Dragonismia- The Return

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Angel arrived in the air clan, her wings ruffled from the breeze. She shook herself, knocking off any left over snow from bring in the mountain clan. Now, time to look for this Ashes.
Nova saw her two best friends, and flew to them. "Hey guys!" She smiled. "So much has happened since you guys were gone."
Angel smiled. "It's nice to see you too, Nova." She greeted.
"Actually, I have to introduce you to some people." Her voice was full of glee.
Twin Tail grinned, glad to see her old friend. "Lead the way."
Nova grinned and flew, nearly bumping into a young Water dragon. "Oh, sorry." She moved out of the way, taking note of his hateful stare. "Is it just me, or are the Water dragons more... Aggressive than usual?"
Twin Tail nodded, her expression grim. "Next one we walk into, question him."
Nova glanced at the dragon who bumped into her. "Or we can ask him... Hey, why the long face?"
The dragon flicked his tail, not looking at her. "Read the poster."
Nova glanced to where the dragon was pointing. "Forest king found dead in throne room: Mountain and Air Clan royalty suspected." She read, before tearing off the poster. "I know you guys wouldn't do that." She said, but slight uncertainty in her voice.
Twin Tail's eyes widened, the colour draining from her face. "D-Dragar's...."
"... So, that means we've lost two potential allies." Nova concluded.
Twin Tail just sat down on the floor, staring at the poster. It showed the gruesome picture of Dragar's body, impaled on his own throne. Her face was devoid of colour, her twin tails lying limply behind her on the floor.
"What are we going to do about it? Who is left?!" Nova was starting to panic.
"you're worrying about the wrong thing Nova, I'm afraid," Angel admitted. Her expression glum. "Me and Twin Tails are bring blamed. That will bring war and hate on our clans; Forest clan will want revenge. Even if our hands are clean of the crime, they won't believe us." she smirked. "Look who issued the poste. " she pointed to the name scrawled in the bottom left hand corner. "Queen Dawnling herself. Dagar was still alive when we left, but for how much longer? I don't know."
"Dragar had a meeting with her right after my meeting...they must have erased the records of her meeting and killing him, and replaced them with her finding him on the throne." Twin Tail said, her voice dark and head lowered. A dark expression crossed her face as she stood. "Now it's gotten personal, though. Even if we can't quiet down Water and Forest Clans, I'm going to take down that Underground scum queen and put her in her place."
"Well, we won't stop her by standing here." Nova said, "Your mother probably knows about the attack - I doubt she thinks you guys did it - we should go to the others. Who knows, they may think you actually did it."
Twin Tail nodded, standing up. "Lead the way, my friend."
Angel nodded and followed. She felt uneasy though, the talk of revenge and war made her feel sick inside.
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]Nova flew in the direction of the Air Clan dorms. Once she got there, she saw Deema apart the entrance.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]"Greetings, Nova, Twin Tail, Angel Wings." Deema said, her eyes set upon the expressions of the three dragons.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]"Oh, hi. Guys, this is Deema, original queen of the Comet Clan." She gestured to the queen.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)]"I believe we have-" Deema paused. She kept on forgetting that this was a new lifetime for them. "I sense that there's a problem." She started.[/BCOLOR]
Twin Tail nodded, bowing. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty. And yes, there is an issue. I believe you know Queen Dawnlin and the current incident of Forest Clan?"