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He picked her up as she kissed him back, carrying her over to the couch as she wrapped her legs around him, kissing his neck. She whispered to him, and he kissed her neck, biting gently to leave marks. "I'm sorry too. I should have looked for you... Made you come back sooner..." He whispered in her ear. He fell back onto the couch, pulling her with him, and pressed his lips to hers again. He moved so he was lying down, his hands still wrapped around her back. He bit her lip gently, allowing his lips to part. The drugs brought everything into sharp focus, slowing time down and making the whole thing seem infinite. They were good enough when he was alone, helping him to cope with everything. But this felt twice as good.
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Aolin landed on top of him, when he fell down the sofa and in the motion, he even bit her lip. A low moan of pleasure exhaled from her lips, allowing her hands to grip how shirt at his chest even stronger.

Aolin parted her own lips, letting her soft, moist tongue to come in contact with his by exploring his mouth and tasting him.
It has been such a long time.
It was like loosing her mind.
Like now, the time had come to a slower peace, in slow motion as she breathed into him.

However, slowly she back down from the kiss and opened her eyes to gaze at him. Her left hand coming to caress his neck and his cheek. Finally, she had her smile back to her.

Until, Aolin's eyes fallowed his arm and some some tiny dots. Like needle shape all over his arm.
Her eyes widen in terror and quickly emerged from him by standing up.
Her facial expression a scared one, and she gripped her hands together with a heavy breathing .

" w-what is that on your arm?
Don't tell me you .. Alex!
Y-y-you.. Used a needle for .. Drugs ?!

Are you out of your mind ?"

Aolin said on a sad yet upset tone of voice, before coming part to him again and simply stared at him.

" Tell Me Why?! Why.."

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He felt shivers run up and down his spine as he felt her tongue against his, tasting her again. God, it felt good. He smiled lazily as she pulled away, stroking the side of his face with her hand. He missed her eyes trailing down to his arms, until she suddenly stood up, covering her mouth. He sat up suddenly, noticing that his three-quarter length sleeves, which usually covered the marks, had bunched around his elbows, showing all of them. Shame and fear shot though his body, and he swung his legs off the couch, burying his face in his hands and running them through his hair. He took a deep breath, feeling his body starting to shake. Oh god. He'd only just gotten her back and he'd ruined everything again.

"It's not heroin, I swear." That was all he could say for a moment, taking another deep breath. "Please, Aolin, sit down. I'll explain everything, just... please don't be mad." His breath was catching in his chest, like he was starting to panic.
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Aolin gulped hard the nods at her throat, sensing a knot taking form at her stomach.
She felt again a small distance between them.
Her heart really hurt in that moment, feeling all weak once again. He was the only one who could keep her on the ground.

Slowly, she took a sit next to him inhaling the air and tried to come to an explanation at the back of her mind . Still, her body reacted on it's own and before he could explain further.
A loud snap filled the living room.
Her left palm had landed over his cheek, into a hard slap.

" I.. Thought I already closed that distance between us..
This makes me.. So sad.
I don't understand this!!"

Aolin said to Alex, by closing her eyes with a trembling voice; then a few moments of silence creeped in, just the sound of the sudden rain hitting the window was heard.

Despite that , Aolin then grabbed his wrists and made him to look at her. Her eyes starring deeply into his, with tiny tears coming down her face before her lips came in contact with his own.
Fallowed by a stronger bitting motion at his bottom lip and pushed him back the sofa.

" Don't you.. Do that Ever again!!
Now I just want you to hold me ..
You can .. Explain later."

He didn't react as she slapped him, simply took it. He deserved it for screwing everything up. He felt the tears rolling down his cheeks as she spoke to him, feeling his whole body shaking. He'd ruined everything. He still felt like he couldn't breathe properly, like he was about to have a panic attack. He kept breathing deeply, trying to stop it from happening. She took his hands and made him turn to look at her. She leaned in and kissed him, softly at first, but then more urgently. He didn't resist as she pushed him back into the couch, wrapping his arms around her waist again. He nodded as she spoke, and leaned up again, pressing his lips to hers again. "I'm sorry... I never meant for this..." He murmured between kisses, before pressing his lips even harder to hers, his hands curling in the back of her shirt to pull her even closer. His breathing still felt like there was something lodged in his chest, and he was breathing harder than he usually did. But he didn't want to focus on that, simply on the sensation of her lips against his.
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Aolin didn't said anything anymore after that. Simply wanted to feel him against her body, to know that this was real and not a dream.

After a few more kisses, Aolin slowly stood up once again, taking his hand into hers and gently pulled him after her to to go his bedroom. There, she closed the door and pushed him towards the wall. Some water drops continue to fall down at her neckline, crawling inside the shirt just before her lips found his again in this sensual passion.

Her hand came at his neck, holding tight the material of his shirt between her fingers and lifted herself to her toes.
Aolin, played softly with his bottom lip, placing a kiss after kiss, with her soft and moist tongue once again exploring his mouth. His taste was more then she wanted .

Their bodies against one to another, sharing the heat and the beating hearts through their clothing.
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He didn't resist as she led him to the bedroom. He grinned as she pushed him against the wall, before kissing him gently. She had to stand on her toes, and he wrapped his arms around her again, biting her lip as her tongue explored his. He could feel her heart against his, and it was enough to slow his own heart rate, to steady his breathing. He slid one hand under her shirt, resting it against her back and pulling her all the closer. His hand went to her hair, which was still wet from the shower. A week apart felt like an eternity. He pulled away to catch his breath, moving to kiss her neck. He brushed down the shoulder of her shirt, running his lips along his collarbone and biting it in places, before moving back up to her neck, kissing it and biting gently. He looked her straight in the eyes, wanting to say something but not being able to find the words. So he smiled, pressing his lips back to hers again.
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A week before this was only a sad dream. It felt like she had lived on the edge of the unknown.
Now everything will be okay.

Aolin closed her eyes again, letting to take him, his lips and being under his touch felt more than incredible. He tasted surprisingly good.

Moments later, Alex had found his way down to her neck, his warm breath tickling her hot skin and caused her heart to beat quicker. Her fingers griped tighter his shirt, finding their way at the edge of the shirt and went underneath to feel his skin under her hands.

Slowly then, Aolin gazed at him with both of them breathing heavier before kissing tenderly again. And again. And once again.

Therefore, soon she made him to move from the wall by pushing him down his comfy bed with her on top. Aolin trailed his skin with her fingers, caressing him more and more. Once again she felt complete after all this time of being apart.

" I have missed you like crazy..
You got no idea how much torture that is.. Alex."

Her voice whispering for him, allowing her hands to pull his shirt up, revealing his bare chest to her, leaning again to him and kissed him with hunger.

The puzzle is complete.
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She pushed him towards the bed, and he grinned, pulling her on top of him again. "I missed you too..." He said quietly, before allowing her to pull his shirt off. He pressed his lips to hers again, one hand going to her hair as he moaned softly. He grabbed the edge of her shirt and pulled it over her head, kissing her again and again as he ran his hand across her abdomen, staring into her eyes. He'd imagined this before, both when he was high and he was low. But it couldn't compare to actually feeling the electricity jumping between their skin and the heat that they shared. He pressed his lips to hers again, feeling her skin against his.
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They both knew where this was going from the moment they touched hands. The electricity between them not bring compared with nothing in this world.

Aolin, smiled honestly at Alex as her shirt went flying across the room, letting him to savour her and just her pulse echoing inside her head.

Their skin touched ever so light but got into an sweet embrace, soon getting under the sheets and Aolin brought him on top of hers. Her eyes looked at him with her fingers caressing his skin until they reached his cheek, his lips and neckline. Her breathing becoming stronger and heavier now.


Therefore later on, after being embraced so sweetly into each other's arms and shared the heat and the kisses, fallowed by the gentle love which they had for each other, Aolin was resting against his chest.

Eyes were closed, but her hand held right his finger, practically transfusing the warmth of hers into him.

He stroked her hair as she lay on his chest, her eyes closed. He could feel the drug wearing off but he didn't want to sleep just yet. He wanted to watch a movie with her, both in their pyjamas. He wanted to spend time with her when he wasn't high. He kissed her forehead gently, stoking her back. "We never did get around to watching that movie." He said softly, smiling at her. "I propose we get in a pizza and have a movie night." He sighed, running a hand along her arm, his thumb brushing her scars. "And I have a little explaining to do, don't I?"
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Aolin looked at Alex with a smile, fallowed by a light sigh before she kissed her cheek and then his lips.
Her hand had reached to grab her clothing, now putting on the TShirt only, leaving the trousers on the floor.

" Yes, we should watch that movie. As I want a very vivid explanation from you Mister plus a spicy pizza with some 7Up to.!"

Aolin whispered to him, yet with a serious expression at her face now jumping on the bed to go onto the floor, ruffling her frizzy hair because is was sticking out in several directions.

Funny hair.

Obviously, she wasn't easy to hear his reasons for doing such a drastic thing, but she loved him. Of course , did not want him to continue to use drugs purely because she was not around.
Or so she thought the reason might be.

" I do apologise for running days ago.. I just .. Uhmm. Was not ready to meet your parents and have to deal with all sorts of questions about my non perfect life.
I want to tell you it is not your fault."

Her voice was gentle, now taking his shirt and handed him over, waiting for his next move.
He sighed and pulled on his shirt over his head, reaching out and grabbing his underwear, pulling it on under the sheets. "I know. I should have lied to her, told her I was out or something but..." He sighed and smiled at her. "My mom is one of the most chilled out people you'll ever meet. Seriously. So I knew that she wouldn't have a problem with you being here, but I forgot that you don't like to talk about yourself." He swung his feet out of bed and pulled on his jeans. "C'mon, we'll order that pizza."

Fifteen minutes later, he shut the door, holding two pizza boxes and a bottle of 7up. He grinned and handed her hers, sitting down on the couch and opening his. He grabbed two glasses and filled them both, taking a mouthful of his and opening his box, breathing it in and grinning again.
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Aolin fallowed him in the living room, taking the blanket with her to and curled in the sofa. Shortly, Alex did ordered that pizza and her favourite lemon-soda.
Her eyes looked at him, smiling herself for a moment just when the food arrived and the scent spread quickly in the air.

In that moment, her stomach had growled and let her hand to take one slice. As hot as it was, she did not care but took a mouthful out of it. Losing her eyes, enjoying the pepperoni and mushroom flavours to burst inside her mouth.
It was very tasty.

" This is so good... My God!!
Why they have to do make such a good piZza?

I think I could live my life eating pizza and chicken only. Ha ha "

Aolin spoke, biting again from the slice all hungry like, quickly finishing the first slice. Her hand went to take the glass of juice and gulped a few times from it.
Her eyes on e again settled at Alex,raining to take another slice and slightly brushing over his arm.

" So.. Then.
I am waiting for an explanation from you..
Tell me.

He laughed a little as she started eating, enjoying his own pizza. But he sighed heavily as she asked for his explanation.

"I told you what happened when I was a teenager, right? About the kidnapping. Well, he kept me under with a highly addictive sedative. When I got out, I went into severe withdrawal. But I was having panic attacks as well and that was all anyone noticed, or, at least, that was their priority. So they put me on anxiety pills and sleeping tablets. But I ended up getting hooked on them. And that was fine. I managed. I tried to get clean once or twice, but never managed. But I met this guy at the record company, who had to get clean. I was scared because obviously, with the sleeping pills, it would have been hard for me to get a fix without you noticing. And he gave it to me, on the promise that I tried to get clean. But with everything that happened, I just... Used it as an escape. It made everything seem so much better for a while." He took another bite of his pizza and sighed. "I'm sorry."
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Aolin listened to his words, his fair of the story. Unpredictable though.
Still, at the back of her mind, Aolin thought if he will keep taking this shit.

It was quiet for the next several minutes, with her eating the pizza and taking a glance at the movie in the same time. Slowly, she leaned over the sofa, brushing some of her hair out of her cheek and out a deep sigh.

" I.. Know how it feels to look for an escape. I've been there, many times and it's not a good place to be.. Uhmmm
Because after the Feeling it's over, you'll feel more guilty. More fucked up.
I am angry with you.
But I still love you.."

Aolin said, by putting aside her hair behind her ear and breathing slightly heavier. The shirt had fallen to her shoulder, revealing her tattoo once again.
It had been a long time since she had tried drugs, even alcohol or even worst. To cut herself.
Yes. She did thought about it while they were apart for this week, but didn't do it.

So.. Why did he do it?
What was the real reason..?

" So.. You will just keep injecting yourself for the rest of your life just because you can't Get Clean .. Because of what?
What is the real reason, Alex?"

Aolin demanded a explanation more than he already had told her.
Her heat begun to speed up quicker in anticipation for his answers.
He sighed. "I don't know, Aolin. I just... I don't know why I do it. Every time I stop, I fall apart. I have panic attacks that feel like I'm going to die. And it's just..." He put his pizza box aside and pulled his feet into the couch, staring blankly at the screen. "When I sleep, when I wake up, I don't always see my apartment at first. I see the shithole of a warehouse he held me in. I do it because I just... Can't... Help it. It's like... I don't know. It's an escape. When I'm high, I'm not afraid. I'm not anxious. And it's one pill or another. If I don't do the painkiller, I need an anxiety tablet, or I can't breathe. I'm sorry. I want to get clean but it's just... So hard."
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The pain and the suffering. Oh, how she understood that. More than he could think of.

So, simply Aolin reached for him and just embraced him from behind his back. She settled her cheek to his back, pressing her body to his by gripping his shirt at the front side.

" I.. Understand. More than you think of.
When I was little.. My-my f-father had drugged me twice. Because he was a psychopath and wanted to.. To have his way to me.
Because my mom, could not have slept with him .. Because she was to drunk or never home.

And I was his .. Doll.
I stabbed him once, when be tried to..r-rape me.."

Finally after all this time, Aolin wanted to tell him about her family and what has happened. Her breath was heavier as she squeezed harder his shirt from behind, but not moving an inch.

" Soon after.. I already started to cut myself when I reached high-school. It was a very hard time for me, especially because he was always home..
So many times I cried but he just wouldn't stop molesting me ..
That's why I say he is dead to me.

Dumb psycho. He dared to call me in my bday.. And do him a favour.."

As that bring said, already small tears come along her face, sobbing softly at his back and just tied to let it all out.

She understood. The panic. The anxiety.
The only thing that could make you forget about the pains .. The bad memories.

She knew.
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He listened to her words. When she finished, he turned around and wrapped his arms around her. He didn't know what else to say, so just held her. "Will you help me? Get clean? I'll stick by you, if you stick by me." He asked gently, burying his face in her still damp hair. He knew it wouldn't be easy, and that he'd probably need rehab or counselling. But he wanted to do it.
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Aolin sobbed a few times, embracing him tightly as he spoke and could sense his heart beats through his clothes.

" Y-yes I will. That's a promise.
No more running away.."

Her gentle voice whispering at his ear, kissing it softly and then his cheek. With her other hand, her sleeve wiped away the tears of her face and smiled honestly at Alex. She pulled back for a moment, her green eyes gazing deeper into his, simply caressing his face with her fingers and kissed him multiple times over his face, his lips as well.

" I know we can make things work.. I guess it's just a matter of time.
Also, they don't need at the studio an extra guitarist or something.?
I could use a job..And some new clothes and girls stuff. You know.
I want to dye my hair.."

Aolin begun to speak to him like a teenager, showing her tongue to him and then made a funny expressing by rolling her eyes. Then, her cheek come in contact with his into this smoochie touchie Touch, their cheeks smooching each other's.

They both laughed.
Oh, happy times.
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