Cold Blood

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"Oh, no, I haven't forgotten." Soma said simply, tilting his head to one side ever so slightly. His eyes narrowed behind his blonde bangs and he gave a cat-like smile. "So.. what's stopping you?" He teased.
"The chase," Tatsuya said excitedly before making his move, appearing next to Soma in an instant with his arm wrapped around his waist. It was a snug hold, but Soma could easily get out of it if he so pleased. "Though maybe I'm a bit impatient," he grinned.
"That is the fun of it, isn't it?" Soma mused with a shrug of his shoulders. He hadn't time to move before he realized that Tatsuya had and felt his arm around him. He didn't bother to break free, rather he turned and rested his head against his chest. "And maybe I'm giving up too easily."
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(( So sorry! Had a suddenly busy weekend. ))

Tatsuya chuckled as he looked down to Soma. "Hm, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt," he grinned teasingly before kissing the side of his head. "I do suppose our reasons work well together, though..." He puckered his lips invitingly. Now that he had Soma this way, he couldn't get enough. It had been too long since he had a person to just talk to, too long of not having a friend, of not having a lover. And he knew that he and Soma were not quite yet, but he also knew that they had great potential...
"It seems they do." Soma smiled up at Tatsuya, leaning in to meet his lips with his own. He had never been the affectionate friend or companion. The occasional hug wasn't thought much of as anything other than a friendly gesture or means of comforting someone. He never really questioned his feelings for others despite his awareness of one or two people that had eyes for him; although, couldn't say such thoughts hadn't crossed his mind before in regard to Tatsuya. Soma had simply been quick to dismiss them for lack of understanding them.

((It's alright. =3 ))
Tatsuya smiled through the beginning of the kiss before giving it his complete devotion. It was very sweet, these feelings he felt. So many words to describe them, but he'd much rather pay attention to Soma.

Their mouths didn't part until they had to come up to breathe and the vampire ran his hand up and down the human's back affectionately. "Hmm... what would you like to do for the rest of the day?" he asked.
The kiss lasted as long as the air in their lungs would allow and they parted to breathe. Soma smiled contentedly, his eyes brighter than usual. "I intended to play the piano, get a better feel for it. However, I'm not opposed if there's something you'd rather do?" The blonde ran his fingers through his hair somewhat sheepishly. He very much loved and appreciated the piano and planned to spend much time playing it and adjusting his compositions to suit the sound if needed.
"Not really," Tatsuya answered as he directed them towards the playing room. "I actually thought of playing the cello, so perhaps we could practice together." He looked down at Soma with a small smile, opening and closing the doors for him whenever they came to one. "If you get hungry again or want to do something else, don't be afraid to ask though."
"Sure." Soma nodded, happy with the idea. They had played together a couple times and he very much enjoyed it. It reminded him of when he was a kid. He followed the vampire to the playing room, sitting down at the piano. He went through his many works, adjusting only a few of them to a new key to better suit the sound, which took surprisingly less time than he thought it would. When he finished, he laid back on the piano seat, humming to himself. "Have you ever played your cello for many people?"
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Tatsuya nodded with satisfaction before they finally arrived in the room. As Soma sat at the piano, the vampire sat with his cello and each played their instrument until a few good hours passed. Tatsuya's deep line of the cello ended softly after Soma's piano had, and he looked to the human at his question.

"Many, many years ago," he answered as he set the bass down gingerly. "What about you, besides the cafe?"
Soma stared up at the ceiling, watching the shadows of tree branches and leaves dancing on the evening breeze. He tilted his head back, looking at Tatsuya upside down, and smiled. "Mm.. not really. Just at family gatherings and such, but I don't think that counts." The blonde shook his head, which left his hair a mess when he sat up. He frowned slightly at the memory but brushed it off and put a happy face on and changed the subject. "It feels so much later than it is, doesn't it?"
(( Sorry it took forever lol ))

Tatsuya nodded understandingly, looking out the windows. The night had somehow sneaked passed them and replaced the day during their practicing. Since they technically still lived in the city, not many stars could be seen in the dark blue but definitely more than living within the city. Tatsuya appreciated the bright burning balls of gas as much as he could when they appeared. "Yes, it does..." he finally answered after zoning out somewhat.

A few days passed. Most of the time had been spent practicing or playing their music together. The grand piano attracted Soma's fingers more than his keyboard ever could, but the portable instrument wasn't forgotten. And neither was their new relationship. A lot of the time also had been spent exploring each other. It was soft and sweet and slow, the vampire liking how they were taking their time. They hadn't had sex yet but there were definitely a few good makeout sessions and exploring each other slowly, almost innocently.

But their comfort, or at least Tatsuya's, was about to change.

The door was knocked on early in the afternoon and Tatsuya looked towards the wooden door with a slight frown. He rarely ever got visitors, and he knew it wasn't Soma because he was still supposed to be at work for another few hours. Plus, if he ever had the chance to knock on the door, the white-haired male knew he wouldn't take it; he'd just walk on in.

He got up from lounging on the couch and opened the door, expression going cold as soon as he recognized who was at his door.
Soma didn't say anything else, nodding and turning his attention to the stars that shone against the darkened sky. There were more stars to be seen here than from his old apartment, a sight the blonde wouldn't trade for anything. That wasn't the only thing he wouldn't trade. He very much enjoyed the days that passed, spent in Tatsuya's company practicing and playing music. Soma spent much time with the grand piano, finally reworking his compositions around it. He still played his keyboard, but the pieces played had become more contemporary as he experimented with the different sounds. During that time also the two had become more intimate, though not yet sexual. It was a steady, happy time that lifted Soma's spirit more than he realized. He was happier, even at work. He often hummed to himself on the job, and played the piano on his breaks despite how many people might be in the cafe. His fellow employees noticed the change and begged him for details.

"Oh, c'mon, Soma! Tell! What's up?" "Don't keep secrets! Who is it?" Two female coworkers pouted at him when he returned to the bar from delivering orders. "There's not much to tell. Besides, it's not what you think." He brushed them off, which made them all the more persistent to find out. He wasn't sure of whether or not to say anything about his relationship with the vampire, whether or not he would want him to. "Soma, you've worked hard today. You can go ahead and leave. Try to get home before it gets dark." His boss called, rescuing him from the girls who went reluctantly back to work. The blonde was quick to finish up and grabbed his jacket and keys. "Thanks! See ya!" He threw on his jacket as he went out the door, making his way back just as the sun began to set. "I'm back." He called as he entered.
"Oh, don't put on that kind of expression!" A man said after seeing Tatsuya's expression change from confused to cold. "What kind of greeting is that!? Now, won't you let me in? It's been a long time, Tatsuya," he smirked slightly, knowing the white-and-blue-haired vampire couldn't refuse.

"Tch." Tatsuya let the other vampire in after just a second more. The vampire was around the same age as the owner of the home, but he was not as well known. His name was Yori, descendant of the Yamada family. Considered nobles of status, but definitely not as powerful as some of the more ranking families like Tatsuya's.

"I hope you're not here for what I think you're here for," the elder vampire said, leading the spectating Yori to the couch and sitting across from him. Yori acted offended and started saying defensive words before giving up.

"Eh, I miss you Tatsu~ Won't you at least allow me a little fondle?" he pleaded, his deep brown eyes big as he made a fondling gesture with one of his hands. Tatsuya rolled his eyes. Pleads and comments like these would go on in between actual conversation until Soma returned. Which was definitely Tatsuya didn't want to happen in the first place - Yori finding out about Soma - but he knew that it was useless trying to get the other vampire to leave.

"Ooh, who's this?" Yori asked, standing from the dining table and popping his head out of the kitchen, looking at the newcomer. He had been sitting idly by as the other male cooked dinner for Soma. Tatsuya paused in setting up the table, immediately going to Soma's side. "This is Soma... Soma, this Yori," he said, motioning to the blond vampire.
Soma stopped in his tracks, eyes wide. He was taken aback, perhaps even startled, to see someone other than Tatsuya when he walked in the door. The idea of such a possibility never crossed his mind and so his mind went blank. "Um..?" Soma raised an eyebrow at the sight of the vampire. It was strange to have company, especially so unexpectedly. It was stranger yet that Tatsuya seemed to rush to his side. "H-Hello. 'Pleased to meet you." The blonde smiled and nodded to him, quick to put on his manners. He wondered if perhaps he returned at a bad time, but said nothing of it. "I apologize if I interrupted something." Soma glanced up at Tatsuya with uncertainty. "I got off work a bit early."
"Please to meet you," Yori grinned. A human male... interesting. He wondered briefly how Tatsuya was spending his time with the man, but knew at once what their relationship was since he moved so quickly to Soma. "But don't worry, you weren't interrupting us. Tatsu was only making dinner for you." He smiled, watching the two interact.

"Right. It's almost done. Why'd you get off work early?" Tatsuya asked, going back to setting the table and then checking on the meal.
"Riiight." Soma muttered, hesitating a moment before following Tatsuya into the kitchen. Somehow he seemed tense, perhaps because of Yori? And did he call him "Tatsu?" "Well, my boss commended my hard work today and said I could leave, though I think maybe he was just saving me from my coworkers. They've been so.. nosy lately." The blonde recalled the past few workdays, the two girls bothering him for gossip, but brushed it aside. He found himself staring at Yori and quickly looked away. What kind of relation did he have with Tatsuya that he used a nickname? To prevent awkward silence, he attempted conversation. "So.. Yori.. What brings you here?"
Tatsuya chuckled, Soma's presence in the house sweeping away his worries and also putting them there at the same time. "Well, you have worked hard," he agreed. He wanted to ask what his coworkers were nosy about, but decided to ask later when they were just alone.

Yori smiled at Soma, happy to engage in the conversation. "Well, I just wanted to visited Tatsuya," he said, glancing to the other vampire before looking back to the human. "It's been a long time since I've seen him. We were childhood friends, ya know?" he asked. Tatsuya smiled slightly. Yeah, it was true. As much as Yori was a pain in the ass, they had been friends for almost their entire lives. It was the only reason the vampire put up with him.
A childhood friend? It was a surprise to Soma to hear that. It wasn't that he doubted it, rather that he didn't know much of anything about Tatsuya's past. There were a few occasions when he thought to ask, but felt that it was too invasive and that it wasn't any of his business. Thus he left it alone. It was the same for his own past, he hadn't said a word about it except for the mention of his mother every so often. He rather liked to forget about it than bring it up and figured maybe Tatsuya felt the same. "Really? Interesting." Soma mused, taking a seat at the table.
"I suppose," Yori remarked, sitting across from Soma. "So how do you like him?" he asked, grinning mischievously. "Kind of a hard ass, huh?" he teased, chuckling a bit. "But you've been here for a while, yeah? How can you put up with him?"

"Tch, I could ask the same about you, Yori," Tatsuya called from the kitchen.
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