Chrono Asylum: Prelude to Madness (OOC/Sign up)

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@Kirra just a thought, but I'm not sure how well a motorcycle will drive in the desert, what with the difference in traction.
Good question. You actually caught me there. I've read through The Raven poem a few times and did research to find a decent but not too expensive of a motorcycle that was a few years old as well as a few other things for future reference but I forgot to read up on the geology of that specific area (blame my brain dead mind trying to think late at night). I've seen the western part of the Mojave Desert and the salt beds but I'll have to do soe research when it comes to the Las Vegas area. I'll get back to you on that sometime late this weekend (right now 3am and I have plans for valentines day).

Edit: However I wasn't planning on going far. There's bound to be some sort unpaved road that would go so far into the desert and was going to have them drive it as far out as they can (mechanically wise or due to interference from an Asylum)
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Page 8 of this thread:

The outskirt of Vegas is a desert like location, not many people there.


So once we reach the outskirts it will be an all out brawl.
I have managed to pinpoint the location that as been photographed. It seems that Reri sent the orb west of Las Vegas. The road you can barely see is 159, Red Rock Canyon Road, which becomes West Charleston Boulevard upon entering the city. In other words, we are being sent in the general direction of Turtlehead Mountain, White Rock Hills and Bridge Mountain. The terrain is rough sand and rock base, with small shrubs, nothing close to the Sahara, mind you. Rather than sand, in which a vehicle can sink into, there are plenty of rocks and pebbles that can easily make a motorcycle flip over.

EDIT: As for unpaved roads, there seem to be some in place and there are some dried up river basins.
@Headphones I think that was just an example photo, but still very clever. I don't blame you, @Kirra, I often do stuff like that too. ^.^;; Just thought I'd mention it. I know Sparks is going to have a little bit of trouble with his car, and need to figure out a way to sort it out.
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Pffft this is gonna get more challenging. ;) I intend to travel on foot tho. The sewers probably won't end so far out of Vegas.
Aww, you missed the perfect spot to reference Pinocchio there!

In the interest of providing my team with weaponry that has better counterplay, I might be editing my character sheets. I'll likely give Malord a yo-yo to solidify his character as a hypnotist. Still trying to think of something for Malady. If possible, I want to avoid her using her affinity; it's kind of one shotty, and no fun to play against.

For that, I'm thinking that I might give her hand to hand combat prowess akin to Black Widow. It keeps with her femme fatale theme, and if I add an enjoyment of "fair"combat (shifting her closer to a hybrid/sniffer psychology), it makes sense that she wouldn't use her affinity in combat versus other asylums.
Any changes are welcome :) But just make sure to do them now. Once we delve deeper you won't be able to change any weapons until we reach amro hq.

Also the yoyo serving as a hypnotism device won't really affect Asylums or high level rogues. They are usually trained to fend against un-alchemic mind manipulation.

I shall work on my post soon. Reri will be an interference :p You see while Asylums work extremely well alone or in their own teams, the question is how well do they work with others >=X

Also limey, great post. I had an Ultron flash back moment when I heard the "strings" comment.
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@Vonz Could you please give me a bit more time? Say, two hours? I've had some things to do today, but I am currently writing the post and it will likely not take me long. Starting introduction posts has always been hard for me, but now that I have finally gotten through the initial paragraph the rest shall flow smoothly.
Thanks @Headphones and @shylarah! I've thought things I've and I think I have a new idea taking form but I'm not sure if I'll be able to get it up before the round ends but seeing that not everyone's post hasn't brought them to the desert I am fine with waiting. I've made the edits necessary for my post.
@Headphones I love that someone decided to use dance as a form of casting! Especially tap, that's really clever. Bits combines Avatar waterbending with occasional ballet, though the ballet/dance steps are usually when her hands are occupied.
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Rena has a habit of dancing and casting alchemy too =D But more so like twirls and stuff. Rin has another unique way. :p

Angel is too lazy to put that much effort xD
@shylarah Thank you very much for the compliment =3 I was wondering how I could accurately portray a motem cast, seeing as no one else had written one down thus far, I believe, and the first non-offensive thing that came to mind was dancing. Glad you liked it! Can't wait to see Bits' Swan Lake ;)

@Vonz Lol Angel the Lazy Bloody Bird XD
@Kumbaya You mean this isn't a separate round? Ok, good.

Sorry for the late reply, I was sick all Saturday and busy yesterday and today. ^^;
Sorry for the delay guys, a cousin of mine was in an accident. Guy was leaving uni to enter his car when he got hit by a car which swirled in order to avoid hitting a donkey. Quite a day. Luckily he didn't have any serious injuries. I shall finish my post tomorrow.
@Vonz Oh dear! I'm glad he's doing alright. Why was there a donkey in the road? And I'm looking forward to more posts. ^.^
@Vonz A donkey?... You've got to be kidding me. An Englishman in my country almost hit a horse wagon while driving at night XD The guy was on the news. The world and its strange coincidences.~
May your cousin be on the road of safe recovery!

@shylarah It's not that strange to have a donkey by the road grazing in the countryside. The owner probably didn't consider the radius of the rope used to tie the animal and the poor thing just started roaming about. That or it went lose.
@Headphones I suppose you have a point. I never see donkeys in the farmland where I'm from, though, just horses and cows, and occasionally sheep or goats. Plus there's usually a fence.
Alright my post is up! =D Its not too great as I am currently shuffling various assignments, reports and exams. But it is up and we can get the party started >=D

Lets see how well your teams work together with each other.
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