Dragon Fire

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Allira was doing her usual rounds, taking a new route to go past a local pool. Either the place had low activity, or the dragons here were really good at hiding. But then again, being in a big city, it'll be wiser to transform on the outskirts. Sometimes, she envied those assigned in those areas. They sure had a lot more games than she did. While she was lost in her thoughts, jumping from one building to another, making sure to be invisible to the normal human eye, she noticed a glint of a blade from her peripheral vision. 'A hunter?' She then jumped over 2 buildings down to have a closer inspection. 'What's he doing in my parameter?' Allira took some time to see if she recognized him from before and in fact, she did. He was one of the older kids back in the training camp. He was always so great at weaponry and he was very determined. Allira was gonna let it go, maybe he's been following this hunt for awhile, before she noticed that the one being hunted was Ryo. Her eyes grew wide and panic rose in her chest.

"Ryo!" She called but to no avail. They were engaged in combat. What in the...? Were those fire arrows shooting out of Ryo's hand? She ran towards them as fast as she could when she saw the hunter pull out a gun but it was too late. A magnificent black dragon had appeared in front of her. Holy hell. She pulled out her bow and shot a blazing arrow towards the hunter, grazing his cheek, just below his left eye. "STOP," she called firmly. Her eyes darted a bit to the sword plunged into the dragon's paw. "If you move a single inch the next one's gonna be through your head."

Her mind was racing. This did not feel right. She never thought she'd be pointing any of her weapons to another hunter, another one of her kind. What was going on with her?
Ryo's growls faded slightly, but didnt go away. His instincts were telling him to kill the hunter, just get him out of the way. Its what hunters deserved, right? For what they did to his kind. But Allira's voice held him still. He turned his head slightly so he could look down at her and take in all her weapons and gear. She was a hunter as well. This whole time. He mentally slapped himself. His mind kept saying one thing, while his heart said another. He pulled his paw away from the other hunter and pulled the sword out with his teeth, wincing slightly. Then he transformed back into his human form, blood dripping from his hand, and more confused than ever.

The other hunter looked from Allira to Ryo. "What are you waiting for?" He hissed at Allira. "That monster will just kill us if we dont destroy it first. They're just bloodthirsty monsters from hell, you know that." A gun whipped up into his hand and he swept it towards Ryo. "Kill him, or I will," the hunter growled. Ryo just stood there, not sure what to do. His legs were itching to run, but he stayed put, staring at Allira.
Allira could barely hear anything other than the large, rhythmic pounding in her ears. Her ragged breaths came in awful successions as she kept her weapon pointed at the hunter and then at Ryo. It was her mission, goddamnit! Her mission was to kill dragons. Kill bad dragons. Dragons that would hurt other humans. "Kill him or I will." She looked up at his words. Something had begun forming in her head. Ryo's wounds from last night. The dragon fire. The lack of reports on the database.

"The dragon fire last night. It was a ploy to get to him, wasn't it?"

"So?" He hissed, his gun dangerously concentrated on Ryo. "He should've burned inside!"

"You could've killed innocent humans!"

"Enough!" He shouted before he fired his gun. Allira's body reacted by reflex by sending an hour straight to his arm. It felt like the world slowed down for two seconds before everything rushed back in. The hunter stared at his wounded arm but he motioned to grab for another. Allira shot another fire arrow to his leg. He howled in pain as he fell.

Allira looked over at Ryo and found him clutching his side, on the same place that she healed from last night. She looked back at the hunter. His wounds were deep but not fatal. But they were supposed to be on the same side. Allira walked towards him, returning her weapons to their proper place. "You're not supposed to hurt humans."

He looked up at her, sneering. Hatred in his eyes. "You're protecting a monster. You're forsaking your own kind and for what... a roll in the haystack? You're pathetic." He spat.

"Have you ever truly seen a monster? Have you looked in the mirror lately? You're a pathetic excuse of a hunter." Allira kneeled down and took one of his own daggers. Her face was expressionless, her bright green eyes not exposing any emotion at all. She looked him straight in the eye. "For the record, I will never be one of your kind." She stabbed him straight and fast, in the heart. He had no time to blink or scream. He just stared at her as life flowed out of his body. She twisted the knife free, putting his dagger in his hand. She closed his eyes before standing up and setting him on fire.

They were in a barely used street. The fire should die down after it consumes the whole body. Allira stood up, eyes cast down, blood in her hands.
Ryo watched the whole encounter numbly. The shot to his side finally made him come back to his senses. He'd been seen transforming in front of a hunter. A hunter he cared about no less. He pressed a hand to his new wound, staring at Allira. He shook his head and took a step backwards. He'd been so careful, and now his cover was gone, which meant he had to be gone too or he knew he'd be next. He took a few more steps away from her, glancing around him for a viable escape. Wounded as he was, he wasnt sure if he'd be able to get away, but that never stopped him before. He spotted an alleyway just behind him and focused on it, moving steadily towards it as she finished off the other hunter. He slipped into the alley just as she stood up. He closed his eyes for a second, then shook his head and turned to run.
Allira shot a knife to stop Ryo. It wasn't meant to hit. She slowly walked towards him, eyes still glued to the floor. Her body felt heavy. "Don't try to go back to your apartment. They'll find you there." She took the knife that she threw which got stuck in a tree. She sheathed it back before walking away from him. She'd have time to go back to her place and grab some stuff before they figure out she was involved. She'd have to run and find a hideout. Then she'll have to keep running for the rest of her life. What the fuck is she supposed to do now?
Ryo stood frozen for a moment, heart hammering like a jackrabbit. He glanced over at her. "Arent you... going to kill me?" his voice came out quiet and strained. Sweat beaded his forehead, and he wasnt sure if he was too warm or too cold. All he knew is that over the last two days, he's lost more blood than he should have, and if she was going to kill him, he wanted her to do it quickly. Get it over with. He wouldnt fight her. He couldnt.
Allira barely even looked back at him. Here was an idiot she actually considered to be her friend. "If you're going to die it won't be by my hands. But you should probably start running." Her whole being felt too heavy for her to carry. She just wanted to fall over and sleep for a long time, quite possibly forever. How was this even possible? The moment she finds someone she considers a friend and he turns out to be the enemy. She gave an un-amused chuckle. Her life was a joke and she was the punchline.
Ryo leaned against the wall of the alley, focusing on his breathing. The one person he had decided to trust. And he was the same kind of person who tore his family apart. He shook his head and pushed away from the wall, heading in the opposite direction from her. He stuck close to buildings so he had something to lean on. She had been right about one thing. He couldnt stay here. It wasnt exactly the best neighborhood, and there had been gun shots fired to boot. The place would be swarming with either gangs or cops soon. One or the other, and either way, he had to be gone when they arrived.
Allira had taken the building tops again to get back to her apartment. She'd have to quickly grab her shit and get gone. There was no way they'd let her live after she killed one of their kind. At the same time, she did not regret plunging that blade into his eyes. The guy had no remorse. He'd probably killed several innocent humans in his hunts. The Circle probably doesn't know about that. Should she go back to the Circle? No, she'd her herself guillotined. She had continued running towards the direction of her apartment but the thought of Ryo bleeding would not go out of her mind. He had been shot by a blue dragon bullet. If that isn't taken away on time it could cause his organs to collapse among themselves. "Damn," she cursed under her breath. Half of her wanted to run back to him but the other stood firmly on her ground. He was a dragon and he'd be killed in the hands of some hunter, one way or another. He was not Allira's responsibility.
Ryo kept moving blindly. He didnt know anything else besides the horrible pain in his side. The pain had continued to increase the longer he moved, but he had little choice. He never even realized what was really happening to his body because of the bullet. The world started spinning around him, and he had to lean against a building for a minute to let it slow down. He closed his eyes, trying to will the pain to go away.

He heard something click right beside his head and a shaky breath demand: "Give me all your money!"

Ryo blinked at him, his mind a bit sluggish. "Money? I dont-"

"Give it to me!" The crazed man yelled, shoving the gun closer to Ryo's head and holding out his other hand expectantly.

"Dont have any on me," he mumbled to the man. The pain was getting worse. Concern started seeping through him. What kind of bullet had that been?

The man with the gn kept yelling at him to give him money he didnt have, getting more and more wound up and that much closer to pulling the trigger. Ryo did his best to get the guy to go away, but he was an easy target at the moment, and there wasnt much he could do.
Allira didn't know what got over her. But for once she followed the stupidest thought in her head. She went back to Ryo. She figured his body wouldn't make it anywhere safe with the bullet lodged in there. Maybe she'll abandon him after he's recovered and he could fend for himself. But she can't just let him die. She didn't know if he was innocent or what but she knew she'd probably kill herself with worrying if the bastard was dead or alive. She had easily tracked his scent; it was strong considering how familiar she'd become with it. She should've probably been able to figure out that he was a dragon yesterday from the smell. Except... she wasn't thinking.

When she found him another guy was pointing a gun to his head. A part of her thought it was another hunter but then she realized it was just some local thug. She easily jumped on the guy, whacking him over the head, making him pass out. She let the guy fall over and went to Ryo. She took out his hand which was holding on the wound. She cursed under her breath. It's already taken effect. She'll have to take it out right here and right now if he'll have any chance of survival.
Ryo didnt notice Allira appear. The world was going fuzzy and his senses werent working properly. He vaguely felt himself slide down the wall to the ground, his breathing very shallow. He closed his eyes, willing sleep to take him. The sweet darkness of sleep promised him warmth and painlessness. He didnt try to fight it's pull. He sagged as the darkness took a firm hold on him and dragged him down.
"Ryo," she slapped him lightly, trying to get him to open his eyes. "Damn it. Open your eyes, Ryo. Stay with me." Allira took her her dagger, cutting through his shirt. She'll have to do everything by hand. She wiped the blood on her shirt and covered her hand in light fire. It would be easier for her to grab it and keep it from getting infected and spreading the damage. She touched the wound tenderly, feeling for the round bullet. It had taken a lodging about 2 inches deep. It's too close to his organs. "Ryo, stay with me. This is going to hurt like a bitch." She took a smaller dagger and covered it in light fire. She tentatively started to go in, following the path of the bullet but being careful not to push it further. She felt something clash with her dagger and proceeded to probe the thing to rise up. Ryo was still breathing, but his eyes remained unopened. "Damn it, Ryo." Finally, the bullet surfaced to where she could see it. She used her other hand to take it out.

She breathed a large sigh of relief. She hid the bullet inside one of her pockets. She looked at the path of blood that he's created. There was no time to cover up their tracks. Allira grabbed the rest of his shirt and tied it around his torso to keep the wound from bleeding. She took one of his arms and draped it over her shoulder. She'd have to carry him far away from here. She touched the ground where his trail of blood was, setting it on fire to erase most of it away. The police won't be able to figure out what happened. But the Dragon Slayers will.
It seemed like eons later before Ryo finally woke from his near coma like sleep. He lay there, more than a little surprised to be alive. He thought of the last thing he remembered: the thug with the gun, then... nothing. Now he had no idea where he was, or what had happened in the meantime. He groaned and tried to get up, his whole body protesting loudly. He layed back down again and looked around, trying to get a feel for where he was and how he got there.
Allira didn't know anyone outside of the Circle. It was her whole life. It was all that she's ever known and now she's out here in the middle of nowhere with the sea crashing on the rocks and the tears of the waves kissing her face. They were now in a small town in the border of Wales and England. They got there when she traded his car for another one. She threw out all her IDs and his and burned them. It'll give them a few days head start in hiding away. She kept all of her weapons with her and the kit. She took all the cash the Circle had provided for her. It wasn't much. She usually just took out enough money and that was all she was able to bring.

It's been two days and Ryo still hasn't woken up. The wound on his side had healed but she's worried the damage inside had already been extensive. If he still doesn't wake up tomorrow, she'd have to leave him here. There were on a small abandoned cottage. They've been there since last night. She hid the car in the woods and the rain has helped in hiding the tracks. She stared out into the sunset, holding the blade in her hand. What was she to do now that she's abandoned the only thing she's ever known her whole life? Why couldn't she just have killed Ryo and gotten it over with? She sighed. There was no use in trying to reason out with anything. She's in this situation now and she just has to figure out her next move.
Ryo took in the little cottage, and the scent of the forest and the sea. He carefully noted the other belongings scattered about, and tried to place them. He was having a hard time picking up the more sensitive scents, and it bothered him. He stared at a pack not far from him until his addled mind could work it out. "Allira?" He mumbled to himself. He looked back up at the ceiling, trying to puzzle out why she would help him. He didnt like how long it was taking for his body to wake up, why his mind was still so slow. He took a deep breath and tried to sit up again, hissing in pain. This time he made it, despite the very persistent protests of his body. He looked down at where he'd been shot. The wound was healed, but it sure didnt feel like it. He swung his legs off the bed and sat there for a minute, unsure if he'd be able to stand, or even if he wanted to risk trying.
Allira could hear movements inside the cottage. 'He's awake,' her heart hammered in anxiety or glee she did not know. She sheathed her knife and walked back inside the cottage. She found him sitting on the bed, seemingly in pain. She stared at him for awhile before figuring out that he was probably very hungry. She silently went to get some food; stewed rabbit and some potatoes. Hey, she wasn't trained to be a chef. She put them in some not-so clean looking plates but beggars can't be choosers. She gave it to him wordlessly before giving him the canister of water. She went through the kit and found a pain-reliever. It would probably do nothing for his pain though. There was nothing she could do to check if any of his organs were damaged. She put the small bottle of medicine beside him too before heading to go out again.
He took the plate and the cup silently, not looking at her. "Thank you," he said quietly when she was about to leave again, his voice a bit raspy. "For coming back for me." He then dug into the stew, some small part of his mind wondering if it had been drugged or poisoned, but he ignored it. If she wanted him dead, he'd have never woken up. After consuming about half of the food, he took up the pill bottle and the water and took what was probably well above the dosage limit for normal humans. It wouldnt really bother him any, he just hoped they worked. Then he finished the food quickly, his stomach already making pained twists as it tried to digest the food.
Allira came back after about half an hour's worth of scouting the area for any potential hunter. She saw that he's already finished eating. She kept the medicine back into the kit. "We would be safe to stay here for a couple more days. If you have any trusted friend or relative, I suggest you go to them but make sure to cover your tracks. I don't know how extensive was the damage done by the bullet to you, but just know this: you're lucky to even be breathing right now. That bullet was supposed to destroy you inside and out, in human or in dragon form." She talked to him without really looking at him. Her mind was a mess. Her priority right now was to make sure he'd be able to fend for himself before she goes to leave him. Whatever happens after that is out of her control.
He was silent for a moment. "I dont have any family. They were murdered." He shook his head. "I dont have anything left. Nothing." There was no bitterness in his voice, just resignation. He'd known his whole life that a hunter would catch up to him someday, despite his caution, and now here he was. He placed a hand on his stomach, thinking about what she said about the bullet. What a nasty thing. Cruel, even. "Besides, I think that bullet did more than enough damage." He smiled wryly. "Digestion's going to be hell. I wont make it far on my own. Not for a while." He shook his head. "Just call one of your buddies and get it over with."
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