Dark Fever

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Her touched calmed him - it helped that there was nothing to truly be alarmed about anyway - and Gabriel smiled at her suggestion, looking over her dirt-streaked face and clothes, knowing he didn't look much better. In fact, most of his stuff had blood all over it, too. Damn, that meant they should probably wash their clothes as well.

{If I may?}

Gabriel didn't jump this time around, but he felt something was different about this conversation all the same, like he could just faintly feel the edges of another consciousness besides the little girl's and the small Seer chuckled in his mind. {Very astute, Gabriel. I'm speaking to Cassandra too this time. You can both hear me.}

Dark amber eyes glanced at the black-haired woman at his side, showing curiosity, but Malia was speaking again. {Someone is going to be delivering you clothes in about two minutes. We already know your sizes and preferences, don't worry. If you give Anthony your clothes, he will make sure they get cleaned and bring them back later today. Enjoy your showers!} There was a definite smile in the little girl's voice before it faded away and Gabriel found himself shaking his head, amused and exasperated all at once.

"I am not sure whether I am okay with her knowing things like that about us." he admitted, but with no sign of aggression in his voice. It was simply unnerving was all.


Katrina would have giggled and squirmed happily...had she been anywhere else but Colton's arms - and even then she wouldn't have admitted that she'd done it - but as it was, she shivered happily and grinned, joy bubbling up inside her. She reached up and ran her fingers through Colton's brown hair, scratching at his scalp lightly with delicate fingernails. He was hers. He loved her. HER!!

The small brunette finally couldn't hold it in and she let out a giggle that turned into happy, but soft laughter as she stayed exactly where she was, where she knew she'd always needed to be. Not even her power could ruin the sheer bliss she felt as she became aware of the entire mattress lifting away from the boxspring, hovering up into the air. Katrina merely started laughing a bit harder, now looking up from Colton's chest to glance at the ceiling as it slowly grew closer.

"Well, at least we aren't outside..." The comment was made through small snorts and hiccuping giggles, genuine ones.
It was Cassandra's turn to be startled and she jumped a little at hearing the voice. She calmed quickly though, realizing who it was, and afterwards she laughed softly in embarrassment at her reaction. No wonder Gabriel had been surprised - it truly was an unsettling experience to hear another voice inside your head.

Cassandra smiled at Gabriel's remark and nodded in agreement. "It IS a little strange. If anyone has to have access to our heads though, I'm glad it is Malia."

True to the Seer's word, there was a knock on the door just a minute later and Cassandra stood from the bed to answer it, but not before running a hand through Gabriel's hair, gently scratching his scalp with affection before she walked towards the door.


It was impossible for Colton not to smile at Katrina's obvious joy and he hummed happily against her hair, never feeling more satisfied and at peace than when Katrina was so happy. He glanced up only briefly to see the ceiling gradually become closer and he chuckled, unworried as he turned his attention back to the small woman in his arms, nuzzling against her hair and pressing a kiss to her head.

"That's true, until we hit the ceiling," he answered with amusement in his voice.
Gabriel smiled at Cassandra's remark, nodding in agreement after a moment and he watched her as she got off the bed, purring instantly in approval of her touch, her wonderful fingers as she rose. He growled in soft protest as she departed, but didn't hinder her, smiling once more as she answered the door. His instincts heightened, alert at the presence of the other male not five feet from his mate, but Anthony merely smiled pleasantly, handed over the clothes and asked if they were done with their trays.

The blond rose then and grabbed the things before getting his clothes from his pack and then Cassandra's from hers. Anthony already held a container to put them in and left with a friendly good bye and promise to be back later. Gabriel hmmed to himself as he closed the door and he glanced at Cassandra. "I think I want to meet the two Animalis Infected that stay here." He glanced at the door again, thoughtful before he looked at Cassandra again, his expression softening.

He moved to her then and wrapped her in his arms, leaning down slightly to kiss her forehead, his fingers coming up, brushing back through her black hair lovingly. "Is that all right with you?" He knew what he acted like around his own kind. Though, he didn't intend to get in a fight this time.


Katrina gave a pouting expression, though, Colton wouldn't see buried as his face was in her hair. She poked him in the chest lightly. "Kill-joy." It was a mock accusation as she looked up at the ceiling and raised her hand, palm out. She felt calm, happy and her power seemed to respond to her immediately as the bed started to lower again until it settled gently back on the boxspring. The small brunette smiled, entirely pleased with the control she'd had and she giggled happily, snuggling back into Colton, her body curled comfortably like a hedgehog.

"I don't wanna get up. Do we have to get up?"

Blue-steel eyes looked up, moving her head away from Colton so she could find his face. She answered her own question with a thoughtful frown. "Wait, we have to see Malia today, don't we? I wonder what she wants..."
Cassandra blinked at Gabriel's request, not expecting it but not entirely surprised either. It made sense that the male wanted to see others of his kind, especially since he hadn't even seen any other Animalis Infected prior to James.

"Of course you can," Cassandra answered, leaning into her mate's touch.

She would never forbid Gabriel from doing anything - unless it obviously unnecessary and dangerous - but her blue eyes did betray a flicker of worry. All of their encounters with AI ended poorly, and even though that wasn't always Gabriel's fault, it was still something to be considered. Cassandra didn't think the blonde would start up a fight necessarily, but the risk was always there.


Colton would have been quite pleased to simply lay in bed and enjoy Katrina's company for the rest of the day, but he knew Katrina was right and he sighed lightly.

"Yeah, I guess we do have to get up."

With great reluctance, Colton untangled himself from the brunette and sat up, running a hand through his hair which was already sticking up from the night before. He couldn't deny that he too was curious about why Malia wanted to talk to them, and that made it slightly easier to separate from the enticing female still in bed. Even then though, Colton's eyes lingered appreciatively on Katrina's form before he tore his gaze away.

"Are you ready?"
Gabriel smiled, grateful and he leaned in to kiss Cassandra gently. "I'll behave. Promise." It was only part teasing before he parted from her. "You can have first shower." After that, he'd take his turn and they'd go find out just what this place held and the people in it.


Katrina raised a brow at his lingering gaze and she felt her body heat in a natural response before Colton looked away and she smirked slightly. Stars, but he was handsome. The brunette got up from the bed then and walked to him, rising on her tiptoes to plant a soft kiss in on his lips before she flitted away. "After a shower, sure!" she called over her shoulder before disappearing behind the door with a laugh.


Gabriel found himself using his nose a great deal to tell him where the most scents were, either old or new, and he followed them as they got stronger. He and Cassandra had been walking around the hospital, unhurried, but searching for any signs of life and Gabriel was now sure they were closing in on the people here. They found them as they turned a corner past a reception desk. An atrium with a skylight greeted their eyes and so did a couple dozen people all sitting around tables, talking, eating and generally having a good, familiar time.

Said activity didn't necessarily freeze, but it did slow as the blond and the black-haired woman were noted.

Gabriel found his eyes flickering over everyone, older and young - there were at least four or five children no older than fourteen - until they landed on an asian woman around his age. She was already standing, appearing very calm, but something about her stance spoke to the blond and his dark amber eyes flickered to the brunette who was rising from her seat near the asian. The second woman was a bit older, maybe in her thirties and she watched Gabriel as closely as he watched them.

"You must be Gabriel and Cassandra. Please, join us." The invitation and greeting came from dark-skinned man who rose from his seat with a friendly smile and he held out of his hand as he approached them, something Gabriel tensed at without conscious thought. "My name is Ivan."


Katrina remembered her way back to Malia's room easily enough and she and Colton were allowed in without so much as a question. The little girl was sitting on her bed, coloring of all things, and she smiled brightly at seeing them both.

"Katrina, Colton, please sit."

Like before, Katrina did so without complaint and this time she crossed her legs, putting her chin in her hand, elbow resting on her knee. "So why did you want to see us?"

"Well, to be honest, I wanted to see you the most, Katrina, but Colton should hear this, too."

The brunette raised a brow, still calm, but becoming slightly nervous, more curious than anything. "Hear what?" Malia looked at her for a long moment, her pale blue eyes piercing, making Katrina want to squirm a little like a child caught doing something wrong. In the end, the Seer didn't direct her question to the female, but to Colton, flickering her gaze to him.

"Colton, what do you know about Katrina's power? What could you tell me about it?"
As they entered the atrium, Cassandra's eyes flickered across everyone as well. She was not quite as tense as Gabriel, but a good deal more self-conscious to have so many eyes on her. Noting Gabriel's tension, Cassandra subtly touched his arm in a comforting gesture before she shook the dark-skinned man's hand and smiled politely at all three people standing.

"It's nice to meet you."

Cassandra sat down at the table, waiting for Gabriel to sit next to her before she spoke again.

"How long has everyone lived here for?"


Colton was mildly surprised to be asked the question and his eyes briefly flickered over to Katrina, as if to gauge her reaction, before falling back on Malia again.

"Well, she has telekinesis. In the past, she has had issues controlling it, but she is getting better at it now. Her power seems tied to her emotions though, and it's when she is upset that her power is most uncontrollable."

Colton answered carefully, knowing Katrina's lack of control over her power was a somewhat touchy topic. He didn't want to offend the brunette, but he still answered as honestly as he could.
Gabriel didn't shake Ivan's hand, but he did let go of some of his tension at Cassandra's reminder that these were not enemies and he sat down after a moment, still letting his eyes flicker over to the asian and the brunette two tables over. They'd sat again, too, but they kept their eyes on him and the blond felt his skin prickle, the hair on the back of his neck rise, every instinct warning him of another predator.

He attempted to ignore it for the moment as Ivan began to speak, answering Cassandra.

"Nearly fifteen years. Most of us were born in this city and a few of us found it with Malia's help."

A blond, seated next to Ivan, smiled. "Malia is a lot older than she looks. I only tell you so you don't get confused if anyone mentions they knew her fifteen years ago." She held out her hand to Cassandra. "I'm Amy, by the way. It is a pleasure to meet both of you."

Ivan chuckled, glancing at Gabriel who was looking away again. "Though, perhaps Gabriel, you should meet Misumi and Beth before we do anything else."


Malia nodded, pleased with his answer and the little girl looked over at Katrina then. "Would you say Colton's words are true?" She already knew what she wanted to say to the two, where this conversation would lead, but while she knew about it, these two did not and she had to live in the present right now for their sake. Now she watched as Katrina shifted slightly, not upset yet, but not exactly comfortable either and the little Seer watched as the curtains moved without a breeze and the window rattled a little.

"They're true." the brunette finally admitted and she looked down at her fingers, picking at the skin near her nails before sighing, looking back up again, determination in her gaze. "I'm trying to get better, though. To control it."

Malia smiled slightly. "Control what exactly?"

Katrina tilted her head, slightly confused. "My power, my telekinesis." What else was there to control?

Pale blue eyes danced with soft laughter. "Are you sure it's your power you need to control, Tempest?"

Blue-steel eyes blinked and then narrowed, not understanding in the least. She needed to control her power. That was what she'd been trying to do for seven years - without a great deal of success, sure - and she'd been getting better in the last few weeks! But then that begged the question of WHY she'd suddenly started getting more stable... Katrina sat back, her spine thumping against her chair as she thought, frowning. "Okay, what am I missing here?"

Malia laughed. "Katrina, what do all of your power-tantrums have in common? What were you feeling?"

"I...I was mad. Or scared. Irritated and frustrated, but that was usually with my training sessions."

"And when you had the most control?"

Katrina shrugged. "I don't know...I was happy. Calm."

The Seer raised a brow, clearly waiting for one of them to put the pieces together.
Cassandra smiled and shook Amy's hand, appreciative of her explanation. She was about to ask another question, mainly how Malia managed to appear so young despite being at least fifteen years old, but she decided that could wait. She looked over at her mate, smiling sympathetically at him as he watched the two females warily. No doubt they were the other Animalis Infected they had been seeking, judging by the way they watched Gabriel as closely as he watched them.

Cassandra decided she would try to break some of the tension then and she smiled at both women. "Misumi and Beth, right? It's good to meet you. I'm Cassandra and this is Gabriel."

With that, Cassandra patted Gabriel's leg under the table, a reminder to try to behave, at least long enough to get the human customs out of the way.


Colton was thoughtful for a few moments before he blinked with a look of revelation. He had been absentmindedly watching Katrina - his gaze naturally always returned to her - but now his hazel eyes darted to Malia.

"She has been using the wrong approach all along. She doesn't need to control her power, she needs to control her emotions. Her power is naturally controlled when she is calm so if she can work to maintain that state, then she wouldn't lose control of her power anymore."

Colton didn't even wait for Malia's response before his eyes flickered back to Katrina. All of the Infected around Gabriel had adapted quickly to their newly strengthened powers, all except Katrina, and she suffered for it for years. The thought bothered Colton, even made him slightly angry, knowing that Katrina had been so harshly antagonized while everyone was trying to fix the wrong problem.
Misumi was the first to rise from her table and Gabriel was slightly surprised by that. Smaller and younger, all the same she was the alpha female and had made it clear with that movement, just as Beth made clear her own position by following after the asian. As the two females approached, Gabriel stood instinctively, but unlike the hostility he'd displayed to both James and Mark upon meeting them, the tension in Gabriel's body was different this time. And it had everything to do with the two AI's gender and of that fact he wasn't ashamed. It was instinctive for him to be wary of another predator, but it was equally as strong for him to not think of harming another female of his kind unless his own life was imminently threatened or his mate's life.

Misumi reached him first and her black eyes locked on his dark amber without hesitation. She spoke humanly enough, but the blond could easily detect the subtle growl in her throat, something most people would not pick up on. "It is nice to meet you, Cassandra....Gabriel."

Gabriel reigned in his animalistic response to the two for the time being, his eyes still holding Misumi's as to look away would to be giving her dominance over him. "Likewise. It's not every day I meet someone like me."

Beth looked between the two and as a submissive by nature, it wasn't hard for her to giving a brief whine in the back of her throat, deferring to BOTH alphas, as she slid into a chair between Ivan and Cassandra. The brunette seemed to shrink in on herself a little and if she'd had movable ears in this form, they would have been back as she watched the two dominate AI. She wasn't scared; just cautious.

Gabriel and Misumi were the complete opposite as they continued to stare at each other, their eyes seeming to want to burn a hole into the other and if they'd been in animal form, their fur would have been bristling. As it was, their fangs WERE showing slightly and Gabriel was the first to openly growl, causing a response of the same kind in Misumi. The blond faltered for a moment, slightly confused by both his desire to be recognized as the alpha in this situation and his desire to not upset the female before him too greatly. She was female and even if she wasn't his mate, it still made all the difference.

In the end, he kept growling at her, but he didn't make any move forward and Misumi stopped growling altogether, eyes narrowing before her body simply relaxed and she broke her gaze from Gabriel's dark amber, respecting his status. She smiled then, completely at ease. "You respect pack laws. That's good to see. Perhaps you won't be so difficult to follow after all." With that, Misumi moved past Gabriel and she sat next to Amy, leaving the male to blink after her, his body settling quickly, his instincts calm once more, but his expression very puzzled.

Follow him?


Katrina looked stunned, completely so and then she looked irritated, clenching her fists. Why hadn't she seen that?! What kind of idiot was she that she couldn't recognize that pattern?! It was right there! Right in front of her! The small brunette didn't realize she was cursing under her breath and that her chair had started to shake until Malia spoke - the child holding a finger to Colton in a bid for him to wait - her voice soft.

"Katrina, breathe"

The telekinetic did as she was told, feeling her blood pressure lower with the deep breaths and slowly her chair stopped shaking and she didn't feel like she was going to combust. Malia watched her, not worried in the least and she smile gently, sympathetically. "Colton is right, Tempest. If you control your emotions, you will have the key to controlling your power. They are so closely linked that you might say your emotions are your powers. They simply manifest themselves in a more unique way. Anyone can pick something up and throw it when they are mad. You simply do it without using your hands."

"....Well that would explain all the knives nearly missing people when I train." Katrina intoned faintly and Malia chuckled a little before speaking again, her tone turning serious. "Katrina, a choice lies before you; a threefold choice. Do you want to hear the consequences of each? Colton, your fate is bound up with hers. Would you hear of such a thing?"
Cassandra tensed a little as she watched the two dominant AI, her eyes locked on Gabriel especially. She had seen him contest for dominance with other AI before, but never with a female, and she noticed when her mate faltered slightly. A stray thought crossed Cassandra's mind and despite herself, a morsel of insecurity weaseled its way into her consciousness.

Gabriel had never been exposed to female AI - besides those that tried to kill him - and Cassandra wondered what effect they would have on the male. Misumi and Beth seemed nice enough and Cassandra truly did trust Gabriel, but she couldn't help but feel a pang of envy at the other females for possessing the same rare blood as her mate. They would be able to relate to him in ways she never would and the thought bothered Cassandra.

Cassandra refused to vocalize such thoughts though, and when Gabriel sat back down next to her, she smiled faintly at him and touched his leg with affection. He was puzzled, thinking about something Misumi had said, and Cassandra tilted her head a little as she looked at him.

"Is everything okay?"


Colton didn't say anything while Katrina vented, understanding the female's frustration. As irritated as he was at Katrina's trainers for failing to notice the pattern that would have solved everything, he was equally as frustrated at himself for not noticing either.

At Malia's offer though, Colton looked up at the child with interest. A three-fold choice? He nodded, then glanced at Katrina. "Yes, I want to know. If you do, Kat." The idea of knowing their potential futures was unsettling and Colton wouldn't force Katrina to be exposed to any information she didn't want to hear; he hoped Katrina would listen though, especially since he was now painfully interested in knowing their options.
Gabriel blinked, coming out of his deeper thoughts to focus on Cassandra and he smiled for her, reaching up to tuck her black hair behind her ear in a fond way like he'd done many times before. "Yeah, I'm just confused about something." he assured his mate before his dark amber eyes snapped to Misumi as the asian spoke, leaning back in her chair in an easy way, her demeanor very...wolflike to Gabriel. No, she was definitely not a cat. She was sleek and powerful, but not in the same graceful, flawless way he was. She was more raw, more blunt in a way. She possessed a cunning nature, but it was not refined.

"Perhaps we can answer your question, Dark Storm."

The blond's eyes narrowed, looking at the four people gathered around the table. He felt like he was missing something. "Why does everyone associated with this place keep calling me that? And you," his attention snapped to Misumi and Beth. "why you do AI keep talking about following me?"

Beth looked genuinely surprised and despite her calm nature and her obvious submissive personality, Gabriel got the feeling her true-form was something few would expect. Like a bear. Or maybe a bird of prey. "Malia didn't tell you?"

Gabriel tilted his head. "Well, to be fair, I didn't ask."

"Oh, well... You and your mate, you're going to be the...well, the leaders of North America. In time, you'll come to be known by the names Dark Storm and Moon Child." Beth looked between them, suddenly a bit unsure. "You didn't...know anything about that?"

Gabriel found he could do nothing but shake his head slowly, stunned.


Katrina hesitated for a moment, truly thinking about it. On one hand she didn't want to know. Not at all. What if she heard something horrible? She wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it. What if she learned that no matter what choice she made everything was going to end badly? No, no she didn't want to know.

But she really did.

Against her better judgement, Katrina nodded, swallowing hard. "Okay." she agreed quietly and Malia smiled, reassuring though there was a tinge of something dark, something sad in her pale blue eyes. "Your first two choices are bound together. If you choose to leave this place, along your journey will come a time when you will have to make a decision between light and darkness, Katrina. Between becoming a being of chaos or one of restoration. The choice may seem easy, but it will not be when it comes upon you. If you leave here, your travel, your life will be hard, happy at times, but trying."

Katrina felt like it was hard to breathe all the sudden and she forced herself to speak, voice faint. "And the third choice?"

"You could choose to stay here with us."
Cassandra shared the same questions her mate did and when Gabriel asked them, she too looked up at Misumi and Beth with interest. Their answers confused her though, and Cassandra sat back in her chair, deep in thought.

Dark Storm and Moon Child...

Cassandra recalled the Seer referring to her as Moon Child before but she hadn't asked about it, simply accepting the moniker as Gabriel had with Dark Storm. Now though, Cassandra was starting to realize that the titles held weight to the people living here and for her and Gabriel to be dubbed anything at all meant they were clearly being placed as important. Not that Cassandra needed anymore proof of that, after learning about her and Gabriel's expected role as leaders.

Cassandra spoke up then, a hint of concern in her voice. "You say we are supposed to lead everyone... but who is to say they will listen? Animalis Infected will follow Gabriel naturally, but what about the others?"


Colton wasn't sure how to respond to Malia's information and he frowned slightly, turning his attention to Katrina. No doubt she was overwhelmed and the gravity of such a choice would weigh heavily on her. Colton had his fair share of concerns about each of the options, but he also knew it was ultimately Katrina's decision to decide. He reached over to her then, taking her hand into his and squeezing gently in reasurance.

"It's whatever you want to do, Kat. I'll be with you no matter what."

Colton meant it too; whatever path Katrina took, even if it tore them apart from their loved ones at the Resistance or led them into darkness, Colton would follow her. It was a decision he made subconsciously when he told Katrina he loved her, and Colton would not compromise on it.
Misumi tilted her head, an amused smile on her face. "What? The others who are going to have Gabriel's blood in their veins? That submissive gene he carries, it's not just effective on Ferals and Animalis Infected, though, I suppose that's not common knowledge since most DFV aren't going around biting him."

"Are you saying that people aren't going to have choice in whether they follow me and Cassandra?" Gabriel asked sharply and while Ivan and Amy remained silent, glancing between the two AI, Beth spoke up evenly. "Only if you want it that way. Malia's foresight is always correct, but it has lots of different paths for even one person and it's your choices that take you down certain future paths. How you choose to rule or even whether you will is up to you."

Gabriel put his elbows on the table and his head in his hands, fingers disappearing into his blond hair as it fell around his face and his wrists. This was...damn, this was what he'd been avoiding last night, but he supposed it had to come up and bite him sooner or later, didn't it?

Ivan looked at Gabriel for a moment, but then turned his focus to Cassandra. "The others, as you put them, will come to accept such a thing over time. What Misumi speaks of, it's years in the making. Frankly, there has to be a war first before there can be peace enough for anyone to truly lead."


That's what I am afraid of, Colton. That I will choose the wrong thing and drag you down with me. I couldn't bear that.

Katrina tried to smile for the male, squeezing his hand back in gratitude for his words, for his comfort and she looked again at Malia, expression torn. "If I stayed here...I would be safe wouldn't I? You'd all teach me?"

The child smiled gently. "Yes." It was a simple answer and Katrina accepted it, biting her lip hard before she questioned again. "If I choose to leave...am I always going to be so scared?" Her blue-steel eyes pleaded for something to help her decide, something to make the choice for her, but Malia knew that wasn't her place and the Seer answered only with truth. "Not forever, no. Whether you choose the light or the dark, someday you will not be so scared."

There was silence after that and Katrina drew inward, conflicted. The thought of safety, of having proper training, of being with Colton here in this little part of the world without any responsibility...it was tempting. It was so tempting to the brunette to make that decision, to take the easy road. She'd been fighting for so long. But she'd found a family to help her. Gabriel, her best friend and leader. Cassandra, who was so sweet and understanding and so much fun to hang out with. Austin with his enthusiasm and love of life, acceptance of everyone. And Colton....could she do that to Colton? Could she really uproot the man she loved and make him give up everything?

Could she really desert her family?

Katrina already knew the answer and she spoke slowly, looking up, her words growing firmer. "I appreciate the offer, but I can't stay here. I have a duty to my pack and a bond with all of them that I can't break. My place is with them."
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Cassandra smiled a little in embarrassment, having forgot about the qualities that Gabriel's blood would infuse into everyone. That was pushed to the back of her mind though, at Gabriel's next question and she looked to her mate with sympathy. She recognized the massive responsibility being placed on him and she reached up, touching the blonde's arm as he rested his elbows on the table.

When Ivan spoke, Cassandra directed her attention to him but didn't break contact with Gabriel.

A war?

The thought made Cassandra ill; she knew it should have been expected - war was nearly always a catalyst for change - but she still despised war itself and it was hard to disguise that in her voice when she spoke next.

"Do we know what will happen in this war?"


As Colton watched Katrina ask her questions and silently weigh her options, he was becoming more and more sure he knew what her answer was going to be. Katrina had lived the past seven years of her life in misery and fear. Her power had been out of control and the female had been forced to isolate herself out of safety for herself and for others. Here was the opportunity to never have to worry about that again; she would be safe, trained properly, and taken care of.

Colton resigned himself to the possibility that Katrina would choose to stay and despite what he would be giving up, part of him hoped that she did. Katrina's safety and happiness were his number one priority and it seemed as though staying there would provide both of those things.

When Katrina finally did answer then, with the exact opposite answer Colton had expected, he looked at her with surprise and concern.

"Kat...are you sure about this?"
Gabriel was incredibly grateful for the stability Cassandra's touch alone gave him and he leaned toward her subtly, his mind scattered. He was half-listening to the conversation at hand, but the other half of his mind was elsewhere.

Malia had told him that if he chose not to forgive those who'd hurt him, that he wouldn't like the consequences. Did that mean that he wouldn't lead anyone if he didn't let go of his anger? That didn't seem like such a bad thing to Gabriel right now, but he wasn't stupid. No, even if such a thing seemed like a good idea, the Seer hadn't been wrong yet and in some form or another he'd regret not listening.

Leading an entire continent, though?! Really!? He couldn't DO that! He could barely lead his own damn pack. Gabriel growled under his breath and Ivan, about to answer Cassandra, glanced at the blond warily before proceeding.

"We only know that it's going to be between those who have the cure and the mutants. They are spreading quickly and soon they will not need the radiation to advance before them. It is a war that is inevitable."

"And will we win?" Gabriel looked up now, his eyes dark amber, but cat-slit, his emotions and thoughts having got the better of him. It caused a slight reaction in Misumi and Beth as they tensed, growing alert, but while Ivan looked unsure about answering, Amy took it in a stride.

"That depends on many of the choices your pack makes, Gabriel. No future is set in stone."


Katrina smiled faintly at Colton's expression and she reached toward him, her small hand and slender fingers palming his cheek gently. "I am sure I would forever feel like a coward and I would forever regret taking the easy way out of my problems. I am sure I will never leave my pack in such a manner. I am sure of my choice, Colton. My place, for better or worse, is with the people I love."

Her eyes searched his gently, but there was a cold fire, a determination and stubbornness in her blue-steel eyes that wouldn't be extinguished. "I do this for myself, but also for you. I will not take you from all you have known, from your sister and your friends just so I won't have to work a bit harder. I know what I have to learn now and I will learn it. I will, but it's going to have to be on the job."

Malia watched the two, smiling in hidden approval of the brunette's choice, but not about to interrupt this conversation.
Cassandra knew Gabriel was overwhelmed and she subtly let a few tendrils of golden energy seep into his skin. She didn't want to distract Gabriel, but she hoped the energy might ease his mind and calm him down some.

While she did that, Cassandra looked up at Amy since she was the last to answer. "After the cure is distributed, what should our next course of action be?"


Colton was soothed a little by Katrina's touch and when he saw the determination shining in her blue-steel eyes, he knew Katrina wasn't going to budge. He nodded then, turning his head to press a brief kiss to her palm.

"We won't stay then."

Colton was still concerned, but Katrina seemed certain of her decision and he was grateful that she had considered him in her decision making. He would have stayed with Katrina without hesitation, but the thought of leaving Cassandra did make him uncomfortable.

He turned his gaze to Malia then. "It WILL get easier for her, won't it? She'll be happy?" There was a protectiveness in his tone that Colton couldn't hide and he glanced back at Katrina with nothing but affection in his eyes before returning his gaze to the child.
"You might have to ask Malia about that, but logically I would think getting everyone on the same side and alerting them to the threat would be vital." Amy answered calmly, but Gabriel, while he was slightly stabilized with Cassandra's energy pouring into him, was not nearly soothed and the more he heard, the more overwhelmed he felt and the more he wanted to lash out. His voice was snapped, sarcastic when he spoke.

"Yeah, just a simple matter of getting people who've been at odds for years to come together peacefully with no one backstabbing the other or seeking revenge. Easy."

Amy raised a brow, but it was Misumi who commented, her eyes narrowing, swimming cat-slit in a delicate way. "When was the last time you went into your true-form, Gabriel?" When the blond looked at her and his own eyes reacted to her slitted ones, flecks of black appearing, the asian nodded slightly, smiling just a little. "It's been at least a week, hasn't it? When was the last time you hunted?"

When Gabriel was unable to answer, Misumi looked to Cassandra. "Mind if Beth and I steel him away for a little while? I guarantee he'll be much calmer and better able to think and handle this when we get back."

Gabriel looked at his mate and while he didn't ask her to say yes, his tense body and his black-dark amber eyes begged it.


Katrina felt warmth at Colton's gaze, approval and she soaked it in, her fingers finding his and interlacing them as he spoke to Malia. The child smiled softly, but there was a mixture of both happiness and sadness in her face that made the brunette a little nervous. Still, she'd chosen this path and she'd stick to it. It was going to be hard. She had no delusions about that and when the Seer spoke, Katrina accepted her words, even if she didn't like all of them.

"It will get easier...in time. At first it will be hard and you will feel frustrated often, but yes, Colton; ultimately Katrina will be happy."

The small brunette squeezed the male's fingers gently and her voice was partly teasing, but serious as well. "I will have you. What more do I need? ...Well, besides food and water...and perhaps a gun..."
Cassandra nodded thoughtfully at Amy's words but when Gabriel responded in such a snappy and sarcastic way, she looked at him in surprise. Gabriel rarely ever behaved like that. Before Cassandra could inquire about it though, Misumi was already speaking. At the other female's offer, Cassandra felt all of the insecurity and envy from earlier flare again and she tensed every so slightly.

Cassandra shifted uncomfortably but when Gabriel looked at her, his darkening eyes practically begging for her approval, Cassandra knew she couldn't say no. She couldn't deny him, especially for such petty reasons, and she reluctantly retracted her touch from the blonde.

"Go ahead, Gabe."


Colton wasn't entirely satisfied with Malia's answer, hearing the sad undertone in her message, but he said nothing. He didn't like the fact that Katrina had to suffer at all but if she didn't believe she would be happy otherwise, then he wouldn't protest her decision.

At Katrina's words, Colton smiled faintly and leaned in to kiss her on the cheek. "I'll make sure you have everything you need then."

He turned his attention back to Malia, appreciative for the Seer's information but also eager to be alone with Katrina again. "Is that everything you wanted to talk to us about?"
Perhaps if he'd been in a more stable state of mind, Gabriel would have reconsidered this whole thing. He would have noted better Cassandra's hesitancy over it and would have taken more time reassuring her, but as it was, he was on edge, like a predator chained up for too long and the stress of everything had pushed him to a limit. Last night had helped keep him from going off the deep end, but the pressure had to be released somehow and Misumi and Beth seemed to know how to do that.

The blond smiled at his mate's approval - no matter how reluctantly she gave it, something he'd remember later - and as he stood, Gabriel pressed a lingering kiss to her lips, grateful. He desperately wished she could come with him, his instincts saying his mate should be hunting by his side, but logic told him Cassandra couldn't do that and there were some things he just needed to accept, even if his animal side didn't like it.

The two women rose from their seats and they started walking, glancing back to the blond as he caught up with them, the three disappearing from the atrium. After they'd gone, Amy smiled gently at Cassandra. "Don't worry. They'll make sure nothing happens to him."

"Sometimes Beth and Misumi get like that, too; snappy and irritable, like they can't calm down. Hunting usually helps."


The Seer smiled and nodded. "It was. You're free to go now."

Katrina stood, unwinding her legs from each other and she approached the little girl with a smile, leaning in to hug her. "Thank you, Malia." Yes, the Seer had told them things they didn't like, but she'd also been kind and gentle, patient and she'd answered many questions from them. Katrina felt some fondness for her just because of that and the fact that she seemed to be a child? Well, it just sealed the deal for the brunette.

Malia chuckled, hugging her back and when Katrina pulled away, she looked at both her and Colton. "I am sure you have much to talk about the both of you, but please, do check on Cassandra in a little while. She's in the atrium and I suspect she will need to see a familiar face before long."
As Gabriel smiled, happy for the approval, Cassandra forced a slight smile back at him. The blonde's kiss did bring a moment of peace though, a sense of relief and happiness that eased Cassandra's worries. The moment was gone as quickly as the kiss though, and as Cassandra watched the three leave, her insecurities bubbled up again.

At Amy's reassurance, Cassandra smiled politely at the woman and nodded wordlessly, though she didn't quite feel any better; she knew Gabriel would be safe - he was strong enough to take care of himself. For once, his safety was not what Cassandra was concerned about.

Cassandra was silent for a few seconds, trying to tame her worry, before she looked back up at Amy again. "It must be hard for Beth and Misumi - being the only AI here most of the time, huh?" Okay, she was fishing for information now. It was unlike Cassandra, but she hoped some information Amy had might be the cure-all that eased all of her ridiculous concerns.


Colton was confused by Malia's request but he nodded, taking Katrina's hand and walking outside. He was a little concerned for Cassandra but he knew his sister was safe and that lessened the urgency of it. Right now though, Katrina had just learned some difficult information and Colton wanted to make sure she was okay.

Once they had walked a bit, Colton stopped in an empty hallway and turned to face Katrina, bringing his hand up to run his fingers through her hair.

"What do you think about what Malia said? Are you sure you're going to be okay doing this? You can still change your mind..."
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