City of Sarova

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an easy feeling had now washed over Riley and Zeph, as if Lana called to them, to rest assured she was at ease with her fate.
''And I wanted to kill her 2 years earlier...'', he said. The depression and the sadness and the anger... He couldn't take it anymore. Why so early?
Even more, why on her birthday?
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Riley stood up, wiping her face on her shoulder, "Come on, we've got a long walk home." She put ace bandage on her knuckles and packed up, ready to leave the beach with an urge to stay far away from it for awhile.
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''Wait. We have to take to crystals for respect and to remember.'' He took one and another one to give to the Regiment. Riley took the last one, and they started walking home.
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Time Skip (# One and a half months (Just the walk back))

Riley tied her own crystal to a string, and then tied the string around her neck. The walk home was mostly silence. She sighed, as she walked down the streets. She climbed to the top of an eight story building, standing on the roof and looking over the city. It wasn't the same without Lana there, that was for sure.
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Zeph gave the crystal to the Regiment and told them of Lana's death. He left without a trace and put his crystal in his pocket. Walking to the Saints' base, he came across a couple of zombies and killed them. He got there and sat on a sofa, all emotions drained.
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You two are making me cry reading this. :') It's great to find people who can move me so deeply. Arigato, you two. I love this!
[New Factions Replaced]
Ruff Riders
Death Angels
[New Faction names]
Death Angels-->Los Anarez Neutrality Association{L.a.n.a}
Riley didn't feel right, not having fought the beast that took Lana's life. She wanted to mount an expedition. More men, more fire power. There was something in that place and she wanted to know. She decided to go talk to Zeph, jumping from roof top to roof top until she reached Saints Headquarters. She approached Zeph, wondering if he was even willing to talk about the situation. "What.. what do you think it was?"
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''A mutated version of a zombie, maybe a test subject that got it most. I saw the virus. I saw the terrorists that made it.'', he said quietly. ''I'm gonna rip it limb from limb, piece by piece.'' He didn't care if he died, he just wanted to kill that thing to avenge Loriana, and potentially save lots of people from death.
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Riley raised her eyebrows, "How do you feel about a full fledged invasion?" she asked crossing her arms and sitting on the arm of the couch, glancing around the compound. The Saints had a lot of fire power behind them, and it would be easy.
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''Invasion on what? If you mean on that ''thing'', the way it looked... it's a tank. On any other faction, it'd be fairly easy.''
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"I have to know what's down the Zeph! That monster is guarding something big. It could be the cure. It could be.. exactly what we're looking for. The end to all this could be in there!" Riley stood, now pacing in front of the couch, waving her arms for more emphasis as she spoke.
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''We're already working on a cure, but if it can do this NOW, I'm in.'', Zeph said enthusiastically. Riley and Zeph, once again, set out for that cave.
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Please Spark, go into more detail tehe. You two seem to put more detail into your RPs after a traumatic experience to your characters.
The day had gone, and now the moon was high in the sky. As with most things, zombies have developed the ability to see and hear better at later times of the day, virtually cancelling out and crickets or other insects making noises that would distract them from the sound or sight of prey.
TimeSkip: 1 1/2 months later
Walking onto the beach with Riley, Zeph went in the cave with a flashlight and his M110. Riley followed him, and they set out into deeper areas, searching for anything that may be useful. As they killed terrorists and zombies, most notably a mini version of the beast that killed Lana, they finally got to a room labeled 'RES-37514'. Curious, both survivors went inside, and they found instructions on a table.
1. Ingredients: Wild Zealophine
Death Crystals (Obtained from a corpse being struck by lightning)
Zombie Flesh, Necro-Iron ore, and a tiny hint of LiquidAss. (1ml to be exact)
2. Grind the Zealophine and the Crystals together, chop the zombie flesh into pieces and put
into the grinding mechanism. Smelt the Necro-iron and pour the molten iron all into the mixture.
Then, get a dropper and drop the LiquidAss into the (which now should be a) pot.
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Just after they made their way in, Zeph unknowingly placed his foot on a plate, triggering a small explosion at the door, blocking them in.
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