- Genres
- Fantasy, sci-fi, post apocalyptic, parody.
Deus Ex Mecha
Year 3930, a series of wars involving mechs left the world in a terrible state. The nations of the world all unanimously agreed to forming a united world government. Around that same time, a mysterious possibly alien warship was unearthed and from it's advanced technology,things began to change. Humans copied the technology from this spaceship and used it revolutionize almost all fields of science and medicine. AI became near-sentient, medicine and technology could now extend and save lives easily. Even the war machines known as mechs were upgraded and outfitted with this alien technology and data based on the units recovered from the ship.
It is now the Year 4000 on Earth. Yet things are not looking up. The planet is dying and becoming over-populated due so much life-saving technology being invented. Despite this, the United World Government has given up on saving the Earth, realizing how it cannot sustain so many people. A few Colonies have been built near Earth but they are not self-sustainable enough to function if Earth were to be destroyed. Terrorism and piracy are also rampant and space itself becoming increasingly violent and lawless, thus there is much stigma and fear people feel towards the colonies. Thus there is need to find a new Planet instead of taking the risk of evacuating all those on Earth to various colonies.
The governments of the world then reached a single decision: Send a ship into the dark depths of space to find a planet with enough resources for mankind, a planet with the ability to support life.
Since that day 20 years have passed and a space-ship capable of traversing the entire universe in a matter of months was built by the brightest minds of Earth emulating the technology of the ancient warship. The ship also contains the most intelligent AI ever to exist, allowing it to make intelligent decisions on it's own and can even demonstrate basic emotions(happiness, sadness, anger.)
In 4020, The ship had been given the name, Themis. All that is needed is a crew, and the governments of the world choose the smartest, strongest and most trust-worthy people among them to take the journey on the ship, who would also serve as mecha pilots to guard the ship.
Immediately after deciding on a crew, Themis was set to launch! The crew said their good byes to their loved ones as it was going to be the last time they'd see them a long, long time.
But would this launch go uninterrupted? A known terrorist group has been protesting the launch and warning the World Government to cancel it, feeling angry they have decided to abandon the Earth instead of using new technology to try and save it.
The Setting
-This takes place in a futuristic world, obviously. But keep in mind aliens haven't been discovered yet.. Futuristic weapons are allowed and encouraged.
-Themis is a very large ship and contains enough food and fuel to last for 5 years, just in case. Each crew member has their own room, there is a lunch-room, a meeting room, a cargo room that's big enough to hold things 50 feet tall, and a recreation-room to unwind and pass the time and of course, many bathrooms for men and bathrooms for women.
-Your characters shouldn't be dressed like a bum or anything, they have to wear something proper as they are members of a crew. It's best if they were part of the United World Government's forces, but they can be someone who was skilled in some other field and chosen to join the crew of Themis. If you're lazy, go with a person who specializes in mech combat.
-Although it starts on Earth, the goal is to find a planet with enough resources so the crew will sometimes land on planets to inspect them. This is RPG will have many different locations, keep that in mind.
-There is alien life in this RPG, but your main characters have to be humans or humans with robotic parts(Like Androids or Cyborgs) from Earth. Maybe later I'll allow Alien NPCs or PCs once the crew really discovers intelligent life...
-The mechs and alien life forms you will encounter will tend to be..Mostly mysterious..Keep that in mind.
-Like all of my RPGs, expect this to be..Mysterious.. There will be plenty of mysteries or strange things to uncover.
-You have more freedom of choice in making your mech this time around. But if you want to be lazy, you can have it be one of the refurbished mechs that came from the alien warship. Customized mass produced mechs are also allowed.
The Guidelines
1.Be original as possible with your mech idea.
2.If you god-mod or make stupid posts, your character CAN be killed off or asked to leave the RP. So just don't make such posts like, "My character beat all the terrorists with a mecha banjo or even just by punching them outside of their mechs!" Simply avoid making such posts, please. Put thought into your posts. This happened in one of the incarnations of this RP so I have to put this here. :P
3.Try to pick a character who has some sort of role they can perform on the ship when not piloting a mech, like a medical doctor who can help wounded allies or a scientist who can analyze enemy DNA or maybe a tactician of some sort.
4.This RP should move at a somewhat fast pace, I don't want things lagging on for too long. So keep that in mind.
Now for the bio format.. You gotta do both a character bio and a mech bio.. I'm not too concerned about the character bio, just as long as you describe their personality, their goals, their history, their skills, and how they look.
The mech bio is what I'm concerned about..You have to be real descriptive about it, make your idea come to life, have fun with it.
Character bio
Job/Class: (If you can't think of one, just put Crew member, crew members would just help with generic tasks like loading things up and such. But they should have something to bring to the table so that way I don't have to make NPCs to full vital roles like Mechanic, security, etc.)
History: (Include personality and their skills in here as well as your character's history.)
Description: (Include clothing).
Weapons: (Have to be human sized, keep that in mind and they have to be futuristic..You can put none if your character doesn't carry any weapons..But your character should just in case, they are going into uncharted territory.)
Mech bio
Name of Mech: (This is what your character decides to name it..You may include some sort of model number if it's mass produced or not...)
Origin: (Where did the mech come from? Is it just a custom mass produced mech or was it one of the mechs that was found on the mysterious spaceship? Stolen from someone? Or something else? Keep in mind if it is from the alien warship, your character would most likely have to be working with the UWG to have access to such a thing. If not, it can simply be something based off the alien technology discovered on the ship instead of a refurbished alien mech, a new generation model or a prototype or something. You have a lot of creative freedom in this section.)
Environment: (Describe which environments you mech can fight ins best and worst in, for example, if it has wings, it fights best from in the sky/space and not when it lands. If a mech is like a big heavy tank, it's really bad in water and cannot fly so it's land only. You can opt simply for a balanced mech since we will fight in all sorts of terrain and areas.)
Weapons: (5 at most. Be creative and have fun with this.. They can be guns, laser cannons or things like plasma swords..Or your mech can have built in turrets or grenade launchers. The sky's the limit, just don't make it too powerful. And keep mind your mech will run out of ammo for some weapons..)
Description: (Don't worry about the inside of the Mech, just describe the outward appearance of it. Must list the exact height in feet, the paint job of the mech, if the mech is humanoid or animal-like or like a tank or something, describe how it's head looks, the arms, legs if it has any, wings, thrusters, etc. Any symbols. Be creative once again..) Pictures will be accepted as well.
Extra: Any extra details about your mech you wish to include, like maybe it's power source or control system. This is optionable.
Okay.. Let me give you examples of abilities..You get can have 3 at most...You gotta be specific about what it is, it's gotta have some short-comings and weaknesses. If you're not sure about your mech's abilities, ask me.
Abilities: "Split mech", the mech can split into two halves, one that is the upper body, the other that is the lower body, the lower body comes equiped with a auto-turret that shoots any "enemy" units. The weakness is that the lower body cannot move or fly leaving it a sitting duck.
"Tank mode" The mech can transform into a tank that runs on threads, this allows it to be faster on land and less of a target. The problem is it cannot use some of it's weapons from it's humanoid form.
"Cloaking", The mech can turn invisible and thus not appear to the eyes of the enemey. The catch is, allies cannot see it either and it wears off in 5 minutes.
Allright.. That's all for now.. You may start posting bios now! I'll approve them individually and request changes if they're overpowered.
Any questions, comments, things that are unclear?
I want at the least 5 people to start. I'll post my bios soon!
Oh and these are some of the mass produced mechs in this RP, all credit goes to my good friend ClockWorkSpider who created these in a past version of this RP! I did receive his permission for this FYI.
Year 3930, a series of wars involving mechs left the world in a terrible state. The nations of the world all unanimously agreed to forming a united world government. Around that same time, a mysterious possibly alien warship was unearthed and from it's advanced technology,things began to change. Humans copied the technology from this spaceship and used it revolutionize almost all fields of science and medicine. AI became near-sentient, medicine and technology could now extend and save lives easily. Even the war machines known as mechs were upgraded and outfitted with this alien technology and data based on the units recovered from the ship.
It is now the Year 4000 on Earth. Yet things are not looking up. The planet is dying and becoming over-populated due so much life-saving technology being invented. Despite this, the United World Government has given up on saving the Earth, realizing how it cannot sustain so many people. A few Colonies have been built near Earth but they are not self-sustainable enough to function if Earth were to be destroyed. Terrorism and piracy are also rampant and space itself becoming increasingly violent and lawless, thus there is much stigma and fear people feel towards the colonies. Thus there is need to find a new Planet instead of taking the risk of evacuating all those on Earth to various colonies.
The governments of the world then reached a single decision: Send a ship into the dark depths of space to find a planet with enough resources for mankind, a planet with the ability to support life.
Since that day 20 years have passed and a space-ship capable of traversing the entire universe in a matter of months was built by the brightest minds of Earth emulating the technology of the ancient warship. The ship also contains the most intelligent AI ever to exist, allowing it to make intelligent decisions on it's own and can even demonstrate basic emotions(happiness, sadness, anger.)
In 4020, The ship had been given the name, Themis. All that is needed is a crew, and the governments of the world choose the smartest, strongest and most trust-worthy people among them to take the journey on the ship, who would also serve as mecha pilots to guard the ship.
Immediately after deciding on a crew, Themis was set to launch! The crew said their good byes to their loved ones as it was going to be the last time they'd see them a long, long time.
But would this launch go uninterrupted? A known terrorist group has been protesting the launch and warning the World Government to cancel it, feeling angry they have decided to abandon the Earth instead of using new technology to try and save it.
The Setting
-This takes place in a futuristic world, obviously. But keep in mind aliens haven't been discovered yet.. Futuristic weapons are allowed and encouraged.
-Themis is a very large ship and contains enough food and fuel to last for 5 years, just in case. Each crew member has their own room, there is a lunch-room, a meeting room, a cargo room that's big enough to hold things 50 feet tall, and a recreation-room to unwind and pass the time and of course, many bathrooms for men and bathrooms for women.
-Your characters shouldn't be dressed like a bum or anything, they have to wear something proper as they are members of a crew. It's best if they were part of the United World Government's forces, but they can be someone who was skilled in some other field and chosen to join the crew of Themis. If you're lazy, go with a person who specializes in mech combat.
-Although it starts on Earth, the goal is to find a planet with enough resources so the crew will sometimes land on planets to inspect them. This is RPG will have many different locations, keep that in mind.
-There is alien life in this RPG, but your main characters have to be humans or humans with robotic parts(Like Androids or Cyborgs) from Earth. Maybe later I'll allow Alien NPCs or PCs once the crew really discovers intelligent life...
-The mechs and alien life forms you will encounter will tend to be..Mostly mysterious..Keep that in mind.
-Like all of my RPGs, expect this to be..Mysterious.. There will be plenty of mysteries or strange things to uncover.
-You have more freedom of choice in making your mech this time around. But if you want to be lazy, you can have it be one of the refurbished mechs that came from the alien warship. Customized mass produced mechs are also allowed.
The Guidelines
1.Be original as possible with your mech idea.
2.If you god-mod or make stupid posts, your character CAN be killed off or asked to leave the RP. So just don't make such posts like, "My character beat all the terrorists with a mecha banjo or even just by punching them outside of their mechs!" Simply avoid making such posts, please. Put thought into your posts. This happened in one of the incarnations of this RP so I have to put this here. :P
3.Try to pick a character who has some sort of role they can perform on the ship when not piloting a mech, like a medical doctor who can help wounded allies or a scientist who can analyze enemy DNA or maybe a tactician of some sort.
4.This RP should move at a somewhat fast pace, I don't want things lagging on for too long. So keep that in mind.
Now for the bio format.. You gotta do both a character bio and a mech bio.. I'm not too concerned about the character bio, just as long as you describe their personality, their goals, their history, their skills, and how they look.
The mech bio is what I'm concerned about..You have to be real descriptive about it, make your idea come to life, have fun with it.
Character bio
Job/Class: (If you can't think of one, just put Crew member, crew members would just help with generic tasks like loading things up and such. But they should have something to bring to the table so that way I don't have to make NPCs to full vital roles like Mechanic, security, etc.)
History: (Include personality and their skills in here as well as your character's history.)
Description: (Include clothing).
Weapons: (Have to be human sized, keep that in mind and they have to be futuristic..You can put none if your character doesn't carry any weapons..But your character should just in case, they are going into uncharted territory.)
Mech bio
Name of Mech: (This is what your character decides to name it..You may include some sort of model number if it's mass produced or not...)
Origin: (Where did the mech come from? Is it just a custom mass produced mech or was it one of the mechs that was found on the mysterious spaceship? Stolen from someone? Or something else? Keep in mind if it is from the alien warship, your character would most likely have to be working with the UWG to have access to such a thing. If not, it can simply be something based off the alien technology discovered on the ship instead of a refurbished alien mech, a new generation model or a prototype or something. You have a lot of creative freedom in this section.)
Environment: (Describe which environments you mech can fight ins best and worst in, for example, if it has wings, it fights best from in the sky/space and not when it lands. If a mech is like a big heavy tank, it's really bad in water and cannot fly so it's land only. You can opt simply for a balanced mech since we will fight in all sorts of terrain and areas.)
Weapons: (5 at most. Be creative and have fun with this.. They can be guns, laser cannons or things like plasma swords..Or your mech can have built in turrets or grenade launchers. The sky's the limit, just don't make it too powerful. And keep mind your mech will run out of ammo for some weapons..)
Description: (Don't worry about the inside of the Mech, just describe the outward appearance of it. Must list the exact height in feet, the paint job of the mech, if the mech is humanoid or animal-like or like a tank or something, describe how it's head looks, the arms, legs if it has any, wings, thrusters, etc. Any symbols. Be creative once again..) Pictures will be accepted as well.
Extra: Any extra details about your mech you wish to include, like maybe it's power source or control system. This is optionable.
Okay.. Let me give you examples of abilities..You get can have 3 at most...You gotta be specific about what it is, it's gotta have some short-comings and weaknesses. If you're not sure about your mech's abilities, ask me.
Abilities: "Split mech", the mech can split into two halves, one that is the upper body, the other that is the lower body, the lower body comes equiped with a auto-turret that shoots any "enemy" units. The weakness is that the lower body cannot move or fly leaving it a sitting duck.
"Tank mode" The mech can transform into a tank that runs on threads, this allows it to be faster on land and less of a target. The problem is it cannot use some of it's weapons from it's humanoid form.
"Cloaking", The mech can turn invisible and thus not appear to the eyes of the enemey. The catch is, allies cannot see it either and it wears off in 5 minutes.
Allright.. That's all for now.. You may start posting bios now! I'll approve them individually and request changes if they're overpowered.
Any questions, comments, things that are unclear?
I want at the least 5 people to start. I'll post my bios soon!
Oh and these are some of the mass produced mechs in this RP, all credit goes to my good friend ClockWorkSpider who created these in a past version of this RP! I did receive his permission for this FYI.
Mass Produced Mech bios
Name: MIR-210 Locust [MIR stands for Mechanized Infantry - Reconnaissance]
Description: Humanoid, roughly 15 feet tall. Carries one pilot. Equipped with fairly sophisticated radar and communication gear. Coloring is white and blue (UN Peacekeepers colors) with the insignia of the world gov't on the chest. Equipped with jump jets that enable the mechs to cover long distances quickly.
Environment: Best on land. Can cover long distances by using jump jets to "hop". Can enter water, but cannot jump, cannot fully submerge (it walks on the bottom), and cannot survive extended periods in salt water (causes corrosion). Maintenance recommended if the vehicle enters sandstorm or salt water conditions. Extremely light armor (MIR-210's have been known to succumb to heavy concentrations of small-arms fire).
Right Arm: EMP Grenade Launcher-launches a grenade that releases a blast of static energy upon detonation. Inflicts no damage, but stuns/paralyses mechs and vehicles. Can be reconfigured (at base) to fire concussion grenades (light splash damage, stuns infantry and can tumble light vehicles that hit the shockwave) or smoke grenades (create a smoke cloud that blocks vision). Carries three grenades.
Left Arm: FM-20 Repeating Flechette Cannon-fires cartridges that burst, spraying the target area with needle-like projectiles that punch into armor and detonate on contact.
Stealth-mech's armor molecules re-align to gain energy absorbing properties that render it invisible to radar and radar-based tracking systems. The mech is still visible to line-of-sight, however. Cannot be used alongside Camoflage.
Camoflage-mech's armor molecules re-align and modify the mech's coloring, rendering it DIFFICULT (not impossible) to detect via line-of-sight. Cannot be used alongside Stealth.
Name: MIM-150 Grenadier [Mechanized Infantry - Marauder]
Description: Heavily-armed and armored humanoid war mech. 25 feet tall, crew of two. Unlike most Terran mechs, the cockpit is in the upper chest of the mech, not the head. Carries twin heavy rocket launchers (shoulder-mounted, 4 rockets/launcher at a time). Armor is dark grey in color. Head carries a quad-laser turret.
Environment: Land-based. Effective at night operations due to the coloring. Equipped with an armor rating rivalling some of the alien mechs from the space station. The cost, however, is the lack of any kind of speed or agility. Usually inserted by air into a battlefield as close to the enemy as possible to keep faster mechs from escaping or using hit-and-run tactics to take them down.
Right Arm: Claw or Drill-used in melee combat to either grab a foe, or punch them with the drill for serious damage. Drill models are frequently used for attacking bunkers and fixed defense positions.
Left Arm: Laser Cannon/Energy Blade-fires powerful energy blasts. Alternatively, can focus energy into a blade form and engage in melee combat, usually in conjunction with a claw.
Left and Right Shoulder Launchers: fires salvos of laser-guided rockets at the target. Effective v. all classes of enemy, and can use multiple types of rockets [conventional plasma charges, quasi-nuclear heat bombs, even smoke rockets or modified flechette rounds]. Carries maximum of 40 rockets [20/launcher, 4 at a time].
Quad Laser Cannon: Primarily an anti-aircraft weapon, but can target ground units as well. Rapid fire laser bolts.
Plasmatize: Summons an energy field around the mech. Massive defense boost makes the Grenadier nearly impervious to damage, but serious power cut to all energy-based weapons, and disables energy blade. Rockets and claw/drill function normally, though. Boost requires 4 hours to charge once used, and wears off after approximately 20 minutes.
Name: SYOASUV-1X [SYnth-Organic Aquatic SUrveyor Vessel, EXperimental] AKA Swordfish
Description: Designed after experiments in creating functioning nanobiological robots [in other words, nanorobots that are partially alive], the result is what looks like a dolphin (only rather bigger), and moves like one as well, actually swimming like an organic creature. The hull is a massive collection of nanorobotic organisms, joined together around a basic, flexible synthmetal hull. The interior is a single control room, with room for two crew members. The ship is guided using active sonar, emitted from the dolphin-like creature's mouth, however the nanorobots can also feel things a short distance away directly through the water. Also part of the vehicle are signal analysis and mineral detection instrumentation, located in the melon and fins respectively.
Environment: Being dolphin-like, the Swordfish (blame the engineering team for the name...<_<) can only function in water. The vehicle is capable of speeds of up to 30 knots, and most importantly, it can move virtually silently, rendering it difficult to detect with sonar and effectively disguising it as a whale even if it IS located. However, it lacks any sort of defensive armor, being partly biological, and will therefore be destroyed by any kind of offensive action.
Scan-scans a target and analyzes the how the systems work, especially sonar and detection systems. Passive ability, but can be targeted for a better read on a specific unit.
Echopulse-in conjunction with Scan, fires a rhythmic sonar pulse designed to disable the systems of an enemy craft. May disable sonar/communications/scanning of the target.
Name: VTOL-HLA109 Vulcan (Vertical Take-Off and Landing Heavy Lift Aircraft)
Description: Large vessel, roughly 1.5x larger than a 747. V-shaped wings sloping back, squarish oblong body. Carries a number of rectangular "pods" on either side of the craft, behind heavily armored bay doors.
Environment: Designed for large-scale airlifting and capable of vertical take-offs and landings. Can also travel from a planetary surface to an orbiting spaceship, but due to the limited oxygen capacity, it cannot actually travel through space on its own. The military version is equipped to carry as many as eight MIM-150's, which are blasted out of individual mech bays in special "pods" to cushion the landing. The military Vulcan is heavily armored to facilitate the dropping of the MIM-150's into combat zones, and to withdraw to safety afterwards. As a result, however, it is slower and larger than the Vulcans used in cargo transport or rescue operations. Some Vulcans are equipped with light laser turrets or flechette cannon for air-to-ground or air-to-air defense.
Laser or Flechette Turrets: Not present on even all military mech transport Vulcans [MMTVs]. Laser turrets are identical to those found on MIM-150's, the flechette turrets are FM-20 cannon modified for rapid fire. As a result, however, the flechette cartridges carry fewer, smaller, non-explosive projectiles. The typical armament on an MMTV, when it is so equipped, is one front-mounted turret, two belly-mounted turrets (one left, one right), one tail-mounted turret, and one top-mounted turret.
Camoflage: The Vulcan is equipped with the same multi-state armor coating as the MIR-210, enabling it to change color to reduce direct visibility.
Name: Battle Dragon, ONE project unit designation is MIM-118.
Description: Blue/silver coloring, red and gold dragon insignia on chest, with more dragon insignia on the sides. Roughly Head resembles a Chinese dragon, only standing upright like a more Western-style dragon. Back of mech has a sort of ruff on it's back, red in color.
Environment: Deemed superior in combat value to the UWG's own standard medium-weight mech, the MIM-110, by the ONE project coordinators, the UWG purchased a number of these from Great China's army before the mission. The Battle Dragon is equally adept at both land and submerged combat, capable of changing to "serpent" mode and back in under thirty seconds. The Dragon's armor is vastly superior to the Locust's, but decidedly inferior to the MIM-150 Grenadier. However, the Battle Dragon makes up for the weaker armor with high agility and speed, amphibious ability, and the thermal beam attack which can severely damage even an MIM-150 with sustanained fire. Underwater, the Dragon uses the propeller arrangement concealed in it's lower abdomen and feet to move at nearly 35 knots, albeit with no stealth.
Shock: The Battle Dragon charges power in it's claws, then discharges a blast of electrical energy at a single target or a target area. Severe damage to targets hit, also damages or destroys electronic systems.
Dragonbreath: The Battle Dragon opens it's mouth, charges energy, and fires a themal energy beam that melts what it touches. Similiar effect to a heat bomb, only weaker and in a smaller area. Can be used underwater, but causes ecological damage to the immediate area (kills plankton and fish and whatnot by boiling the water).
Torpedo: Fires a homing torpedo. Only usable underwater.
Countermeasures: Only used underwater. Releases countermeasures to lure and detonate an incoming torpedo.
Sonic Blast: Charges energy in the mouth, then fires a shockwave. Stun and splash damage v. infantry, knockback v. mechs/light vehicles, severe damage to aircraft/airborne mechs, severe damage to underwater targets.
Form-Change: Changes from land to sea forms, and vice versa. Extremely rapid transition time.
Name: MSD-23 Octopus [Mechanized Support Drone]
Description: 13 feet tall, four tube-like spidery legs and four tube-like spidery arms. The legs are tipped with force dispersers which enable the mech to travel on the water's surface as well as land with considerable speed. The arms contain nano-repair modules that release small clouds of nanorobots that use available materials to reconstruct damaged areas on a mech, restoring full capability in a relatively short time. The mobility of both drone and mech is limited while this is going on, however. CWS' nanorepair arms function identically, but with a longer reach and slightly faster repair time (per arm).
Environment: Land or the water's surface. Has extremely limited combat capability due to having barely any armor.
Repair - repairs a mech with its nanorepair arms. Target and drone have reduced mobility while repair is occuring.
Name: MIR-210 Locust [MIR stands for Mechanized Infantry - Reconnaissance]
Description: Humanoid, roughly 15 feet tall. Carries one pilot. Equipped with fairly sophisticated radar and communication gear. Coloring is white and blue (UN Peacekeepers colors) with the insignia of the world gov't on the chest. Equipped with jump jets that enable the mechs to cover long distances quickly.
Environment: Best on land. Can cover long distances by using jump jets to "hop". Can enter water, but cannot jump, cannot fully submerge (it walks on the bottom), and cannot survive extended periods in salt water (causes corrosion). Maintenance recommended if the vehicle enters sandstorm or salt water conditions. Extremely light armor (MIR-210's have been known to succumb to heavy concentrations of small-arms fire).
Right Arm: EMP Grenade Launcher-launches a grenade that releases a blast of static energy upon detonation. Inflicts no damage, but stuns/paralyses mechs and vehicles. Can be reconfigured (at base) to fire concussion grenades (light splash damage, stuns infantry and can tumble light vehicles that hit the shockwave) or smoke grenades (create a smoke cloud that blocks vision). Carries three grenades.
Left Arm: FM-20 Repeating Flechette Cannon-fires cartridges that burst, spraying the target area with needle-like projectiles that punch into armor and detonate on contact.
Stealth-mech's armor molecules re-align to gain energy absorbing properties that render it invisible to radar and radar-based tracking systems. The mech is still visible to line-of-sight, however. Cannot be used alongside Camoflage.
Camoflage-mech's armor molecules re-align and modify the mech's coloring, rendering it DIFFICULT (not impossible) to detect via line-of-sight. Cannot be used alongside Stealth.
Name: MIM-150 Grenadier [Mechanized Infantry - Marauder]
Description: Heavily-armed and armored humanoid war mech. 25 feet tall, crew of two. Unlike most Terran mechs, the cockpit is in the upper chest of the mech, not the head. Carries twin heavy rocket launchers (shoulder-mounted, 4 rockets/launcher at a time). Armor is dark grey in color. Head carries a quad-laser turret.
Environment: Land-based. Effective at night operations due to the coloring. Equipped with an armor rating rivalling some of the alien mechs from the space station. The cost, however, is the lack of any kind of speed or agility. Usually inserted by air into a battlefield as close to the enemy as possible to keep faster mechs from escaping or using hit-and-run tactics to take them down.
Right Arm: Claw or Drill-used in melee combat to either grab a foe, or punch them with the drill for serious damage. Drill models are frequently used for attacking bunkers and fixed defense positions.
Left Arm: Laser Cannon/Energy Blade-fires powerful energy blasts. Alternatively, can focus energy into a blade form and engage in melee combat, usually in conjunction with a claw.
Left and Right Shoulder Launchers: fires salvos of laser-guided rockets at the target. Effective v. all classes of enemy, and can use multiple types of rockets [conventional plasma charges, quasi-nuclear heat bombs, even smoke rockets or modified flechette rounds]. Carries maximum of 40 rockets [20/launcher, 4 at a time].
Quad Laser Cannon: Primarily an anti-aircraft weapon, but can target ground units as well. Rapid fire laser bolts.
Plasmatize: Summons an energy field around the mech. Massive defense boost makes the Grenadier nearly impervious to damage, but serious power cut to all energy-based weapons, and disables energy blade. Rockets and claw/drill function normally, though. Boost requires 4 hours to charge once used, and wears off after approximately 20 minutes.
Name: SYOASUV-1X [SYnth-Organic Aquatic SUrveyor Vessel, EXperimental] AKA Swordfish
Description: Designed after experiments in creating functioning nanobiological robots [in other words, nanorobots that are partially alive], the result is what looks like a dolphin (only rather bigger), and moves like one as well, actually swimming like an organic creature. The hull is a massive collection of nanorobotic organisms, joined together around a basic, flexible synthmetal hull. The interior is a single control room, with room for two crew members. The ship is guided using active sonar, emitted from the dolphin-like creature's mouth, however the nanorobots can also feel things a short distance away directly through the water. Also part of the vehicle are signal analysis and mineral detection instrumentation, located in the melon and fins respectively.
Environment: Being dolphin-like, the Swordfish (blame the engineering team for the name...<_<) can only function in water. The vehicle is capable of speeds of up to 30 knots, and most importantly, it can move virtually silently, rendering it difficult to detect with sonar and effectively disguising it as a whale even if it IS located. However, it lacks any sort of defensive armor, being partly biological, and will therefore be destroyed by any kind of offensive action.
Scan-scans a target and analyzes the how the systems work, especially sonar and detection systems. Passive ability, but can be targeted for a better read on a specific unit.
Echopulse-in conjunction with Scan, fires a rhythmic sonar pulse designed to disable the systems of an enemy craft. May disable sonar/communications/scanning of the target.
Name: VTOL-HLA109 Vulcan (Vertical Take-Off and Landing Heavy Lift Aircraft)
Description: Large vessel, roughly 1.5x larger than a 747. V-shaped wings sloping back, squarish oblong body. Carries a number of rectangular "pods" on either side of the craft, behind heavily armored bay doors.
Environment: Designed for large-scale airlifting and capable of vertical take-offs and landings. Can also travel from a planetary surface to an orbiting spaceship, but due to the limited oxygen capacity, it cannot actually travel through space on its own. The military version is equipped to carry as many as eight MIM-150's, which are blasted out of individual mech bays in special "pods" to cushion the landing. The military Vulcan is heavily armored to facilitate the dropping of the MIM-150's into combat zones, and to withdraw to safety afterwards. As a result, however, it is slower and larger than the Vulcans used in cargo transport or rescue operations. Some Vulcans are equipped with light laser turrets or flechette cannon for air-to-ground or air-to-air defense.
Laser or Flechette Turrets: Not present on even all military mech transport Vulcans [MMTVs]. Laser turrets are identical to those found on MIM-150's, the flechette turrets are FM-20 cannon modified for rapid fire. As a result, however, the flechette cartridges carry fewer, smaller, non-explosive projectiles. The typical armament on an MMTV, when it is so equipped, is one front-mounted turret, two belly-mounted turrets (one left, one right), one tail-mounted turret, and one top-mounted turret.
Camoflage: The Vulcan is equipped with the same multi-state armor coating as the MIR-210, enabling it to change color to reduce direct visibility.
Name: Battle Dragon, ONE project unit designation is MIM-118.
Description: Blue/silver coloring, red and gold dragon insignia on chest, with more dragon insignia on the sides. Roughly Head resembles a Chinese dragon, only standing upright like a more Western-style dragon. Back of mech has a sort of ruff on it's back, red in color.
Environment: Deemed superior in combat value to the UWG's own standard medium-weight mech, the MIM-110, by the ONE project coordinators, the UWG purchased a number of these from Great China's army before the mission. The Battle Dragon is equally adept at both land and submerged combat, capable of changing to "serpent" mode and back in under thirty seconds. The Dragon's armor is vastly superior to the Locust's, but decidedly inferior to the MIM-150 Grenadier. However, the Battle Dragon makes up for the weaker armor with high agility and speed, amphibious ability, and the thermal beam attack which can severely damage even an MIM-150 with sustanained fire. Underwater, the Dragon uses the propeller arrangement concealed in it's lower abdomen and feet to move at nearly 35 knots, albeit with no stealth.
Shock: The Battle Dragon charges power in it's claws, then discharges a blast of electrical energy at a single target or a target area. Severe damage to targets hit, also damages or destroys electronic systems.
Dragonbreath: The Battle Dragon opens it's mouth, charges energy, and fires a themal energy beam that melts what it touches. Similiar effect to a heat bomb, only weaker and in a smaller area. Can be used underwater, but causes ecological damage to the immediate area (kills plankton and fish and whatnot by boiling the water).
Torpedo: Fires a homing torpedo. Only usable underwater.
Countermeasures: Only used underwater. Releases countermeasures to lure and detonate an incoming torpedo.
Sonic Blast: Charges energy in the mouth, then fires a shockwave. Stun and splash damage v. infantry, knockback v. mechs/light vehicles, severe damage to aircraft/airborne mechs, severe damage to underwater targets.
Form-Change: Changes from land to sea forms, and vice versa. Extremely rapid transition time.
Name: MSD-23 Octopus [Mechanized Support Drone]
Description: 13 feet tall, four tube-like spidery legs and four tube-like spidery arms. The legs are tipped with force dispersers which enable the mech to travel on the water's surface as well as land with considerable speed. The arms contain nano-repair modules that release small clouds of nanorobots that use available materials to reconstruct damaged areas on a mech, restoring full capability in a relatively short time. The mobility of both drone and mech is limited while this is going on, however. CWS' nanorepair arms function identically, but with a longer reach and slightly faster repair time (per arm).
Environment: Land or the water's surface. Has extremely limited combat capability due to having barely any armor.
Repair - repairs a mech with its nanorepair arms. Target and drone have reduced mobility while repair is occuring.