*Closed* Royal and Not *Lady AlainXShadow Assassin*

  • Thread starter DJae Writer Chick
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I smiled. "It'd be fun.." I said happily, stifling a yawn as I continued to eat my orange.
I relaxed then, knowing that she would be on top of growing our food supply. We'd need seeds, a few tools and such. "Why don't you look around and pick out the plot of land tomorrow, Els? And go to the market to see what kind of seeds you want to buy. Maybe a potato and a head of lettuce, too, so we can grow some vegetables. Then when I come home after work tomorrow, I can turn over the plot so you can plant the next day."

Stuffing the rest of the sour apple in my mouth, I swallowed hard and picked up a berry to sweeten the aftertaste. "It's getting late. We should probably get some sleep." After tending to the fire one last time to make sure it would burn out properly in the grate, I headed to the bedroom and gestured proudly towards the rough-looking [but clean] bed and sheets. "It doesn't have much compared to what you're used to at the palace, but what do you think?"
I nodded. "That sounds like a great idea!" I said happily. While Jabez checked the fire, I finished my orange before following him to the bedroom. "That's wonderful!" I said happily, giggling.
Glad that she wasn't put off by the simplicity of her arrangements, I smiled in relief. "I'm happy you're so happy here, Ellie," I told her. "I keep thinking maybe someday you'll change your mind, or what I can offer won't be good enough for you. But this... I can promise you, this is the absolute worst you'll ever have to put up with!"
I smiled happily. "If this is the worst, then I can't imagine your best, cause I think this is fun and good." I said softly, hugging Jabez.
I smiled down at her, returning her hug. "Thanks, Els. That means... that means a lot." She sure wasn't like any princess I had ever imagined growing up. And I loved her for it. Scooping her up in my arms, I planted a kiss on her nose and carried her over to the bed, plopping her down onto the mattress. Then I pulled back the blanket and crawled in next to her. "I love you," I whispered.
I giggled softly as I was picked up and my nose was kissed. I gently nuzzled Jabez's chest before I was dropped to the bed. I smiled softly, stretching a little and Jabez got in. I rolled over on my side and hugged Jabez again, snuggling into him. "I love you too." I said softly, a happy, contented smile on my face.
The next morning, sun rays pouring through the newly scrubbed window woke me. Yawning, I looked down at the sleeping form of Ellie and smiled to myself. She looked so peaceful. Carefully disengaging myself from her, I rolled out of bed and started to get dressed for the day.
I slept peacefully for another hour or so. I awoke with a yawn, stretching. Almost immediately I noticed Jabez wasn't in bed. "Where'd you go?" I asked softly as I sat up, glancing around.
I was long gone by the time Ellie woke up. I didn't want to disturb her. Not when she looked so happy sleeping. I had, however, left her a short note scribbled on a scrap piece of paper I'd found in the cabin with charcoal from last night's fire. "Werk. Be home tonite. X" An apple sat on the table next to it.

In the palace gardens I was put to work weeding again. Why were there always so many weeds?
I smiled faintly at the note. "Up so early..." I said softly. As I started back to the castle, I happily munched on the apple. When I returned to the castle, I changed into a light blue sundress and skipped outside barefoot to find Jabez. He saw the gardener first, right at the door. "Good morning!"
He smiled and bowed a little. "Mornin' princess. How may I assist you?"
I smiled. "I'm just wandering." I said, skipping along the garden and around before I found you weeding on the other side. I watched for a little, then giggled. "Good morning!"
At the sound of Ellie's chipper greeting, a smile crossed my face and I set down my trowel, resting my dirt-smeared hands on my knees. "Good morning!" I responded, looking up at her. "Did you sleep well? Are you on your way to the market now to pick up seeds?"
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"I slept wonderfully." I giggled happily, nodding. "Yeah, I just wanted to say good morning." I smiled.
"Good, I'm glad," I answered. "Enjoy yourself at the market. I don't have as much to do today around here, so the gardener says I'll be done sooner. Maybe we can get everything planted this evening. Wouldn't that be nice?"
I nodded happily, leaning forwards and gently hugging Jabez before stepping back. "See you tonight!" I said happily, smiling and turning to head off to the market.
After another back-bending day of weeding and trimming trees-- a step up from pruning the hedges from yesterday-- I was ready to go home when the sun began to dip in the horizon. As promised, I asked about borrowing tools for digging a garden and the gardener happily complied to my wishes. With the hoe and shovel balanced over my shoulder, and the trowel in my hand, I whistled all the way back to the cabin.
When I reached the market, I had noticed most of the shops where open. I bought seeds for cucumbers, pumpkins, lettuce, several different herbs, tomatoes, beans, grapes, and some strawberry seeds. I also managed to get a few potatoes. With all these in a bag, I noticed a shop with bread and meat and bought a loaf of bread as well as a a little ham for dinner. I skipped back to the house and sorted everything out, then went to the garden to pick fruit. By the time the sun had started to set, I had used a stick to draw a large rectangle in the middle of the old orchard for the garden. I returned to the cabin and sat on the porch on a log, leaning back and letting my eyes close, resting.
The moment the cabin came into view, my eyes were quickly drawn to dark hair and I couldn't help but smile seeing Ellie sleeping there on the porch. She made such a pretty picture, she always did. I picked up my pace, though trying to be as quiet as possible so as not to disturb her, and headed around back to drop off my tools. After setting them down, I hurried back around to where Ellie sat and bent over her to plant a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm home," I whispered.
I was watching a little sunset, sitting and watching the birds fly- my eyes flickered open at the sound of Jabez's voice. I smiled, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Hi!" I giggled, hugging him tightly. "I got the seeds and I got some stuff for dinner and I even found a spot for the garden!" I said happily.
"Good for you!" I returned her hug and helped her to her feet. "Let's start on the garden while we still have light, and then we can have supper. Where did you put the seeds?" After retrieving them, I followed Ellie to where she'd marked out the spot for planting. It was a good spot, not too sunny, but not too shady either. Rain water would flow easily to it but not puddle and drown out the plants. I approved wholeheartedly and told Ellie so before I took the shovel and began cutting out the perimeter for the vegetable bed.
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