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Two questions:

First, does your vehicle have to be motorized?
Second, do you ABSOLUTELY need pictures to present characters, or a text description is fine?
For your first question, no. It can be anything you want as a form of transportation.
And your second, no, because I know just how hard it is to find a character that fits the style of the roleplay.
Name and class
Jack Spade; Reaper


Physical descriptionHe's short and somewhat stout but nowhere near fat (although at times it can be difficult to differentiate due to the fact he almost always wears somewhat baggy, bright colored clothes, most notably a purple longcoat over a green shirt and jeans with combat boots). His hair's deep green, his eyes a much milder tint. He has a very pale complexion due to the state he was transformed from, save for his lips and nails which run crimson. He loves wearing a bowler hat occasionally.



The blade of the scythe is articulated via a powerful pneumatic system, which allows a double-usage of the weapon: it can be a twin-blade quick slasher or a special form of pogo stick for transportation.

Everything is funny. No exceptions. Death means nothing. Life is meant to be silly and hilarious. Jokes are supposed to be aplenty, and are hidden everywhere. Would stop an nothing for a good laugh.He's quite bouncy and jolly.

HistoryHe was a young man who snapped the day his life went sour. Within a single week, his family died, victims of the machines, he was the sole survivor of a raid against a camp housing hundreds, and he had to be deported away from everyone he knew. As such, he tried taking his own life, at which point he was found and transformed.
Side question; is it too late to change my Grays vehicle? Since they haven't even been introduced to them yet I figured I should ask now before it's too late.
Yeah, you can change it now. They'll be getting their vehicles at the beginning of their first mission.
As you may have guessed already, the vehicle is going to be based on a card. I'll update the character sheet when I have the time.