*Closed* Royal and Not *Lady AlainXShadow Assassin*

  • Thread starter DJae Writer Chick
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I smiled softly. "But you're part of my family now." I said softly, leaning up on my toes and gently kissing his cheek. "And I don't ever want to leave your side." I said happily.
Warmth rushed through my chest as what Ellie said took hold in me. Family, I had family! Ellie was mine, my family. "I never want to leave yours, either," I whispered back. "But it is late. If there's nothing else I can do, we should probably get some sleep."
I nodded with a soft smile. "Will you be sleeping in the cabin tonight?" I asked gently. If so, I would sleep in the cabin by his side. If he wanted me to sleep at the castle again, he would have to as well, or I wouldn't get any sleep.
Brushing her hair back, I tucked a strand behind her ear. "I don't exactly belong here, Els. Besides, I almost have a bed frame fixed up enough to use at the cabin. I worked on it some last night."
I nodded slightly. "I'm staying at the cabin with you then." I said with a smile, gently placing my hands atop of his.
I didn't bother trying to argue with her. I knew her to be a stubborn girl and when she made up her mind, there was no dissuading her. Moving her hands from mine so that I could lace my fingers around hers, I held fast to her hand and started heading out the door.

"Then let's go," I replied. "Perhaps we will be able to get a few more things done around the cabin before the day ends."
I nodded, following happily. I was glad he didn't try to argue... There was no way I would change my mind. Staying by his side, I happily waved at a few of the guards as we walked to our home.
It was completely dark by the time we stepped outside the palace gates to make our way back home. Home. I smiled to myself. It felt so nice to say that! To think that! To have someone to go home with! Looking up at the stars didn't make me feel so lonely tonight. I had someone. I had Ellie. And her parents hadn't thrown me out of the country. Oh, her father hadn't been particularly friendly, but they hadn't tried to separate us. In my book, that was all that I needed to start thinking positively about her parents. Just maybe, this would all work out. It had to.

Back at the cottage, I set to work on finishing knotting twine through the bed posts to make the frame. I'd found a lumpy corn husk mattress stashed in the loft. It wasn't the most comfortable bed, but it would have to do. I tightened the twine around the second bed post and knotted it firmly, cutting the twine then with my teeth. This cottage still needed some serious work, but it was ours. I looked over to see what Ellie had occupied herself with.
When we reached the cabin, I took up wiping cobwebs from corners and walls, then decided to sit down and attempt to make a broom with the twigs and hay that was scattered around.
"It looks good over there," I smiled. I wiped my brow with the back of my hand and looked down at the bed frame. "I almost have this finished. Is there anything else you think we should do tonight?"
I smiled softly. "Wow... That's amazing..." I said as I looked over the almost-finished bed frame. "Maybe getting some fruit to eat." I shrugged. It wouldn't hurt.
"If you want to go pick something from the wild orchard, I'll probably be finished with this by the time you get back and then we can call it a night," I suggested. The third bed post held snug against the base as I began to tighten the twine around it.
I smiled softly. "Okay." After gently kissing Jabez's cheek, I skipped off to find some fruit. Hmm... Maybe an apple, as we had oranges earlier. Or maybe some berries! Oh... But I didn't bring a basket... So probably an apple. I chriously picked through the wild plants.
It took only a little while longer to finish the frame. After knotting the last bit of twine, I shoved the bed frame into the cleanest corner of the room and trudged into the main room to retrieve the mattress. This cabin was already starting to feel like home-- familiar-- and just the feeling of belonging brought a cheery little whistle to my lips. I easily hoisted the mattress over my shoulder and carted it into the bedroom where I plopped it down onto the frame. A ratty blanket was thrown on top for a sheet. Pillows, I didn't have pillows! Oh well, that would have to be next on my list.

I dusted my hands off on my trousers and headed back into the main room to await Ellie.
After I had gathered several apples and a few berries, I slowly started back to the cabin. By the time I got inside, I was close to dropping them. Giggling, I gently set the fruits on a nearby table I had wiped off. "I got fruit!"
"Welcome back!" I looked up from the fire I had been tampering with in the fireplace and grinned as the fruit tumbled from her arms. "They look delicious." I placed my hands on my knees and stood up. "I am definitely going to be ready for bed by the time this day is over." I picked up an apple and wiped it on my sleeve. "We should think about planting a vegetable garden or something. Do you know how to garden?"
I smiled softly. "A vegetable garden... I know some, but I'm sure I can learn more." I said happily, picking up a blueberry and eating it. "Mm.."
"Maybe you can look into it tomorrow while I work. We need to have some source of food until I find out what pays in gold around here." I bit into the apple and tried my best to hide the grimace on my face. It was sour.
I nodded. "Okay." I said with a faint smile. I picked up an orange and peeled it before taking a small bite.
I swallowed the chunk of apple and licked my lips to try to dissipate the flavour. I looked back up at Ellie, not sure if I should take her tone as indifference to the suggestion or dislike. "You don't have to if you don't want to," I added quickly. "I can find time to do the gardening myself."
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