Dark Flowers Signups

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Original poster

{OOC here}
sorry that the form's a little-very- long winded, you can omit parts or fill in the stuff you deem best and leave the rest till later :]
Boy form
(theme song-optional)
First Name:
Second name:
Nickname (used by most Boys):
Pet name (used by your 'special' friend):
Code name (used by all scientists when referring to you):

+Age and Gender/identity+

Age in looks
Star Sign:
Sees self as:
Looks (Masculine, Feminine or androgynous):
Dresses like (male, female, both):

+Gender preference/other info+

Gender preference:
Uke or Seme:
dream parter:
Attracted to:
Un attracted to:

+optional thoughts of other characters+

+Your personality+

Positive traits:
negative traits:

+illnesses, if any+

Mental illnesses:
Physical illnesses:

+Your Power and time in the lab+

What is your power?:
Can it be control?:
are you aware of it?:
Can a scientist control it?:
How long have you being in the lab?:
do you try to escape?:
are you happy there?:


+what do you look like?+

hair colour and style:
eye colour:
skin colour:
body shape:
dress style:
facial description:
body description:
default expression:
default stance:
any scars, tattoos, ect?:

scientist form


First Name:
Second name:
Title (used by most Boys):
Pet name (used by your 'special' friend):

+Age and Gender/identity+

Age in looks
Star Sign:
Sees self as:
Looks (Masculine, Feminine or androgynous):
Dresses like (male, female, both):

+Gender preference/other info+

Gender preference:
Uke or Seme:
dream parter:
Attracted to:
Un attracted to:

+optional thoughts of other characters+

+Your personality+
Positive traits:
negative traits:

+illnesses, if any+

Mental illnesses:
Physical illnesses:

+how you conduct yourself and your work+

what are your thoughts on the boys?:
how do you treat them?
How are you with your fellow scientists?:
can you keep any of the boy's powers under control and if so, how?:
How long have you worked in the lab?:
do you ever think about leaving?:
are you happy working there?:


+what do you look like?+

hair colour and style:
eye colour:
skin colour:
body shape:
dress style:
facial description:
body description:
default expression:
default stance:
any scars, tattoos, ect?:


Name: Isaac Morley

Pet name: Eyes

Code name: Prism

+Age and Gender/identity+

Age: 18

Birthday: March 4

Star Sign: Pisces

Gender: Male

Sees self as: A monster

+Gender preference/other info+

Gender preference: Homo-Romantic

Uke or Seme: Seke

Attracted to: People

+thoughts of other characters+

To be filled in

+Your personality+

Positive traits: Imaginative, Empathetic, Self Reliant, Observant

Negative traits: Secretive, Isolated, Escapist

Likes: Art, People watching, Reading

Dislikes: Crowds, Being the centre of attention

Fears: Losing Control of his abilities in a crowded area.

Talents: Sculpting, Running

+Your Power and time in the lab+

What is your power?:
Isaac has the ability to take in different wavelengths of light to draft materials, that he can then shape and use. However, different light sources are easier to draw from than others. Natural sunlight is easiest, allowing him to draft and mould materials faster and with more precision. Fire, whether from a campfire or candle, is more difficult to use unless drafting Red, Orange and Yellow wavelengths. Artificial light is the hardest to draft from, requiring a high level of concentration. While he can draft all types, Isaac is most proficient in Green, Yellow, and Indigo. Drafting light alters Isaac's personality slightly, as well as those around large quantities of the materials he drafts. In a last ditch effort, he can force light through an individuals body to cause an immediate change, but this increases the risk of Light Sickness, pushing his abilities too far and causing him to lose control of himself.
The materials he can draft are:

Red Light
becomes a soft, sticky material that is dangerously flammable. A single spark could ignite it, the resulting fire burning long and hot. When drafting Red, Isaac's temper becomes far shorter, making it far easier to get him violently angry. When pushed too far, the red light will begin to engulf him, the material dripping out through his skin, more so from his shoulders to his fingers, accumulating into long, unwieldily arms that he lashes out at random, covering all he can in the flammable substance.

Orange Light
is thin and slippery like oil. Even the most surefooted would have trouble keeping balance if stepped in. When drafting Orange, Isaac's moral compass seems to be weakened, turning him self-centred and selfish. When push too far, the orange light will begin leaking out as tears, rolling over his face and chest, indicating more building up inside. His moral compass will have completely disappeared, and he will being hoarding everything, wanting it all and lashing out at those who he presumes are trying to reclaim the stolen items.

Yellow Light
dissolves back into light almost as quickly as it is drafted. It's main use is to prolong the life of his other light materials. When drafting Yellow, Isaac is filled with elation. He could be in the bleakest of situations, and he would be happy. When pushed too far, yellow light will begin spinning around him ribbons, shining so bright as to blind those around him, sometimes permanently. Not understanding, or maybe not caring, he walks around in a state of pure elation.

Green Light
is soft and springy, almost like rubber. It is cut easily, but takes a large amount of blunt trauma. It also makes a great mattress. When drafting Green light, a lust for freedom overcomes him. Rules become more like guidelines, a suggestion rather than a hard line. When pushed too far, the green sheers through his body like flexible spikes, protecting him from the charging rampage he goes through.

Blue Light
while fragile and thin, has an incredibly sharp edge. Perfectly drafted Blue could cut through concrete, however the slightest hit could shatter it. When drafting Blue, Isaac's emotions become subdued, with logic winning over. Pushed too far, and Isaac will begin seeking nothing less than perfection, starting with himself. Blue light will shoot through his skin, replacing the epidermis with hard blue material. It is a slow process, but causes horrible damage to his body. He tends to avoid using blue light due to this reason.

Indigo Light
is the hardest substance he can draft, and takes the longest to dissolve. It also is the hardest to draft correctly, and takes longer to mould. When drafting Indigo light, Isaac falls into a deep focus, unable to be swayed from his current goal unless physically broken from it. When pushed too far, Indigo material begins to encase his entire body, effectively blocking out all distractions. However it also blocks off his air supply, causing him to black out in a few minutes, the lack of focus causing the material to crumble.

Violet Light
rolls out like smoke, irritating the eyes and lungs of those it encompasses, including Isaac. It is best used when in an open area. Drafting Violet light seems to sap all of Isaac's energy, becoming quite lethargic and lazy. Drafting too much Violet light causes a steady stream of the smoke to billow out from his mouth, rolling out to cover a larger and larger area. And he simply sits there, uncaring.

Infrared Light
is limited in its uses. If Isaac dilates his eyes fully, he can see the heat given off by others around him, giving him some semblance of night-vision. He can also draft Infrared Light to a single point to cause a fire, though it requires a lot of surrounding heat. Drafting Infrared light doesn't change how he behaves, but it does begin to make him very, very cold, as his own heat is used more than the surrounding heat. If pushed too far, the Infrared light rebounds and runs through him, burning like fire through his body.

Ultra-Violet Light
is rarely used by Isaac. It is invisible to those around him, but is unable to be felt or to hurt. If he ever found the need, he could use it to write hidden messages and secret documents. UV light is the only light that seems not to have any negative effects on him.[/spoili]

Can it be controlled?: He can control his powers as long as he doesn't over-use them

Are you aware of it?: Yes

Can a scientist control it?: Yes, by manipulating what kind of light Isaac is exposed to.

How long have you been in the lab?: 4 years

Do you try to escape?: Tried once. Succeeded, and caused much destruction. Came back willingly.

Are you happy there?: No

+what do you look like?+

Hair colour and style: Silvery-white, cut short with many layers.

Eye colour: Shifting between all the colours he can draft, with the colour last drafted

Skin colour: Light and peachy

Body shape: Waifish and lanky, due to years of lab life and abuse.

Dress style: Plain shirts and jeans, with a longer jacket. Subdued and inconspicuous
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Name: Ji-Hyo Lee
Title (For Boys): Professor Ji, Mom
Pet Name (Special): None.

Age: 25 (Looks 18-20)
Birthday: June 6th​
Star Sign: Gemini
Gender: Male

Gender Preference: Male
Uke or Seme: Seme
Type: Two-Faced (Gentle Mask, Yet Sadistic Nature)
Attractive: Tall. Well Built. Intelligent.
Unattractive: Clingy.

Positive Traits: Kind. Caring. Mother-Like. Intelligent. Hardworking. Creative.
Negative Traits: Reserved. Quiet. Stubborn. Hides Feelings.
Likes: Cooking. Studying. Spicy Foods. Sweets. Tea. Books. Classical Music. Thunder Storms. Animals.
Dislikes: Cold Weather. Technology (even though he's a scientist). Bright Lights.
Talents: Pianist. Violinist.

Mental Illnesses: None.
Phobias: Death
Physical Illnesses: Anemic.

Self & Work Management
Thoughts of Boys: They are each special.
Work with Boys: Each boy is like a son of his own, since each one is different, he has to treat them differently.
Thoughts on Fellow Scientists: Doesn't talk to many of them, so he doesn't think much about them.
Able to Control the Boys Powers, If So, How: Because he hates using technology, Ji-Hyo goes about things more naturally from psychological to medicinal.
Years at Lab: 2 Years.
Ever Think of Leaving: Hasn't given it any thought.
Happy With Your Work: As long as the boys are happy, he's happy.

Hair Color & Style: Brown Med-Length Hair; Bangs Swept to Left.
Eye Color: Chocolate Brown.
Skin Tone: Pale White Skin.
Height: 170cm
Weight: 54kg
Build: Slender.
Clothing: Wears glasses off and on. Often found wearing warm clothes; sweaters, jackets, etc, with a pair of pants. Only wears suits for special occasions.
Special Features: Birthmark in the shape of a crescent moon on his right hip.
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First Name: Malik
Second name:
Nickname (used by most Boys): big brother
Pet name (used by your 'special' friend): none
Code name (used by all scientists when referring to you): Dragon

+Age and Gender/identity+

Age: 19
in his 20's
Birthday: July 31
Star Sign: Leo
Gender: Male
Sees self as: not sure
Looks (Masculine, Feminine or androgynous): Masculine
Dresses like (male, female, both): male

+Gender preference/other info+

Gender preference: men
Uke or Seme: uke, but acts seme
Type: aggressive and protective of the younger and smaller boys
dream parter: Someone who isn't afraid of what I can become
why?: Because most people are scared of dragons. I still want to be loved even if I am different.
Attracted to: strong men that can actually make me feel safe.
Un attracted to: crybabies, the overly weak, those who want to use me for their own gain.

+optional thoughts of other characters+

+Your personality+

Positive traits: protective, loyal, caring for those that are younger
negative traits: Easily angered, stubborn, aggressive
likes: Fire, flying (when allowed), seeing the open sky
Dislikes: being treated like a science project, the scientists
Fears: water
Talents: unknown

+illnesses, if any+

Mental illnesses:
Phobias: water, I cant swim.
Physical illnesses:

+Your Power and time in the lab+

What is your power?: I can control fire (like Pyro from x-men) but I can also sort of change my skin to become like dragon scales and form wings. They look more like a bat's wings only translucent
Can it be control?: yes unless I am angry, then the fire ability is out of control.
are you aware of it?: yes
Can a scientist control it?: if they have the right tools
How long have you being in the lab?: too long to remember, 10 years
do you try to escape?: yes
are you happy there?: no

Malik was born to what he had thought was a normal family, but his parents had a secret. They had genetic mutations that allowed one to control fire and the other to form scales on their body. They had not been aware that their spouse had such a genetic condition either until their son was born. At the age of five Malik showed signs of his father's fire ability. This happened when he was attacked by a dog and he formed a wall of fire around himself. A few months later his mother's ability formed and he formed scales and grew a set of wings. While his parents were shocked they still loved their son and were going to keep his abilities hidden. Unfortunately, when he was nine his parents died in a car crash and he was taken to an orphanage. At first he was left alone because he had built a tough exterior around himself. It was only when an older child tried to force him to swim did he freak out and his powers surfaced. Shortly after that he was sent to live with the scientists.

Malik knew what the men were doing, but thanks to his scales, whenever they tried to harm him it didn't work very well, until they figured out his fear of water. You see, water hurt him, burning him like fire or acid would for a normal person. With this, the scientists were able to control him just by a threat of water. One of the men had also found a use for a metal collar that was filled with water. He has been unable to remove it, but if he disobeys them he gets a bit of water from the collar on his skin causing him immense pain.

+what do you look like?+

hair colour and style: golden and down to his hips
eye colour: golden
skin colour: bronze/tanned
body shape: muscular though thin
dress style: see image
facial description: he tries to come across as cold and uncaring
body description:
default expression: passive relaxed face most of the time
default stance: passive towards his fellow boys, aggressive to the scientists
any scars, tattoos, ect?: no, but he has drawn a dragon on his chest, he has a few burn scars but the worst are hidden by the collar.
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Name: Zaide Erick Rauchen
Nickname (used by most Boys): Whatever they want within reason
Pet name (used by your 'special' friend): Anything he wants within reason
Code name (used by all scientists when referring to you): Whatever they want within reason

+Age and Gender/identity+

Age: 18
Age in looks: Same
Birthday: July 10th
Star Sign: Cancer
Gender: Male
Sees self as: A mess
Looks: Masculine
Dresses like: Male

+Gender preference/other info+

Gender preference: Men
Uke or Seme: Seke (can be Uke if necessary)
Type: Paranoid of others, doesn't immediately trust others
dream partner: To be filled out
why?: To be filled out
Attracted to: Compassion, kindness
Un attracted to: Bossiness, Aggressive to him, Violence, Dependent on him for everything

+Your personality+

Positive traits: Kind, Compassionate, Apologetic if he offends someone due to his disorder or accidentally hurts them, will stand his ground when needed
negative traits: Doesn't trust others, if feeling threatened; will be aggressive, quick to assume things
Likes: Peace, reading, his personal space, being with the person he cares for
Dislikes: Being the center of attention, embarrassment, being surrounded
Talents: Sings (doesn't do it often due to other people)
Extras: To sing at his best in front of people, he needs to be blindfolded (so he doesn't see he's the center of attention)

+illnesses, if any+

Mental illnesses: Schizophrenia, Rhythm Sleep-Wake Disorder, Paranoid Personality Disorder (<-- Happened because of Schizophrenia)
Phobias: N/A
Physical illnesses: N/A

+Your Power and time in the lab+

What is your power?: Telekinetic spikes; When threatened or frightened, his irises will glow their bright lavender color and he will move (or throw) objects at the offender. Objects within reason, so he won't be throwing cars or large boulders at you.
Can it be control?: Yes, he just needs to keep calm
are you aware of it?: He is aware
Can a scientist control it?: Yes, so long as he does not agitate or frighten him
How long have you being in the lab?: 10 years
do you try to escape?: No
are you happy there?: Indifferent


+what do you look like?+

hair colour and style: Purple
eye colour: lavender
skin colour: fair
body shape: thin
dress style: dressy casual
facial description: soft facial features
body description: Nicely built
default expression: Don't let the picture fool you, he wears a passive mask
default stance: Standing with both hands clasped in front of him
any scars, tattoos, ect?: He refuses to answer that

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everyone is accepted! your characters are wonderful! I love them all they're all so unique and awesome! :]


First Name:

Isaac | Vincent

Second name:
Lucius | Uri

Title (used by most Boys):
Doctor Cecil | He doesn't mind, most call him Vincent

Pet name (used by your 'special' friend):
Whatever within reason they can come up with | He doesn't mind.

+Age and Gender/identity+


24 | 24


June 25th | June 25th

Male | Male

+Gender preference/other info+

Gender preference:

Both | Male

Uke or Seme:
Seme | Uke


+optional thoughts of other characters+

+Your personality+

Positive traits:

negative traits:





+illnesses, if any+

Mental illnesses:
Physical illnesses:

+how you conduct yourself and your work+

what are your thoughts on the boys?:
how do you treat them?
How are you with your fellow scientists?:
can you keep any of the boy's powers under control and if so, how?:
How long have you worked in the lab?:
do you ever think about leaving?:
are you happy working there?:


+what do you look like?+

hair colour and style:
eye colour:
skin colour:
body shape:
dress style:
facial description:
body description:
default expression:
default stance:
any scars, tattoos, ect?:
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First Name:Tristan

Second name: James

Nickname (used by most Boys):used to go by TJ when he was younger and some of the other boys who have been there longer or as long as him still call him that sometimes.

Pet name (used by your 'special' friend): Tris

Code name (used by all scientists when referring to you): Chiron (a centaur from Greek mythology who was abandoned by his parents)

+Age and Gender/identity+

Age: 18

Age in looks: 18

Birthday: May 11th

Star Sign: Taurus

Gender: Male

Sees self as: a freak

Looks (Masculine, Feminine or androgynous): Male

Dresses like (male, female, both): Male

+Gender preference/other info+

Gender preference: Male

Uke or Seme: Uke

Type: classically handsome and masculine

dream partner: someone strong enough to be his rock, someone he can depend on who would leave or abandon him at the first signs of trouble

why?: he is usually trying to be a rock to those weaker than himself and doesn't really have anyone to lean on himself. He also has abandonment issues because of what happened with his parents and the boy he tried to escape with.

Attracted to: someone who can make him laugh. Someone who is kind and caring but also willing to point out his mistakes and deal with his stubbornness and flashes of temper

Un attracted to: someone who is cruel or violent, someone who takes advantage of another person for their own personal gain, someone who is self absorbed

+Your personality+

Positive traits: warm, kind, and compassionate. Often offers to listen to the other boys worried and problems and some of the scientists as well. Can sometimes be a bit over protective of others and is very loyal to those he cares for.

negative traits: has abandonment issues so he can either be a little clingy or overly distant. His over protectiveness often gets him in trouble with the scientists because he puts himself between them and some of the other guys.

likes: horses, cats, music, reading, swimming, being outside in the Spring

Dislikes: being alone, spiders, loud obnoxious noises, people who coddle him, overly religious people

Fears: He's afraid of being abandoned by those he cares for, and that one day his powers will fail him when he needs them most.

Talents: He's a very accomplished singer and guitar player

+illnesses, if any+

Mental illnesses: mild depression

Phobias: Claustrophobia and Arachnophobia

Physical illnesses: it's no so much an illness as it's an injury. His knee was injured when he tried to escape once, and though it's healed, it still gives him trouble from time to time.

+Your Power and time in the lab+

What is your power?: Healing

Can it be control?: Yes and no. He can not stop his body from healing itself, but he can control if he heals someone else.

are you aware of it?: Yes

Can a scientist control it?: They can't make him heal on command but they usually get him to do it through guilt.

How long have you being in the lab?: 11 years

do you try to escape?: He tried once, with another test subject, but he was injured and the other boy left him there.

are you happy there?: He used to be, when he was younger, but after being in the lap for so many years and seeing what has been done to the others, having to heal some of them himself, No

Tristan was given to the lab by his parents when he was 7. Both his parents were very religious and were both horrified when he was born with one grey eye and one red. Thinking that their new child might either be possessed by a demon, or a demon with a child's face , they tried everything they could think of to 'cleanse' him, though nothing seemed to work because his eye still remained red. When he got a little older, his father would routinely beat him with a belt, thinking that it would drive the devil from him. It was during one of these beatings, which had gotten a little out of hand on his fathers part, that his powers manifested, healing all the new lash marks and welts, though the old scars were still there.

Instead of seeing this as a miracle, it just reinforced their beliefs that he wasn't human. After the first incident of Tristan healing himself, his parents stumbled across information on a lab that was looking for boys who weren't normal, or who had 'special gifts.' It didn't hurt that the lab was offering to pay for these boys, and the James family had never been very well off. So after contacting the lab and talking with the scientists there, they dropped him off without so much as a goodbye, glad to be ride of what they considered a monster.

Thought all of this, Tristan somehow was able to remain a shy sweet child who never really had a bad thing to say about anyone and was always looking for ways to help others. He was crushed when his parents dropped him off at the lab and left. He had also been afraid because he hadn't know anyone there. Over his years of imprisonment, Tristan made friends with and ultimately developed feelings for another boy, Davian, this one having been found at an orphanage, and they were nearly inseparable. Until the day the two of them tried to escape.

When Tristan was 13 and Davian was 16, Davian convened Tristan to try escape with him, but things didn't go quite according to plan and Tristan fell down some stairs, injuring his right knee severally. Instead of coming back for him, Davian left him in the stairwell to distract their pursuers. His knee has never healed completely, despite his ability. Most of the scientists think this is because of the extreme emotional trauma he suffered and the delicate mental state he had been in after the incident.

To this day, Tristan doesn't know if Davian made it out or not, and no one has ever offered any information in regards to the incident. Though his parent's abandonment had crushed Tristan as a boy, Davian' betrayal devastated him and even though 5 years have past, he still carries the scares of that betrayal, a scare not even his powers could heal.

+what do you look like?+

hair colour and style: dark silverish grey cut short and worn in a slightly disheveled way.
eye colour: Hazel and Red

skin colour: Pale

body shape: broad shouldered and slender, about 5'11 or 6 '

dress style: what most people would consider business casual

facial description: soft but stern. people often think he's annoyed or angry because of the look on his face, though it's just how his face looks

body description: broad shoulders and slender but still has a bit of muscle

default expression: a bit pensive

default stance: leaning against something with his hands in his pockets

any scars, tattoos, ect?: his back is crisscrossed with long white scars from the beating he used to receive from his father

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Tristan is Awesome and of course accepted! :]
scientist form


First Name: Aiden
Second name: Donnie
Title (used by most Boys): Ace
Pet name (used by your 'special' friend): (whichever name will be given to him)

+Age and Gender/identity+

Age: 27
Birthday: March 26
Star Sign: Aries
Gender: Male
Sees self as: The Protector
Looks (Masculine, Feminine or androgynous): Masculine
Dresses like (male, female, both): Male

+Gender preference/other info+

Gender preference: Male
Uke or Seme: Seme
dream parter:
Attracted to: Men who have had troubling pasts, he connects to them better with his own past. Sweet, Subordinate and caring personalities. Wants to be the protector in a relationship, so strong emotional partners, yet, weak physical ones. Bubbly personalities (To an extent)
Un attracted to: Fiery personalities (clash to much with his own, but if you get his interest, you're in the clear), Extroverted people, people with more opposite sex friends than same sex friends (Insecurity thing), Narcissistic people.

+optional thoughts of other characters+

+Your personality+
Positive traits: Charming, Kid at heart, Understanding, easy to get along with, fun and laid-back when needed. Protective, extremely loyal, secretive, breaks rules, etc.
negative traits: Insecurities, secluded mind set, low self esteem, breaks rules
likes: Video games, alcohol, books, sports, nature, deadly animals, sour candy, Dr. Pepper, bands, etc
Dislikes: Religion, spicy food, spiders, people in general, the government
Fears: Never being accepted
Talents: Showmanship of authority, Surfing, MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) Horseback riding, History.

+illnesses, if any+

Mental illnesses: Chronic Anxiety/ Bipolar Depression (Rarely flare up in public)
Agateophobia- Fear of Insanity (Becoming insane)
Atelophobia- Fear of imperfection

+how you conduct yourself and your work+

what are your thoughts on the boys?: Just some kids stuck in a hole they had no choice in digging.
how do you treat them?: Like humans beings to a certain extent, they didn't have a choice with their powers, they dont need to be treated like outcasts or lab rats, they didn't choose to be.
How are you with your fellow scientists?: Those who aren't there to please the boys, don't need his attention
can you keep any of the boy's powers under control and if so, how?: Each boy seems to know of their powers, most want to be feared so the scientists will treat them differently than lab rats. Shows dominance but hidden behind a conformist laid-back attitude.
How long have you worked in the lab?: 5 years
do you ever think about leaving?: Only when his anxiety works against him
are you happy working there?: It's a job, indifferent


+what do you look like?+

hair colour and style: Short, black and often messy
eye colour: Blue Hazel
body shape: Tall, about 6'3". Well built
skin colour: Relatively tan
dress style: Business casual or torn blue jeans and a loose shirt
default expression: Unamused
default stance: Barrier stance with his arms crossed in the same expression that he is not pleased by anything
any scars, tattoos, ect?: Scars on his wrists, each from a different depression attack and horrible emotional home life when he was younger.
Small tattoo of the number 13 on his left hand.
A tattoo of a piece of chain with the words "I will not bow, I will not break" on his right hip, next to a scar leading down to his thigh from a surfing inccident
A tattoo of a bumble-bee behind his right ear with the initials B.R on the bee's wing (for his sister, Bridget Raine, he used to call her Bumble bee for her love of flowers, she died of a car crash when he was 17, leading to his first attempted suicide a month later)

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Oooo boy, he certainly is, and he sounds like a classy guy to boot

Seems like someone's character is going to be the heartthrob.
he walks down the hall and all the boys just kind of sigh and watch him pass
This is going to be difficult for me, all of the characters I've seen except for one (because most of their information isn't filled out) has 2 traits or more that I love and would be compatible with Aiden now that I have read the sheets.

This is going to be tricky for me XD
I will finish his profile when I get a computer... Also my phone is going to die.
@Leucothea yeah that's always the hardest thing for me too and then sometimes you want to pair your character up with someone else's character but that person has other ideas...

@thegothicbeauty Oh no!!! You should save your battery just in case!

Also, I'm a big fan of all the characters right now. I think it's going to be hard for all of us to pair off...
I think mine are gonna be the odd ones out.. mine are rather.. odd :]
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