DBZ RP 2 - IC Thread

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Jessica Stansell

Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
anime and modern mostly
but fine with any genre i guess
Hello everyone. Here is the IC roleplay thread for my 2nd DBZ RP. I hope everyone has fun here^^

And new unknown enemy threat has struck the home of the saiyans, that being none other than Planet Vegeta. And it has sent many of the saiyans to the infirmary and recovery rooms. The saiyan king, King Vegeta, who is head over the elite class saiyans, and Bardock who respectively head over the lower class saiyans are both at a loss of what to do. They need to neutralize this threat quickly before their home planet is demolished again and many of their friends and comm-rads are hurt or worse, killed.
Meanwhile down on the Planet Earth, Trunks and Goten are both doing what they love to do, and that is sparing in the woods near Goten's home when an equal threat is hovering to strike against them as well and soon, and the threat, that being vortexes are about to appear and reach from the sky, being in the form of warping tubes, down to the ground, will be bringing about the same threat as Planet Vegeta is facing. Trunks' mother Bulma is at the moment, pregnant with his baby sister and just weeks away from the delivery date. And Trunks' father, Vegeta, who is the saiyan prince, is currently training off in some secret location and trying to best Goten's father Goku. And Goten's brother Gohan is currently in school right now doing tests along with Videl.
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