Dark Love

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She immediately moved over to him once he got in the car. "I suppose we can do that, what time is it anyway?" she said softly. She held onto his arms as he rubbed them softly "I'm glad you came as well."

"Clemente, where do you live?" Dennis asked unsure of where to go.
"32nd and Broadway." he replied to her. He looked at Ophealia and pulled out his phone and looked at the time "9:45pm baby. 15 til 10" he said smiling at her "I won't be long to get my clothes and I'll be out of their. Or do you want to come in as well?" he said as he held her tight against him.
"Oh wow, it's really that late? No wonder I'm feeling so tired." she said softly. "I'll come in, I've never been to a vampire's home at first. Plus I want to see the look on your Coven members face when they see me. Especially Selene's."
He grinned at her and chuckled in an evil way "Babe that was one of the sexiest thing you said and I agree I can't wait to see the look on her face." he said as he laughed and kissed her "This is the house to your left Dennis, the 3 story one." Clemente said to the driver, "You ready babe?" he said to her and winked.
"Well she's been bugging and annoying you all day. It's my turn to take revenge. I guess it's my ancestral blood talking." Dennis pulled over, "I'll wait here." Ophealia nodded, "Ready."
"Yes ma'am I am ready" he said as he opened the door and helped her out, he walked over to the gate that had a scanner on it and it opened, the walked to the front door and he opened it, "I wonder if they are all home." he said as he looked around, and as soon as he did their was Selene, "So this is who you have been hanging around all this time. What is she doing here?" she said as she crossed her hands in a jealous pose. "We where just leaving here pretty soon. I'm just getting some clothes and I'm leaving back to her house." he said as he was walking up stairs, "Why are you going back to her house, Clemente?" she said again. Clemente stopped and sighed in an annoying tone, "Please not today..." he said too himself. "Please answer me, Clemente. Please, hun...I won't get mad." she said in a seductive tone and started walking toward him, looking up and down and then at her. She was a very beautiful vampire, every vampire would die to be with her but Clemente didn't feel that way.
Ophealia noticed Selene's displeasure and stayed quiet since it wasn't her place to speak. As the two spoke Ophealia's eyes darted about the 3 story building, the decor fascinated her. It seemed as if the place was a historical time capsule that had the various styles from all the ages in history. She stayed close to Clemente for protection in case anything happened.
She kept walking toward him, and licked her lips "I won't get mad if you tell me, I promise." she said, he backed up from her with Ophealia hands in his, "It doesn't concern you Selene, why do you always have to be in my bussiness?" he said as he glared at her, "So can you please move out of my way and let me and her pass too my room." he said in an angery tone, his eyes turned black and Selene knew not to mess with him when he looks like that, "Fine! But don't bitch when you get hurt and that puny fucking human doesn't deserve someone like you, I DO!!" she said as she stormed away. Clemente looked down and sighed "I'm so sorry, lets get my clothes and let's get out of her shall we?" he said with a smile and then kissed her.
At that moment when Selene said that Ophealia doesn't deserve him she spoke before she turned away from them. "I'm sorry, but I don't do too kindly with those who insult me. I'm Ophealia Von Faust, last living descendant of the Siberian Von Faust and VonDrak covens. I think you owe me an apology."

Ophealia turned her attention back to Clemente, "You're right let's get your stuff and get out of here. Selene's negative energy is bothering me." the kiss calmed her down.
"Calm down babe." he said as he saw her get all fired up and held her hand and walked to his room and grabbed his clothes and put it in a bag. He walked back out and down stairs and out the house. "You know that kinda turned me on when you did that." he said as he smiled and walked to the car and put his bags in the trunk, "It was really hot when you yelled at her like that." he said as he opend the door for her and got in after her, "Back to the house, please ma'am." he said to the driver.
"Well I don't those who disrespect me or you. I have to stand up for the both of us. It's like she walks over you, just like Sarah does to me." she said softly. She noticed his room, "Beautiful room, much bigger than mine. This place is bigger than my penthouse. Really, I turned you on by doing that?" blushing a bit. Once in the car, "Back to my place, please." she said politely. On the ride home she started to doze off.
"Come here, Ophealia." he said faintly opening his chest to her, "You can lay here and sleep till we get to the house and then we can go to bed." he said as he wrapped his arms around Ophealia to hold her against him. "I love you, Ophealia." he said as he kissed her forehead.
She moved closer, snuggling up to him. Even though his body was cold as death, she didn't mind it. All that mattered to her was that she was falling deeply in love with a Vampire. "I love you too." she said faintly as she closed her eyes.
He smiled and looked out the window and then at her and seen that she fell asleep, he looked back out the window and saw people walking during the night and he most of them where Vampires and they where either hunting or going to party. "Savages." he said in a disgusted low voice. He rubbed her arm and kept her safe against him and smiled, they where almost home, "Almost home and we will be in bed and I shall hold you in my arms and let you fall asleep again." he said softly so he wouldn't wake her up.

The car stopped, "We are here." Dennis said, he looked at the driver "Thank you can you please get the bags and I'll carry Ophealia in the house to her bed and you can leave. Thanks for your service don't want to keep you hear any longer than you need." he said and smiled. Clemente esed his way out and opened the door and picked her up into his arms and carried her to the door, Dennis opened the door for him and he walked to her bedroom, and layed her down softly on the bed. "Good night baby." he said softly and kissed her forehead so she wouldn't wake up. He walked to the dresser and saw the shower and looked at the mirror "I can use a shower." he said as he started getting undressed and walked into the bathroom, completely naked and turned on the hot water to a nice tempature and got in. "Ahhh much better." he said with a sigh, not realizing that he left the door open.
Ophealia didn't feel her body being moved from the car to her room. It was like she was in a trance when she slept unaware of what is going on around her. Soon enough she felt his absence, which woke her up. Stirring slightly eyes still closed, she called out to him faintly "Clemente? Where are you?" Her vampiric instincts were kicking in since the two of them already had created a bond. She heard the water from the shower running and smiled to herself. "Guess he's in there." she said softly to herself before closing her eyes once more.
He shut off the water and got out "Ahh refreshed I am." he said with a grin, he grabbed a towel and started drying his body, still completely naked, and walked out the door at the same time, forgetting that he is at Ophealia's house not his. He walked to the dresser with a comb and started to come is wet hair down and then he shook furiously to make it spread out and he walked his bag and got some of his clothes out, "Which one do I wear to bed?" he said to himself as he picked up the bag and walked to the dresser and sat it down on it. "Hmmmm..." he said thinking.
Ophealia was still fast asleep even though she heard him talking to himself. Plus she didn't want to look at him while he was getting dressed, purely out of respect and privacy. She curled up into a ball as usual since she was always cold.
Still scambling through his back he finally found what he wanted, "Their you are." he said as he pulled out his boxers and his gym shorts, "This'll do." he said as he slipped them and put his bag up next to the end of the bed on the floor, He walked over to the bed and Ophealia was still asleep, "So peaceful when she is sleeping." he said as he got in bed with ease without trying to wake her up, "Ok, need so sleep." he said as he layed next to her and leaned on her side and gave her a kiss good night on her cheek. "Good night mon amour." he said as he laye on his back with his hand on his chest and his other hand under his head and smiled.
Instinctively, Ophealia moved closer to him placing one arm and a leg over him. She did this without opening her eyes, it was like something was pulling her closer and closer to him. As she slept she felt a much stronger connection as if they were actually meant to be soul mates.
He opened his eyes as Ophealia put her arm and leg over him and he looked down and smiled, she was so beautiful when she was sleeping, so peaceful. He moved her hair away from her face and smiled, he grabbed the blanket and pulled it over him and her so he could keep her warm and wrapped his arm around and kept her close against his body, so he could keep her safe and he smiled and closed his eyes and fell asleep.
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