Dimension Wars

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There was a loud roar that came from the clouds and the sound of heavy flapping as Kriv had coordinated a falling with Thoras that allowed him to get on the creatures back.
Thoras landed with the group.
"I'm guessing I'm at an extreme disadvantage here!" he said in anger as he got off the Wyvern to hide behind cover- the Wyvern doing the same.
Blade had his questions answered when the being put the history of Earth onto his hardrive. Seconds later he was transported through the void. He was dropped into the middle of a battlefield. He landed on one knee and observed the carnage before him. Thus was his kind of battle. Several other members of the team had taken cover or were fighting.

He ducked down next to Kriv. "Is that dragon of yours bulletproof?" Although he just wanted to run over to the enemy emplacements and begin slashing, he knew some form coordination had to be established with his teammates.
Thoras turned, growling.
"Thric, korshim, si mi ti."
Kriv looked at the robot, and answered.
"He's a Wyvern, firstly, and no, he isn't. He wants to know if you are, though."
"Hmph, I had always figured that if a dragon existed, it would be bulletproof," Astarte commented. "But I suppose it would be strange for an organic being to grow skin tough enough to take on things like ballistic weaponry."
She walked forward in front of the two draconic creatures and the robot, sending anything coming from that direction that reached them straight back to its source.
"You, however should be bulletproof, no?" she asked the robot. "Surely nobody would be foolish enough to build a combat robot that couldn't even handle World War 2 era bullets," she added.
Nils looked around at the chaos, the bunker was the main cause for concern as it constantly spewed forth machine gun fire and lightning which gave the horde of zombies time to close in on the soldiers in cover. "Ok guys here is the plan. Blade you are with me, i will be a walking shield and give you the chance to get close to that bunker so you can kill whatever is causing that lightning. Kriv you and your friend go take care of the zombies once blade takes out the bunker. Astarte, i want you to go and tell the captain to my left that we are friendlies so we dont get shot in the back." With a rumble Nils piloted the troll out of the crater and started trudging up the slope towards the bunker, his autocannon firing at the viewports so as to make the machine gunners and nechromancer focus their fire on his mech and forget about the pinned down americans.
"I indeed am resistant to most projectiles." He followed closely behind the troll. His swords ignited. Every so often a piece of shrapnel would bounce off of his armor. He stepped out from behind the troll to cut a zombie in half down the Y axis. "This is my kind of world!" He shouted over the gunfire before picking up a zombie by the arm and ripping its head off, violently.
Astarte departed from her position, moving to the American army.
"We are friendlies. Fire upon us and nobody will be happy. Except the Germans," she told them. To demonstrate her point, she stomped on the ground, increasing the kinetic force of it by 10 times, smashing through the ground.
"Just shoot the soldiers that're too far for us to reach," she added, moving back to the battlefield. She wasn't gonna be satisfied with this.
A dark smile appeared on her face. "Let's have some fun..."
Kriv moved in on the zombies, slicing them up was hilariously easy.
"Admittedly this is fun!" he roared, his Vorpal broad sword mutulating them into nothing. He stumbled around a set of bunkers to discover a large group of them.
"Thoras! Frahr ixen!"
The green Wyvern slammed into the mud, opened his mouth and a giant blast of scorching flames jet from his mouth, burning the zombies into sticky pieces of rib-eye looking skeletons that fell over after only 12 seconds of the fire.
"Ithquent kobtish, vargach isthasy!"
Thoras nodded, clenching his teeth with a firey snort.
Nils grinned as his comrades fell upon the enemy. Reaching the bunker Nils reached up and tore the metal hatch off the roof. "Knock knock!" Nils reached down and carefully tossed Blade into the bunker where a couple of german soldiers readied their weapons as the necromancer blasted the open hatch with a stream of lightning. "Good job guys this is almost too eas-" Nils was cut short as an explosion impacted the side of the troll, causing Nils to wrestle with the controls as his mech stumbled backwards. "Astarte! We got a fuckin panzer! Take care of that shit before it reams me a new asshole!" Nils sent a volley of shells towards the rumbling tank to no avail, the bullets simply bouncing off the heavy frontal armor as the tank repositioned for another shot.

Meanwhile the captain simply looked at Astarte with a befuddled expression. "Command told us we were gettin reinforcements, but hell I will take all I can get." Clambering over to a radioman the captain pulled out the handset and began barkin orders. "Charlie company this is charlie actual. The freaks are friendlies i repeat the freaks are friendlies! Let em clear the way and mop up whatever is left!" With a roar of exuberation the american soldiers fought with renewed vigor as their hopes for surviving the hellhole that awaited them rose exponentially.
"Gladly," Astarte responded, moving in front of the Nils's robot.
"C'mon, shoot me with everything you got," she grinned.
A shot was fired. As soon as it reached her she began her calculation. A negative sign to the force, multiplied by 10. It was sent back at the Panzer at 10 times the power it originally came with, obliterating the tank.
She began laughing maniacally.
"Yeah! That's it! Hit me with everything you've got, it'll just hit you back harder!" she howled, taking enjoyment from abusing her powers.
(sorry for not being able to reply! I've been having problems with my laptop, so I haven't been on the internet)

All of a sudden, Aqua was falling to the ground, unaware of what was going on. It was the first time she had fell into nothingness today, it was the second. Still, did it matter? She was with other people, falling as well. Before she knew it, she was on the ground, in a battlefield, with the rest of the team.
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"Reprogramming Portal Drive. Initiating barrier. Location locked. Initiating humanoid hologram for Allied Soldiers. Complete. Preparing jump on your order Captain Proxy."

The A.I. was for all intents and purposes her best friend, even if it had no body. Proxy herself shifted into a pilots uniform. They would scoff at the idea until they saw her ship in action. "Initiate jump, then activate ground mode. Armoured troop carrier detachment with kinetic shield, then stealth and go on standby with paranoid defense status."

Proxy braced for the rush and sighed happily as the ship rumbled through with ease. "All troops to Ground Vehicle. " Really it was just the cargo hold modified to drop for emergency escapes or jettisoned to dump the weight, but on primal earth it was future technology.

She rolled onto the battlefield close enough for her allies to notice. "Did someone call for a ride", she purred into the speakers as they landed softly.
Aqua slowly stood up, brushing the dirt of her dress. She held out her hand, ready to summon water if this was needed. There was the sound of guns all around them, as well as dark magic. Perhaps this place would have been better if it was just guns, and not so much magic.
Blade jumped onto the back of the Troll as they came within striking distance of the bunker. Small arms fire bounced off his chest armor. He let out a loud, digital roar and jumped forward. With the help of his boosters he easily made it over the bunker and landed behind it. He ripped the door off and entered. Inside were 2 machinegun teams and the necromancer. He held his arms up. "Who first?" His voice was menacing.
Kriv got on Thoras, signaling the beast to get into the sky with him. The two flew into the clouds- and Kriv watched from above, looking for the excellent place to strike. He hadn't been hit yet, but he didn't want to test his luck.
Figuring she didn't exactly have a vehicle or mechanical legs, Astarte decided to hop onto Proxy's vehicle.
"Got anything I can throw?" she asked, planning to increase the kinetic energy of her throws for something like a missile strike.
"Knives, your standard exploding tip bolts with crossbows, rocket propelled sticky bombs, and a personal favorite of my A.I.s 'Sap Gas', but up to you. How merciful are you feeling?" She grinned at chance she might have to explain Sap Gas, but most civilized folks were disgusted that she employed nano technology to deliver poisonous payloads that attacked vital organs, even if they could distinguish friendlies.
Astarte's grin widened as the potency of the weapons grew and grew. Then came something she'd never heard of.
"Not at all, what's this 'Sap Gas?' Based on the way the potency progressed it must be great," she smirked, excited at what this could be that it was above rocket propelled sticky bombs. It'd be a fun thing to lay on the enemies.
Aqua used her powers to summon a wave that she could ride on. She moved forwards onto the field, her hand out ready to strike.
"Nanobots in the blood stream that cause vital organs to fail in most organics. They recognize friendlies so you wouldn't be in danger of dying from them. They're fond of spines in vertibrates also. Just make sure you set it to stun if you want them alive. Default is kill."

She winked playfully. "Not that I am a sadistic anything, but usually you don't want people who can out match you in combat getting back up."
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