted to speak of what happened, but she wasn't entirely sure herself. All she knew was that Mike seemed panicked over something going on, shut down, and Mason took off when trying to help. Red stood from where he was when Mike was lifted and returned to Connies' side, and the red-head finally spoke, "What the hell just happened?"
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The teacher was still there, likely to make sure the two girls were okay and not about to have their own meltdowns.
"I can't tell you what happened to Mike because of medical confidentiality... But I can say something overwhelmed him and he shut down... He'll be fine and likely back to school tomorrow... You can talk to him then... In the meantime can you go find Mason and see what happened? I have to write this up for the principal".
They didn't wait for an answer and headed off, presumably to an office, only stopping for a moment to hand them three hall passes.
Outside the back of the school building, a figure paced back and forth on the side of the greenhouse. Seeming to be talking to himself, growling and becoming overwhelmed with self-hatred and unleashed anger.
You will never make friends.
You should stick to your porn novels.
Why can't you be fucking normal?
No child of mine will be a God damn fag!

The thoughts raged his mind, and pulled him in all sorts of directions. Wanting to find Mike and apologize profusely for everything he fucking did, another wanted to take a shovel to his throat, another wanted to run to the car and stay there; never to go back to school or harm another person. Yet all three were impossible to fucking to. There was nothing to make it better, nothing to end the fact that every person he starts to care about gets fucking hurt. Oliver, Aela, Wendy, fucking Leo and now Mike. All cause he fucked up in some way with his pure stupidity.
The anger built and built until Mason finally gave a loud howl, before punching straight through a glass panel in the greenhouse. Creating a large hole in the pane, but not shattering it like a normal window would. Glass pierced through the sleeve of his hoodie, into his forearm, and his palm was sliced to bits from it. Yet he didn't seem to care, and just flopped down up against the greenhouse wall. Blue eyes watering with unshed tears, and curling in a ball with his one good arm.
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"Connie... Let's go track down Mason and find out what happened... I've never seen anyone shut down like that..."
Without hesitation Emma started rolling, hoping that the very audible wheelchair would be enough for Connie to follow, she admittedly didn't have much of an idea of where to look... Until she heard a distant sound of breaking glass, and sped up her pace, arriving to find Mason against the wall...
"Are you okay? That Mike kid had to go home but teacher said he'll be fine... What happened any... Holy shit! Why are you bleeding?! What did you DO?"
The red-head let Red lead her after Emma, and then followed quickly when she sped up to get outside. Having also heard the glass breaking, Emmas' rushed words and then followed with 'what did you'. Did Mason hurt himself? What happened? Connies need to heal took over and she stepped beside Emma, also expecting an answer.

"I punched a hole in the glass pane, must've scratched myself," Was Masons' voidless reply, his tone cold and practically empty, "I also don't know what happened. Mike didn't want to eat, so I made him eat cause its important, then you two showed up, spilled the yogurt in which I tried to help clean it off of him. And then here we are. Another fruitless venture into the horrific world of humans and their name need for companionship," He spoke in a dissociation way, and stared out at the back of the schools wall, "I'm fine, its just a little blood,"
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"Shit that's not a scratch... That looks really bad... Like hospital bad, I'm gonna call an ambulance..."
She took out her phone a let out a disappointed groan.
"Fuck... Battery's dead! Connie... Do you know anything that will work here?"
Emma was a person who got very worried about people very quickly, and had already been on a high alert stress high after Mike's issue, this was a whole other problem that was possibly even worse and had her nerves very much frayed.
"You're not fine... Mike's fine and he'll be here tomorrow... How do you think he'd react tomorrow if news got around that you'd bled out?"
She was taking a gamble, hoping that they were at least friends.
"No don't call the police!" Mason quickly got to his knees to take the phone from Emma, but her declaring it was dead stopped his movement. The dark haired man gave a small growl at her next statement, "Mike won't give a fucking shit! I caused his damn fucking meltdown and hurt him in some fucking way, I dont even know what I did! I was trying to fucking care and help damnit but of course the bad luck child never gets to be a kind fucking soul like the rest of you fuckers," Now he was just angry and flopped down onto the ground again, pulling at his own hair with one hand.

"I-I," Connie started when Mason spoke out, and she then finished her response, "I do slightly depending on the wound, I use to wrap my own cuts from learning knew places. But I can't stitch or do much else to help him," She gave a hesitant look and went to Reds' vest, she stored some medicine in here and bandages or bandaids, to pull out a gauze wrap. Then knelt down and crawled to Mason by feel, and he didn't seem to fight her when she grasp his hurt arm. She could feel the pieces of glass and smell the blood, seemed it wasn't that deep of a cut so he wouldn't have bled out. Just have some wicked scarring when it was healed.
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"Jeez... I wasn't going to get you arrested... Just get you some medical help..."
Connie misunderstood his complaint, assuming he was freaking and thought she was blaming him or something.
"Umm... Are you sure? The kid looked pretty happy to be with you the last couple of days, and you don't think he'd care? I know enough to tell he's way too sensitive for a boy, even if he hated you for some reason if he thought you offed yourself because of his meltdown? Yeah that would ruin his life, so stop being overdramatic and calm down!"
She demanded, the stress evolving in anger.
"If you do think he doesn't want to be your friend let him say it in person".
The last line was in a calmer voice as as she watched Connie work.
"Can you stop the bleeding?"
Mason only responded with a mutter of i wasn't trying to die and looked down at the ground without another word. Connie gave a small nod, "I think so, it'll need a tight wrap to keep it from bleeding profusely. Also changed every day until it starts to scab and no longer breaks open," She replied to Emma and was removing large pieces of glass like she could see them, "Can you grab a piece of rubber from Reds' vest? I'm going to use it like they do for a blood draw, itll help slow down the flow at least a little bit to wrap it without using a lot of cotton to cease it,"
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Seeing as he was submitting to care and hadn't wanted to die, Emma decided to let up on him, after all, she only pretended to be argumentative and her anger had quickly burned out, leaving pure worry.
She grabbed the rubber as requested and handed it over, watching Connie work in awe, she could sorta bandage a wound or stop bleeding long enough for an ambulance to arrive and yet here was Connie, doing a professional looking job while literally working blind.
"Jeez... You're way too much like Lycan..."
Emma muttered, already comparing the argument with ones Rheya had with the wolf shifter.
It wasn't much, but it would keep him for getting infected or continue to bleed. The red-head sat back and gave a small breath of relief, then untied the rubber hand once she was sure the gauze was on tight enough to keep the blood in while also not cutting off circulation. That is always much easier on herself or with some sort of spell, but her mind didn't work that fast to remember dream world things. Yet Emma then spoke of the shifters name, and she froze for a minute as she didn't want to set off Mason again.
"Right, must be a great fucking guy," He responded. Mason knew exactly who that was, who he was in another sense, but refused to acknowledge that the dream world was real. That the kingdom and frilly bullshit was real. That his family life was terrible both there and in real life. He stood up and tugged his hoodie back down, guess he couldn't wear it anymore with a blood stain. He'd just have to toss it cause he never got to wash his clothes. Just wore them till they where dirty before tossing them, and stealing more the next day. Shame too. Mason had this sweater since middle school, "I'm going home. I've had enough of this,"
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"Heh... You two would either be the best of friends or try and kill each other, maybe both".
She replied, and simply nodded at his statement.
"Yeah that's fair, you probably won't even get called out for it".
She waited till he had left before talking to Connie.
"Okay... So that went as far off plan as possible... You okay?"

After that the rest of the day would pass by without event and they would all head home, Emma deciding to play some games for the afternoon while Mike relaxed at home with his parents, they had taken the rest of the day off to look after him, though his father did end up going back in for a surgery at his family's insistence, as they knew he'd feel bad otherwise.
If Mason wanted to visit he'd have to get there before dark, Mike wanted an early night.
Before going home that day, Mason went back for his backpack as it had most of his necessary things in it. That is when he noticed that Mikes' bag was left behind as well, and went to grab it to return it for him tomorrow at school. That is until he saw the address card hanging on the inside of the bag. It was a nicer address, a middle class part of town and quiet far from the school. Mason has walked further for food and other needed things. He hesitated for a moment before pushing down his pride and fear, to start off towards the address. He knew where this street was as he has gone to the larger stores down here when they where shopping.
It took a few minutes of walking back and forth before finding the right numbers, and was a little surprised at the house. Two story, very nice and clean. Probably a nice place to sleep and eat even without furniture or anything. Those blue eyes stared up at the house as he tried to gather up a shove to make himself approach the door. Mason walked up the front path, the stairs to the wooden door. Not wanting to be a huge disturbance, he knocked on the oak door rather than rang the doorbell. Shoving the urge to just leave the back pack and run for it.

"I'm alright, never had to do that to another person," she replied with a soft smile and grabbed Reds' leash. Thankful to go home after the weird day and returning home to just enjoy tv with her dad, who was home for once.
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No one bothered him in the street, though a few looked out windows suspiciously, this was a nice part of town, and unfortunately, Mason was not a nice looking boy right then... Still though he didn't look likely to kill them just by walking down a street so no one called the cops.
A minute after knocking the door opened to reveal a smiling woman with just the barest crinkle to show age... Or perhaps it was from smiling too much? She looked exactly like an older, female Mike.
"Oh! Hello there... You have Mike's bag? Thank you, you must be a friend, so come in... A... Mike! You have a friend here! Get dressed and come down okay?"
She stuttered weirdly before calling him, likely trying to avoid embarrassing her son with a nickname.
"Oh gosh... What happened to your arm? And your shirt... Well at least you got medical attention... But this won't do..."
She ran off and returned with a large shirt, come on, put this on, I'll get that blood right out..."
So, Mason saw the door open and a dark-haired woman answered. Could tell she was Mikes' mother due to her overwhelming resemblance to him. Though he didn't get a word in edgewise to explain who he was and well she figured out why he was here. Soon he was ushered into the house, and instantly the woman began to ask him too many questions for him to answer. How he got hurt, what happened to his arm, something about his hoodie, and he obviously got very confused. What was going on? Get the blood out? But why? It was trash because he couldn't clean it, and he didn't even have running water. "I-I, uhm, okay?" Mason obviously had no idea how to respond to this woman, and then unzipped his hoodie to hand to her. Under his normal black sweater was a white tank-top with a black tip, black pocket and rainbow checkers across the chest. This also exposed his bandages arm, and much older wounds or now scars, "Thank you, ma'am,"
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"Oh dear... You must be quite the rough and tumble boy... But Mason said he liked you so you must be okay, our child is an excellent judge of character nowadays..."
She declared, apparently not too freaked out, though as she heard footsteps she decided to leave them alone for a minute and get to cleaning his hoodie.

"Umm... Mason?..."
A slightly red Mike greeted from halfway down the stair case, he had clearly changed, and was now wearing what looked like a rainbow dash shirt, blue with the pony in question on the front, and some black spandex shorts.
"I uhh... Sorry... About earlier I mean... Umm, I get like that sometimes and it wasn't your fault or anything! I just... Got embarrassed and I'm not used to being uhh... Fed..."
He scuffed the ground with a bare foot, looking at the ground in what seemed a little like shame... Then he looked up for a moment and saw the bandage.
"Oh gosh! Are you okay?!"
He bounded over, almost touching as he looked over his arm.
Mike smelled of apples and... Nail polish remover?
Mason watched the woman walk away, and turned at the sound of Mike. My Little Pony huh? He used to like that show when he had a house, though his favorite was Applejack. Watching Mike approach him, apologizing for what had happened at the school and being fed. Though of course he would notice the bandage on his arm, and he let the other touch him for once. Kind of just staring at the other as his brain tried to function and catch up with what was happening.
The black haired boy though didn't seem to respond or answer his question, but just simply moved and hugged Mike tightly. Wrapping his arms around Mikes' chest and give a soft squeeze, "No, I'm sorry. I hurt you and I didn't mean to. I just wanted you to eat and to help, but I did the exact opposite," he spoke very softly, very calmly as that barrier was up higher than before. Mason pulled away from Mike and simply stated, "I came to return your book bag," Not at all acknowledging the question of his injuries, until a few minutes passed by, "I punched a panel in from the greenhouse, and it cut me is all. That blind girl and Emma patched me up, I couldn't go to the hospital," Mason spoke quiet freely and in an unorganized manner, trying his best to hold it together and remain as he did at school. Stoic and unbothered.
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The sudden affection caused Mike to Freeze, he... Didn't quite know what to do... Had he died and gone to heaven? Was he still in his happy place?... No... He wasn't quite dressed right for either of those... Finally Mason's words got through to him.
"You didn't hurt me!"
Mike declared, possibly louder than anyone had ever heard him be.
"You didn't... I... Have trouble eating... And I lied about eating breakfast... Honestly I was really hungry and uhh... Kinda really liked being fed...".
There he went proving how easily he blushed once again, his mother off to the side out of sight was discreetly cheering him on.
Mike was about to return the hug when Mason pulled away, causing him to emit a sound not unlike that of a kicked puppy...
"Oh umm... Thanks... But are you sure you don't need the hospital? I'm a bit worried... And uhh... Why did you do that? W...was it because of me?..."
He asked, eyes watering.
Mason flinched at Mikes' loud response and was kinda surprised at his burst. Though he wasn't surprised about the being fed part as Mike liked any sort of affection towards him. Also, he let him feed him so it wasn't hated at least. Looking at him for a moment and then shook his head quickly, "No, not because of you. I was pissed at myself because I had thought I hurt you, like I've hurt other people I actually start to like or care for. It was my own fault, and I become self-destructive when angry," Mason looked at his arm and turned back to Mike, "I'm sure, the hospital is not needed. I'll live to see tomorrow," The black haired boy rubbed the back of his own hair, and glanced around the house before saying, "i should get going, Oliver will wonder where I am. I just came by to make sure you where okay and all that jazz," Mason honestly didn't want to leave this home to go back to that disgusting car, but his brother would be wondering where he is. Despite his hoodie not being clean, but Mike could keep it honestly until tomorrow.
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