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Chrono Asylum: Prelude to Madness (OOC/Sign up)

The teams, from my perspective, based on powers, personalities, and arms:

The Psychic and Gravity Girl
The Shield and the Thief
The Electromancer and the Hydromancer
The Tank and the Snake
The Rogue-Cat and the Sniper-Hawk
The Beastmaster and Magneto
The Dreamrealm Bond and the Femme Fatale
The Knife-Thrower and the Bowman

Just a humorous way to look at 'em. ^,..,^
You jelly @Thomas McTavish! My combo is ze most sensible one. :P

Tho! James and Tracy Bond are the most drool-worthy couple based on looks alone. -winks-

I wouldn't say no to Knight girl either. -more winks-

Sparks is prolly shocking to meet. I mean he is jovial and all yet he can send tingles down your spine.

Same for Mr. Cowboy - who doesnt find rugged men hot, eh @Kirra and @shylarah?

As for the team with Raptor Eyes - dang! I really love those Alch-Specs combo. Almost as much as I love the Beastmaster and Magneto comp.

Gah! Everyone has good points. Save...

Jk jk jk! Vonz your team is cool too. @_@ I mean shit gets real with Rin around.
@Vonz Hey, if there are no alchemical alloys, then is Sparks' charged ammo and Bits' ward charm still okay?

@MelodiousLime You didn't specify if he has to be able to see his target, but I'm gathering that his accuracy is from practice, not magic -- so he does have to be able to see his target. I don't know that it's humanly possible to throw a dagger that far. For one thing, it'd have to be travelling pretty fast. Remember, a bullet is propelled by a small explosion, and the daggers are more massive, therefore requiring more energy to get going that fast, and less streamlined, especially if it's zigzagging. Additionally, as Thomas pointed out, the target might move in the time between release of the dagger and the dagger reaching their position, making an accurate throw very difficult on a moving target.

You should also remember that there are no enemy asylums -- rogue alchemists are not members of AMRO, though I suppose a team might defect. You'd have to ask Vonz.

Additionally, memorizing the layout and features of an area can be achieved through mental discipline, no magic required.

@Ryver Rhine Not me? I'm just oblivious. The only things I'd really consider sexy would be geekery, humor, and intelligence -- and even then, I'm not sure I actually do.
Just thought of something, if the rule is three weapons, can we have three weapons and the armor specified as separate things? I know it was addressed earlier, I'm just too lazy to go back and find it.
You know to keep the battle field even I'd rather you state it up front as part of your arsenal like our Knightess' suit of armour. So no hidden bulletproof vests. Cough them up!

tl;dr: your armor and weapon choices says a lot about your personality and fighting style.
No, I was thinking of adding a weapon to Falcon's arsenal, but I already have two weapons and his kevlar suit listed. Could I add another weapon, or am I at max is what I'm asking.
Personally, I think that is maxed until you customize it later. You could always drop the kevlar suit if you like. Sierra isn't the selfish sort. She would shield members on her side. But as usual let's see what @Vonz thinks? :) He is the CA expert.
Fair point. Snipers wouldn't normally need bullet proofing, only thing that can hit 'em is sneaks and other snipers.
;) yes! Haha ...

Actually it helps as well to see how your chosen Alch-specs synergizes with everyone else's.

@MelodiousLime I added more suggestions to the my post on the previous page. :P
I was considering body armor for my characters, but...melee fighters would be slowed down by it, and besides, kevlar doesn't stop melee weapons. Bits /might/ have kevlar, since she is guns just as much as knives, but...I haven't figured it out yet. Actually, I should reconsider that. Mastering both isn't easy to do, I'd think.
@all would you mind if I relook at your personality and Specializations? :( Sorry someone pointed out something last night so I want to look into it.
It depends on the type of fighter they are. Slower fighters with big weapons need heavier armor to ensure protection, while those with a more fluid, moving, and rapid style could benefit from lighter armor. Either way armor will slow them down, but it's a good precaution against getting hit.

And The kevlar was a precaution against bullets, seeing as how Falcon is a ranged fighter and his defenses against a melee-armed opponents are his fighting style designed to incapacitate any target, his throwing knives, and shooting them before they can swing.

Go right ahead, Ryver.

EDIT: Changes to CS made.
Thanks! I shall begin the inspection:

(PS: guys thanks a lot for helping each other improve the CS-es. Don't feel bad to point stuff out about mine too. I havent fixed my chars' specializations yet...)

General Comments: For those of you with bullets, please state upfront how many you have. We dont have unlimited ammo. :) Until we get someone who has a storage like alch specs. (Hint for anyone who wants to be kind enough to be the team's personal armorer)

^ I shall be checking!

History: we may work out the nitty gritty in general when it is closer to your personal arc. So what we are doing now is a prelim check. :P Sorry guys! We will work through any things that needs to be changed as it arises. However if you have questions or want to finalize your history quickly, please drop both Vonz and I a PM.

Working backwards and starting from the top of the page:

@Kirra : I think your specializations and personalities are well-picked as are your alch-specs. Your weapons are fine too. My only critique is your age difference. The maximum allowable age difference for characters is 5 years. :( Sorry for missing that earlier.

@Kiddo : another well-thought out team. I like your choice of weapons and personality. Very double 00. Though I think up you need to tell us how many bullets each char has to be fair.

Also I think Francis might be better with a Sniffer specialization due to his Alch-Specs. A double Sniffer team is very scary. ;) Their IQ trumps over the rest of the team combinations.

(PS: how does Francis hide his gun???)

@Thomas McTavish : I love your concepts (especially that AC reference) but here are the four points I need to raise.

1) I'd prefer if your character wasn't already going insane. You still have 3 long arcs to live through. And if you are already breaking down that doesnt bode well. Instead maybe you can replace the insanity with an innate sadism? It works well with your Silencer personality.

2) Another Thompson like gun? Neat! However I do advise caution because if you accidentally kill your partner or someone else's char. It will get ugly fast. Hence I used plastic bullets for mine. The real bullets are for the sniper mode.

3) I think your other character exhibits traits more suitable for a Silencer or Sniffer. Coz the main trait I picked up is cunning. Hunters I think tend to be more stubborn than anything. Relentless even. Sniffers are prized for their intelligence and Silencers for their no nonsense efficiency.

4) Please state the amount of Alchemic poison laced bullets and the amount of normal bullets for each gun.

@Limeypanda : I cant think of anything else to add because you've already concealed your weapons. Only one point I think is worth mentioning is that Casca is one char that truly strikes me as a Hybrid due to her combination of cunning, ruthlessness and competitiveness.

OH WAIT! BRYN'S HEIGHT!!! :( I dont know but I have a hard time imagining a woman being 6'5. Just a thought. Eh maybe someone else can give some input? I am from a rather short country. So anything 6'0 is zomg to me.

@shylarah : I think you team has a lot of potential but right now I have a few things you may want to think over:

1) I feel that you weapons are a little all over the place. A confusing mix of melee and range with no actual fighting style.

Based on general weapons assigned - it might be cooler to have Sparks choose either a whip or a sword and drop the gun completely. We have a lot of blades at the moment but no real skilled swordsman or whipper. This is something may want to delve into. Do you want to be Indiana Jones? Or would you prefer to be a fencer or a samurai type? Frankly the fencer or samurai char would be highly unexpected. Just imagine your manage to slash or stab them with an anti-Alchemic laced blade and then follow up with a power jolt that can fry them.

As for Bits, maybe you can have her focus on guns/extreme range aka sniping people. For her focus on a dual pistol instead of the daggers. Have her be a gun expert who can teach us a thing or two about this weapon. ;)

2) Now as for the electric wards. I think it isnt entirely necessary. Remember partners can communicate telepathically. And you could always work rubber into her clothes. So yeah you can avoid looking overloaded.

3) Back to Sparks: now that you dropped the gun, you can have dancer inside. Also why not add electro signal darts or trackers to his arsenal. By sensing these stray currents her can either use Alchemy to find stray opponents or use Dancer to track them. It can even be upgraded into slow self-destruct darts activated via Dancer that will blow up anyone it attaches to. ;) Just to throw this out there. (Cams' phone is used to trigger his special bullets later on)

4) Specializations:

Sparks - his personality lacks the ruthlessness needed to allow him to swap into Silencer mode (hence I also have to swap Siera out of hybrid or change her personality slightly). I think he is very Hunter like though. Patiently laying out traps to snare their foes...

Bits - I think she is indeed more Silencer than Sniffer. She strikes me as the type who can work up courage from an unobserved distance to fire the shot. :P

@Ryver Rhine : I need to get rid of mallet from Cam's weapons. ;) I know what adjustments I have to make now.

I am upping Siera's blood thirsty side (despite her being a medic) so she is a Silencer specializing in 360 semi ranged devastation. Cam's is my true hybrid who is a mechanical whizz. A lot of his weapon involves concealment and surprise - think demolition with loads of splash damage.
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Ah whoops, I didn't see an age restriction and with Vonz's character I asumed it wasn't a big issue (but then again Reri breaks many rules anyways XD). I should have asked about that. Oh well, I'll get it fixed.

Hmm, that means I'll have to redo Keith or Al's character sheet. I don't see a plausible way for him to be a police officer with Al being from A.M.R.O since childhood. The latest for Al to graduate would be 18 and the youngest a police officer can be is 21 in Washington as a probationary officer. With the two year training at Innocence he would be 23 once he graduate and is partnered which would already break the age limit and as a probationary officer with less than a year as an officer he wouldn't be in a position to come in contact and take down a rogue alchemist which was how he was found.

Hmm I'll have to put a hold on my post so I can figure out what I'm going to do with the duo. I might come up with another character for one of them if I can't figure it out.
@Kirra Sorry for the big core change. Alternatively, why not have both of them be adult entrants. Keith could have been a rouge Alchemist that was arrested and Al defended. Or what if they were cop partners? ;)

I have quite a few changes too...

----- other announcements ------

I will be tallying up Asylum codes and specs later. :) And also compiling the new info into one post for the OOC
Fair deal. But, no, not another tommy gun. Same company. The Contender is a one-shot sniper rifle with the size of a pistol, break action reload, and the ability to switch barrels for different calibers. Rest I can do, though. Thanks for the input.
Nice job Ryv. ^.^ Along with everyone else. It is quite heartwarming to see everyone helping everyone out in bettering themselves.

Also I would like to request you all to do an additional task. Everyone post their Chrono Asylums character sheets (with the right code) in the characters section which is left to Blogs. Once the two characters have been posted there, please pm me the link to that post.
@Ryver Rhine

No worries = )
It's important to make sure everthing is in order. I'm flexible so let me think what I'm going to do and I'll get back to you.

Hmm I'm not sure that would work. I wanted Al to uncover who his mother is since he was given to A.M.R.O shorty after he was born so that his mother could continue to work. Also the difference in ideology that comes from growing up inside A.M.R.O and the normal world was the driving force for the duo.

I think I'm going to replace Keith with a new character idea. I can create a new partner for Al but can't make a character that was young while at Innocence.