Chrono Asylum: Prelude to Madness (OOC/Sign up)

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Reserving next post. Collabing with Shy.

@Kirra I hope you don't mind. I shall be sending Seira after your team.

On second thought I need to work something out with someone first. Shy and I are still collaborating but there are a few details I need to sort out. =) feel free to post first.
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@Vonz Good job with the post there! I shall do my best to write down a response. =3

However, I do have a question in mind. Where did Rena land?

1. My boys are at the end of Altra Avenue.
2. Bryn and Casca are still at the casino, which I shall simply presume is Stratosphere Casino, albeit it could be any casino in Vegas. Its location is 2000 S Las Vegas Boulevard, likely what one would consider the heart of the city.
3. Sam (Bits) and John (Sparks) are in a car heading west, but still in the outskirts somewhere, perhaps in Summerlin or Summerlin South.
4. Charlie (Falcon) is switching cabs, while James (Taipan) is leaping from rooftop to rooftop. With this said, I can not suggest a location, not to mention I don't know Taipan's capabilities when it comes to this kind of combination of footwork and stamina, nor do I know the amount of time that has passed since the little scene at the casino and the Chrono's arrival. On this note, if I may be trivial, how much time has passed? No less than 30 minutes, definitely.
5. Keith and Al are most likely still in the city, perhaps at the edge, or quite near the outermost districts, unless Kirra has something in mind.
6. We last saw Seira and Cameron in the sewers of Vegas. May Seira's hygiene rest in peace~
7. Team "Ranged Due" - status unknown.
8. Team "Liege" - present status unknown.
@Headphones We don't need ot know the exact location by street. I personally think you're overanalyzing. From my understanding, Reri is in the desert. I figure the pic Vonz posted was a general idea, not a specific location. As long as you have the general area, just go with it.
@shylarah I'm not asking for a concrete specific spot, simply for the general location. I know Reri is in the desert, but where in the desert around Las Vegas is she? This kind of information is important when it comes to time consumption and, most of all, terrain. When in battle it is important to know your geography, in order to take the upper hand. As for writing, it is vital, in order to keep things realistic. The existence of hills, rocks, dry river beds and the like may come in the way of getting from point A to point B fast enough with a motorbike or car, it might prevent you from seeing something that you would have liked to or it might aid you in defending against an opponent. Needless to say, the surroundings can amplify one's alchemic cast effectiveness or decrease it. If we were in the wetlands or by Las Vegas Bay, Samantha would definitely have an easier time compared to casting in a completely dry environment. A completely flat plain or very slightly hilly field would be a plus for Charlie/Falcon, because he would be able to scan a greater amount of terrain and pinpointing targets without interference from cars, buildings, other people, trees and the like.

I'm not asking out of mere triviality, but because I believe such facts will be helpful for everyone's writing =3
@Headphones I think this might be something we best ask the group and @Vonz. Personally while I try my best to remember location of each char in relation to mine etc. I don't think I ever went into that much detail about places before. I usually expand on what I know about the place in general and maybe what others have hinted. I dunno if this is something others want. I feel keeping it a bit more general gives you more leeway.
Keeping things "in general" is a double edged sword, in my opinion.
While it indeed gives you "more leeway", as you have put it, the chance of there being some sort of conflict or disarray between players is greater than when you have a fixated existing area or a greatly detailed description.

For instance, a player whose character has a water-related ability (excuse me Shy, but it's the easiest example I can think of) can create a small water source that their character just so happens to find just in the nick of time in order to defend against an attack or inflict an injury. In the same case scenario, a person with an acceleration ability (no offense intended, Panda) can dodge behind a hill or a giant rock formation, while another user describes the scenery as a barren wasteland with nothing but a few shrubs pointing upwards from the dry sandy ground. Inevitably, users will make the terrain favor their characters, because they are the ones creating it. While this is all fine and well in some cases, here we have an already existing land in our world, the Las Vegas outskirts, and I doubt alchemy had such a historical impact that Las Vegas is equal to a town in Egypt.

Furthermore, this will decrease the number of downsides our characters would have to cope with when up against each other. Combat isn't only about facing the opponent, it's also about using the surroundings to your advantage and, unless you are a godly being, you have no absolute control of what exists around you. While it is sometimes indeed a challenge when two writers are putting their characters against each other, seeing as there are two supreme beings controlling the events, it is exactly this synchronicity of clashing with another, with yourself and with the rest of the world that makes a piece of writing interesting and not just another fist fight.

I would like to note that I do not mean to attack anybody with this, nor do I wish for everything to be absolutely punctual to the point where every centimeter is documented XD It is merely my opinion that it is best if we know the area we are being placed in. In fact, it's great that we have already existing maps available and don't have to ponder over what is where and what is which X3 So why not put some of this to good use?
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@Kumbaya And as I have stated, I am only displaying my opinion. =3 I understand that this will come down to "vox populi vox Dei" and I have nothing against it.
It seems I failed to mention. Rena is currently right underneath the orb which is 300 feet above her.

Next the picture I used was in fact mere example. The terrain underneath which the orb is situated will be rough, filled with sand and stones. No mountains or anything. That is about it.
@Kirra I left the fight a bit vague at first in case we need to make changes to the scene. I can add more details later if necessary. =) Shall we discuss on Skype when we next meet?
Nice posts there, @shylarah, @Kumbaya, =3 Hopefully, I can have mine up tomorrow. In the mean time, however...

Possible Reri pictures



Possible Cameron

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Haha yea now that you mention it I do find a lot of characters that tend to resemble Reri a bit. The funny thing is she is the first character I made without any reference picture in mind. She was of my original design. xD
Reri has a bunny doll? O.o Cam looks good though!
Rena isn't really a doll person. Rin has a soft spot for pandas though. :p
Working on a post, but I couldn't get this out of my mind XD


It's a Dutch bank X3
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@Vonz They sure are! O.o

And post has been made! I might do some editing tomorrow, since it's pretty late over here and I have to get up early in the morning. I'll likely be fixing the very end of it. Still, if someone can catch that reference in Rio's words at the end, I'll give them a big cookie XP
@Headphones I caught it. *snicker*

I can't tell where your team is, though. If you can see Reri, as opposed to just the dust cloud, and if the dust actually reaches you, you must be out into the desert already. The dust did not reach my team, so they're farther away from the goal. Not only that, but you're close enough to hear her, since that wasn't a telepathic message she said. Yet you describe your folks as not rushing, so they're probably closer to the city still, especially as they left the vehicle behind and continued on foot. Additionally, I'm not sure how you can tell that the car is my team, unless you're fairly close to it. They're not using flashy alchemy, and even if they were, you don't know their specs. You can't see them very well inside the car until they're close, and the car itself is a rental. How did you identify them?

This is why I was vague in my post about which other teams I could see. Bits even made a mistake. They nearly ran Cam over, and they did hear his name. They recognize the bird, but at a distance it's hard to tell who it belongs to, and she counted the bird as one team, and the people on the motorcycle as another. She saw your team getting out of their car, but didn't have names or titles.