[DANGEROUS] - Out Of Character

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It will for sure give you inspiration for this game! lol
@Custodiet Teh Woah xD Uh, she didn't grab her by the nape of the neck. That's a no no for Afanasiia. XD I'm sorry I wasn't more clear; she tried to yank her up by the upper arm.
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Poor Jael tho ;—;
Posted my response, I think both Jael and Afanasiia's life just got exponentially worse. Looking back though I might be rushing things a bit. Just let me know if you didn't want that stuff to happen just yet.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Looking back though I might be rushing things a bit. Just let me know if you didn't want that stuff to happen just yet.

It was amazing! No complaints. Wonderful execution~
I like the nickname Ana for Afanasiia. I'll post after Rom, Red, and Lunar get something in. ^w^

How's everyone been doing? Anyone doing anything fun soon?
I'm calling her Ana because, let's be honest here, Afanasiia is to hard to remember and I constantly have to check if I spelled it right. Ana is nice and simple.
XDDD I understand Wulf lmao! You can see I just wrote Ana in my own post so XD
Just saw Bladerunner, I think it was better than the first speaking honestly. It seemed to be a bit more well thought out, and more importantly it opened a whole new way of thinking about the first movie so now I wanna watch the first from a whole new angle.
Just saw Bladerunner, I think it was better than the first speaking honestly. It seemed to be a bit more well thought out, and more importantly it opened a whole new way of thinking about the first movie so now I wanna watch the first from a whole new angle.

Nice!!! I should really get hoppin' if I wanna catch up. Glad you enjoyed it!
NOTICE: ya'll can feel free to keep this up without eden getting involved for rn.

I'm going through some stuff and my presence might be a bit sparse for a couple weeks.

but im still gonna check in and do plot stuff.

just not too much IC. and less talky


i'll be good tho.
I'm going to wait on doing another post till @Red crow makes one, I can't run too far ahead.
So, I will just wait for @Red crow as well, see if they can get a post out soon. If not by Friday, I'll see about posting then since that is my day off (though no guarantees are made due to work and schooling). Gotta get things moving though~ ^_^
So...Is someone going to make a post? I'm dying to see where this story goes.
hey y'all, sorry for bein gone a while. Stuff went to shit pretty quick at home, I'll try and get caught up.
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@Lunar Scope, you mind PMing me so that we can work out the little chat that Xavier and Cicada have when they get a minute?
If yall need me to push the plot along to attract posts, tell me. I'll do something.

sorry for being so absent lately.

mental health.
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