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I don't recall what this was lol

...Reasons XD
  • Nice Execution!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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clearly for my little title :3
i have pizza

I copypasted that to six people via email. I'm a great friend.

Because my friends are weirdos. XD

I often look up definition of words when I'm writing even if I'm certain I know what they mean. Always triple check! ;3

Trying to convince people to watch Over The Garden Wall by alternating funny and serious moments while keeping it relatively spoiler-free...I convinced at least two of them so yay!

A clickable image of my dragon. I was showing off his bio.

  • Love
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I am a knight


Did you say something offensive to my lady? Did you say something that I find inappropriate? Yes she is my lady, no we are not dating, but I consider her mine. Not as property perhaps, but as equals. I am a knight, good sir. I fight for the values of women online. I do also own 5 sets of platemail, 2 sets of chainmail, and 15 claymore swords, also 2 battleaxes, mostly for LARPing but I also have some real shit. I will cut you the fuck up. I'm gonna come to your house. I will fight you with my bare fists, probably covered in chainmail because that would give me a little bit of an advantage. I will have my brother Steven, who I share a bedroom with in my mother's apartment, I will have my brother Steven polish my armor after he's done with his next round of Call of Duty and I will take you OUT. I WILL TAKE YOU THE FUCK OUT. I will make sure that you will never speak such harmful, awful, inappropriate things to my lady again. If you say one more fucking word on the Internet, I'm going to show you what a knight can do. I will be able to backtrace your IP using my hacker skills. One time, I hacked my mom's boyfriend's Facebook page and said "lol i am a faggot" and NOW PEOPLE THINK HE'S GAY, and his mother has disowned him I think. My mom and him are still dating, BUT, I think it damaged his credibility a lot. He once left his laptop on, that means I'm a hacker now! I have so many powers you can't imagine. I...have a 178 IQ. I...did an IQ test on Facebook and it said this was a very, very high number. I know that I'm smarter than you, more clever-er than you, more smarter-est than you can ever imagine or believe. I am a knight of many principles. I'm very, VERY strong and very, VERY handsome. YOUUUUUU can't stop me. YOUUUUUU can't take back what you've done. All you can do is apologize and beg, beg for your life. This, and only this, will please me.

One of my favourite Copypasta's. Just recently used it to upset a friend thus its the last thing I copied.

Looking up for avatar and saved the link for this one to be used in a future RP.
Because he chooses to continue pushing onward instead of surrendering to his hopelessness,

...Um this was a thing that I was cutting out from a paper I wrote. Heh.​
It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.

Um... Yeah, I have no idea where that came from or what it was for.
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