Crossing Blades

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Please do. Otherwise we'll all be confused more than I've made us.
I have another character named Kamiko. She is the main character of one of my novels o.o


EDIT: I can't see Masa doing that...Sorry Jovian
I didn't see her doing that either. XD
Still, thought I'd ask. I'll get a female character thrown together then. She'll be.... AWESOME!
Not really. I haven't figured out what she'll be like. ^^
While typing my essay for my class and other homework stuff, I missed a lot here. whoa.

-slaps in the face, missing his hand.-


Just realized we'll have only two male characters. XD
Should be interesting to see this whole thing play out!

*tries to think of a role for everyone in the story that she is trying to put together in a non-confusing way*
Sorry I took so long I but here it is.
Name: Izumi Yasuko
School: Kazegami
Age/Grade level: 13(Freshman)
Gender: Female


Personality: Quiet and respectful. She becomes happy at the strangest things and always has a smile on her face. When she sees blood she becomes deadly, intent on killing. While she is in this state she remembers everything that happens and cries about it afterwards.

History in brief:
When she was born her mother hated her and her father denied that she was their baby. She was taken to an orphanage and grew up there until she was 7. She ran away from the orphanage after getting in a fight with another child and almost killing him. Ran into a her mother who after all those years didn't know she was her daughter. After listening to Izumi's pleas her mother took her to the Kazegami, friends of the family, and asked them to take care of her. Izumi learned everything she could to impress her new family and by the age of 13 she entered high school.
I has no time today to post mine. x.x;
I can try to before bed tonight..
I'm sorry. >.<;
It's okay, Staci. I doubt mine will be up tonight. I'm not in a create mood right now. Was earlier, but lack of talking to Sheila has affected me. ><
I'll work on both the character and the story more tomorrow, since I'm not working tomorrow as well.
All I see are characters in the Kazegami school... Are there any others in the Sakuramori? (Besides Masa)
So far only the Kazegami characters have been created and your Sakuramori. But the Sakuramori do exist. I'll be a Sakuramori, and Staci, and XC.
Lavinia 'Lavi' Sakuramori


Age/Grade level:


A lady


Kusarigama - Two of them on hand, usually only one used during combat. But, if need be, she will wield both at the same time. To make sure they stay on her when she does not need them, the chain is neatly curled up, and clipped to the folded in part of her skirt, hidden away so not to be stolen while she is turned away.


Lavinia is a kind and gentle soul overall. Her take on each day is to try and share some of her courteous nature with others, generous and polite as often as can be. She believes in karma and chivalry, and shall not let go of wanting to help others more than herself most times. Not always the talkative type, some may look at Lavi and feel she is mysterious, secretive, and maybe don't trust her by a first glance. But, this would be stereotypical of the quiet girl in the room, that one figure being her in particular. Most who get to know her will find she is quite pleasant, if not a tad everywhere at once. There is always the possibility she will space out during a conversation, her thoughts trailing elsewhere from the task or topic at hand. The simple things are what she aims for to be happy, Lavi could ask for nothing more.
Her in combat persona usually is also extremely polite and evasive at first. She is not always keen to violence, and would rather not start a fight, or encourage one, ever. However, if need be to protect herself, Lavi can become very offensive and cold. In order to attack back, her aura will shift to something more of ice than warm, comforting sun, signalling she does not wish to stand aside or give second chances any longer.
Though, this is a rare occurence, and being as patient as she is, Lavinia must be strongly provoked before this may become true.

History in brief:

Being of the Sakuramori family name did not make life any easier for Lavinia.
With her father and mother still alive, her older brother an alumni of the school she currently attended, and family members barely even over a mile away in distance, pressure never really left her shoulders. Since she was a child, Lavi was taught of the rivaling history between the two clans. Personally, she could not admit she had a problem with the Kazegami academy. If you pushed aside those few incidents where some members tried to kill off a couple classmates of hers off grounds for fun, then no, she really did not have anything against them. A few bad apples were not to blame, nor meant to represent an entire student body, she was clever enough and empathetic to know this. Never had she quite picked up the knack to being violent, as her family mentioned to her she might have to be at some points in her life. For defense, in case a brawl was to ever happen, Lavinia was put to training with a variety of weapons, and body conditioning when she was three-years-old. Over time, this has built a vast amount of muscle in her figure, usually stealthed by soft, silken fabrics in kimono, or traditional type Japanese wear she tended to adorn herself in. Even with giving her all to trying out weapon after weapon, the young woman of such a well-known bloodline stuck with her kusarigama as the one of choice. With the deep desire stuck inside her to bring pride to her family, have her mother, father, and brother look up at her instead of down, currently she still trains daily. And still, this has been shown to have paid off, all the time spent with her weapon and natural abilities. Recently, through a series of obstacle courses, it was proven Lavi turned out to be the fastest on her feet in the school, as well as the most evasive. Not a lot of students are fortunate enough to see her use her weapon, as she enjoys to go without it as long as she is allowed when in battle. Although, when she does bring the chain sickle off from its hinges on her skirt, most want to leave the room. This is not from her being clumsy with the item, for she is nothing of the sort, actually quite the opposite since she is immensely precise. This is because of the glimpse of her eyes one might catch, which can suddenly catch a shimmer unknown from the normal golden glaze of kindness. They turn hard, and almost cat-like, as if her gentle soul lifts for the moment to focus solely on walking away victorious in all fields.
Known as a soft-spoken individual to most around her, some students see her as an idol for reasons she would have no idea to why. However, she tends to smile much more than her relatives, which was not expected of her upon entering Sakuramori Academy. Self-disciplined and honest with herself, Lavinia takes her schoolwork seriously, while still balancing her body strengthening. When, and if, she receives any free time in her schedule, she tries to get out to the school garden, which isn't occupied as often as one might think with all the stunning foliage and plantlife. It is a hidden love Lavi has for nature around her, and as frequently as allowed, she will escape to curl up on a bench near a koi pond, or against a weeping willow. Altogether, Lavinia is a content, normal student. Just.. with a popular family name, and more extensive of a training background.

As long as everyone is fine with it, sure.
o_o;; I just remembered that I made Ayako 12... Uhm... Heh... we're going to pretend I didn't do that, and Ayako is now 15 and a Freshman at this highschool. > >
Aww man i was goin fr that big brother type feel with Ishida
>:T Now i gotta edit his age and grade, but this still is fun so i no angry ^_^
Name: Lord Keith Lockehart.
School: Sakuramori.
Age/Grade level: 17. Junior.
Gender: Male.

The one on the right, when in armour.


Weapon: The sword and the shield, as depicted in the picture above. Also proficient with a lance.

Keith is a peaceful and friendly person. When you speak to him, interact with him you wouldn't realize that he's from a school that is locked in a deadly feud with another. He shows no sign of hostility to the people in the opposing schools, and instead wants to befriend them. However, he is an easily jealous person - When he sees the person he likes go out with another, be intimate with another his thoughts will run wild and his dark side will show. The side that will betray, the side that will do anything just to be happy.

History in brief:

Keith was the bastard son of English royalty - And there you go. Bastard sons, of course, were given a lordship and nothing more, but that didn't satisfy Keith. What he wanted wasn't lordship, what he wanted was recognition, acceptance. In his childhood days he was ostracized and bumped and bullied by the other kids while the adults turned a blind eye, considering him an outsider. His mother, being the mistress had no real power and could do nothing either.

From young, he learnt how to defend himself with the scraps he got into with the older kids. First, he got beat up really, really badly but slowly he began to fend them off, and eventually triumph over them. The need for acceptance and bullying has caused some sort of competitiveness in Keith, so he trains hard in whatever they were taught - Swordfighting, jousting. He trained harder than the others. Whilst they were out playing, he was beating away at a dummy. Whilst they were out on a picnic, he was jousting at wooden targets on his horse.

However, none of this changed things. When the spoilt kids lost, they just complained to their parents and Keith was further ostracized. Not called to dinner, not brought along for outings. That was when he heard about these schools in Japan - He had been researching forms of 'escapism' from his world.

He just packed up and left - No one missed him, really. Even his parents had come to think of him as a deadweight that brought down their status amongst the royalty. So he just left. He just left and wanted to start a new life. This was it.
Yes ;)
-holds up a cookie-
yes she is :3