Dark Flowers Signups

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Yumi, would it be alright if Berry-chan played the second twin? She kind of wanted to join but didn't dare ask so she never did... and then we started planning the twins together, so it would only be fair if she could play one of them. (She'd play Vincent, I play Isaac) X3.
@DoomyCakez, aww.. I didn't realise :] though I do have an idea.. so everyone get's to rp with each other I was thinking that maybe as an option once a week or two or so we could alternate the pairs, that way everyone can play with each other if they want and not feel confind to one person.. it's up to you guys, though :]

and I'm classing your twins as one character, Gladis :]
Love this idea o - o
Quiet Musician and Karo, you are more then welcome to make extra scientists! :]

would anyone be intrested in making another boy? I don't mind making a spare boy to :]
I could make a boy as well - w - I think I have a fun idea
AND OMFG SOMEONE LIKE YUU :,D *best friends~~~~*
Yesh o 3 o

They can compare torture strategies...
And share their findings and test results...

I could see them working together on one particularly unusual subject...
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that's fine, Gladis :] I was hoping (and wanted) Berry would/to join :] (plus I said to Berry a while back that I'd like her to join.. heh, heh.. well..I think I did.. * looks at Berry, worried* I.. did, right? :] )

and I'm glad you like the idea, Doomycakez! if you and Leucothea like.. you can both create a new character each.. if you both wanna be boy's, I'll create a scientist to keep things even :]
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Alright. Let me figure out what I'm going to do.

Just to help you guys, when I make multiple characters they are all linked to each other in one way. Since Aiden had no brothers, he will find my boy and that will be their connection.

My characters don't like each other but they grow on their connections to each other.

Give me a while to think up something
awesome! I look forward to seeing him! maybe I'll bring my sadisticly elegant French scientist.. heh, heh..
Boy form
Jax's song:


First Name: Jaxson
Second name: Borne
Nickname (used by most Boys): Shadow, Jax
Pet name (used by your 'special' friend): (whichever one he gets)
Code name (used by all scientists when referring to you): Trigger

+Age and Gender/identity+

Age: 19
Age in looks: 19
Birthday: July 10th
Star Sign: Cancer
Gender: Male
Sees self as: An animal which needs to be stopped
Looks (Masculine, Feminine or androgynous): Masculine
Dresses like (male, female, both): Male

+Gender preference/other info+

Gender preference: Pansexual
Uke or Seme: Seke
dream parter:
Attracted to: Strong (physically and emotionally), Smarts, people who are sporty, kid but not overly, arent scared of him
Un attracted to: Overly nice, bubbly personalities, people who are scared of the dark, Incompetent

+optional thoughts of other characters+

+Your personality+

Positive traits: Strong willed, not easily frightened, loyal, sweet to those who deserve it
negative traits: Easily angered, lets Allen get the best of his judgement as she controls most of his brain
likes: Sour candy, watching the pain of others because of Allen (explained below) games, puns and jokes, the sight of blood
Dislikes: Sunlight, needy people
Fears: Light, being disrupted in thought, being overly needy
Talents: Street smart, draws, plays Violin, has a knack for knowledge of animals,

+illnesses, if any+

Mental illnesses: Insomniac,
Phobias: Agoraphobia: Fear of being away from a safe place
Asthenophobia: Fear of weakness
Lygophobia- Fear of darkness. (From Jax himself)

Physical illnesses: n/a

+Your Power and time in the lab+

What is your power?: Jax is an Aserinmus, a rare demon of shadows. A beast that seeks out the fear in someones being by using its manipulative powers of shadows and illusion to to heighten one's fear as a game. It wins by killing it's victim of fright. It can only be seen at night with night vision, during the night it becomes restless and its calls can sound like whichever the person hears fears the most. Only at night and in areas of darkness can this demon attack. Places of darkness make this creature invulnerable to pain. However it is very easy to anger. (Aiden and Jax call her Allen, yes she is female)

(Allen has a rare physical form, very few have only seen it. When Allen is shown her form is the one in the picture, as she looks like this constantly, black, white and grey as if she was drawn to life. Changes the size of her form at will depending on how much darkness she is presented with)

Can it be control?: With the reactions of light
are you aware of it?: Unwillingly so
Can a scientist control it?: (At this point only Aiden has been able to keep her at bay)
How long have you being in the lab?: Less than a few months
do you try to escape?: No, Jax came here willingly with Aiden to stop any more killings
are you happy there?: So far so good, its a place full of light where Allen doesn't go

(Will get this done later)

+what do you look like?+

hair colour and style: Raven black with a few brightly colored streaks of orange and blue
eye colour: Emerald Green
skin colour: Fair but slightly pale
body shape: Slender body, stands at about 5'10" Muscular build
dress style: Punk and casual
facial description: A face inbetween masculine and feminine, glowing eyes which seem to emit the aura of something unnatural
body description: A built body, evenly distributed between his abs and slender form, the body of a fighter
default expression: Sweet, he often always wears a smile, yet his default expression is one full of lies
default stance: Taunt, rough, holds himself well with great posture, stands like a wall, hiding things inside
any scars, tattoos, ect?: Few scars like claw marks along his sides and cutting into his hips from fights with Allen in the night, trying to stop her when Allen tries to take her form.
photo (2).JPG
Combination song (For both Jax and Allen when the darkness comes and their minds are connected. Lyrics from this song flow between Jax's point of view and then Allens. Decide which ones fit :))
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Boy form
(behind blue eyes- limpbizkit)

First Name: Dionysus
Second name: Ashwood
Nickname (used by most Boys): Dio
Pet name (used by your 'special' friend): Daffodil, or something like that
Code name (used by all scientists when referring to you): Loki

+Age and Gender/identity+
Age: 16
Age in looks: 16
Birthday:5, June
Star Sign: Gemini
Gender: male
Sees self as: "I don't care!"
Looks (Masculine, Feminine or androgynous): androgynous
Dresses like (male, female, both): male, sometimes female

+Gender preference/other info+
Gender preference:homosexual
Uke or Seme: uke
Type: dramatic/tsundre
dream parter: "A HUNKY SEX GOD!"
why?: "what part of hunky sex God ain't ya gettin'?"
Attracted to:muscles, strong men, dominance, assertive men, men who accept him for who he is, cold and aloof males
Un attracted to: innocent boys, overtly protective boys, gentle people, happy people, morally up right people, lunatics to a degree..

+optional thoughts of other characters+
to be added

+Your personality+
Positive traits: Dio's a very independent guy, he's also a very good actor and a natural fighter. He's pretty tough and stands his ground.
negative traits: self centred, liar, manipulative, psychopathic, bad temper, mood swings, sullen, blunt, uncouth
likes: lions, sewing, knifes, fighting, immoral activities, chocolate, his stuffed cuddly lion called Mori
Dislikes: guns, being talked about, being held back, being stuck in a single relationship, his past, losing
Fears: his mother, being trapped, being restrained, tight spaces, bugs.
Talents: he's a very good sewer, as well as being a good acrobat and dancer he tends to do well in physical activities.

+illnesses, if any+
Mental illnesses: bi polor, Conduct disorder, Dissociative identity disorder, Kleptomania, Histrionic personality disorder and pathological liar
Phobias: tight spaces, darkness, and bugs
Physical illnesses: none

+Your Power and time in the lab+
What is your power?: his shadow functions independently to himself.
Can it be control?: to a degree
are you aware of it?: yes
Can a scientist control it?: possibly
How long have you being in the lab?: four years
do you try to escape?: at least once a day
are you happy there?: "what do ya think, dummy?!"

to be added

+what do you look like?+
hair colour and style: blonde long hair that reaches his shoulders, he also has a long fringe that reaches to his nose. His hair is often unkempt.
eye colour: his right eye is blue, his left is green
skin colour: pale
body shape: wispy, but with slight curves
dress style: flamboyant
facial description: his face has an almost oriental quality to it, it it's hard to say for sure. He has long eyelashes with a delicate nose and soft cheek bones.
body description: he's about 5'6 in hight and slender, with slight muscles (mainly on his legs and calves) he's also slightly curvy. He has elegant hands but pretty large feet.
default expression: a scowl or sneer, sometimes a condescending smirk.
default stance: arms resting behind head, with his right foot behind his left
any scars, tattoos, ect?: Dio has a few scars on his body (mainly on his back and thighs), as well as a tattoo on his stomach of the ace of spades. He also has a sprinkle of freckles that dash on his collarbone and shoulder blades.

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Boy form
(behind blue eyes- limpbizkit)

View attachment 34744
First Name: Dionysus
Second name: Ashwood
Nickname (used by most Boys): Dio
Pet name (used by your 'special' friend): Daffodil, or something like that
Code name (used by all scientists when referring to you): Loki

View attachment 34745
+Age and Gender/identity+
Age: 16
Age in looks: 16
Birthday:5, June
Star Sign: Gemini
Gender: male
Sees self as: "I don't care!"
Looks (Masculine, Feminine or androgynous): androgynous
Dresses like (male, female, both): male, sometimes female

View attachment 34746
+Gender preference/other info+
Gender preference:homosexual
Uke or Seme: uke
Type: dramatic/tsundre
dream parter: "A HUNKY SEX GOD!"
why?: "what part of hunky sex God ain't ya gettin'?"
Attracted to:muscles, strong men, dominance, assertive men, men who accept him for who he is, cold and aloof males
Un attracted to: innocent boys, overtly protective boys, gentle people, happy people, morally up right people, lunatics to a degree..

+optional thoughts of other characters+
to be added

View attachment 34747
+Your personality+
Positive traits: Dio's a very independent guy, he's also a very good actor and a natural fighter. He's pretty tough and stands his ground.
negative traits: self centred, liar, manipulative, psychopathic, bad temper, mood swings, sullen, blunt, uncouth
likes: lions, sewing, knifes, fighting, immoral activities, chocolate, his stuffed cuddly lion called Mori
Dislikes: guns, being talked about, being held back, being stuck in a single relationship, his past, losing
Fears: his mother, being trapped, being restrained, tight spaces, bugs.
Talents: he's a very good sewer, as well as being a good acrobat and dancer he tends to do well in physical activities.

+illnesses, if any+
Mental illnesses: bi polor, Conduct disorder, Dissociative identity disorder, Kleptomania, Histrionic personality disorder and pathological liar
Phobias: tight spaces, darkness, and bugs
Physical illnesses: none

+Your Power and time in the lab+
What is your power?: his shadow functions independently to himself.
Can it be control?: to a degree
are you aware of it?: yes
Can a scientist control it?: possibly
How long have you being in the lab?: four years
do you try to escape?: at least once a day
are you happy there?: "what do ya think, dummy?!"

View attachment 34749
to be added

View attachment 34750
+what do you look like?+
hair colour and style: blonde long hair that reaches his shoulders, he also has a long fringe that reaches to his nose. His hair is often unkempt.
eye colour: his right eye is blue, his left is green
skin colour: pale
body shape: wispy, but with slight curves
dress style: flamboyant
facial description: his face has an almost oriental quality to it, it it's hard to say for sure. He has long eyelashes with a delicate nose and soft cheek bones.
body description: he's about 5'6 in hight and slender, with slight muscles (mainly on his legs and calves) he's also slightly curvy. He has elegant hands but pretty large feet.
default expression: a scowl or sneer, sometimes a condescending smirk.
default stance: arms resting behind head, with his right foot behind his left
any scars, tattoos, ect?: Dio has a few scars on his body (mainly on his back and thighs), as well as a tattoo on his stomach of the ace of spades. He also has a sprinkle of freckles that dash on his collarbone and shoulder blades.

picture:View attachment 34751
*Nosebleeds* ...Want so bad...
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*looks totally shocked* I never thought.. anyone would want Dio :] if you like you can trade Sephy for Dio, whatever works best for you :] (unless.. anyone else wants the nightmare that is Dio? :] )
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First Name: Korin
Second name: Vince
Title (used by most Boys): Dr. Vince
Pet name (used by your 'special' friend): Korin

+Age and Gender/identity+

Age: 24
Age in looks: 24
Birthday: 11 * 22
Star Sign: Scorpio
Gender: Male
Sees self as: A Scientist
Looks (Masculine, Feminine or androgynous): Masculine
Dresses like (male, female, both): Male

+Gender preference/other info+

Gender preference:
Uke or Seme: Seme
Type: Curious
dream partner: Someone who keep his attention
why?: He likes people who are interesting
Attracted to: Sadists and Masochists, people with high sex drives
Un attracted to: Anyone who is too gentle, Too much kindness, people with low pain tolerances, anyone who doesn't like sex

+optional thoughts of other characters+

+Your personality+
Positive traits: He can be kind, he's confident, loves to enjoy peaceful activities
negative traits: Sadist, nymphomaniac, high sex drive, enjoys the pain of others
likes: Sex
Dislikes: too much kindness
Fears: Lack of Sex Life
Talents: Really good in bed?, determining the pain tolerance of a person, reading people

+illnesses, if any+

Mental illnesses: Nymphomaniac
Phobias: Sickness
Physical illnesses: N/A

+how you conduct yourself and your work+

what are your thoughts on the boys?: He believes the should be able to withstand ridiculous amount of pain and control their own sexual urges no matter the circumstances
how do you treat them? He treats them like test subjects and objects, some of them are simply just sex toys
How are you with your fellow scientists?: It depends on the scientist interacting with him
can you keep any of the boy's powers under control and if so, how?: Hopefully pain will do the trick or sexual frustration
How long have you worked in the lab?: Four years
do you ever think about leaving?: Yes
are you happy working there?: No

[will add later]

+what do you look like?+

hair colour and style: white
eye colour: One is red and the other gold
skin colour: pale
body shape: lean
dress style: Comfortable
facial description: Curious expression
body description: very toned as has a decent amount of muscle
default expression: always a curious expression as though he is trying to read you
default stance: relaxed
any scars, tattoos, ect?: a scar on his left eye
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Thanks... I just really wanted an excuse to make a nymph to be honest >_< And I was working on him for a while, but I wanted him to fit the RP as well.
I can tell you've put a lot of thought into him :] he'll totally fit in well! let's just hope that Gladius doesn't want to be friends with him- he can be even crueler to those he holds dear *evil grin*
Oh god. Gladius and Korin seems like a tornado of fabulous chaos.
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