Dark Fever

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"My name is Malia."

The child's voice, for the first time, was soft and almost shy and Gabriel blinked before smiling gently, and knowing Cassandra would understand, he let go of his hold on his mate and approached the little girl who had given them so much information. He crouched beside the bed and held out his hand, something Malia smiled at as she extended her smaller one. They shook and the blond chuckled. "It is very nice to meet you, Malia."

The dark-skinned girl giggled. "And you, Dark Storm."

Gabriel tilted his head, eyes narrowing a little in silent question, but the child put her finger to her lips and shook her head, pale blue eyes twinkling with secret before she let him go and Gabriel moved back to his place beside Cassandra. Only when he slipped his arm back around his mate did Malia speak again, answering Cassandra's questions, seeming to slip back into her role as a Seer just as easily as she became a child.

"Moonchild, I have not begun to tell you predictions involving your pack for those things go hand-in-hand with your questions. All of you, six of you are key players in the events that will shape this continent and later, the world itself once you are joined by the Others. The Resistance will no longer be needed as it has been functioning for years, nor will the Government continue to be your enemy." Her eyes flickered to Gabriel then, seeing him stiffen and she continued to speak in a calm, almost eerie way.

"A greater threat is upon you and it will take the alliance of humanity to defeat it. The time has come for you to stop your squabbling and face the true danger that encroaches upon you without your notice or alarm. The cure will make you all equal. No more will there be Human verses Infected, but the world will take a step into a new way of life, all gifted. You will need such powers to defeat your new enemy."

There was silence then and Katrina, after a moment, spoke into it, her voice soft, putting a piece of the puzzle together. "The mutants. The radiation...it's spreading and so are they."
The small exchange between Gabriel and Malia was not lost on Cassandra, but she said nothing as Gabriel returned to her. She would ask her mate later, she decided, but even that was forgotten at the Seer's next words.

Cassandra didn't know what to make of it; a world without ordinary humans? Of course, it was good that there would no longer be casualties of the virus - that she was thankful for - but the rest... Cassandra looked to Gabriel, her eyes studying him for his reactions. The war between the Resistance and the Government was unnecessary - war was always bad in Cassandra's eyes - but it was also expected. Gabriel's brother had founded the Resistance and it was where Gabriel was raised. Even in his years apart from the Resistance, Gabriel had been dealing with the Resistance's enemy. Everything they all had experienced up until that point was rooted in this war.

Of course, Cassandra wanted it to be over, but what sort of changes would that mean for them? And would they truly be able to bring together the two sides that had been warring for almost two decades to face this new enemy?

Cassandra was completely lost in her thoughts, so many questions coming to her mind that she found it impossible to choose one to ask out loud. Colton did not share that problem though, and his eyes flickered from Katrina to Malia.

"If the radiation is spreading, aren't we all screwed no matter what? Or is there a way to prevent the spread?"
Gabriel's head was spinning, reeling with all the information dumped into it and he had numerous questions, but while his dark amber eyes had grown darker and his body was riddled with tension at the thought of being anywhere near someone in the Government and calling them 'ally' or 'friend', he held his tongue as Colton spoke. He could acknowledge that his beta's question was far more important that his own right now. What surprised him, though, was the way Malia answered it.

She really didn't, giving Colton a look that clearly said she was expecting him to use his mind. Katrina caught the look and while part of her wanted to bristle at the Seer, another part of her was already scolding her for thinking of getting upset with a child and she looked thoughtful. Suddenly it came to her and she raised her head, beaming. "Oh, brilliant! THAT'S how it's going to happen, isn't it?! Or part of it..."

Gabriel raised a brow, glancing at the small brunette with an amused expression at her sudden enthusiasm. "Katrina, care to share your good news with the entire class?"

Katrina didn't even respond to his banter, her blue-steel eyes bright with intelligence and fire. "Don't you see? Gabriel, YOUR blood is protecting us now! Something in it is keeping the radiation from harming us. If EVERYONE gets that vaccine, the cure, then your blood is going to be in all of them. Animalis Strain blood will keep the radiation from being harmful to people! And if people have the promise of that protection, they will be more willing to not fight taking the cure! If we are not killed by the radiation, it gives us more time to find ways to stop it, too."

She nearly bounced in glee at her cleverness and Gabriel blinked and then smiled slightly. Well. That certainly DID make sense...and Malia was smiling widely, obvious approval in her gaze. The blond found himself relieved by at least that answer and Malia's voice coaxed his own questions out of him patiently.

"You would say something, Gabriel?"

He sighed. "You mentioned six of us and 'Others'. What did you mean?"

"There are five of you now in your pack, but Rose will complete it. As for the Others; you and yours are not the only key players in this changing world, Dark Storm. Someday all your groups will meet, will understand how you have shaped your respective corners of the world into places that can now coexist with other parts of the globe, but that is years to come."

Gabriel nodded slowly and the child tilted her head, voice soft. "That is not what you really wish to ask me."

Dark amber eyes looked down and Gabriel's body alternated between stiffness and tremors, undecided as a growl sounded quietly in his throat and his grip tightened marginally on Cassandra. "I don't know what is to be expected of me in the coming days, but...I don't think I can forgive them for what they did to me." he admitted and Malia gave him a sympathetic look, but she also took a deep breath and with a graveness not befitting a child, she spoke again.

"I understand your reasons for how you feel, Gabriel, but that is where your first crucial choice lies. David has led with wisdom for his time and place, but he is not going to be what this new world needs. It is to you and Cassandra that the greatest weight will fall and if you choose not to forgive those who have hurt you....you will not like the consequences of such a choice."
At Katrina's revelation, Colton chuckled a little and watched the brunette in her glee. He normally would have been irked at the Seer's silent and expectant gaze and the fact that he had overlooked something, but Katrina's enthusiasm extinguished all of that. His eyes lingered on the small woman, appreciating her beauty, before he turned his attention back to Malia.

As the child spoke, Cassandra was both stunned and completely overwhelmed. There was so much information, so much that Cassandra hadn't even considered... the realization of the magnitude of what was riding on them - on her, on Gabriel, on their entire pack - was unnerving. They had only just begun getting along as a group, and yet they would be responsible for these grand things? And the Others... were there really people across the world, suffering from the same challenges they were?

Cassandra's could barely even imagine it and she watched Malia with wide eyes as she processed everything the little girl was saying. And on top of everything, there was Gabriel... Cassandra turned her gaze to her mate then and frowned slightly. It seemed almost cruel to make Gabriel forgive the people that hurt him so badly - Cassandra didn't even feel as though she could forgive them herself for what they did to him.

Despite that, it seemed as though that was their only option if they wanted to avoid whatever bleak fate Malia predicted as the alternative. Cassandra bit her lip in uncertainty but even then she reached out to Gabriel and squeezed his hand reassuringly. She didn't know how they were going to pull this off, but the Seer seemed to have faith in them and that was a small comfort, if nothing else.

There was silence from at least three of the group after that, as each was overwhelmed with the new information and no questions between them remained.
Malia watched the adults with an understanding gaze and when they all remained quiet, she smiled gently. "Perhaps it is time for you to rest. I can have you shown to your rooms if you'd like? There is food already waiting for you there."

Gabriel, despite his jumbled thoughts and the weight he felt on his shoulders, smiled a little. "I suppose everything has been prepared for us for a while, hasn't it?"

The child grinned. "You could say that, yes. Please, you are guests here. Anything you might need or anywhere you'd like to go, just make it clear to someone here and we will help you. The only thing you must not forget is to stay indoors at night and to get a daily dose of AI blood every morning. You are free to roam and do as you will beyond that unless stated otherwise by someone here and that will only be for your safety."

The blond nodded and looked at his pack. Katrina was already standing, pulling Colton up with her and Gabriel gave a small smile to Austin, knowing the boy was probably exhausted. Hmm..having Rose in the pack might not be such a bad thing or that big of a transition. It would certainly give Austin someone around his age and personality to talk to. Gabriel found the thought a pleasant one and he turned back to Malia, brow rising.

"Will we see you again?"

The dark-skinned Seer nodded, but her eyes strayed to Katrina and then Colton. "Yes, once more for you, Cassandra and Austin. Katrina, Colton, I would like to speak with both of you before that point. However, it's late and I have a bedtime."

Katrina, even though she was immensely curious as to why the child could want to talk them again, couldn't help laughing at the little girl's innocently twinkling eyes at her last comment.
Once Cassandra was in her room, she exhaled deeply. She hadn't even realized she had been tense from learning the Seer's information until she and Gabriel had reached the room. Now though, Cassandra felt like she could finally process everything at her own pace. Before that though.... Cassandra turned to Gabriel and with a smile, wrapped her arms around his neck. She leaned in, pressing her lips to Gabriel's softly at first, before she deepened the kiss. A pleasant warmth filled her and when Cassandra pulled away, she felt a relief she hadn't had in a while.

"I missed that."

Her smile faded a little though, and Cassandra tilted her head, her expression turning to one of concern. "How do you feel?" Of course, she referred to how he felt about the Seer's information; she knew physically that he and everyone else were tired and hungry.


Colton was a little surprised that the Seer had given a room to him and Katrina; he had expected to room with Austin and let Katrina have her own room, but he certainly wasn't complaining. After all, Colton almost fought for this very opportunity just a few weeks ago.

As they entered the room, Colton's gaze automatically went to Katrina, watching her for any possible uneasiness. As much as he liked the idea of them sharing a room together, if the brunette was uncomfortable, he wouldn't hesitate to change rooms. He hoped that wouldn't be the case though, and Colton decided to say something now before Katrina had much time to think about their bunking situation.

"What do you think the Seer wants to talk with us about?"

The question wasn't just a distraction; Colton truly wanted to know. It seemed like most matters of importance fell on Gabriel or Cassandra and it confused him why he and Katrina would suddenly be involved.


Separated from the two couples, Austin went to his room by himself. It wasn't a huge deal, but the boy did feel a slight longing in his chest; for weeks he had slept near the rest of the pack and now to be alone... Austin never was one to require a lot of privacy and he found himself faintly wishing that James was still part of the pack, if anything so he would have a companion in the room.
Gabriel had been surprised by Cassandra's sudden action, but not at all unhappy with it and he kissed her back with just as much passion as she showed him, his arms sliding around her slim waist, pulling her close. He felt his blood heat in a much-missed way, felt his instincts settle down like a well-pet cat and his entire body simply melted into her own, protective and longing before they pulled apart.

Her smile, her wonderful smile filled him with a different warmth entirely and Gabriel echoed the expression, his fingers rising to touch her cheek, to trail across her beautiful skin like he'd never felt something so delicate before. When her expression changed, it saddened him a bit, knowing he was the cause and Gabriel cupped Cassandra's face at her question. "I feel like I am with you and that is all I want right now." he answered softly and then Gabriel sighed.

The blond pulled Cassandra into his arms gently and he pressed his face into her neck, breathing her in, holding her close. "Please...can we just pretend everything is okay? Just for a little while? Please..."

He couldn't handle it right now and for the first time in nearly a month, he and Cassandra were alone and unless she forced him, he didn't HAVE to be strong right now.


Katrina had been surprised by the arrangement of the rooms, too, but oddly enough - and she could admit it was strange for her - she didn't feel apprehensive about this. Now, granted, they'd not attempted to share the bed yet - and WHY was there only one in the first place? - so she might still freak out on Colton, but for now....the brunette felt at ease, peaceful with the arrangement and she flashed the man a smile before charging toward the bed with reckless abandon.

She jumped on the thing and bounced a few times, hair flying, before flopping on her back and staring at the ceiling. She was backwards on the bed, her head almost hanging off the edge, hair reaching toward the floor. "I don't know. You can guarantee if I am involved it's not good, though."

The self-demeaning quip came from her mouth without any thought at all and Katrina smiled, glancing over at Colton, watching his upside-down form. "Maybe she's going to tell you that you'll be the greatest Mimicry Infected the world has ever known!"

Okay, she was definitely wound up. Katrina only ever got this way when under extreme stress or something she wasn't sure how to deal with in the least.


Rose knew which two doors to avoid. Malia was only a child, but she was wise and there had been a reason the little girl had told the others not to disturb the guests in the blue-doored rooms tonight. The red door, however... The blond smiled as she knocked lightly, her warm green eyes a little excited to finally talk to the person on the other side of the door. Malia had told her, years ago that she and Austin would be good friends.

Rose was looking forward to that.
Cassandra blinked, frowning a little at Gabriel's request - not because she was disappointed in him or because she felt that it was wrong, but because she knew Gabriel had only reached that point through intense suffering and pressure. With a sympathetic nod, Cassandra brought a hand up and ran it through his hair.

"Of course, love."

She leaned in, giving Gabriel another kiss before she pulled away and took his hand. She led him to the bed before she laid down, gently pulling him beside her. After sleeping apart from him for so long, Cassandra really just wanted to lay next to her mate and enjoy his touch.

She snuggled up close to Gabriel, breathing in his scent and that alone relaxed her, making her entire body ease and sink a little further in the bed.


Colton chuckled at Katrina's second remark. "Damn right." It was not lost on him though, how the brunette was acting differently. Her playfulness was incredibly endearing to him, but Colton knew that her behavior didn't match the circumstances and he wanted to get to the heart of whatever it was Katrina was really feeling.

He walked over to the small woman and sat down on the bed next to her, looking down at Katrina with a smile, soaking in the image of her clear face, vivid blue-steel eyes, and her wavy brown hair falling behind her.

His smile didn't fade entirely, but Colton's tone turned just a little more serious. "Kat...is everything okay?"


Austin looked up in surprise at the knock and he broke out into a smile. He expected it to be someone from his pack, but regardless of whoever stood outside, Austin was just glad they were there at all. He walked over to the door and opened it, tilting his head a little in confusion when he saw Rose. The confusion quickly turned into excitement though, and he grinned.

"Hi. Rose, right?" Austin drawled and he looked at her with a warm light in his eyes. "How can I help you?"
Her touch - he really did have a weakness for her hands in his hair, didn't he? - was soothing his nerves, his body before Cassandra's words even exited her mouth. Gabriel felt an incredible relief at her response and he kissed her back willingly before letting her lead him to the bed. It didn't take a great deal of coaxing to get him to lay down next to her and the blond curled around Cassandra immediately.

The remaining tension faded out of his body then and Gabriel let out a long, low sigh, a low whine in the sound. He nuzzled his face into Cassandra's hair, inhaling her scent as much as she did his own and slowly, almost like it was hesitating, a faint purr stirred in his chest. It didn't get very loud, acting very cautious as if his body wanted to be happy, but it feared that Cassandra would be distanced from him again. Whether it be by his own actions or something else didn't matter. It was still a fear, no matter how it came about.

His instincts told him that everything was fine, that he could completely give in to the exhaustion that wanted to overcome him, but Gabriel fought it. He opened his eyes when he felt like he was going to drift into sleep, when he realized he was dozing, and he made himself move a little, shifting his body weight and then his fingers curling in Cassandra's hair behind her back, twirling it gently.

Gabriel didn't say anything, merely fine with holding Cassandra, hoping she might just go to sleep. He felt she deserved it far more than he did.


"Of course! Everything is..." Katrina chose in that moment to actually look at Colton instead of the ceiling and she faltered at the expression in his eyes. He was still smiling, but she saw the worry in his eyes, the seriousness and the brunette suddenly found that she couldn't hide behind a false happiness anymore. Her voice turned to a whisper, finishing her sentence. "...fine."

She sighed and rolled to her side, facing Colton and like a cat with a ball of yarn her fingers found his hand, taking it in her own and tracing around his palm and his fingers. She watched the motions, partly so she wouldn't have to look up into his hazel eyes, eyes that saw far too much of her far too easily. The small brunette thought about his question and how to answer, knowing that her problem wasn't something she could describe in just one sentence.

"I..I am scared. I thought, for a while, it was because of my power and then, more recently, I thought it was because of what happened with Gabriel, or the mutants, but..."

Katrina bit her lip and she let go of Colton's hand, sitting up abruptly and tucking her wild hair behind her ear nervously. "I'm...uncertain...about this. About...us...because I...like this and I don't...I don't want to ruin it."

There. She'd said it and now...now she felt her stomach clench and Katrina felt the bed shake just slightly underneath her and Colton, her power reacting to her emotions.


Oh, he was adorable!

Rose blushed rather easily, but it didn't stop her from beaming back at the male. "And you're Austin. I just wanted to talk. Can I come in?"

Before he could even reply, she was speaking again. The blond female had been very quiet around the rest of the pack, but now, just with the young male, she seemed completely and genuinely animated. "I know that it's sudden and everything, but Malia says I'll be going with you - has been saying it for a while - and I just wanted to get to know someone and I think the others are busy and....I'm sorry, I am talking too much, aren't I?"
The constant rumble of Gabriel's soft purr and the pleasant warmth emitting from the man eased Cassandra to relax completely and the exhaustion from so many days of traveling, plus the stress of every obstacle they had overcome, was finally weighing on her. Cassandra felt the fatigue tug at her, coaxing her to sleep, but even as her eyes had begun to close, they flickered open again.

Gabriel was trying to stay awake, and Cassandra smiled faintly at the sight. She reached up, brushing Gabriel's face gently. "You should sleep, Gabe. We both should." As it was, Cassandra felt her eyelids growing heavy again and she pressed closer to Gabriel before closing her eyes again, already slipping into a doze.


It didn't take the bed shaking for Colton to know that Katrina was nervous and he smiled warmly at her, reaching up to run his fingers through the small woman's hair.

"Nothing is going to be ruined. You are so convinced that anything you are involved in is going to be ruined but that's not the case."

Colton withdrew his hand then and he suddenly looked a little nervous himself. He certainly wasn't used to talking about his feelings in any way and having to now felt absolutely foreign to him. Colton seemed to struggle with his thoughts for a moment before he lowered his gaze and nervously ran a hand through his hair.

"I... like you. A lot. We don't have to do anything you don't want to do, but I'd really like if we... gave this a shot. Gave 'us' a shot."

Colton looked back up at Katrina then, his hazel eyes uncharacteristically vulnerable and filled with a sort of hope as he waited for the brunette's response.


Austin's eyes were dancing with excitement and when the words seemed to spill out from Rose's mouth, he laughed good-naturedly. "Don't say sorry! You weren't talking too much. Trust me, I know talking too much. My pack tells me I do all the time..." He suddenly remembered then, that he was blocking the doorway and he blinked. "Oh! Come in. Sorry." He quickly stepped aside, watching Rose as she entered. He was absolutely brimming with excitement and if Austin had a tail, it would be wagging hard enough to knock himself over.

"Are you excited to go back to the Resistance with us?"
Gabriel smiled down at his mate, her touch and words comforting and though he knew she was right, he couldn't help fighting sleep for just a few minutes more simply so he could watch her. His fingers brushed through her black hair, the warmth of her body coaxing his own closer to rest and the purr in his chest built as her breathing evened out. She was so very precious to him and as Gabriel's dark amber eyes studied every elegant line of her face, brushing the strands of black hair from her cheek, he knew he would never find a treasure greater than the one that he now held.

The blond kissed her forehead softly and when she curled closer, he smiled again and finally laid his head down, finally let sleep overcome him. And with Cassandra in his arms, her heartbeat against his own, he didn't dream and that would be the greatest relief to Gabriel when he woke up.


His gesture soothed her so quickly that Katrina didn't even really realize what he'd done, that her power was calm within her once more, until he withdrew his hand and said power stirred, grumbling in protest. Katrina looked at Colton, listening to his words, but she didn't know if she agreed with them. It felt like she hurt everything she came in contact with. And now she was afraid, that if she let herself get too close to Colton, she'd hurt him, too. She could never believe that he'd hurt her - that ship had sailed long ago - but Katrina wasn't sure she could say the same thing and it worried her.

She watched the male before her, though, finding him cute all over again. That day in the field, he'd been...so incredibly what she'd NEEDED that day and now, every day since, he'd been there. Dependable, funny, trying, angry, protective, sweet...so many different facets for one face, but she adored them all. Even if some of them did make her want to smack Colton at the same time. Eh, complicated emotions.

Now Katrina found herself smiling at his nervousness, though, the expression faded to one of wide-eyed surprise when he spoke. He...liked her? Oh, stars, it wasn't just one sided? He...liked her in THAT way? She'd used the word 'us', but to hear it from him....it suddenly seemed more real and Katrina's blue-steel eyes were filled both with uncertainty, but also wonder as they finally met Colton's open, hopeful ones. Words fled from her and Katrina searched his gaze as if she was searching his heart...or perhaps searching for her own in his eyes.

She felt tears prickle at her eyes when she found it. Oh, heaven's above. This man held her heart. She didn't know how he'd done it or how she'd not noticed, but the small brunette knew in that moment that she was his, for better or for worse he'd caught her and she was never going to be free of him. And she didn't mind that. Katrina smiled then and felt the boldness that had seemed to have been missing from her for days now flood back into her system. He did that for her. He made her brave, made her...herself.

Katrina didn't think about it then. She didn't let her mind tell her no, didn't hesitate as she leaned forward and her lips met Colton's with a light touch, lingering. If he didn't understand that answer she was going to have to smack him.


Rose laughed at his words, relieved to have found someone who seemed as genuine and excitable as she was. She had always believed Malia's predictions, but somehow she'd still been nervous about this and while the blond was still young, still impressionable and naive, she was also very astute, a quick learner and she wasn't stupid. This was not going to be easy and she was going to have a lot of responsibility, but hopefully this change would be worth it.

Austin's greeting sure made it seem like it would!

Rose sat down carefully on Austin's bed, not wanting to mess anything up and she smiled at his question, but bit her lip a little before she nodded. "Yeah. I mean, it's going to be different and I'm a little scared, but it's bound to be exciting, too, right? And I'll make new friends and I'll be helping people. That's what's important."

Her green eyes met the male's. "Do you...mind that I am coming?"
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The silence in response to his statement unnerved Colton and the pounding of his heart was nearly deafening to his ears. When Katrina's blue-steel eyes searched his own, Colton froze up a little and he suddenly had the overwhelming feeling to give in to his fears and simply retract his statement before the brunette could reject him. It was very unlike Colton to be so unsure, but a lot hinged on Katrina's answer and that made it the utmost importance to him.

Initially, he wasn't sure how to respond to Katrina leaning in and Colton almost leaned back in avoidance, so used was he to monitoring the space between them. He resisted the urge though, and when the female's lips pressed gently against his, Colton's uncertainty vanished. He ran a hand from Katrina's hair to the back of her head, pulling her in closer as he deepened the kiss. His whole body heated up and when Colton felt his blood rush with a speed that meant he was getting just a little too excited, he pulled away.

Colton was breathless from the kiss but he grinned at Katrina, his eyes bright with happiness. "That was the best answer I ever received."


Austin shook his head quickly. "No, of course not! I'm really glad you are coming with us." He meant it too. He was happy with the rest of his pack, but since Cassandra and Gabriel stuck together, and now Colton and Katrina, Austin was often left being the third wheel. Now though, he would have someone new to talk to.

He walked over to the bed and sat down next to Rose, smiling warmly at her. "The journey might get a little tough sometimes, but don't be scared. Everyone in our group takes care of each other. We won't let anything bad happen to you. I promise."
Katrina had felt her heart hammer in her chest when Colton pulled her closer, but for the first time in her life while interacting with a male interested in her, it wasn't fear that made her gasp for air when she parted from him and when her eyes met Colton's, when she heard his words, the small brunette couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. She blushed then and looked down, still smiling, brushing her unruly hair behind her ear.

When she finally looked back up, though, her gaze was narrowed, playfully so. "It had better be." she threatened lightly and leaned in once more to kiss him again, testing the waters. Katrina kept the contact light, nervous about doing anything else, but the fact that she could do such a thing at all without being triggered was a good sign and she'd take it today. She chuckled, a deep and pleased sound as she pulled back. "Mmm, I could get used to that."

Her blue-steel eyes danced happiness and the brunette went to roll backward....and promptly realized there was nothing for her to fall back on. In fact, she AND Colton were not sitting on anything but air, hovering about two feet off the bed on a platform of pure telekinetic energy. Katrina blinked, opened her mouth and then shut it again before she looked up at Colton, sheepish. "Oops?"

Even as she spoke, they started descending again and when they were safely on the bed, Katrina felt her power simply fade back to where it should be, completely content in a way she hadn't felt in seven years. "Wow....that's a strange sensation..." Katrina looked up at Colton again, puzzled and yet amazed at the same time. "It's calm. My power, it's just...calm."


The blond female smiled again, nodding and she glanced at Austin, blushed and then looked away again at her hands. She was not uncomfortable, but he was good-looking male and she was a red-blooded, young, female. She couldn't help but find him cute and he was sweet, too.

"I believe you. And I do know how to fight. I won't be useless and I am used to harsh environments." Rose chuckled. "I live here, after all!"

Her green eyes glanced at Austin again, curious. "Do you think the other will like me okay? I know my presence is sudden. I've had years to get used to this idea, but you guys..." She shrugged lightly.
Colton forced himself to remain more calm during the second kiss, though he couldn't help it when his body hummed pleasantly and when Katrina pulled away, he immediately found himself wishing for another sweet kiss from the female.

As soon as he glanced down and saw he was hovering though, Colton started and looked up at Katrina with confusion. As the both of them eased back onto the bed, Colton relaxed again and he smiled in response to Katrina's sheepishness. She truly was entrancing; so much raw power was contained in her small body, yet she still managed to be tenderly adorable.

At her next words, Colton smiled, sharing in Katrina's happiness before his expression turned mischievous. "I think your power likes me. Maybe we should kiss again, just for good measure."


Austin tilted his head and leaned in just a little when Rose blushed, immensely interested in Rose and all of the young woman's reactions. At her question, he laughed a little and leaned back.

"Of course they will like you!" Now that he was thinking about it, Austin realized he should probably give Rose the run-down of the group while the others weren't around. Despite not needing to, he lowered his voice a little, as if secretive.

"Gabriel's the leader. He's really great too; he gets a little intense when he's mad, but he never takes it out on any of us. He's real patient, too. Cassandra's really nice, as long as nobody messes with Gabriel. She's really patient also, so if you have any questions, you can go to her. Colton is... not as nice, but he'll help you if you really need it. Sometimes I only talk to him when Katrina is there, since he's always calmer when she's around. Katrina is nice, though sometimes she gets mad like Colton. She also doesn't have her power under complete control, and that gets a little scary sometimes."

Austin smiled then, his tone returning to normal. "And then there's me! You can always talk to me about anything."
Katrina stared at Colton for a moment and then she promptly grabbed a pillow and threw it at him, hitting his face squarely. She laughed then and scrambled off the bed before he could get her, grabbing another pillow and holding it like a shield, her tone challenging and her blue-steel eyes glittering as she raised her chin. "I think someone is getting greedy. I'm not sure you deserve another kiss."

Cheeky male. Did he really think it was going to be that easy? Oh, she was completely smitten with him, make no mistake, but that didn't mean she was going to stop being her obnoxious self. Besides, it was good for Colton to work for things. Or at least, she liked teasing him to exasperation and then suddenly giving him what he wanted, surprising him. It was really quite fun. The thought made Katrina grin and if Colton hadn't gotten a dose of her Seducer's power from their contact, he would have been finding it very hard to resist her right now. As it was, they were on an even playing field....well, sort of.

Katrina didn't have any intention of letting him take her pillow, even if she had to use telekinesis to keep it.


Rose listened to Austin closely, recognizing that the young male had a wealth of information that most probably didn't even realize. It was like that with people like them. They were young and friendly, easy to please and wanting to be of use to others. Most thought they could easily be taken advantage of, but they were smarter, older than they looked most the time. Rose recognized that in Austin as easily as she recognized it in herself.

"Thank you. I will remember that, Austin." She smiled at him and spoke again, head tilting. "I understand the roles of everyone else in the pack, but tell me, Austin, how do you see your role? Are you happy with it?"
Colton was genuinely surprised when the pillow hit him and he laughed, grabbing it before he looked at Katrina. By then, the brunette had already hurried off of the bed and fortified her defenses with another pillow when her blue-steel eyes met Colton's hazel. Katrina didn't need the Seducer's power to be irresistible to Colton and his eyes took her in with a combination of playfulness and hunger. The act alone was enough to rile Colton up, but then Katrina issued her challenge and all bets were off.

"Oh, don't worry. I'll get another one."

Colton grinned and then tossed his pillow at Katrina as a distraction before he moved towards her quickly in an attempt to take her own pillow.


Austin blinked, surprised by Rose's question. He was used to thinking about and evaluating others, not himself, and it took him a few seconds to come up with an answer.

"Yeah, I'm happy with it." His voice sounded uncertain though, and Austin paused as he further analyzed his thoughts. "I mean, I'm mostly happy with it. My ability is power enhancing and while that is good for a group, it's not very useful by itself. I can fight alright I guess, but not as good as the others."

Austin paused again and broke his gaze from Rose, rubbing the back of his neck self-consciously. "Nobody talks about it, but I guess having a weaker power makes me feel like I don't have the right to really voice my thoughts, you know? Like I should let the more useful people talk because they're the ones actually doing things."

Austin stopped then and looked back at Rose, an unsure smile on his face. "Sorry, I don't wanna complain. Our group is great and I really am happy most of the time."
The way he looked at her made Katrina still for a moment, a fluttering sensation in her middle that she was honestly unsure the meaning of. Was it fear or excitement? As she looked at Colton closely for a moment, she felt the smile come back to her face. No, she wasn't scared of Colton. She knew - she did and it was comforting - that all she had to do was tell him that they needed to stop, that she wasn't okay and he would. She had complete faith in that. It was nice to know.

No, what she felt was definitely excitement and when Colton threw his pillow at her, she squealed lightly and batted it away, eyes widening as he used her distraction to try and snatch her pillow from her. Katrina evaded the male - barely - and darted around him, laughter spilling from her lips as she turned, hair spinning wildly and held the pillow to her stomach protectively, backing up slowly with a grin. It seemed the goal now was to get the pillow from her in order to receive the kiss.

"I don't think so. Not with those outdated moves."


Rose smiled back at him and she reached out, settling her slender hand over one of his comfortingly. "I understand, Austin. My power is unique, but it's not all that useful for anything but running if I can't fight. I am small, young, I'm never going to be as powerful as say Cassandra or even Katrina, though, I am around her size. I understand what it's like to feel useless."

The blond female met his eyes, chuckling at the look on his face. Hmm, perhaps she shouldn't have touched his hand so soon... Rose didn't remove it, though, not regretting her actions. "I think you underestimate your importance to your pack. It doesn't always take a powerful person to hold a group together and I think your brand of optimism has probably done more good than you know."

Rose gazed at Austin then and very suddenly blushed, finally moving her hand away. "Sorry, talking too much again. I should let you sleep." she said with a chuckle.
Colton was a little surprised at how quickly Katrina reacted and as the small woman darted by him, Colton spun around to see her. She was absolutely radiant; her hair fell in unruly waves, messy, but not unpleasantly so, and her blue-steel eyes dancing with life and excitement. Colton was half tempted to pause then, to merely take that moment to soak in the image of the woman, but Katrina's challenging words rang in his head once more and Colton grinned before being spurred into action again.

"Outdated? I was just going easy on you."

Colton moved towards Katrina quickly, though he stopped right before he reached her, knowing she would try to dart away again. He stood his ground, his hazel eyes locked on the brunette closely for an indication of which way she planned to move so that he could beat her there and grab her.


A warm blush crossed Austin's cheeks when Rose touched his hand and he suddenly had a much harder time making eye contact with the young woman. When his eyes did manage to flicker up to Rose, they were uncertain, shy, but also very interested. Even if Austin was struggling to gain the confidence to look at the blonde though, he did listen to her closely. Rose's words eased him and Austin found himself smiling, appreciating the young woman's efforts.

When Rose pulled her hand away and apologized though, Austin finally directed his gaze straight at her, the words spilling from his lips before he even had a chance to think.

"No, you don't have to go! I...I really enjoy your company. You can stay here longer if you want." Austin's gaze turned hopeful then and even though the boy truly was exhausted, he also didn't want Rose to leave.
"Sure you were."

Katrina said the words and stuck her tongue out, but it quickly retreated back into her mouth as Colton moved and she squeaked in alarm, jumping back away from him. Crap, he was fast! The thought made her giggle as she crouched, ready to move at a moment's notice. Her eyes met Colton's as they both stood their ground for a brief moment, drinking in the male before her. He was perfect. Absolutely gorgeous and wonderful in every way. His hazel eyes and his deep voice made her knees go weak even when she knew he didn't even mean to and she wanted nothing more than to run her hands through his hair and have him hold her close.

He was amazing, inside and out and she couldn't believe he was hers.

And she really couldn't wait to kiss him again, even if she was making him work for it.

Katrina grinned and without warning she darted directly for Colton. She never reached him, her next step taking her up into the air as if she'd sprang off an invisible vault. Her power carried her, flipping, over Colton's head entirely and she landed on the other side well away from him. Katrina looked over her shoulder then, every bit of her gaze coy and fox-like. "And what makes you think I wasn't taking an easy on you, too?"

She batted her eyes and laughed, backing up again and this time hitting the wall, her blue-steel eyes never departing from Colton's hazel...and her arms secure around her pillow.


Rose smiled softly and she nodded after a moment. "All right, but only if you eat. I'll stay and talk for a while, but you need sleep." she reminded again, moving from the bed and then bringing over the tray of food on the small table, setting it on the bed beside Austin. She seated herself back down again lightly on the bed and nodded to the food. "Go ahead. I already ate." she assured the cute young man.

The blond began to play with her hair, braiding it slowly. "I'm a second-generation Infected, you know. My mother got the virus and survived it when she was pregnant with me. I managed to survive, too. Malia says not many babies do, even now, but that will change soon. I'm happy to be a part of the cure. I'm just worried that most people aren't going to want to accept it willingly."
Colton had prepared himself to grab Katrina as she ran towards him and when the small female went right over his head and behind him instead, Colton was momentarily stunned. He caught on quickly to what happened though, and he spun around, raising a brow at Katrina. The brunette was backed against a wall now and Colton chuckled, walking towards her.

"Hey, that's not fair now. I don't have the advantage of a power like that. What, do you not think you can win unless you cheat?"

Colton stopped a few feet away from Katrina, smirking a little. It was a challenge, but it was also a strategy. He knew he didn't have a chance of catching Katrina when she used her telekinesis, and if he could just convince her not to use it then he might actually have a shot.


If it meant Rose would stay for a few more minutes, Austin would have agreed to just about anything. As it was, eating wasn't a difficult thing to do and when the food was placed next to him, Austin's mouth watered. He hadn't even realized how hungry he was until he saw the food but now that he had, he was ravenous.

He picked up the tray and began to eat from it, watching Rose as she spoke. Afterwards, he fully swallowed his bite - he always remembered his manners around a lady - and tilted his head a little.

"Why wouldn't people accept the cure if it would save them?"
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