Destiel RP (Angelfire1 and k-michelle412)

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Castiel was burning up but the gaping hole in his abdomen was closing. He grunted softly in his sleep from discomfort but other than that made no noise or movement.

The bar owner glanced outside and saw the young man from earlier. He'd seen only a portion of the fight and quickly strode outside. "You! With me. Now." He could give him the information he needed but it would come at a cost.
"Woah, man. I didn't mean to start what happened earlier I swear." He wondered if this guy was a demon. Luckily, he still had his bottle of holy water in his jacket. Hopefully it wouldn't run out if he was a demon. Dean slowly eased towards him.
The bar owner led Dean to the back into a small cramped office. There was a small desk and a dingy light. There were papers everywhere, overflowing out of cabinets and drawers.
"Look the place ya lookin' for, ya ain't gettin in with angel boy with ya. Yer lucky he got away from here with just a scythe in the stomach. They'd sell 'im fer a pretty penny on the market. But if yer really lookin' fer it, here. This'll get ya in." He handed Dean a seemingly plain ace of spades card. "Now, ya gotta go into the city. Corner if sixth and Moriston. Tiny brick wall around back. Knock three times. When the man asks ya a question ya show 'im the card. That'll getcha in. Now stop causin' fights in me bar!"
"Why are giving me this stuff? You a hunter?" Dean asked. He took the card and put it in his jacket. "Don't worry, we won't be messin' around here anymore." He bit his lip.
"Nah, I'm just a bar owner who happens to like the world as it is. Now get outta here before any of 'em see ya." The older man shepherded Dean out of the bar and closed the door
Dean ran back to the Impala and drove as fast as he could back to the motel. The door burst open and he held out the card. "I know where it is!" He panted. He came quickly over to where Cas was sleeping. "Is he better?"
"Uh, well...I don't think he's gonna die." Sam said a little unsure. The hole in his chest was a little smaller but Castiel was still pale and feverish. "Dean I think we need a doctor. I don't know how to do this. You tack on a bandaid and call it a day." Sam sighed and rubbed his tired eyes.
"No, we can't take him to a doctor. This would've killed anyone else. We have to get out of here, though. Those demon bitches are gonna find a way to track us. Let's find some other place a little ways outta town and set up camp there, then we can come back and follow the directions to the Demon Market." He looked at poor sleeping Cas, then went to the kitchenette and got a glass of water. He sat next to Cas on the bed and gently pulled him up so he was leaning against the wall. He poured a few drops of water into Cas' mouth. Just a few at a time so he wouldn't choke.
"Dean he's passed out. We can't just leave. What if he gets worse. He's an angel but his body is human. He could get an infection or the scab could reopen or..o-or.." Sam sniffled as tears stung his eyes. He didn't want Castiel to die. He really didn't want to be a witness. He felt useless and he hated it.

Castiel grunted, leaning his full weight on Dean. He was awake but stuck in a feverish dream as Dean fed him water and sat with him. Castiel swallowed the water as it entered his mouth. It felt cool in his dry mouth and he sighed softly.
"I know, I know..." Dean sighed. "We'll stay with him until he's better. Then we're going to that Market. It may take a few days. Tomorrow, if he's awake we'll move. I'm getting anxious just sitting here." Dean let Cas finish off the water. He was satisfied when Cas sighed and leaned on him. He was so cute... "Sam, why don't you go to sleep? You're gonna need it for... uh... just catch some 'Z's okay? You look tired." Dean gently moved a strand of sweaty hair out of Cas' face. He couldn't stop looking at the sleeping angel.
Sam eyed his brother. Now why would he stutter? Whatever he was tired. Sam hopped off the bed and curled up in his own. Within minutes, he was fast asleep, snores and all.

Castiel opened his eyes a little. A small smile on his face. He wasn't lucid at all, he was feverish and still hallucinating. "Dean..." He rasped out. He nuzzled into the boys neck sighing softly. "..I love you." He mumbled pressing soft kisses to his neck before his eyes closed and he went back to sleep.
Dean froze. Cas loved him. Cas just said he loved him. He swallowed thickly and gently wrapped his arms around him. He kissed his warm forehead. It was too warm. His hand was cold from holding the glass of water, so he pressed it against Cas' forehead, trying to cool it down.
Castiel leaned into the cold feel of the glass. What was that? It was so nice. Whatever he was laying on was nice too. Really nice. Castiel was running a very high fever.
Dean smiled at Cas and wished he had a wet cloth to put on his forehead. "Cas, if you can hear me, let me know..." He thought for a moment. "Cas, if you can hear me, smile. Okay?" He had to see if Cas was conscious. He didn't want him to fall asleep and never wake up.
Castiel sighed softly but other than that didn't move. Was something around him? He was faintly aware of a voice. It was really familiar. Yeah, he knew that voice. Didn't they know he was sleeping? Now what did they say? Smile. Oh. They wanted him to smile...but why?
Castiel grunted softly in confusion as his mind muddled through thoughts. Thinking was so hard. Whoever this was wanted a smile. Okay. He could try. Yeah, he would smile. He liked this voice so it was okay they were waking him up. Faintly, the corners of Castiel's mouth twitched upwards into a small smile.
Dean smiled back and breathed out with relief. He pet Cas' hair and relaxed a bit.
Castiel felt back into fitful sleep. It took him four days to fully recover from the stomach wound. It was the end of the fourth day and Castiel was in the shower. He had been immobile during the first two and a half days and was extremely sore on the third. He sighed softy happy he finally got to bathe.
Dean was sitting at the kitchenette, drinking some coffee and staring off into space. He was glad Cas was feeling better.
Castiel stepped out of the bathroom, towel around his waist and another rubbing his wet hair to dry it. He was completely unaware of anything he said during one of his fever dreams and had no clue he had confessed to Dean.
He tossed the smaller towel into a hamper and snapped his fingers. Instantly Castiel was redressed in a blue tshirt and fitted jeans that showed his figure nicely. "Did you find the market while I was healing?" He asked Dean flitting around the small hotel room cleaning.
Dean looked up and tried not to smile. He scanned Cas' outfit and cleared his throat. Cas was so handsome. "I have the directions." He took the card out of his pocket and held it between two fingers.
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