Coffeshop Crossroad

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Hey...I'll post when I get home tonight. I need to think about how I want to manage my character at the moment. Also, I gotta leave for work in a half hour, which is how long it takes to write a proper post on this phone. Lol
So who will be posting next?

Well, it's been Blox, Nartina, Crono, Alis (you) then me... and I was the last to post. So, yes, with Blox gone, Nartina's turn is next.

Edit: @Nartina ... great to hear! Need to kick this back up to the front page's top. :bananaman:
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@Alis_Audāx , @Crono , @Nartina ...


"I don't know what this whole shadow business is about, but I did hear someone say something about free food... count me in."

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"Don't let me keep you..."
It will, indeed. *rubs hands* Now I just need @Alis_Audāx to post, then my part to resume. The story shall go onward!


*has attack of the warm fuzzies*
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Hey guys, just wanted to let you know. As I don't have a computer, my phone is the only way for me to post on here for the time being, and it's getting turned off tomorrow for the next two weeks. I'll try to post while I'm at work, but I may not be on that often. I'll try.
@Nartina ...

Sorry to hear about your difficulties. No worries, we'll be here. Hope you enjoy my post!

@Crono , @Alis_Audāx ...

Hope you both enjoy my post, as well! Wasn't quite sure if I should go as far as I did, but I'm interested to see how it effects all that's going on... how that one shift changes events. If it's too much, let me know.

Very interesting, good thing you can rely on old fashioned blades! Going to have to make the muderer a ninja to survive five seconds with Cain. Do you think that "Joe's" cloaking device will deactivate as well? It is rather advanced.

@Roose Hurro
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Very interesting, good thing you can rely on old fashioned blades! Going to have to make the muderer a ninja to survive five seconds with Cain. Do you think that "Joe's" cloaking device will deactivate as well? It is rather advanced.

@Roose Hurro
I'll leave that up to you... Nism tech is millions of years old. And it would all depend on whether the Omni Bits interpret this cloak as a weapon. It could very well be disrupted, perhaps, due to the energies flowing through the local tensor field... that initial "wave" as reality flickered. But again, your choice.
@Nartina ...

Happy to see you back! Nice post, as well, though if Tarjai is stuck in the wall, how is she able to "push past Joe" to get outside? Not to mention the Bits only shut down weapons that were already outside.
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