[CLOSED!] Sailing in the Stars: The Beginning [OOC/Sign-Ups]

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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I know you weren't but it seemed like you were taking like...'Wow why is she complaining' or in some kind of negative manner, so I just wanted to let you know that I wasn't complaining. Sorry for the misinterpretation...
T'sall good lol. I just woke up less than an hour ago, so my no-bullshit filters are still offline. I apologize if I caused offense with my bluntness.
Just dropping by to confirm I am in fact alive. I'll post when we change scenery and maybe even try to get involved in everything going on OOC, although it's kind of overwhelming to an Iwaku n00b. Back in my day OOC was in the OOC thread, gosh darnit.
I consider an OOC thread to be anything out of character. Meaning discussion of the game or random shit. Tis also why we have the group to discuss more game-oriented things.
Hi, Im Captain Maya and I dont fuck around with my crew.
Hi, I'm Vix and I don't comprehend half of human emotions.
Hi, I'm Ghato and I'm here to keep the Captain from shooting anyone.
holy shit guys i swear i didnt die, life just decided to punch me in the face a million times
I was starting to get worried, man. Was going to have to, like, track you down and give your house a ring.
Oh boy oh boy it's almost party time

Where you @Atomyk ?
Oh boy oh boy it's almost party time

Where you @Atomyk ?
His internet is pretty RIP right now. He will be coming in later when its situated as we have already discussed it, so there are no worries on his part.
His internet is pretty RIP right now. He will be coming in later when its situated as we have already discussed it, so there are no worries on his part.
Man, what I tell you 'bout that Atomyk guy?

He a busta! Straight busta!
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Grove Street, home...at least it was before I fucked everythang up.

I'm C.J., Fool!

So I think I I'll wait for Ghato to yell at Feng before I post again.
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I'm also gonna need these reports on my desk by 7.
Don't forget to call Dr. Schrodinger and get the tests from his box signed in triplicate. I need those on my desk by sunrise.
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