Crazed Minds and Troubled Hearts ~ *Serpentine and Kitsune*

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Oliver opened his eyes when he heard the blond male beside him speak, asking him why he sounded sad when he said 'cell'. He furrowed his brow slightly, grin gone as a frown took it's place. It was one of his more serious looks as he kept his gaze trained on the ground. Nobody had asked him that question before. In fact, Oliver himself didn't seem to fully understand why he was upset. But, he did have one explanation.

"Well...I may be insane, but I'm definitely still sane enough to understand how we're treated. Not you, especially, but at least how I'm treated. You'll have a nice cozy cell compared to mine. You'll get actual walls for privacy. I have bars, like in a prison...not allowed any privacy to myself. Of course, that's because they don't trust me. My mood swings get pretty bad, so they think they need to keep their attention on me at all time. It's complete garbage. It's not like I'm not aware of my actions..." Oliver spat, his eyes narrowing as he continued to look ahead, setting his jaw.

Then, taking a deep breath, Oliver calmed a bit. There was a moment of silence before he glanced to the side at Dylan, his crazed grin slowly returning as it spread across his face.

"But don't worry about it too much, Newbie. You'll settle in fine here. I just decided to let my guard down for a few seconds, so I hope you didn't mind my ranting." he said, chuckling again as he began to return to his normal self. Soon, they were in front of a door. Oliver pulled a key from his pocket before sliding it into the lock, hearing the click as it opened. Opening the door, he stepped back to allow the boy to enter first.


[Ah, you're welcome!! ^-^]
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Dylan frowned at Oliver's ranting. The words stirred a bit of anger inside of him. But he couldn't be completely anger for he couldn't sympathize with the other male thoroughly. He didn't know how it was felt like to be treated in such a way. To know that you weren't trusted enough to have a semi-comfortable cell. As Oliver mentioned his violent moodswings, he wondered if his...other condition, as people called it, would get him in the same position. He had what he called a sixth sense. It only seemed to show itself when he was alone, which was why he hated being alone. It seems that he could sense dead people. He couldn't hear or see them, but, when he was alone, his skin would crawl and strange things would happen that would have him screaming bloody murder at the top of his lungs. People say that he's just paranoid, but it got so bad that they decided to send him away.

When Oliver spoke again, more calm and collected this time, he shook his head. "Don't mind at all," he reassured him as they reached his new cell. The cell he'd be staying in for who knows how long. The thought made him wonder how long Oliver had been there, but he didn't get the chance to ask for he was distracted by his cell. Oliver was right about the cozy factor. It was a simple, plain room, but he did have proper walls. And a bed that looked semi-comforrtable. It was about as cozy as a cell could get while still reminding you that you were in a mental home and didn't get the privelege of an extremely luxurious room. He stepped inside, surveying everything.
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Oliver watched as the boy stepped inside of his cell, looking around. He decided to take a few steps in himself to see the difference between Dylan's and his own cell. Glancing around, Oliver noted that it looked rather cozy and warm. Almost like his old bedroom when he wasn't in the Institute.

"I hope you like it...I'll be returning this key back to the guard room. Feel free to make yourself at home, okay? If you need me, I'll be in my cell down the hall. It's all bars, so you can't miss it." Oliver said, twirling the key around his finger as he spoke. He then stepped out of the room and glanced back in once more.

"Oh, and if you need to, you can leave your cell door open. The guards only lock these doors at night until the next morning." he added, nodding a bit before heading down the hall. Before he went towards his cell, he stopped by the guard room like he said he would, and dropped the key off. Of course the guards were glad to see Oliver finish yet another job. Sighing, Oliver left without saying a word, heading into his cell.

Once inside, he felt like everybody could walk by and see everything he did. It was a feeling he had long ago gotten used to, so he merely flopped onto his bed, staring at the ceiling. At the moment, he was in a rather calm state, but Oliver knew that soon a random mood swing would occur. A few years back, it would have scared him. Now, he was used to it, and accepted it...waiting as the seconds ticked by until he would snap and lash out.

Dylan was grateful for all the pieces of advice. As Oliver exited his cell, he checked to make sure the door was wide open. It gave him comfort for some odd reason. As long as the door was open, he didn't feel completely alone, which prevented his sixth sense from activating. The blond moved further into his cell and climbed onto his bed, testing it. It was pretty comfy but not overally so. As he curled on top of it, his mind began to go over the day's events.

He hadn't known what to expect when he came here, but it definiely wasn't what did happen. He was happy though. He was glad that someone as nice as Oliver showed him around. At least he knew one person in the building that he stick close to. As he continued to think about the day, his eyes were starting to become heavy. Dylan couldn't believe that he was becoming tired already, but he couldn't help it. His eyelids began to droop, covering his red eyes, until they fluttered close completely and his breathing evened out.
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Oliver grunted a bit as he sat up on his bed. It was close...he could feel it. If he had to be honest, he didn't want it to happen. Squeezing his eyes tight, he pressed his palms against his eyes and tensed, pulling his knees up to his chest. Closer...he was trying to keep it at bay as well as he could. Finally, he felt it. A rush of overpowering rage washing over him like a wave. He groaned and tried suppressing it, kicking his mattress.

"Stop!" he shouted to himself, gripping his hair as he rolled around on his bed, falling to the floor. The volume of the voices grew, tempting him to let it happen. Letting out a crazed laugh, he followed it by yelling at the top of his lungs, lunging himself at the bars of his cell. The pain was non-existent as he stumbled back, growling and banging his fist into the bars. He tried to stop it, but once again, it took over him. He knew what would happen next...the guards would show up. With another cry of what sounded like agony and fury, Oliver threw himself at the cell bars again, trying to rip them out of his way. Of course, them being made of steel, he couldn't even bend it. Then, he heard the quickened footsteps of guards as they showed up in front of his cell, entering it.

"Stop, leave me alone! I'll hurt you if you don't stop!" Oliver threatened at the top of his lungs, lashing out to attack the guard near him. They knew his intentions, from past events, and had a syringe ready. Right as he opened his mouth to scream again, Oliver felt a painful prick as the guard stabbed him in the arm. Things started becoming blurry and distorted as the white haired male stumbled around his room. Finally, he fell to his knees and crawled a few inches before falling unconscious on the floor, his vision going black. The guards huffed and walked from Oliver's cell like nothing happened, but kept the cell door unlocked. They knew that he would be fine once he aroused. Oliver, though, was out cold on the floor, the guards not even bothering to put him back in his bed before leaving.

A loud clang was heard, echoing in Dylan's cell. It sounded like metal had banged against metal, jarring him awake. With a start, the blond's eyes snapped open and he shot up into a sitting position, eyes wide and body on high alert. His intense gaze sweeped over his cell. While everything seemed to be in place, his skin still began to crawl, frightening Dylan. As his breathing picked up speed, bordering on hyperventilating, his eyes became glassy with unshed tears. He knew what was happening and he didn't want it. Anything but this, please, he pleaded to himself, not knowing what else to do.

Another loud noise, another crawling of the skin. There was no doubt that Dylan was hyperventaliting now. Reaching his hands up to cover his ears, he mumbled, "Please, just leave me alone. I can't help you....You're already dead." His plea was answered with another loud noise, making him flinch and blink his tears down his cheeks. The teen always thought that the dead people were trying to get him to help, but what could he do? They were already dead! And he was just an unstable kid. Nothing good could come from an unstable kid like himself.

Another sound, louder than the last two. The tears were like waterfalls at this point. He covered his ears more and shook his head, screaming to be left alone, to be in peace. The more he screames and cried, the louder the noises became and the skin-crawling became worst. He had his knees pulled up to his chest and was rocking back and forth, squeezing his eyes shut. With as loud as he was being, Dylan was certain that the guards would come check out what all the ruckus was about. He buried his face in his knees to muffle his cries and shouts, but that didn't help him, didn't take care of the noises.

Pushed to his limit, he hopped off of his cell bed and sprinted out of his cell room. He could hear heavy footsteps in the distance that were getting louder and louder as they got nearer and nearer, no doubt coming to check in on him. That and the desire to be with someone to make this all stop fueled him to bolt down the hall, away from the footsteps. He remembered Oliver's earlier words as he was running down the hall. His puffy eyes with their red gaze scanned each and every cell as he passed them, looking for one with bars. When he reached it, his heart soared for the heavens. He was thankful that they kept the cells unlocked and entered the other male's cell room. As soon as he stepped in, the noises began to fade and he didn't feel like there were bugs crawling all over him.

Upon seeing Oliver unconscious after he stopped worrying about himself, Dylan dropped to his knees next to him. He assumes that Oliver was swinging through moods and became to much for the guards. "Couldn't even put you back in bed, huh?" He muttered in disdain. They could have at least done that! But, of course, no.

With a sigh, the blond dragged Oliver to his bed, knowing he wouldn't be able to pick the snow-white haired male up. He grunted as he struggled to get him on it, but did manage in the end. The teen pushed his legs over to make space for him, flopping on the bed. Assuming that it would take a while for Oliver to regain consciousness, Dylan made himself comfortable as he waited.
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Murky, thick, darkness. That was all Oliver could feel and see around him. He knew it was his mind trying to urge him awake, and he accepted it. Groggily, he groaned and opened his eyes. Sitting up, he felt the room start spinning as a wave of dizziness washed over him, making him slightly nauseous as his face paled. Oliver's body never did react well to the vaccines the guards gave him to knock him out. Finally, everything stopped spinning and Oliver was able to focus around his room. His snow-white hair stood in different directions, the drowsiness still fading from his eyes.

It took him a few seconds, but his ruby gaze finally landed on the blonde sitting on his bed, slightly surprising him, the shock clear on his face. He hadn't expected to see the other male so soon, but he was sort of relieved. Then, he thought he saw slight redness around the boy's eyes. Was he...crying? Not too long ago? Oliver furrowed his brow slightly as he moved a few inches closer to Dylan.

"Were you...crying? What happened, are you alright?" he asked, the worry settling in his smooth features as he gazed at the other male. Oliver didn't know why he was being so worried about the other male. Shaking the thought from his head, he slightly raised an eyebrow and kept strong eye contact with the boy until he answered his question.

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Dylan had his puffy gaze trained on the ceiling above him, mind blank, as he waited for Oliver to show some sign of stirring awake. That sign happened to be a groan that echoed in the room. His gaze quickly tore from the ceiling to rest on the other male as he watched him sit up and get his bearings together. One of his hands went to muffle the soft chuckle that escaped his lips as he took in the sight of the now conscious Oliver.

His chuckle was cut short as Oliver finally came to realize that he was there, registering his prescene. At his clearly shocked expression, the blond began to feel embarrassed for being there in the first place. It was obvious as his cheeks began to color a light pink and he smiled sheepishly, hoping that Oliver wouldn't mind much or anything. His smile disappeared as he noticed the white-haired teen move closer, staring at him with a suspicious look. Briefly, he wondered why, but that why was soon answered.

"C-Crying? Who, me? No, no, no. There was, uh," he frantically searched for a lie to tell, "something in my eye. I was rubbing it and--yeah." It was hard to tell such stories when Oliver was staring at him so intensely. Even worse since his eyes were an unusual red, just like his own. "B-But I'm fine so, um, don't worry about it!" He finished, smiling brightly at the end. He could only hope that the other male would leave it be. He hated having people see him cry or to see the remains of him crying. It felt like they had access to the inside of him and that made him feel vulnerable, which he didn't like at all.
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Upon hearing the blonde's reason, he could tell it was a lie. But, he didn't pressure the answer out of him. Oliver knew how frustrating it was to have others keep asking what was wrong when he didn't feel like answering. Instead, the white-haired boy gave Dylan an easy, gentle smile before nodding.

"Alright, I'll take your word for it. But, you can always count on me to be someone to listen. I may not seem like the best person to fit the job, but I'm still sane enough to empathize on most levels with others. Including you." Oliver said, chuckling slightly. It wasn't a crazed chuckle, but one filled with understanding. Sitting back, he gave Dylan another look, another question on his mind.

"So, how did you end up in my cell anyway? Not that I don't mind your presence or anything, just curious." This time, instead of the intense stare he had given the blonde male, he looked upon him with softer eyes, to prove it was just a simple question. Oliver wouldn't press the answer for this question either...he knew all too well how it felt to be vulnerable under somebody's gaze. Like a fly under a magnifying glass. He never thought of it as a good feeling, but then again, who would?

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Dylan laughed nervously at the question. The answer to said question tied in with the reasoning behind his crying, which he didn't share the details of or even confirm that, yes, he was crying. He was tempted to lie again or just not answer, but immediately decided against it. It wasn't like he would be asked to go into depth with his answer and share some excruciating details. Besides, it was a simple, honest answer. And it might be a bit embarrassing, but he could live with it.

"I had gotten a bit lonely in my own and I remembered what you said earlier about where your cell was. So, I decided to pay a visit," the blond answered truthfully. Well, it was truthful for the most part. It was missing the key detail that he had also come to stop the noises in his head and crawling on his skin, but they both could go on without knowing that. He was pretty sure that everyone could go on without knowing that.

[Sorry, it's short >_<]
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Oliver slowly nodded, his smile growing. It was a short, simple answer, much like his question was. He knew not to press for further information. Stretching his arms over his head, popping sounds emanated from his lower back as his muscles stretched like rubber bands. Letting his arms fall, Oliver ran a lazy hand through his messy hair before standing.

He stumbled a bit, the vaccine just starting to fade form his legs. In the medication, was a stabilizer for his nerves and a type of drug to stop his muscle movement. Since he hadn't used his legs since waking up, Oliver felt wobbly and had to put a hand on the wall to catch himself. Letting out a laugh, he turned to Dylan and motioned with his head for the boy to to follow him.

"Come on, you must be hungry. It's about dinner time anyway, so the other patients will be there as well. Just watch your back, not everybody is as kind and...sane, I guess you would say, as I am. Then again, nobody's really as insane as me either...but you know what I mean. There are people more dangerous than me here. And, if you get hurt, there'll be consequences for me as well." Oliver explained, starting to walk out of his cell. Then, catching what he just said, he quickly turned to the blonde boy and held up his palms.

"I'm not saying that you should watch out for my sake. I want you to protect yourself because you're probably the only person that's managed to squeeze past my tough outer layers. Just, don't get yourself hurt, or the person that hurts you will wind up a bloody mess, alright? Because they'll have me to deal with before they even try putting a finger on you." he muttered, shoving his hands into his pockets before staring intently down the hall. Most of the chaos started in the cafeteria, so Oliver knew he had to watch out for Dylan, especially if his 'bloodthirsty side' didn't show up. Why he felt that way? It was a mystery to even himself. He knew his words were rather bold, but there was no stopping Oliver when he was in one of his mood rages.


[No problem, I think we might be heading into another bonding moment...the cafeteria. Only if you want to though XD]
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[I love bonding moments! X3]

Dylan's mouth was gaping as he tried ro find some words, any words, to say. When he was told it was about dinnertime, he had jumped to his feet. Oliver was right. He was very hungry, not eating since earlier that day. So the prospect of food made him excited. At the other male's warnings, he was only going to nod and, probably, thank him for the advice. It was nice to know ahead of time if anything might happen to him so he could be prepared. He had thought that was it and they'd be on their way. But Oliver had swung back around and had a bit more to say, clarifying what he had said before.

It was the second half that had the blond gaping, which is what he was still doing. Finally coming to his senses, he shut his mouth and could only stare now. The fact that they had only just met today and Oliver was already willing to do so much for him brought a blinding smile to his face, lighting it up. He couldn't believe the words, really. He couldn't believe them or how sincere and genuine they were. As ecstasy bubbled up within him, he shortened the distance between them.

"Thank you," he said, looking up at the white-haired boy. "That has to be the nicest thing that anyone's ever said to me," he continued, smile widening. He was truly happy that he was able to 'squeeze past Oliver's tough outer layers' as the other male put it. It made him feel special to know that he seemed to be the only one as well. One selfish part of himself wished for it to stay that way forever. "Now, let's go eat because I am starving."
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A slight look of surprise flashed across Oliver's face as he heard Dylan's words. The nicest thing anybody had ever said to him? It seemed sad, but he knew the pain. Nobody really cared for him, he knew it. Especially his parents...they sent him away the moment he asked if they could hear voices too. No explanation needed, he was shipped off.

Sighing, Oliver turned and gave the other blonde male a small smile, nodding a bit. Soon, they ended up in front of the cafeteria doors and he opened one, a loud squeak erupting from it's rusted hinges.

"God, these need to be oiled." he complained quietly before looking inside. Sure enough, all of the other patients were inside, laughing, talking, the works. Taking a deep breath, Oliver walked forward and grabbed a tray with food already on it, immediately heading to 'his' table. Nobody else bothered him, since they knew it was pretty helpless to try talking to him. During lunch, that was his usual 'alone time', but now he had Dylan to watch over.

Sitting down, he felt stares as others looked at him. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a few others sneering before stabbing their food. Growling a bit under his breath, Oliver poked his food with his fork, his eyes narrowing slightly. Then, he heard it. Somebody suddenly stood up and made their way to Oliver. Pretending not to notice, he closed his eyes and started taking small bites of the food. The tall burly man towered over the sitting Oliver.

"Hey, rat! You think you can shove all of us away and give this garbage special treatment? Do you think you're better than the rest of us? Huh?" the man's voice raised, but Oliver only sighed.

"I would appreciate it if you left us alone. Don't start with me today, Lowell." Oliver threatened quietly, glancing over at Dylan before looking back at the man, eyes narrowed. He had already told Dylan that he would protect him, and he sure wouldn't stand for mistreatment. Especially since Dylan was just starting out there. Oliver had a past with the other patients, none of them good, so none of them really liked him. Mainly because he was cold and distant from the others. Not that it bothered him; he could care less.

[Wow, all of my posts looked a lot longer on my tablet o.o]

Dylan was stuffing his mouth with the food that decorated his tray, barely even tasting it. As he poked his food with his fork and popped it into his mouth, his eyes scanned the cafeteria. Everyone was staring at the table that Oliver and him occupied. Well, actually, they were staring at Oliver only. And by staring, the blond meant death stares and glares that could burn through walls, if it was possible. He could hear growling, see scowling, and just sense the overall, unadulterated hatred for the snow white-haired boy. In Dylan's mind, he couldn't understand why anyone would feel such things towards the other male. Maybe some things happened way before I got here. I do have to remember that Oliver was here a lot longer than me, he thought as he chewed, swallowed, stuffed more food into his mouth, and repeated. His thoughts were interrupted as a tall burly man came towards them, towering over Oliver and saying a few words to him, causing the blond to frown.

"Oh, look at him, guys," 'Lowell' continued his taunting, turning to sweep his gaze across the cafeteria before focusing it back on Oliver and Dylan. "His Highness doesn't seem to have time for us today," he spat out, curling his lip in disgust. There were a few mutters of agreement, more growling, and a bit of hollow laughter. It made Dylan's frown deepen even more. He didn't like where this was heading. He knows that the white-haired male said that he should watch out for himself, but he also wanted to watch out for Oliver as well, even though he was sure that he could handle himself well enough. It was the thought that counted in the end.

"Hey, leave him alone. He obviously doesn't want to be bothered with you," Dylan said in a cold tone, trying his best to minimalize the possibility of a fight occurring, but he was sure that he was only increasing it. As he watched the large man whip his head to face him, he immediately regretted his words. He guessed that he should have just kept his mouth shut in the end. Lowell made his way closer to the blond male, staring at him intensely. When he got quite close to him, Dylan had to crane his neck to look up at him, swallowing subtly.

"Think you're all that, huh? All 'cause you were able to get this asshole's attention?" Lowell sneered at him, eyes narrowing in disdain.

[Oh my God, I am so sorry for taking so long. I had dinner, my baby cousin, homework, other roleplays. I just feel so bad, oh my gosh.]
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Upon hearing Lowell's continued taunting, Oliver stabbed his fork into his food, the area beside his eye twitching slightly. When he heard the blonde male's comment, he swerved his head to face him, eyes slightly widened before turning his gaze back to the tall brute hovering over him. Then, hearing Lowell's next comment, Oliver slowly turned his head to see the man moving closer to Dylan. With a growl emanating from his throat, he stood and picked up his tray before slamming it against the man's head.

"Watch yourself, Lowell! Don't you dare try to lay a single hand on him, or you'll have six fingers instead on ten." Oliver threatened, his deep voice in a growl as he sneered at the brute. Lowell turned and had a murderous look on his face. Oliver would have felt threatened, but too much adrenaline was running through his veins for him to notice. All he saw in his mind was Dylan and the need to keep him safe.

"What did you say? Are you threatening me? Ooh, Wright you should have learned the last time not to mess with me!" he yelled, reaching out and grabbing the front of Oliver's shirt, getting in his face. With a deep scowl and glare, Oliver reeled his head back and spat in the man's face. The brute let go of his shirt and stepped back, wiping his face. Oliver glanced over at Dylan before gripping his arm and pulling him toward him. Standing in front of the blonde male, he sneered and crossed his arms over his chest, leering at the tall brute of a man.

"Alright, big guy. You threatened the wrong person, I hope you know. I'm a pretty nice guy, so we could have talked this out like men. But, of course, being the attention savage you are, you couldn't help but pick a fight. were already in trouble when you threatened my friend here." Oliver's voice came out deadly calm as he glanced over the beast of a man with his ruby gaze, face devoid of all emotion. Then, he closed his eyes and turned his head slightly, popping his neck. Lowell started charging forward, the fury deep in his eyes. A smirk crossing his face, Oliver ran forward himself and rammed his shoulder into the brute's chest, knocking him over. Lowell, being a man worthy of the title 'brute', rammed his fist into Oliver's jaw, sending him flying back.

Oliver, gritting his teeth, stood back up and ran forward, ripping the man's head down by his hair roughly until it hit the floor once. "Don't mess around, Lowell! You may have the muscles, but I have the insanity. Which out of the two do you think will win, huh?!" he shouted, eyes narrowed as glanced at the brute looking up at him. "It's your fault for threatening him...this all could have been avoided." he said, voice calmer as he let the man's hair go, his head hitting the ground with a thud. Sighing, Oliver closed his eyes and turned back to Dylan, taking a deep breath before opening his eyes. Turning, he grabbed the boy's tray and started heading back to him.

"Let's go. You can eat in my cell. I don't feel like dealing with this...impudent 'brute' anymore." Oliver spat, glancing at Lowell before turning back to Dylan, smiling a bit. He started heading out of the cafeteria, not turning to see if the blonde was even following...he just wanted out.


[It's alright, I totally understand...and, I really wrote a lot X_X XD]
With the way that Lowell was staring at him with such dislike, Dylan was certain that he wasn't going to leave the cafeteria unscathed. His body was tensed as he waited for something, anything, to happen. Something did happen, but it wasn't directed towards him. Well, it was in a way. It was to protect him. Before he could truly register it, food was dripping from the head of tall man. His eyes were wide as he came to the conclusion that the food had originated from Oliver's tray, who was the reason it was slammed against Lowell's head in the first place.

Everything after that happened in a flash. Dylan wouldn't have been able to explain it, even if he was asked. He could only remember a few details. Some angry exchanges between the two men, a few threats, some underestimation. All he knew was that Oliver had made sure that Lowell got what he deserved in less than half an hour, which was very impressive. His jaw was slack in shock as he glanced at the man, who now on the floor, all of the toughness from before gone without a single trace. The sight caused the corners of his lips to twitch up just a bit. He knows it isn't right to enjoy the sight of a defeated Lowell, but the other male truly did deserve it.

His mental celebration was cut short as the snow white-haired boy turned to face him. His gaze tore from Lowell and landed on Oliver. There were so many things he wanted to say. He wanted to thank Oliver for standing up for him, even though he had said he would in the first place. Actions spoke louder than words and to actually see the other boy acting on his promise warmed Dylan's heart. When Oliver went to get his tray and come back to him, a smile was gracing his features, widening once he saw that Oliver was smiling as well. The blond gladly followed the other male out of the cafeteria. He didn't leave without a proper goodbye, though. As they were making their way to the door, he looked over his shoulder to see some people trying to help Lowell to his feet. His red eyes made eye contact with the other man and he had a cocky smirk on his face before sticking his tongue out like the childish teen he was. He turned back, laughing softly at the growling that he heard behind him. It probably wasn't the best to rub salt into his open wound, but it was obvious that Dylan could care less.

Catching up to Oliver, he fell into step beside him. It was silent for a moment as they made their way to Oliver's cell. They still had some time before the cell doors were closed and locked until the next morning. "Thank you for what happened back there. I know that I thanked you before. And that you had already told me that you'd protect me so there's no reason to thank you. But actions are stronger than words so, the fact that you actually did it made me want to thank you again."

[Look at me being all mushy >w< And I ended up writing a lot, too o.o]
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Oliver heard the blonde male fall into step beside him before actually turning to look at him. He listened intently as Dylan thanked him. It brought a small smile to Oliver's face and he chuckled a bit.

"You're welcome. He deserved the beating though...I really wouldn't have let him touch you. Believe it or not. Not to mention that he's been one of the guys who had yet to test my patience until today, I'm not so surprised at his actions. Everybody seems to want to get a jab at me at some point." he said softly, turning his ruby gaze back ahead as he walked into his cell, slowly sitting on his bed. Looking over at the blonde, he held out the tray to him before shifting a bit, feeling pain blossom in his jaw and through his side. Although the fight was short, Oliver had taken a few good hits from the brute.

Oliver lifted his hand and pressed it against his jaw, gritting his teeth against the pain. He didn't want to show the blonde male beside him that he was in pain. He was afraid that the other boy would be worried. Oliver didn't want him to feel that way. After all, he ran into the fight on his own accord, so the injuries were something he got fair and square from fighting. Nonetheless, Oliver leaned against his right hip, favoring it, as to keep the pressure from his left side. Taking a deep breath, he smiled at Dylan and clenched his jaw tight at the same time, to keep from flinching at the painful jolt that went through it.


[I love mushy cute stuff!! >.< You aren't the only one who feels like that right now! :D]
Dylan frowned at Oliver's words. He couldn't seem to wrap his mind around the thought of everyone wanting to get a jab at the other male. He just couldn't see the reasoning behind it, if there was any. Sometimes people depised others for the littlest things or for no reason at all. In the end, it was all absolutely unnecessary and stupid in the blond's eyes. He wished that everyone could get along or at least be indifferent to each other. Anything but look at each other with disdain and taunt the other into a fight. Oliver was right, though. Lowell did deserve what he got.

As they reached the other boy's cell, the blond joined him on his bed, taking his tray with a small 'thanks'. He seemed to be thanking the snow white-haired male a lot. He wondered why before shaking the thought out of his head. It wasn't all that important anyways. He squirmed until he got comfortable and, when he did, he began to finish the food that was still on his tray. In his peripheral vision, he could see Oliver shifting around and feel it as well. Glancing at the other boy, he was able to catch the smile that was directed towards him and return it with one of his own before gesturing to his jaw.

"It hurts, doesn't it?" He questioned as he placed his tray to the side, feeling full and well-fed now. His eyes were shining with concern as he continued to stare at the injured jaw. "You did take quite the hit from him," he said, remembering the short fight. While it was short, the hits that were delivered and received had a bunch of power behind them. It was only right for Oliver to feel some kind of pain.

[That's good to know, haha. :3 I feel another bonding moment coming on -w-]
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Oliver watched as the blonde male beside him continued to eat, a small smile gracing his features, content that the boy was unharmed. Why he was being so compassionate toward somebody he had just met? The answer was non-existent to him. Then, he snapped out of his thoughts when he saw the boy looking at him, gesturing to his jaw. Oliver pressed his lips together into a fine line as he rubbed the back of his neck. So, he had seen it.

"Yeah, just a bit." he said, giving the boy a cheery smile, feeling a shock of pain go through his jaw at the sudden action. He winced and closed one eye against the strain and pressed a hand against his forehead. "Don't worry's not as bad as the beatings from the guards. I remember laying in this bed, screaming in agony afterward. They had to change a few of my sheets from the blood that would seep through my bandages." Oliver said quietly, closing his eyes as he tried pushing the memories away.

"But, it's all in the past. I'm not in that much pain, so please don't worry over me. I'm just glad I was able to get that monster away from you. I keep my promises..." he said, smile widening as he leaned forward and ruffled the blonde's hair. It was strange, but he felt almost satisfactory sitting here and talking.


[Ah, I know!! ^-^ So much excitement!]
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Talk about having some stories. Dylan couldn't believe how rough it was for Oliver in the building. He couldn't even imagine it if he tried. It just seemed.....too cruel to be reality, but that was how reality was at times. Cruel beyond comprehension. The blond tried to wrap his head around why the guards would beat the other boy. Maybe he would get too out of control? That still didn't seem like a valid reason to beat someone to a bloody pulp.

His thoughts were interrupted as Oliver continued to reassure him that he was okay. That there was no reason to worry over him. Dylan opened his mouth to protest, but was cut short as he felt a hand in his hair, ruffling it. He immediately closed his mouth and subtlely leaned into the touch. It was a nice feeling. Pursing his lips, he still felt like he should help the other boy out in someway. "At least let me get you some ice," he pleaded. It was the least he could do. Ice would help with the swelling, if there was any. He was sure he could find some round the building somewhere. Maybe in the kitchen. He hoped because he didn't want to have to go back into the cafeteria by himself.
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