[CLOSED!] Sailing in the Stars: The Beginning [OOC/Sign-Ups]

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Don't forget to call Dr. Schrodinger and get the tests from his box signed in triplicate. I need those on my desk by sunrise.

You're gonna need to file all the blood samples alphabetically (In mandarin of course.) While you're at it.
You're gonna need to file all the blood samples alphabetically (In mandarin of course.) While you're at it.
Also, my daughter twelve years into the future has a dance recital that I need to attend and cannot finish writing out this hypothesis on string theory. I'll let you finish the equations.
Also, my daughter twelve years into the future has a dance recital that I need to attend and cannot finish writing out this hypothesis on string theory. I'll let you finish the equations.

I need you drink this milkshake!

Then do a full write-up on the physical effects LRSBD (Long-Range Sonic Bowel Disruptor) on your self while filing the taxes for the whole office.
You're gonna need to file all the blood samples alphabetically (In mandarin of course.) While you're at it.
Filed. Numbers are at the beginning.
Also, my daughter twelve years into the future has a dance recital that I need to attend and cannot finish writing out this hypothesis on string theory. I'll let you finish the equations.
You forgot to carry the 1.
I need you drink this milkshake!

Then do a full write-up on the physical effects LRSBD (Long-Range Sonic Bowel Disruptor) on your self while filing the taxes for the whole office.
It's not concentrated enough.

We're out of toilet paper and your tax return this year's looking good.
Filed. Numbers are at the beginning.

You forgot to carry the 1.

It's not concentrated enough.

We're out of toilet paper and your tax return this year's looking good.
Damn. Garrus has his shit organized. Remind me to hire you as my everything when I start a business.
Hot damn!
Give yourself a promotion
Feng isnt in the bar. He left to 'go get his shit.' Tis why I said give him a ringer >.>
Feng isnt in the bar. He left to 'go get his shit.' Tis why I said give him a ringer >.>
Oh shit, I forgot. Lemme delete that post and make another one. Sorry, I'm kind of out of it today.
Its all good man, no worries. Thats what you get for staying up all night playing ME2 and seducing Tali, which I support.
And here we have a wild Whisket, lurking this thread while hes at work.
What else am I going to do while I'm here, work?

You wish.
Its all good man, no worries. Thats what you get for staying up all night playing ME2 and seducing Tali, which I support.
Actually I uh... I haven't played past meeting the James Bond villain guy...
I've just been really busy! OH GOD, I'M SORRY PLEASEDON'THITME!!!
I added in some setting fluff since so that the post isn't super short. Let me know if I go overboard with setting fluff and get annoying. I feel like I tend to overdo the world-building at least on my end. That Racial Codex entry is evidence of that. And sorry again for mistake, although this post is more interesting than the last one, I must admit.

I'm just a little tired from midterms hitting my campus, but I'm glad to say it could be worse. I know people like to pretend midterms are like having Satan crawl up your butt hole and play your ribs like a xylophone, but it's not so bad if you stay on schedule. Don't worry, I won't use midterms as an excuse to be lazy and not post. To be honest, my post frequency may actually increase since I'll be procrastinating more. I don't buy into the whole, "midterms are heer wur all gunna dieeee" business.


If anything, I feel pretty confident about it. Fucking bring it, son.

Oh, and Kingsmen was a good movie. Just wanted to drop that here.
Know whats funny? I have been procrastinating this entire time. I havent done any work for my classes in weeks. I fucked off my midterms and everything. I just dont give a damn anymore. Thought I fixed my commitment issues with school but its hard to commit when the whole reason you took the classes is taken away from you.
Know whats funny? I have been procrastinating this entire time. I havent done any work for my classes in weeks. I fucked off my midterms and everything. I just dont give a damn anymore. Thought I fixed my commitment issues with school but its hard to commit when the whole reason you took the classes is taken away from you.
Are we about to get deep? Lemme put a helmet on.
Okay, go.
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