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Okay, how's that?
Lovely. I shall have a post up tonight in which I basically get bored of waiting and kick at a wall or something...

Stupid scientists and there smart talk.
Certeinly a lot more acceptable.
This is my usual sort of post. The short ones are when I'm burned out for an idea and I hate them. Thanks, though.
So, if Limey's Punchy, and you're the Driver, what does that make the rest of us?
Now we just need some science collab. Also, I think that makes Ninja Bullet Shield #1, Duncan Occult Nerd/ Future Magic Slinger, and Carl Nerd #2
and the collab is up.

The first sign of trouble has arrive, and suddenly Punchy and The Driver are isolated and in a bit of trouble.
He is.


Welcome to battle phase. There might be losses. Depending on orders given and actions taken. You are fighing around 16 crypthounds from what you can see. They move fast, are hard to hit and should not be taken lightly. Squad 3 is spread out for the perimiter. Squad two are all by the door. Squad 1 is us. With some by the tree, and three by the toad currently.
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Sweet! I'm working on a post! And it appears Shawn did not follow orders from Oliver. Heh heh heh. This will be good!
Also, note that you do not get to auto hit these ones. You get to shoot at them, and I'll give each combat role one guaranteed killshot each. The rest will be up to your teamwork. I will assess, role my dice and then post a follow up on your actions.
Shoot. @Lorknis posted before me.

@Hellis Where is the tree in relation to the toad and the door? Because I may need to change my post. If not, Duncan should run for the door not the toad.
The car is actually between the doors and the tree. It drove past the tree onto the way to the door after all.
ermahgawd. I think I would have to join as a special guest if you guys are doing a post a day. You know how I roll and it is slowly, collecting moss as I traverse a neutral incline. I WILL SKYPE TONIGHT. and I will find you. Last night I was on for like 5 minutes before people starting a shots, shots, shots chant. Limey I will add you too! I'd post my name, but honestly I've forgotten what it is. "oxo . noxxi" I believe.
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