Destiel RP (Angelfire1 and k-michelle412)

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If it wasn't for Dean, Castiel would have fallen over. His legs were weak after the first few licks Dean gave him. His fingers were tangled on Dean's hair, his head lolling back on the wall.
"Oh go-gosh. Dean...what...what are you-ahh! Ahhh yes. Dean do it again please. Yes! Yeeeees right there. Feels...feels wow. Dean! Dean! Deeeeaaan!" Castiel could do little but chant the other males name. He was shaking, straining to hold himself together but he was crumbling, slowly but surely in Dean's hands.
Dean licked again and Cas saying his name was like music to his ears. He sucked Cas all the way to the base of his member and was trying not to choke. He steadied his breathing and squeezed Cas' ass.
Castiel covered his mouth, thrusting into Dean's mouth. When he swallowed him down Castiel lost it. He tugged at dean's hair as he came down his throat. His voice was caught in his throat as Castiel arched of the wall.
He snapped back gulping in air, legs shaking. He pulled out of Dean's mouth slowly before crumpling to the floor. "I've...I've never amazing." He panted leaving his head against Dean's chest.
Dean caught Cas in his arms and helped him sit down. "I'm glad you feel that way." He kissed Cas' forehead. There was still one more problem, but Dean could deal with it on his own if he needed to. "That was really hot, Cas." He put his arm around the angel's shoulders.
Castiel blushed, head leaning on Dean's shoulder. "We don' that physically. So I...I guess I'm technically a virgin." Cassius fumbled over his words embarrassed. "Can you how we know?"
Dean tilted his head. "Uh, sure." He pulled his arm away. This'll be interesting...
Cassius was nervous. He'd only done this with one other person. He settled himself on Dean's lap. He took a deep breath, locking eyes as his hand rest idly on the others thigh.
Cassius sent pulses of pure pleasure through Dean. He centered it in his groin as he sent pleasure in waves to the other.

((Sorry I know it's weird but it sounded angely in my head))
(na na it's cool)

Dean threw his head back and moaned in pleasure. "Damn, Cas..." His arms and legs were jello, until he started reaching his climax, then he grabbed Cas' shoulder and thrusted his hips up. He hit climax finally and he relaxed.
Castiel slid off of Dean's lap and settled next to him. "Was that okay? I could do it your way next time I uh...just wasn't sure how." Castiel was completely pink faced

"Cas?" Sam spoke from the other side of the door. He'd heard voices in the bathroom when he woke up, quickly recognizing Castiel's.
"Where's Dean at? Is he with you what are you guys doing?"
Castiel snapped his fingers and both him and Dean were fully clothed, hair in place.
"Nothing, Dean was just showing me how human things work around here." Castiel opened the door with a smile as if nothing ever happened.
Dean just gaped at Cas, still sitting on the floor.

Sam nodded. "Okay, when are we gonna get outta here and find that knife?"

Dean jumped up. "RIght now! We just gotta check in to the demon black market." He tried to smile as he pushed through the bathroom doorway.
Castiel stumbled out of the way as Dean catapulted himself out the door. He blinked meeting Sam's equally confused gaze. They both shrugged and followed Dean.

"So where is this black market?" Castiel asked as he walked next to Dean. He was doing a far better job at pretending nothing was happening than before. Perhaps it was because any uncertainty he felt about what happened between them was cleared up.
"I don't know. We'll have to ask around." He liked the idea of going to a bar. "We'll whisper God's name in Latin and see if anyone gets stirred." He smiled.
"Well....I suppose that would work." Castiel murmured walking with Dean and Sam. "We don't have to ride in your mechanical death trap again do we?" He glanced at Dean's sleek black car parked out front.
"Not if you don't want to, I guess." Dean shrugged. "Wanna walk then?" He chuckled.
Castiel nodded fervently and stayed far, far away from Dean's car. It was beautiful, nice to look at, but being inside made Castiel want to cry.
He followed Dean on foot to this underground black market he spoke of. As they were walking he masked his purity that was literally a beacon showing off his Angel status until it was barely detectable. It took a lot of concentration so he fell silent to keep it in tact.
Dean spotted the old-fashioned sign of a pub that said 'Crowley's'. "Perfect." It was out of the town a little, but not too far from the motel. "Sam, stay out here, you're only 14 so if this is just a regular place there's no way they'll let you in there. Cas, you stay out here too, I'll be right back."
"Aw come on! No one would know!" Sam whined. He was pretty tall for being fourteen. "And how are you supposed to get in? You're only nineteen yourself." He countered, arms crossed stubbornly.

Castiel eyed Dean warily. He didn't like the idea of him going in alone. He couldn't heal like Castiel can. "....Dean, here." Castiel fished through his pockets of his trench coat and handed Dean his rosaries. They weren't your average beaded chain with a cross blessed by a preach rosaries, they were Castiel's very own, given to him by God when he got his wings. "Uh, just...keep them on you okay."
"You still have your baby face." He patted Sam's cheek. "I however have facial hair and charm. Two key roles in looking like a young adult."

Dean took the rosary and smiled. "Thanks, Cas." He put his hand on his shoulder for a moment and walked nonchalantly into the bar.
Sam huffed and stomped his foot while Castiel muttered a soft welcome. The two sat outside of the bar while Dean was inside. It was silent for a while. Castiel wasn't sure what to say to a fourteen year old. Hell, he didn't know what to say to Dean, an actual adult, half the time.
"Dude chill, it's not like I'm four." Sam said nudging Castiel before sending him a smile. "No, no you are not." Castiel mumbled.
"So what's heaven like?" Sam made sure to keep his voice down when mentioning heaven.
"Well, it's much like this but without so much..." Castiel lifted his hand off the bench finding it grey and dusty. He cringed and wiped it on his trenchcoat. " much dirt."
Dean went inside and sat at the bar. He showed the bartender his fake ID, then ordered a shot of whiskey. After he shot it down his throat, he looked around and muttered:

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