~Disney Life- Behind The Magic| Sign Ups and OOC~

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
@Lazy_Not_Bored The Brayton thing affects your character, and also, Naveen has been reserved, can't remember for who, but someone asked for it. Also next time, don't edit the post, just make a new one, makes it easier for me
@Ghosty @Lazy_Not_Bored The front list of taken spots has been updated, so you can look there for references, also this has managed to give me a headache, so it is going to take me a while to get everything down

@Tart Please post your Mad Hatter soon, as we will be starting tonight I believe
  • Thank You
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I am hesitant about the girl part, because we have so little of the male species. Could you make the guy first and then do the other one?
Can you add Belle, Beast, and Gaston
because I would LOOOOOOVVVVVEEEE to play Gaston
@Lazy_Not_Bored If you can read the list, in LARGE letters it says NOT ACCEPTING FROM THIS CATTEGORY above it so not currently
Ok (sorry for putting you through all this shit) my male character will be for the Toy Story Midway and I'm just Editing my female character's post


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@Lunar❖Muse We got this, I also declined accepting further Brayton members due to the oversize at one school

✮Name✮Alice Abernathy
✮Nicname(s)✮ Ali
✮Age and Birthday✮ 20

✮Year Of College✮ Third
✮Major✮ PR Consoltant
✮College✮ Jasher
✮Gender✮ Female
✮Sexuality✮ Straight
✮Position✮ Pineapple Ice-cream
✮Nationalities✮ American
✮Eye Color✮ hazel
✮Hair Description✮

✮Height✮ 5'0''
✮Weight✮ 102
✮Piercings✮ single on each ear

✮Health Ailments✮ N/A
Ali is bubbly and loves to laugh almost as much as she loves to make others laugh, she's witty and for a lack of a better word adorable. She isn't innocent though nor naive. She knows the real world is a piece of shit but that's part of the reason why she wants to work at Disney world; it's like reality doesn't reach this little corner of the world. So Alice can crack as many jokes and laugh as hard as she wants. Ali is super friendly, she doesn't bite. Unless you want her to, she's a bit of a flirt. Not a lot of people don't like Ali but those that do she chooses to keep out of her life, simple as that.
✮History✮ (maybe later)
:heartbeat:Jokes/Funny People
:heartbeat:Her future job= Press Consultant
:heartbeat:Watching Tv/Movies/Books/Stories

:no:Debie Downers
:no:People who don't believe in Magic (or that children should)
:no:People Who don't know what they're talking about

:no:Abusive People
:bouncy:Reading books/ Magazines
:bouncy:Watching Movies/ TV
:bouncy:occasionally running

:thumbsup2:Discovering Potential

:bumblebee:Most Bugs
:shhh:Cries at most Romantic movies
:shhh: Dances when she's alone
:shhh:She's Adopted
:shhh: Had an abusive ex

Adoptive Father-Dexter Abernathy
Adoptive Mother-Jessie Abernathy
(not Adopted)Older Brother- Daniel Abernathy
Adopted Younger brother-Max Abernathy

David- Ex (abusive)
✮Dorm #✮ 11
✮Dorm Appearance✮

I live in FL so I've been to Disney Worlds like a dozen times roller coaster please:)



Jacob Calvet
✮Nicname(s)✮ (most commonly used)Jake
✮Age and Birthday✮ 19
January 29.1996

✮Year Of College✮ Second
✮Major✮ Science and Engineering
✮College✮ Harborson
✮Gender✮ Male
✮Sexuality✮ Straight
✮Position✮ Toy Story Midway Mania
✮Nationalities✮ Spain-France
✮Eye Color✮ Hazel
✮Hair Description✮

✮Height✮ 6'1''
✮Weight✮ 165
✮Piercings✮ N/A
✮Health Ailments✮ N/A
Jake is a Cocky guy, who knows he is beautiful. Jake likes Junk food and sports . He has a soft spot for kids hence the job. Jake is a man's man, As the lead pitcher in his high school's champion baseball team. While certainly athletic in every sense of the word, Michael is no meat head jock without a care for others. His family and friends always come first. Going from Sport to Science was one of the biggest decisions he's ever made. And he doesn't regret it. Although he still works out as if he was a professional baseball player. He's outgoing but not a chatter box. He enjoys the company of certain personalities.
He is a flirt but not a player he had one girlfriend all through high school and just recently broke it off (because of long distance). he was a jerk jock in highs chool but he's turning a new leaf becoming the nerd for once, going for his Masters and hopefully PHD in Science and Engineering.
:yes:Sports/Working out

:no:Bullies(being a former bully)
:no:Strict People
:no:Being called a nerd

:bouncy:Working Out
:bouncy:Playing Baseball
:bouncy:Reading/Watching Action Books/Movies

:soapbox:Public Speaking
:shhh:Can dance well
:shhh:Had third highest score in his school for standardized testing

Father-Joshua Calvet
Mother-Abigail Gonzalez

✮Relationships✮ Dana Mason-Ex
✮Dorm #✮ 3
✮Dorm Appearance✮

Working at Disneyland is going to be the best thing EVER​
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Cain Forrest Sciacchitano ✮

✮ N i c k n a m e (s) ✮
"Please, refrain from ever uttering my first name..."

✮ B i r t h d a y ✮
✮ A g e ✮

February 29th [Pisces] & Twenty-One
"I am now of legal drinking age, isn't that awesome!"

✮ Y e a r O f C o l l e g e ✮
"I am almost done, so close... I can almost taste it."

✮ M a j o r ✮
"Eh, why not right?"

✮ C o l l e g e ✮
"It's my dream school."

✮ G e n d e r ✮
Male (he/him)
"I sure hope that was obvious. Awkward..."

✮ S e x u a l i t y ✮
"I swing both ways, if you must know."

✮ P o s i t i o n ✮
Star Tours - The Adventure Continues
"I've been a Star Wars junkies since a child, of course I work here!"

✮ N a t i o n a l i t i e s ✮
Half Italian, a Third Irish, Caucasian
"I'm a mutt, what are ya going to do?"

✮ E y e C o l o r ✮
"I take after my dear, sweet mother."

✮ H a i r D e s c r i p t i o n ✮
Dark Brown, both Messy and Unruly
"I usually just wake up and head out the door in the morning."

✮ H e i g h t ✮
183cm (6ft. 0in.)
"Yeah, I'm average."

✮ W e i g h t ✮
68kg (167lbs.)
"Eh, I'm not really a protein kind of guy."

✮ P i e r c i n g s ✮
"My mother would murder me..."

✮ M a r k s ✮
Natural beauty marks splashed against his skin, but not many scars. He does have three distinct tattoos, which will be covered during working hours.


Left Arm/Upper Back


"Cool, huh?"

✮ H e a l t h A i l m e n t s ✮
None, besides the metal sheet that is in his head.
"As healthy as a horse!"


✮ P e r s o n a l i t y ✮
Forrest is the bear. He is cuddly, sweet, funny, and above all, mischievous. He may not be the mastermind behind the pranks him and some of his buddies do, but he has his own flair behind each and every one. He's the bulk and enjoys getting the pieces that make up each prank and/or outing him and his friends go to. He doesn't talk much, allowing the other participant of the conversation to take over, and only answering the questions they may ask. He can be stubborn and quite rude when you get him riled-up though, standing tall with his friends when a problem arises. He is the type of guy to always have your back, even if you two aren't the best of friends. He is mister smiley in the group, always trying to get his pals to laugh along with him. Forrest has no idea what personal space is, but he's such a sweetie that it's hard to get angry with him. When it comes to fighting, Forrest is more into defending and dodging than attacking. He can practically wiggle himself out of anything with his charm, which is also his major downfall. He is also very mistrusting due to past encounters.
He is quiet, sweet, but has a dark past that sometimes creeps up on him on sunny days. There are times when he wants nothing to do with the world or it's inhabitants. He would rather be alone on the weekends, inside, curled up with his favorite book. He could be described as a minor Schizoid, but he is also incredibly extroverted when you work your way under his shell. It's hard to tell what kind of day Forrest is having until you begin to speak to him, if he ignores you--stay away, if he smiles--continue onward.
"I am also the best at puns. Want to hear one?"

✮ H i s t o r y ✮
Forrest somewhat clams up when people ask about his past and/or his family. He usually shrugs and tells them the necessities and not the entirety of his story. The past is the past, nobody can change what has already happened.
"I have a mom, a dad, a younger sister, and a cat. There."

✮ L i k e s ✮
Beaches, pasta, pineapple, movies, card games, the sky, cats, tinkering, artwork, cooking, laughter, hiking, and etc.
"It's hard to put it all down in a list."

✮ D i s l i k e s ✮
His first name, naturally rude people, dream killers, magic killers, birds, the cold, dust, etc.
"Again, who could make a list?"

✮ H o b b ie s ✮
Baking and cooking, traveling, swimming, making things, hiking, and etc.
"There are just too many things I do to pass the time!"


✮ T a l e n t s ✮
Tinkering, creating things, puzzle-solving.
"I'm not that special."

✮ F e a r s ✮
The dark and what lies behind the shadows.
"My father liked to tell me stories as a kid and-- well, let's just say they are always in the back of my mind."

✮ S e c r e t s ✮
His younger sister hates him.
His brother passed away when he was young.
He was partially blamed for said incident above.
He died shortly after the incident, but doctors brought him back.
Building and tinkering was a hobby is brother did.
He smokes cigarettes, but only when alone.
He was kicked out at sixteen and has only recently visited his parents since then.

✮ F a m i l y ✮
Father | Adam Sciacchitano | 56 | Alive
Mother | Margot Sciacchitano | 49 | Alive
Sister | Barley Sciacchitano | 15 | Alive
Brother | Abel Sciacchitano | Deceased
"We're no Brady Bunch."

✮ R e l a t i o n s h i p s

✮ D o r m ✮
"I hope my roommate is cool."

✮ D o r m A p p e a r a n c e ✮

"Reminds me of the outdoors!"

✮ O t h e r ✮
"Working at Disneyland is going to be the best thing ever!"


Kammael Réne Wayshire ✮

✮ N i c k n a m e (s)✮
"My mother calls me Kammael."

✮ B i r t h d a y ✮
✮ A g e ✮

December 28th [Capricorn] & Twenty
"I am mature now, a grown adult, I am responsible! Just kidding. I am far from it."

✮ Y e a r O f C o l l e g e ✮
"Best years of my life!"

✮ M a j o r ✮
"Yes, I am that kind of nerd."

✮ C o l l e g e ✮
"I was so happy when I got accepted, you don't understand."

✮ G e n d e r ✮
Female (she/her)
"I sure hope it was obvious... It was, right?"

✮ S e x u a l i t y ✮
"Not to be confused with pansexual, nor polyromantic."

✮ P o s i t i o n ✮
"I love my job!"

✮ N a t i o n a l i t i e s ✮
British, a Quarter Irish, Caucasian
"I mostly hail from Britain, can't you hear the accent? Faintly?"

✮ E y e C o l o r ✮
Mint Green
"My favorite attribute..."

✮ H a i r D e s c r i p t i o n ✮
Auburn, Short and always Wavy
"I don't ever straighten my hair, ever!"

✮ H e i g h t ✮
172cm (5ft. 8in.)
"I could be a model... Just kidding!"

✮ W e i g h t ✮
55kg (149lbs.)
"Do not be fooled, I can pack a mean punch."

✮ P i e r c i n g s ✮
Belly Button


Both Ears


"Yes, I do match up my EARRINGS on both ears. Duh."

✮ M a r k s ✮
A few beauty marks splashed across her body, but nothing worthwhile. She has a few tattoos and piercings though.
Upper Right Arm


Lower Left Wrist


"They second one is new, and still healing..."

✮ H e a l t h A i l m e n t s ✮
Seasonal Allergies
"Spring is my mortal enemy."


✮ P e r s o n a l i t y ✮
Kammie is kind, energetic, and radiates happiness wherever she may go. She isn't afraid to make an impression, nor is she afraid to make a complete fool of herself. Laughter is the best medicine, and she tries her best to give everyone a dose or two, especially when she picks up on negative auras. She is carefree and a conversationalist, usually initiating one with a stranger and not feeling the slightest bit embarrassed about it. Sometimes, her filter goes haywire and she says or does things she doesn't mean, which is a problem with those who can be easily hurt. When something like this happens, Kammie apologizes over a million times and explains that it's just something she has yet to keep under control, her charismatic attitude is usually what gets her out of those awkward situations.

The young woman is a go-getter, an adventurer, and more diligent than you could ever imagine. She will try her hardest, for hours upon hours, to make someone feel more comfortable in her presence as well as offer advice that some may not desire. She knows when to pry and she knows when to allow someone to mull-it-out, but sometimes, in regards of her friends, Kammie can't help poke into the affairs that do not involve her. She is the one you would go to if you had relationship problems, but not one for large, life decisions. For the life of her, when it comes to choosing, Kammie has difficulty weighing her options and going with the best route. She sees potential in all outcomes (as well as people) and has a soft-spot for the misunderstood or the outcasts.

Overall, Kammie is too sweet, but never does she ever let her emotions get the best of her. She is incredibly organized and holds herself together whenever a problem arises. She may be scatter-brained in all other accounts, but when it comes to problem-solving, you can count on Kammie no matter what. She constantly finds herself wedged between a rock and a hard place and yet she finds the exit unscathed each time. She is empathetic, understanding the pain of others, and sometimes makes rash decisions according to how her friend's feel. The consequences to these decisions are quite messy, but Kammie always shakes her head and claims she would do them all over again.
"I also think I am pretty hilarious, but you can be the judge of that."

✮ H i s t o r y ✮
Kammie has not been plagued with a tragedy in her life and simply tells those who ask that she grew up fine and dandy. She doesn't believe that spilling your life story to anyone will change it. This may be the one thing she is quite serious about, and not many push her to say more.
"I have a pair of loving parents, two younger brothers, three cats, and one large German Shepherd. Does that suffice your curiosity?"

✮ L i k e s ✮
Music, science, food, baking, dogs, cats, the grass, games, school, books, and etc.
"I could go on for hours if you let me!"

✮ D i s l i k e s ✮
Magic killers, Debbie-downers, the rain, loud criers, doing laundry, and etc.
"Oh please! Let me just count on my fingers."

✮ H o b b i e s ✮
Playing ukulele, baking, running, reading, writing, and etc.
"I sometimes sing in the shower too."


✮ T a l e n t s ✮
The ukulele, her brain, academics.
"I'm just a nerdy girl in a plain, old world."

✮ F e a r s ✮
"I don't like it, I just do not like it. Okay? That's it."

✮ S e c r e t s ✮
She accidentally ran over her cat a few months ago.
Her brothers play with her bras.
She doesn't believe in the concept of 'virginity.'
She plays a card game called: Magic, The Gathering.
She can finish a 300-page book in one day.
Her GPA was higher than a 4.0.
Her father just recently passed away from cancer.
She had to pay for the funeral, because her mother was so distraught.
She is terrified to fly.

✮ F a m i l y ✮
Father | Jacob Wayshire | 50 | Deceased
Mother | Patricia Wayshire | 43 | Alive
Brother | Anthony Wayshire | 13 | Alive
Brother | Benjamin Wayshire | 13 | Alive

✮ R e l a t i o n s h i p s ✮

✮ D o r m ✮
"There are a lot of girls here..."

✮ D o r m A p p e a r a n c e ✮

"My little hidey-hole."

✮ O t h e r ✮
"I have been in love with Disneyland since I was a little girl."
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Can I make the boy for Toy Story Midway Mania?
Oh, right. I just realized that, haha, my bad. I guess I'll just wait until more male positions are offered ♥