Demon Slaying All-Girls School, anyone?

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Okay, celebration~ :D I'll bring the cups (because its easy - 3 -)

Thank you! :) Oh really? My art style frequently changes because I'm not good at staying consistent when it comes to art XD cool, cant wait to see yours then~

lol I was just joking about using the dice for everything, (but maybe just for the fights?) we could do it for everything though. But first we should all vote on whether we want to use a dice or not. Actually now that I think about it, using a dice would probably make the rp slower so idk...hmm...

lol XD Tsurumi and Miya? I'm not sure if Tsurumi's actually really bi though :3 only time will tell...

Everyone with everyone? O.o that would make an awkward group date.
They're gonna be teacups, right? I hope so~ (Cause Asayano and Miyamura will be there.)

Actually, it's kind of the same with me. I mean, if I show you two of my drawings, you'd notice some differences in the styles I used. And I'm happy someone's looking forward to my drawings~ Actually, that's kind of terrible, since that raises the chance rate of me disappointing those particular people. (T3T)

Well, that joke was inspiring in that case. But seriously, let's NOT use the dice as it can really slow down the roleplay, as you mentioned.

Well, that's what the dice says! The dice can be a lie, ya know!

We'll see about that XD I can actually imagine everyone having a massive o- I MEAN - owl party. Ya know, a party with owls cause everyone loves owls. Right? (^w^)|||
Teacups? //looks down at the paper cups Teacups...ahaha yeah sure...:D

No worries 8D I like looking at other people's art

lol, yeah! owls are pretty cool...except for the white ones because they have creepy alien faces :o

Tsurumi: I don't have any particular affection for owls //folds arms and looks away pompously
Well, then she will feel that through the whole roleplay cause Miya is still alive, ya know~ We should celebrate our unusualness!

Your characters are magnificently bootiful~ I really like your drawing style, mine is kinda similar by the way!

Oh, you will see her one day, when I post her along with the rest of the family. And I also finished Asayano! YAY!

That's actually a good idea! We will use the dice at all times, especially for pairings. Like, for example "Who do you ship Miya with?" *rolls dice* *shows Tsurumi* AND DONE! EVERYTHING IS FIXED NOW!

And Miya doesn't need a harem - she already has one~

*answers from Infinity's name* Everyone with everyone.


This is correct. This isn't actually a demon slaying school, this is a harem school :o
Oh. my. god. :o what have I gotten Tsurumi into???

Oh yeah~ speaking of the school...are we going to have dorms? :D the characters would probably get to know each other better that way
Oh. my. god. :o what have I gotten Tsurumi into???

Oh yeah~ speaking of the school...are we going to have dorms? :D the characters would probably get to know each other better that way

Yup, it says in the sign up it is a dorm school.
Ah okay ^^; I guess I read through everything too quickly...probably should go back and read it again...
Oreki is so anit-kawaii that she is a bloody bunny or a murdering kitten o - o

I am going to draw Oreki and Yuu - w - I really like to draw so it will be funnnn
Idk who to ship Oreki with..... ; 3 ;
oh geez x.x


lol XD


I'm going to wait for the characters to get to know each other before I ship anyone.

Ooooooh I want to see your drawings :D

I shall put them up when I do them - w - <333
Teacups? //looks down at the paper cups Teacups...ahaha yeah sure...:D

No worries 8D I like looking at other people's art

lol, yeah! owls are pretty cool...except for the white ones because they have creepy alien faces :o

Tsurumi: I don't have any particular affection for owls //folds arms and looks away pompously

Well *looks at the cups you're holding*, those will work too, I guess~ All that matters now is the tea!
And at least I'm kind of sure I'm not gonna disappoint one soul XD
I object about the white owls! All owls are cute! Even those with creepy faces! Ah, I started having this certain affection for owls... (-w-)
Miya: "BUT OWLS ARE CUTE JUST LIKE ANY OTHER ANIMAL! They remind me of ostriches~" *moves hands in a weird 'this-big' kind of way*


This is correct. This isn't actually a demon slaying school, this is a harem school :o
Yup, a harem specifically for this school's students. OH, WAIT. I just remembered something. A friend of mine told me that "GAY HAREM NO JUTSU" is a cannon thing in Naruto Shippuden and I suggest we use it for the heterosexual students (and for our own fun) XD

Oh. my. god. :o what have I gotten Tsurumi into???

Oh yeah~ speaking of the school...are we going to have dorms? :D the characters would probably get to know each other better that way
Yup, dorms are a thing. There are really gonna be dorms! Let me give an explanation about dorms~ Okay, so there are from one-person to five-person dorms. one-person and two-person dorms are for the students in squads a, i, u, e, o (Elites from High School) and A, B, C, D(Elites from University), while the three-person, four-person, and five-person are open for everyone. For now we haven't thought of other elites, nor slackers(the ones in the back (like Miya~)), so let's think about grouping in the average squads (from ka to ro). You know that there are 35 average squads of five people each left. While if there are any volunteers for elite squads, keep in mind that your student should be flawless in studying, have a connection with an important/famous person and probably act either all cocky and annoying or cold and like a jerk(like Asayano~). As for the slackers, if there are volunteers for that, keep in mind that means that your character is one of the most unskilled at fighting, not so fit and really bad when it comes to studying. So, for now let's keep it to volunteering~ I was thinking of maybe discussing the squads at the start of the roleplay, but I dunno. But let's not keep all the roleplayers in two squads, okay? XD This paragraph turned out longer than I wanted... (as usual >:( )

@Infinity @DoomyCakez

Infinity is right. As I mentioned earlier, the correct ship is everyone with everyone X'D I ship Asayano with everyone, Miya with everyone, Vice-Principal-san with everyone(while there is only one true ship with him. Can you guess who?) and, even though I don't know the other characters outside their character sheets (except that Tsurumi doesn't have an affection for owl), I still ship everyone else with everyone, cause yay for ships~
No...not the white owls...O.O //runs away and climbs up a pole

What is a Gay Harem no jutsu?

Hmm...Tsurumi would fit the elite squad description ^^ As for Hinata, he'd probably be in a normal squad
No...not the white owls...O.O //runs away and climbs up a pole

What is a Gay Harem no jutsu?

Hmm...Tsurumi would fit the elite squad description ^^ As for Hinata, he'd probably be in a normal squad
But the white ones are so adorable and creepy-looking! They look as if they either wanna snuggle in a warm place or scare you!

It's a jutsu where you clone yourself and turn into hot bishies, who act all smexy and bring nosebleeds to goddesses~ My friend told me Naruto used it with Sasuke to defeat a goddess, I think, and yeah. That's basically the best jutsu ever! I wanna learn it!

That'd be great! Then I guess we have one volunteer for the elite squads, yay~ Is Tsurumi gonna be in a team with Asayano (team e(え)) or in another one? And I'll have to think kind of different rules and such for the boys' school, cause I don't really want the two schools to be the same and have the exact same rules, mannerisms and so on (^u^)
Oh I thought that the jutsu made the user gay ^^

We don't have enough girl characters to make multiple full teams right now, so Tsurumi should be in Asayano's team. (that will be interesting :D)

Maybe they should have random team ups for the guys? Since there's only three guys right now it would make sense for them to be in the same team together...unless Doomy and Rin want npcs in their team
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