Crimson soul

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Kinos chuckled. "Well, I must admit this is the first time i heard something like that. And I'm sure that would be a challenge... But no, you can't. Being a soldier is really different to the other jobs and it would absorb all your time. Traing, learning all kind of things about combat... There is many things you have to do when you choose to be a soldier." Esplained Kinus.
Thinking about it more, "I guess I'll stick with the kids." she said. Sorrow filling up inside of her, but she had a gut feeling David would soon come to this plane and she would be with him once more.
Kinus looked at her and nodded. "I'm glat to hear that. For a momen I though you were going to choose the soldiers way. I mean, there is nothing bad in it, is just that I.... Well... I kind of like you and I would hate to see you suffering or getting hurt." Said him. "Besides, I saw you taking care of Maya. I'm sure you will be a great nanny."
She blushed; "Thank you Kinus." she said with a smile. "But something is definitely, and well I was going to choose being a soldier, but my little friend who you saw yesterday was scared so I'm doing what's best for him. Kid's sure do love kitten's that way they are occupied."
Kinus nodded. "That's really nice of you." Said him with a smile and the got up. "Well, then I will fix some things left and let you know as soon as your work place is set. Most asured you will work in the school, but for now, why don't you go take a walk over the city. Get used to the place?" Said him as he walked to the entrance. Still, he hesitated before leaving. "Oh... Mmm... By the way... I... Well.. I was wondering... I was wondering if you would like to go out with me some day... I mean, dinner, etc... You know... A date?"
"Alright" she said after taking a sip and setting down her cup. "A date would be nice." giving him a soft smile as she walked him to the door. After he left she went upstairs for a cat nap before going about the city for a walk.
(( I'm going to advance to the point we were at. ))

Kinus walked next to her, unable to avoid looking at her every now and then. She was so beautiful... The most beautiful creature in this whole plane. "There's a little place... A restaurant. They made the best pizza I ever tasted." Said him with a smile. "O... Of course we can go somewhere else if you don't like pizza... But that would be weird... I can't think of anybody who didn't likes pizza." Said kinus.
"Pizza sounds delicious. I haven't had any for quite sometime." taking his arm.
Kinus took her to the place he had told her, a pretty nice place, with live piano music in it, candlelight, flowers and the essence of fresh food in the air. He behaved like a gentleman, opening the door for her and even helping her with the chair. They ordered something that looked pretty tasty, and it was really tasty indeed. After taking a piece of that pizza, he looked at Eva and smiled. "So, how are you doing at the school? Are you happy there?" Asked him.
After swallowing a bite, "I'm enjoying it even though it wears me out on occasion. There are times though when I sense danger and I fear for the kids." cutting another slice of pizza so it doesn't get on her clothes
He looked at her and nodded. "Yeah, about that... I don't really got access to the higher ranks or even the captains. You see, I'm in the civilian affairs brigade." Said him. "We work more with the civilians more than being in combat, and that's why I got to go home after work but don't get access to most of the information or even the captains and generals of the army." Explained him. "But I did saw more activity lately..." Said him making it sound suspicious. "Do you remember the doyen? If you want, maybe tomorrow we could go talk to him. He is a really wise man and I'm sure he must know something more than I do." Said him with a smile.
"I understand, we can go there tomorrow. I need answers myself." she was nervous and not much for words. "Kinus, I think I'm getting full." taking the last bite of the final piece of pizza.
"Hey, no need to eat all of it." Said Kinus with a smile. "Besides, I think I got enough too." Said him. "Would you like to take a walk over the park? I've heard that there is a fireworks show today."
"Oh sure, that would be so much. I didn't even know fireworks existed on this plane." pushing her plate aside and standing up to grab her jacket.
"Of course they exist." Said him with a smile. "Life would be pretty boring without fireworks." Said Kinus jokingly. Then he walked with her under the moon, so bright it seemed to be made of glass. Once in the park, the air was filled with the essence of the plants and little animals of the place, making it even more beautiful under the light of the glass moon. "Here, come on. It seems that is about to start." Said Kinus taking her to a place not too close to a pond, where other couples were staring at the sky, eager to see the show.
"It's so beautiful." she said taking a seat in the park and started to watch the show. "How many people usually come here?" noticing a small crowd of others who also came to see the show.
Kinus looked at the sky, filled with all kinds of colors and shapes of the fireworks. "The show can be seen from many places, so I'm not sure how many people are seeing it. But this exact spot... Well... Only the young couples use to come here..." Said him blushing a little bit.
"Oh nice, well it's amazing including the fireworks." leaning in closer to him. "How often is this show done and what is the significance of it?" gasping at the spectacular show in front of her eyes.
"Oh... Well, there is some fireworks every now and then.... The meaning of it is just to have fun... To keep the people cheerful." Explained him. Some of the fireworks started to form figures; A horse, a cowboy hat... Even a little cat. A few couples were looking at each other, and some of them were even kissing, but that only made Kinus blush even more.
Eva looked up when she the cat, she felt a little embarrassed. "I guess this is my welcoming." she thought to herself. Moving in closer to him at this very moment, her cat senses increased tenfold. "Kinus, danger is approaching to this plane very quickly. Quicker than I thought."