[DANGEROUS] - Out Of Character

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I expressed previously that I would post on Friday, if possible.
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If yall need me to push the plot along to attract posts, tell me. I'll do something.

sorry for being so absent lately.

mental health.

Don't worry, Red crow and I are cooking up a post.
I feel like I'm being ignored. Two times I've said "I'm going to try and post on Friday" but I get nothing in response after people have wondered when others are going to post? :|
I just thought you were waiting on Crow
If he didn't post by Friday, I would try and post.
@Kit Kat yeah, and then me and Lunar both said we working on a post. What did you have in mind? Our post might not be out today and there's a chance that it will go along decently with what we were planning just based on the nature of it.
@Kit Kat yeah, and then me and Lunar both said we working on a post. What did you have in mind? Our post might not be out today and there's a chance that it will go along decently with what we were planning just based on the nature of it.

I won't post unless you guys haven't posted by tomorrow. I don't know how long your post is going to take, so if you guys aren't finished by tomorrow (evening), I explained that I would try and post myself. I'm just going to reply to the last post that involved the brothel. I didn't guarantee a post so I'm not really sure where the confusion in my statement is... ^^;

EDIT: Tomorrow is my only day off this week, which is why I'm going to try and post tomorrow, if there hasn't been any posts by then, if that helps clear up any confusion or frustration. :)
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I'd love to get a post in too, I really enjoy these characters and setting. Everyone is doing a surprisingly great job! Should do a 1x1 one of these days
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I do a 1x1 with anyone if I had the time lmao
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Super tired guys. Homework is knocking me down.
@Kit Kat Are you gonna make your post? I really don't want this RP to fade away.

I'm sorry if I come off as rude and irritated, it's not my intention but...

Why are you asking me that when you and Crow said you guys were gonna post? .___.

Friday, I said I would try to post. I didn't say that I would. :/

I will post when I can. The rp won't fade away just because I can't post for a few days because this rp is a group effort and I feel uncomfortable that it seems like everyone's counting on me to make a post when you guys could be making posts as well.

I have schooling and work that need my attention first, I'm sorry.
Too blessed to be stressed. Don't worry guys, posts will come. It's not on anyone's back.
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Too blessed to be stressed. Don't worry guys, posts will come. It's not on anyone's back.

Thanks. I haven't been doing so well in one of my online classes, it's frustrating.
So, just a heads up, I got my work schedule for this week and I'll be working overtime/44 hours. I'm trying to do a little thing where I have "designated posting days" which are the days I have off, in which case, I will do my best to post a little something on Tuesday. ^^
Aaaand surprise. I got just enough out to help move things along, I think?

@Beowulf there's some stuffs for ya dude c:
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You're tagging the wrong person, dear. That guy's going to get on tomorrow and wonder what this is all about, lol.
You're tagging the wrong person, dear. That guy's going to get on tomorrow and wonder what this is all about, lol.

you didn't see anything o3o XD
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