Darkened Skies; Dead Mans Trigger

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A pistol. A single pistol. YOu'll be dead the second you try and charge someone in that suit. You are armored and big. You are not super agile. I am sorry Woof,. With what has been shown I think this isn't the rp for you.
A pistol. A single pistol. YOu'll be dead the second you try and charge someone in that suit. You are armored and big. You are not super agile. I am sorry Woof,. With what has been shown I think this isn't the rp for you.
Erm, ok. He has the M40, an assault rifle. Its one of the links. Thats what I was referring to when I said I gave him a gun.
@Hellis uhm, I just noticed, in the character rooster you wrote that Rafaela was created by someone else, and her name is spelled wrong. Just wanted to warn you, to avoid future problems.
A pistol. A single pistol. YOu'll be dead the second you try and charge someone in that suit. You are armored and big. You are not super agile. I am sorry Woof,. With what has been shown I think this isn't the rp for you.
^ Sooooooooooooo is this the final word? ^
Oh, I just had an idea. Could I swap the shield system with an AI? It would allow me to do my favorite thing, which happens to be dialogues, ad would add a extra character without adding an extra character.

EDIT: I am just going to go ahead and do it for now, so I can get an IC post up. If you end up not liking it I can edit it out. Easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission! Or something.
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I will hopefully be posting soon. I was having some serious writers block but that shouldn't hold me up to to much longer.

And while I am thinking of it is there a specific set up for the inside of the mech or should we just use our imagination?
I just want to to know where Holliday is in the squad deployment, since he was accepted after the initial IC post.

Then I can work on my post.
I edited the post to put him in there a few hours ago ^^
I edited the post to put him in there a few hours ago ^^
Sorry I've been on call for almost 12 hours now, haven't had much time to look :P
Ai is still alot like todays. It is not selfaware. It merely a guiding tool. There is also the fact that you are partially hooked up the machine itself.

As for the cockpit; https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5a/77/83/5a7783ae25209971350edaf3e6106222.jpg

Only yours is a bit roomier. But it's constrolled trough reading body movements and neural impulses.
Okay.... Not up for debate? I think it would add a lot to the experience, at least for my joy of writing it... That and I wasn't thinking of something that was truly self aware. More just a really smart computer with a pre-programmed personality. But if the technology doesn't exist I'll drop the idea...

And roomier?!?!? This thing is only 4.5 meters tall and the designers are wasting space with place for the pilot to breath? Oviously the military did not commission this project. XD
a little roomier. Just so that you can easier escape it if is about to blow.

As for the AI, It just doesn't fit with the mech. The mechs metal is semi-sentient and eldricht in origins. IT alone is a strain on the user you are pretty much. A compley AI with a personality of its own would not be benefical.
a little roomier. Just so that you can easier escape it if is about to blow.
So, no smart computer? Okay..... that's unfortunate....

And HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Shows what you know about how the military deisgns its armor, but if you insist okay. Some space in this thing and I am not allowed to write dialogues... *Sniff Sniff* You know me and dialogues! We love each other and it makes up for about 50% of my content!
So, no smart computer? Okay..... that's unfortunate....

And HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Shows what you know about how the military deisgns its armor, but if you insist okay. Some space in this thing.
I've actually been in different tanks and my brother is a tank operator xD.
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