[Discord] One Flesh One End [f//, fxt, fxm]

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Awkward scapegoat
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
Online Availability
Sporadically throughout the day~
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Prestige
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Transgender
  4. Agender
Romance, historical, fantasy, slice of life
Life has finally stopped stepping on my throat, so I'd like to try this again...

Here's what I'm looking for with a partner:
  • Character development
  • Redemption arcs
  • Romance, romance, romance! fxf, fxt*, t*xt*, or fxm
  • Bringing in side characters/NPCs as needed
  • Brainstorming together-- please! Don't leave me to be making all the hard decisions
Shit I'm 100% not about:
  • Doubling, let's pull in NPCs but heck no I won't main two OCs
  • Mxm in any form— I just don't play male characters, sorry
  • Underage characters
  • "Submissive only" types— everything is a spectrum! Playing with OCs who are strictly submissive is just so boring
  • Incest
  • Anime FCs-- if you hit me with one of these I will immediately lose interest and probably disappear into the void
  • Fading to black... boring!
Still with me?
Good. My name is Bee, I'm old, queer, friendly, and looking to get back into my feels about OCs. I play AFAB (assigned female at birth) characters, ranging from hyper femme to transmasc. I am Literate +, but at this point in life I'm looking for something low key with quick back-and-forth and no real expectations beyond the obvious (watch your grammar/spelling and please write at least a paragraph). I've recently started a new career, so my schedule is all over the place, but I promise to reply at least once a day, generally far more so if I can find the time between clients. Now, on to the good stuff...

RP themes I enjoy:
  • Enemies to Lovers
  • Opposites Attract
  • Age Gap Romances
  • Blossoming Queer Romances
  • Slice of Life (So long as there's some sort of plot!)
  • Crossdressing (Crossdressing as a plot point is not to be confused with trans* characters, but we love those too!)
  • Plots based on songs (Have one you want to build on? Let me hear it! I love building playlists for OCs/RPs)
  • Any sort of historical setting that we can build a plot around (1920s, 1950s, Victorian, Ancient Greece, inquire with a time period and I'm sure we can work just about any era out!)
Pairings I enjoy:
(I like the underlined roles.)
  • HadesxPersephone
  • Oberon/TitaniaxHuman (Think 17th-19th century Ireland and fairy rings)
  • Man/Woman of GodxThe Harlot (Historical, possibly modern, think "Carnivale" vibes)
  • Power Hungry WomanxSon/Daughter of a mob boss (Historical or Current)
  • Student/Parent of studentxTeacher
  • City SlickerxCountry Born (Vague plot idea)
  • Selkie/Mermaid/SirenxSailor (Historical)
  • Vampire/WerewolfxHuman
  • VampirexWitch (See: Vampires, Witches, and... Druglords? Oh My for some worldbuilding)
Current craving:
Right now, I'm hella craving some good romance that I can really sink my teeth into. Let's get invested. Here's my biggest craving right now--
A roleplay based in the world of Gideon the Ninth! I'd love to explore the dynamic between a necromancer and her cavalier, preferably f//. I haven't finished Harrow the Ninth yet, so apologies for not being completely up to date with world stuff. I think it would be fun!

Or. ya know, studentxteacher or some variation thereof always works.

My Plots:

But Now You're a Stranger
[Wordbank: Childhood Friends ♥ Old Flames ♥ Enemies to Lovers ♥ Opposites Attract ♥ Slice of Life]
MC= My Character YC= Your Character
Picture this-- a small suburban town in the mid 90s, two girls on opposite sides of the social spectrum slowly fall in love. The relationship is kept secret for as long as it lasts, but some silly teenage drama eventually pulls them apart. The girls go their separate ways. Fast forward 10-15 years later and the two meet again by pure happenstance. MC has changed beyond recognition (they're transmasculine), but they still end up recognizing the girl who broke their heart at a time when being queer just wasn't accepted. YC has no idea what she's in for.

Vampires, Witches, and... Druglords? Oh my
fxf, fxt*, fxm
Cassandra Bishop is the great (x15!) granddaughter of Bridget Bishop, the first witch hanged to death on Gallows Hill during the Salem Witch Trials. With the expectations of her community, her mother, and her grandmothers before her, she needs to tread the straight and narrow between the human world and her own. It seems the fates are against her as the Underdark is threatened to become exposed due to a leak in the system. Vampires have begun to sell their venom, marketing it as a drug more powerful than opiods. This highly addictive elixir slowly seeps into the human world, sowing chaos among mortals. Cassandra must rise up with her sisters and brothers to bring down this terror and keep the Underdark from being brought to light. But what will happen when Cassandra finds herself falling for the enemy?

The worldbuilding...
Witches are only as powerful as their bloodline. The further back you can trace your lineage of magick blood, the stronger you are. Vampires have a similar method of tracing their lineage, fledgelings typically taking on the surname of the vampire who turned them. The older and more powerful the paternal vampire, the stronger the fledgeling, and so on. There are a handful of Draculas, Orlocks, and Barlows spread throughout the world. The stronger the vampire, the more euphoric and addicting their venom is, thus allowing them to more easily feed upon humans and others. Witches and vampires loathe each other, as witches are white magic users who believe in giving and the power of natural magic. Anyone who willingly allows a vampire to feed upon them is weak and undesirable. Vampires take the life force from others to survive, thus are seen as a sort of blood sucking pariah by witches. Being the harlots that they are, in these trying financial times some of the more powerful young fledglings (100-500 years old) have begun selling their venom to line their pockets, creating a sort of mafia-mentality between the families. At first, this venom was just being distributed through the Underdark (werewolves, pixies, elves, etc), but has slowly made its way into human hands. This mistake is threatening to expose the Underdark to the human race, causing chaos between the Underdark species.

The Underdark is just the term used by the supernatural creatures who inhabit the Earth as a word to describe their 'world' vs that of regular humans. Creatures belonging to the Underdark walk side by side amongst the humans. Vampires don't burst into flames in the sun, but depending on how well fed they are the sun can be anywhere between an annoyance/light sunburn, to straight up 3rd degree burns that will lead to their death. It is recommended that they always wear sunglasses when setting foot into the sun's dangerous UV rays.

Vampires secrete a type of venom into their prey when they bite them, much like a snake. Unlike the above mentioned reptile however, the vampire's venom is only meant to subdue their victim. The venom causes a state of drug-like euphoria, and makes it much easier for the vampire to feed. It also allows for the vampire to escape without worrying about their prey remembering it the next day. Most humans tend to shake off feedings as being a dream, or perhaps they were too intoxicated and imagined the whole thing. Unfortunately, prolonged exposure to this venom creates a terrible addiction, along with all the side effects of withdrawal.

My Happiness Depends on You
fxf, fxt*
(Based on "Jolene" by Dolly Parton )
Woman A is married to Man A, but Man A has begun coming home from work later and later. He claims overtime, says it's him just trying to keep a roof over their head, etc. Eventually, Woman A gets tired of the lies, and she follows Man A as he leaves his shift at work. Man A ends up at a bar/strip club/etc, and makes a beeline for Woman B. Woman A runs home, devastated. Eventually, Woman A decides to confront Woman B, and shows up to Woman B's workplace to speak with her, begging her to leave her husband alone. Woman B is far too beautiful for her to even think of competing with, she knows her husband would leave her in an instant for this Woman B. Well, jokes on all of them, because Woman B is gayer than the day is long, and instead decides to show Woman A that she deserves better, and can actually be treated the way she deserves.

Sooner or Later You Wake Up Next to a Stranger
fxf, fxt*, fxm
(Based on "Young Boy" by Lake Street Dive )
Childhood friends. High school sweethearts. Engaged at 18. Married by 20. Life seemed so perfect at first. Unfortunately, things don't always go as planned. Years pass, and Sadie has come to realize that the man she's married to isn't the boy she fell in love with. Hell, for her 30th birthday, she's left questioning if what she felt had ever actually been 'love'?

A plot between a married woman struggling with finding herself and her budding romance as things fall apart at home with the stranger she calls her husband.

Tell Me Why My Gods Look Like You?
fxf, fxt*
(Based on "1950s" by King Princess )
The year is 1953, President Eisenhower has just signed Executive Order 10450, which set security standards for federal employment and barred homosexuals from working in the government. Over 5,000 government employees lost their jobs and were forced out of the closet and thrust into the public eye for being gay or lesbian. This historical event went hand in hand with the Red Scare, but unfortunately was placed on the back burner of history. This plot shall revolve around two queer characters, and their romance against the backdrop of persecution.

Oh, What a Sin
fxm, fxt*, fxf
(Based on "From Eden" by Hozier )
Using the story of 'The Garden of Eden' as inspiration, this plot can take place in any historical or present day setting. EvexThe Snake, where Eve has grown tired of the man she is 'supposed to be with', and instead falls for the idea of knowledge and the unknown.

Work in progress plot, hope to grow this with interested parties.

Luckily, You Never Smile
fxm, fxf, fxt*
(Based on "Tomorrow" by Shakey Graves )
They've known each other for years, possibly what seems like forever. The musician and their muse. The fire that once burned between them has all but gone out, the muse becoming apathetic with this life that they lead, the musician enjoying the fruits of their fame. Time has driven them apart. The muse has become a shadow of their former self, the musician thriving but… empty. What happens when life finds them together again?

The Hunter's Will
fxm, fxt*, fxf
(Inspired by a short story by Kevin Liu)
Set in China in the midst of the Qing Dynasty, a famous spirit hunter and his child are on the hunt. They have spent their entire lives as contracted hunters, called upon by the people of local villages to rid them of various spirits and demons. They are on a mission to hunt down a huli jing who has bewitched the son of the local gentry. Upon spotting the demonic woman, the son/daughter has become entranced by her, unable to take her down. The father steps in and the hunt begins, chasing the huli jing all the way to her nest. The son/daughter circles around back, their father takes the front. There is a noise, and a young woman steps from the shadows to attack the son/daughter, only to run as a shriek pierces the air and they look up to see the head of the huli jing they had been hunting rolling down the steps towards them.

Years later they have taken over their father's business, his passing signaling the change of hands. Not soon after, they receive word of a huli jing terrorizing a familiar village…
HunterxHuli Jing

I Would Eat my Way Into Perdition to Taste You
fxf, fxt*
Lilith has wandered the world since the dawn of man. With the first thought of love, of lust, of power and revenge, she was born. Once upon a time she was worshipped throughout the world and time as a goddess by many different names. Since then, Christianity has spread through the lands killing off the Old Ways like a plague. The beings of old magick have all but disappeared. Lilith has almost been forgotten… Until one day--
The king's daughter/wife/sister has stumbled upon a book of old magick and summons Lilith from her dwelling? The human woman finds Lilith feeding upon the king? Can go many ways.
Still searching for that good fxf
Always on the lookout~
Still itching for some Gideon the Ninth~
Still looking!
Always on the lookout for some good fxf~
Still got an itch to scratch~
Still searching!
Always. Simple back and forth/slice of life would be so bomb right about now~