Crimson soul

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THe dinner was pretty nice, everybody was really happy to have a new nightboor, especially someone as nice and unique like Eva. As the soiree reached its end the guest started to leave, leaving their gifts in the living room, just small things like nice pictures, small furniture and other cute things. "Well, The party went pretty good, right?" Said Kinus once only both of them were left. "Come on, let me help you pick up the things."

David arrived back to the mortal plane with some of his best men and once he was set, he began to summon a portal to bring his personal army to start the war for those planes. Outside the dark planes, his robes and his magic were from the deepest of the blues, with small crimson reflections that seemed to swallow the light around him if stared for too long. In only a couple of hours the portal was open and his thousand Black Blades appeared and stood by his side, fearless assassins skilled in all kinds of combat. Still, that wouldn't be enought. Not by a long shoot. But that would work until David could get his hands in some other things he would need to bring the hordes of warrios from the dark planes. From now, it may take years, maybe decades, but the war was officially started. And the humans didn't even knew it.
"It was nice, thank you." she and Kinus started to pack everything up. As they started to clean, her cat instincts started to kick in as if danger was in the air and it was. "Kinus something bad is going to happen as if war is coming, but I'm not sure. You might want to warn the captain or at least the ruler of this realm. The dot emerged and kept its blue color but started to change crimson. "Little one, what's wrong?" she asked, something must have happened to David, something evil. She needed to find him and talk to him as soon as possible.
Kinus smiled. "Well,, thank you for your interest, but I'm sure the high commands have it everythin under control. " said him with a reassuring smile. "Besides, I don't think the dark kings dare to get to this heavens. Not even to the mortal planes. They are always all too much barking but no biting." Said him. And when the dot appeared he gave a few steps back, not knowing what that was or why she was talking to it. "Mmmmm... What is that?"
"David gave it to me. It''s my guide and comfort when David isn't around" she said. "I don't know what's happening but he's never changed color before unless David caused it and he's trying to warn me or he's trying to find me. I don't know, but all I know is that my cat instincts are telling me something evil is coming and all the planes including this one are in danger and the humans don't know it. I must get to David before it's too late."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down a little bit. Who is David? And where are you supposed to go? Because in order to leave the plane you need authorisation. Or be part of the army." Explained him. "Why are you so sure of all of that evil thing anyway? And how does that little thing helps you?" He was filled with questions and disbelief. "And I mean no disrespect, but in my opinion, I think our army has better and more reliable ways to know if something is in danger. Again, no offense." In the end, she may be half cat, but from there to determine if an entire plane is in danger or not...
"David is my rescuer and companion, he found me on the mortal plane, wounded and dying. I don't know where exactly, the dot would show me. I know you think so, but I'm an outsider the shadows that captured me and David we're going to take me where ever their plane was. "
"Okay, Okay. I can understand you feel sad for what happened to your companion. Still, I find some of your conclusions quite hard to believe." Said Kinus. "Anyway, I must insist. You just relax. You are safe here, I promise. Now you should rest, tomorrow I will pass by and we will see what jobs we can offer to you, okay?"
"Alright" she said submissively not wanting to argue with him. But, she knew for a fact what was going to happen and he didn't believe her, she had to come up with a plan to leave this plane or at least authorization. Tomorrow she would go back to the library and read some more to find answers.
"Alright." Said him with a smile and walked o the main door. "Well, see you tomorrow then." And then he left waving his hand as he walked away. Well, if what she told him was true, the high command should know something. It was probably nothing...
"See you tomorrow." waving back before closing the door behind him. She headed back to her room and started to pace the room. She looked at the dot that was blinking between crimson and blue, "What has happened to you?" Now was the time for answers and she wanted them straight from David.
David led his warriors through the fields, knowing they would need a place to stay. Having a neat city on sight he proceed to attack. Thanks to the perfect tactics of David, the city was taken in almost no time, killing the guards and slaughering everyone in that place, without even setting a fire on. David made sure everything was perfectly set personally. Once he was satisfied and with no rest, he began the search for the few things that he will need to begin the full assault to this mortal plane. "Split the men in groups. I want those objects. Now."
Eva felt David's presence grow stronger and the evil surrounding him. She had to do something, but what? Running to the library she went to the books that she was using before and searched for any kind of answer but there was nothing. Her only option was to use the dot again. She called out to her little friend "Go to David if you can and tell him I miss him."
The little dot looked at her confused and shook himself quickly. It may be very basic, but even the dot knew that getting close to David was now a suicide. Treembling scared just of the thought of it he moved quickly behind her ears, peeking a little bit from behind her fur hoping she may change of mind. This place seemed so nice and comfortable that it just felt dumb to try to go back to the mortal planes.
"Don't tell me you are scared to see him again? Come here, maybe we won't go find him if you think it's best, we'll just stay here longer okay. Let's head home and we can play." She closed the books and put them back before leaving the library and made her way home. Danger and evil was definitely approaching she could smell it in the air.
The night passed peacefully on the heavens, everyone used it to rest safely and without worries. The next day, with the firsts lights of the day the people started to wake up and begin with their duties and chores. Kinus went to Eva house not later that morning with a lot of papers in his hands. He knocked on the door softlyand waited for her to open.
Groggily she went to the door. "Hello Kinus, please come in. What do you have there?"
Kinus smiled and walked into the house. "Is for the jobs thing I mentinoned yesterday. Remember?" Said him looking at her. "Come on, let's go to the kitchen, I'll show you ther, and pretare you some coffee." Said him with a smile.
"Oh that's right. I forgot we were supposed to do that today." closing the door behind him. "Sounds good to me. I could use warm milk instead of coffee, remember I'm part cat." leading him into the kitchen.
He smiled. "Okay, but don't fall sleep, okay?" Said him jokingly. Once everything was set, he offered her some warm milk and sit on a chair. "Well, we have some places you could help in. Don't worry, is all pretty light work." Explained him. He showed her all the jobs she could help them with; help in the bakery, taking care of kids and many other jobs. "Well, and there is also the option of being a soldier in the army. I don't think that is what you would like to do, but lately the Generals have been training new troops, and it looks like some more are still required." Explained him.
Being a soldier could be her way in to seeing Daniel once again. But the dot, reminded her not to. "Is it possible for me to help with the kids and be a soldier? I like a challenge." taking a sip of her milk.