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  1. Primarily Prefer Male
GROUP RP PLOTTING - INTEREST CHECK - Don't Wake the Captain (Sci-fi/sci-fantasy)

Jameson purred, literally, as her warp engines roared to life. The bubble began to form around them and the ship rumbled for a few moments as the properties of space changed around them, and they settled into warp space, the ship softly moving through the endless dark sea with streaks of light in the distance being their only company. The modified blue and white hull apparent with no distraction.

Captain Tre'Ariel's ears perked up and he smiled at his crew, his willowy doelike form wrapped up in thick blue-white robes. His long hair cascaded down his back, various braids mixed with the hair, and despite all of this puffing up in form, he seemed absolutely small next to Commander Fomali, despite being almost as tall. His cheekbones were rather high and tinted black, his irises held the same chocolate color as his skin. He cast an arm out, and touched it to the commander's cheek, his thumb rubbing across his cheekbones, "I relinquish command of the ship to Commander Fomali." He said, removing his hand from Fomali's face, unable to hide his glib elation at seeing Fomali's thoughts towards him. Commander Fomali blushed, noticing Tre'Ariel's reaction, causing Tre'Ariel to chuckle.

Commander Fomali growled as Tre'Ariel left the room, striding over to the big chair that was in the fighter bay. The Polaris pilots stood at attention at the very back, their associated mercenaries sat on the floor, playing cards. Metal fold up chairs were set up in the plain blue grey room, enough for the entirety of the crew directly in front of the big chair. The five foot tall reclined blue chair sprawled back and forward from where Fomali stood. He leaned on the arm of the chair with a sigh before turning back to the crew, "All right everyone, we're in hyperspace, the cooks should be the only one who have stuff to do right now, and the ones who do are already in the kitchen, so dismissed." He said.

The Polaris soldiers strode, as willowy as the captain, but their military attire covered that up admirably, head to toe in puffy armored clothes, the same color of their ship. Three of them had purple and black uniforms, having been transferred here only after they got their own ship. As the crew began to shuffle out, the ships in the bay began to move like usual, some of the soldiers began setting up food and water for them, a group on each wall turned on valves that the ships excitedly swarmed around.
They were barely bigger around than a man, but they were meant for the Polaris to lay snugly inside.

The Polaris Sergeant's plastic stopper was visible clearly, grey against white and Commander Fomali had to force himself to look away from the stopper, knowing it was on a tube to his heart made him deeply uncomfortable despite having seen them for nearly ten years. The Sergeant soluted to the commander, "You are relieved." He said with a nod. Commander Fomali nodded and walked off with a smile, heading to the chow hall. He grabbed one of the breakfast burritos that are cooked at all hours of all days and looked for his friends to sit down with them.
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Jolinar was approaching the 6th year anniversary of when she joined the ship. And to be honest she hadn't really thought about what she would do to mark the occasion. She really enjoyed her life on Jameson, and the pay was superb, She spent very little of what she made on board Jameson. Mostly it was on necessities like fabrics for clothing, items to make her office more inviting and comfortable, incense, floor pillows, massage oils. Recreational herbs for her hookah.

They had just received a slew of new crew members and soon she would have a full docket helping to ease tensions of those adjusting to life out on the rim, with their Captain. Jolinar paused to touch the wall of the ship...stroking it gently. "Good Morning Jameson." She murmured sweetly before making her way down the corridor she was dressed in flowing robes of soft char-muse silk, her midriff was bare, she looked lovely in shades of scarlet. She stepped into the Mess hall and spied Commander Fomali, and after grabbing a plate of fruit and a breakfast burrito, she made her way to join him.

"You have that 'look' again Fomali." She said with a smile as she sank into the seat beside him.
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Erimos paused at the threshold of the mess hall and took in the usual sight of the crew getting their breakfasts and hailing each other with cheerful "Good mornings!" It was almost crass the way they ambled and milled about, coarsely filling their stomachs with food and talking about their plans for the day. He huffed to himself irritably. He had not slept well the night before, the usual anxiety about their captain and his aversion to being disturbed plaguing the Vell O. With a gentle motion, he caressed the doorway of the Jameson and entered the hall. The ship was a comforting presence, he understood it and trusted it after years of living and working alongside it. It was the rest of the crew that was more opaque to him.

And now there was a fresh batch of newbies and they always took some taking in hand to make sure they didn't do anything too stupid. Usually the senior members could stop them from causing a disaster too big but it was such a headache. He would probably have to train someone. He hated training the newbies.

Choosing strong black tea and a bowl of hot cereal with a piece of fruit, he glided to a table and settled at it, arranging his long robe around himself gracefully.
Fomali looked to his two companions that had settled in the table with him, and noticed Erimos look of mild discomfort that neatly mirrored his own. He turned to Jolinar in response to her question and sucked on his teeth, "The captain... Still teases me... I've worked for him for 15 years and..." He sighed softly before tearing into his burrito, almost as if he felt the best course of action was to spite eat all the burritoes so that the captain couldn't have any when he woke up. He slowed his chewing on the breakfast burrito and looked to the humanoid crew around them of various species.

A grand number of them were dark like him and his companions, as was to be expected, most star systems had planets that were bathed in as intense or more intense radiation than Earth. He realized, like every time, that these were going to be the last breakfast burritoes like this as the captain would demand that the local cuisine on their planet be made into a breakfast burrito. He looked into it, the green-brown eggs tasted faintly of algae, but other than that they tasted like an Earth chicken egg.

He tore more vigorously into his burrito, finishing it in a few bites before going back to the counter and grabbing another as well as a glass of fruit juice that he couldn't pronounce before returning to his companions, looking to them both, "The captain informs me we will be going to a red dwarf star system we haven't been before." He said in an effort to change subjects, "Do you two psychics know anything about it from Jameson?" he asked.
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Jolinar reached out a hand and patted Fomali's arm. "If you like you can come back to my office as we can work on some restorative meditation and massage, help ease the frustrations."

She paused at his question about their newest destination and shook her head. "No. She has only expressed contentment to me lately. " She murmured
"Did he say what the name of this system was?" Erimos wondered, blowing on a spoonful of cereal and eating it. It was, as always, just right. A hint of nutmeg, a dash of sweetness and just the right texture. He had to grudgingly admit that the ship cooks knew what they were doing. He almost succeeded in not smirking at Jolinar's suggestion. Massage was a little too new age for him, he prickled when other people touched him and the idea of trying to relax while it happened made him unconsciously tense up. Still, he had to admit that Fomali looked like he needed something to help him de-stress a little. Had the captain placed that burden on his shoulders, Erimos would probably be wearing the same expression.

"Yes, she seems quite peaceful these days," he agreed, "though I'll admit I wouldn't mind a little excitement. It hardly feels like I have anything to do when she's not throwing a tantrum." He smiled a bit.
He nodded to Jolinar's offer, "Thank you." He said softly, slowing down on his consumption of the burrito as they continued to talk, "The system name is Talmo. But I get the feeling the captain is taking us along on one of his pirate hunting adventures..." He ruminated on this, finishing his burrito and drinking down the rest of his juice. He chuckled when Erimos said he felt the need for a bit more excitement, "A month ago we had a fight with the government of a single star system for quote 'Smuggling illegal species into the system' she didn't throw a tantrum then, but I'm sure you had your hands full when she started getting swamped... That is, until the captain came out."

He paused for a moment, "What was the name of that system anyways? Mer-something..."
Jolinar wagged a finger at Erimos. "We get plenty of excitement. The more excitement we have, the less I sleep. And I do enjoy my downtime." She said grinning. She wondered when the Captain would make a visit to her office, he'd been sleeping a lot as was his usual. She shook the frivolous thought from her mind and turned her attention to Fomali. "Meranda wasn't it?"
He rolled his eyes at Jolinar and muttered, "If you had anymore downtime you would meld with the various cushions you keep in your room." The Vell O looked around the room, contemplating their newest assignment. If it was pirates they were hunting that was sure to kick up a little dust. He didn't like the Jameson riled up, as a rule, but he felt the most connected to her when she was in a heightened state. It made him feel like he knew his place in the universe: on board the ship, calming and supporting her.

He held up the piece of fruit he had grabbed, a long bulbous shape with what seemed like a rind on one side and soft fuzz on the other. "What in stars is this, do you think?" And how do you eat it, he wondered.
Fomali laughed at the antics between the two of them, "Downtime is nice, especially when you get paid for it. I wonder if the newbies this time know that the mercenaries hate sitting on their hands and that the Polaris military commander is only too happy to order the mercenaries to be the police." He chuckled remembering the last time someone tried starting trouble and the resulting stampede of mercenaries jumping at something to do. He shrugged at the mention of the name, "Dunno, hardly matters anymore, last I heard from the captain, they have a rebellion on their hands after they were weakened, a rebellion that has stated openly that it wants to join the federation, so we know who is going to win that. It'll probably be named something else next week."

Fomali squinted at the fruit Erimos had and shrugged, "I gave up on them a long time ago, just started calling them space versions of whatever fruit they remind me of the most, in this case... I suppose space melon? Try eating from the opposite side of the rind and tell me what it tastes like... If you can think of an Earth fruit, that is..."
Jolinar wagged a finger at Erimos. Jolinar turned an incredibly sweet smile at Erimos as he talked down about her down time.. "Seeing as you hardly visit me in my rooms, I find it hard to believe you know what it is I actually do, in my down time." She purred softly as she lifted a slice of the fruit like Erimos's... she licked the soft fuzzy side in a way that was quite distracting before she took a pleasant little bite.

A droplet of juice trickled along the edge of her lip and she caught it with her tongue, smirking. She bit her bottom lip and turned a mirthful smirk at Fomali. Sometimes even Jolinar liked to be a bit of a tease. "Speaking of down time Fomali, are you busy later? I need a good work out, and you're one of the few people who never holds back on me. I need a good spar."
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Erimos met her gaze and stared back, coolly, not rising to the bait or giving her anything to encourage her teasing. Due to their mutual connection with the Jameson, he sometimes found it was easier to be distracted or thrown off by her playful words and gestures, especially when she was almost making out with her food. However, after awhile he found ways to inoculate himself against it or at the least ignore it.

He bit down into the fuzzy side of the "space melon" and sucked on it loudly in her direction, making fun of her a little. Spitting the melon out, he grimaced. "It's so sour," he coughed a little, "why do they keep buying sour fruit? I swear, the captain has a sick sense of humor." He wiped his hand on his napkin and took a sip of tea. "I wouldn't venture that the newbies know much of anything, they rarely do." Another sip of tea, he realized that the sour aftertaste was actually making it taste better. Maybe he'd try mixing the two next time. "What's on your agendas after your...sparring?" He asked.
Fomali coughed, "More like I'm the only one on the crew who can physically keep up with you..." He muttered under his breath, shaking his head. He cleared his throat, "Sure, I can spar with you." He chuckled lightly at the banter between the two psychics, wondering if there was some secret undercurrent he wasn't catching due to his lack of psychic ability. He shook his head and decided it wasn't worth wasting any mental energy on.

He laughed at Erimos' reaction to the melon, covering his mouth as he did, knowing it was futile trying to be polite anyways, he still felt the need to. The Polaris military and the mercenaries began to file in, the polaris all picking up burritoes and the hot cereal that Erimos took, the mercenaries taking heaps of bacon from the local equivalent of pigs as well as a variety of the last of the fruit from their destination. The Polaris were unable to hide their grins, not hiding at all the fact that they were looking at the group of three.

Their commander shook their head before leading them over to the tables that were theirs, the blue and white mottled fabric signifying it belonged to the military crew, "The hive mind is here." He said, his nickname for any group of psychics that stick together fitting comfortably around their synchronized actions and nearly identical clothes. He turned to Erimos, "I was thinking of playing cards with the mercenaries, how about you?" He asked Erimos.
Jolinar blew a playful kiss at Erimos and gave him a saucy wink as he tried to tease her with the fruit, giggling at how it backfired because it was so sour. He was down right adorable. " I was thinking a nice luxurious bath. You could join me if you liked." She murmured, serious in the invitation, but doubting that he would take her up on it.

She grinned at Fomali. "Can I help it that you and I are the most fit aboard? We could really give those green-horns a run for their money. " She said smirking, in reference to the new guys.
The Vell O choked on his tea a little and blushed under his already dark complexion. He couldn't always ignore her games and her teasing, after all. "No, I think I'll decline," he wiped his mouth of the sour juice and tea, reconnecting himself with the Jameson to gain back his mental footing. He could feel her smile and tried not to blush harder.

"The Hive Mind is here," he heard Formali say and frowned a little. "It's their training, Commander," he let a little chastisement into his voice, "not all empaths clump together like that, it's just the way they've learned." He gestured to their other table mate, "Jolinar and I could have easily wound up in a similar group ourselves...if she was at all teachable that is." He smiled to show it was a joke, nevertheless preparing to dodge if she decided to playfully stab him with a fork. "Anyways, I find the mercenaries to be a little sore when they lose at cards," he added, "they'll never openly threaten one of us, but sometimes the emotions can become overwhelming."
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Fomali chuckled at Jolinar teasing Erimos, "Joining the bath sounds like my idea of a fun time." He said with a wink to Jolinar, glad of the distraction. She said they could give the green horns a run for their money and he shook his head, "Well of course we could, but that's not the point, if we mess with the green horns too much, captain may have to help with the unloading, you guys wouldn't remember it because you weren't here yet, but he killed two crewmen last time that happened." He shuddered at the memory.

"I fully realize it's in their training. It still creeps me out, I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of one of their attacks." He said softly, remembering the synchronized way their ships circled the enemy, dogging them while taking down their shields before allowing the mercenaries to descend upon them like vultures. He chuckled at the talk of the mercenaries being sore at cards, "Yeah, but I don't win too often anyways, hard to have an advantage against those guys without being an empath." He said with a smirk at Erimos, he won most often when Erimos was playing, he had an easy tell.
Jolinar pouted lightly at Erimos. "Truly Erimos, I don't bite. Unless that's something you prefer..." She shrugged filing away her disappointment at his declining of the bath. "If you change your mind, the offer remains open." She told him before she chuckled at Fomali. He was her very good friend, and they enjoyed a great rapport. "Baths can be quite enjoyable, under the right circumstances. "
She said smirking at him. "And no, I would rather not disturb the Captain under any circumstances, I have been fortunate enough to not be present during such an incident, I'm unsure how well I would cope, to be frank. " She was unsure how a violent death in her presence would effect her psyche. She knew eventually she would have to find out. But she had no desire to hasten such a lesson.
Erimos toyed with the remains of his breakfast, thinking of the stories he had heard about the ship's captain. They were enough to make him inwardly shudder, if they were true. Actually, he could count the number of times on one hand he had spoken to the captain since he started on the Jameson. Usually he was sleeping or going over things with his officers, such as Formali, meaning Erimos was left to his role of supporting the ship. It was an unusual set up, but he really couldn't complain.

Looking up, he moved to gather his dishes and said, "I have a few things I need to sort out in my quarters, but let me know if I'm needed elsewhere. As long as the need is something other than card playing, " he looked at the commander.
He chuckled and nodded, "I've been with the captain longer than Jameson has been alive. He's calmed down a lot since he got Jameson, I think she helps." He looked at the displays in the corners of the cafeteria that showed a bit of the space outside, and he could see the captains dream form, dancing in Jameson's wake, flying about with her, "Captain's dreaming." He said, pointing to the screen tilted against the ceiling of the mess hall. The small blue form of the captain standing out against the blackness of the void of warp, only broken by occassional streaks of light.

Fomali nodded to Erimos as he excused himself, "All right, not likely gonna happen." He said with a chuckle, "How about you Jolinar?" He asked as he stood with Erimos, "You gonna be heading back to quarters?"
Jolinar rose and picked up her tray.. "I suppose I must. That bath is calling to me.. " She murmured softly as her gaze fell upon the screen watching the Captains dream form outside in space.. "Did you wish to join me Fomali?" She murmured as she deposited her tray and turned to him raising a brow.
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